[FairfieldLife] Re: Bhogic flying?

2019-07-18 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 Let's hope Nokia's Indian CEO Rajeev Suri (more accurately, probably suuri, 
which in Finnish means great) makes Nokia fly, and great again, mainly to 
prevent communist Huawei taking over the whole 5G network stuff!

 May 29, 2019

Last month, the Netherlands' leading wireless carrier chose Huawei to provide 
equipment for its next-generation 5G wireless network. The carrier, KPN, 
insisted the choice was based on quality. But Huawei had another advantage: 

Huawei underbid the existing vendor, Swedish firm Ericsson, by 60 per cent, 
according to two industry officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to 
discuss a sensitive matter - offering a price that wouldn't even cover the cost 
of parts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-18 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
An earlier baseline metric:

 Stats in the United States:
 5799 Initiators
 Initiations per Month: 16,000
 440,000 meditators
 World Plan Centers: 205
 Satellite Centres: 173
 ATR Courses given: 48
 Residence SIMS Courses: Numerous
 Source: World Plan Executive Council
 First National Leaders’ Conference in the
 Age of Enlightenment (1975) National Reports

 In contrast, 1975: 
 Germany with 664 initiators doing 1000 initiations a month and 54,000 
 England 305 initiators doing 1,400 initiations a month and 40,000 meditators, 
 France with 92 initiators initiating 250 per month & 5,577 meditators, 
 Sweden with 122 initiators initiating 400 per month and 27,000 meditators, 
 Canada with 553 initiators initiating 3,500 per month and 89,853 meditators.

New for July 1 2019..

 at $380 for full-time students, and based on an individual's earnings,"  

 New prices, per person: 

 $380 for full-time students $500 for households earning less than $50,000 
annually $740 for households earning between $50,000 and $99,999 annually $860 
for households earning between $100,000 and $199,999 annually $960 for 
households earning $200,000 or more annually


 TM Rajas break faith with Maharishi over the pricing of TM
 in a competitive marketplace: the price to learn TM is dropped. 

 Pricing of the basic course to learn the meditation is to be means tested. 

Coveting the rich to get to 1% turned out a null set. TM looks for a comeback  
(Metrics show 'Trickle Down' as a policy failing..) the hope is to have more 
people learning to meditate. Jai Guru Dev. 



 srijau defends,  

 David Lynch Foundation and a million people taught for free is a null set to 

 And, where are the million?

 The current adult fee is lower in inflation adjusted dollars than it was in 
1977. For those under 50.000 income its likely the lowest it has ever been.


 Ever?  Learning TM before 1977?   A day's, week's wage.   Multiply Bernie 
Sander's proposed $15 an hour minimum wage?

 1/5 of the population lives under the Federal Poverty level. Almost a quarter 
of children are beneath poverty level. Likewise a third are 'income 
insufficient', by another metric. 

 Towards the 'middle-class' this change of pricing policy for TM is a major 
change of heart. 
  There is no " break faith with Maharishi" as you said, Maharishi was 
delighted with what David Lynch was doing he just wanted his TM teachers to be 
able to work full time with a good standard of living which is what David Lynch 
Foundation is paying thanks almost entirely to getting rich people onside and 
donating. It is going  from success to more success.

 You are copying the Fox News schools of empty  rhetoric and the Paul Ryan 
school of saying stuff you don't even really believe yourself.

 wow so manipulative dishonest and negative. there is no breaking faith with 
 and there is no metrics showing a policy failing, the metrics are 
fantastically good. 
 srijau offers: “..he couldn't go straight to large groups anymore. he had to 
focus on teaching the rich, the ruling class, the decision makers “

 ironically if you are low income north of the border with Canada you are 
probably S.O,L,


 ranscendental Meditation Turns 60 Transcendental Meditation® has been learned 
by 10 million people, including 1 million inner-city youth in high-crime 
 Nationwide income-based pricing will help millions more to start to meditate 
to reduce stress, improve creativity, and increase happiness


Transcendental Meditation  
https://www.prnewswire.com/news/transcendental-meditation Jul 09, 2019, 10:04 ET



 NEW YORK, July 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- TM® turns 60 this year. First 
introduced in the US in 1959 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
 the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has now been learned by more than 
10 million people, worldwide its health benefits have been documented through 
more than 400 published peer-reviewed research studies through the efforts of 
filmmaker David Lynch, the technique has been taught at no charge to more than 
one million inner-city youth, veterans with PTSD, and adults and children 
battling substance use disorder
 Studies on inner-city students have found the TM technique improves academic 
performance and reduces toxic stress and violence. Learn more at www.TM.org or 

 However, the need for Transcendental Meditation is more urgent than ever, 
according to quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who heads the TM organization 
in the U.S.
 "We live in an epidemic of stress. Tens of millions of Americans are anxious 
or depressed—or feel overwhelmed and overburdened by the critical need to be 
more productive, more creative, more energetic, and more focused than ever," 
Dr. Hagelin said. "People are learning TM because it's a simple, easily learned 