[FairfieldLife] current astro for USA

2019-08-08 Thread srijau
a Fairfield Jyotishi on the USA  chart 

 if you want prediction just listen to the last 5 mins
 unless you are trying to learn this school of astrology which does have some 
valid insights but does not work for a lot of human birth times.

[FairfieldLife] Giving a bad name to TM’ers?

2019-08-08 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Evidently there is a behavioral axis between self-interest and altruism.. 
 and maybe not strictly related to 'consciousness', as we have seen. 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Waging Radical Peace, A Call to Group Meditations

2019-08-08 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
World Peace Projects,
 Where the heck is the ™ movement?

The number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million 
globally last year - the highest number in the UN refugee agency's almost 70 
years of operations. The number averaged out to 37,000 new displacements every 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is an unconventional, yet highly effective approach with a proven 
scientific record for diffusing terrorism and violence, called Invincible 
Defense Technology (IDT), based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation 
(TM) program. There is an unconventional, yet highly effective approach with a 
proven scientific record for diffusing terrorism and violence, called 
Invincible Defense Technology (IDT), based on the non-religious Transcendental 
Meditation (TM) program.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The revelation that group meditation reduces turbulence in society and 
improves community or global health is simply an extension of the individual 
practice of meditation. 
 This is a new paradigm to be implemented, for it may hold the secret for 
planetary peace. If wars start in the minds of men, then peace logically should 
start there as well.
  438473Prevent Terrorism

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Kim Jong-un warns of change in direction on denuclearisation He made the 
remarks during his closely-watched annual New Year's address.
 Mr Kim said, "if the US does not keep its promise made in front of the whole 
world... and insists on sanctions and pressures on our republic, we may be left 
with no choice but to consider a new way to safeguard our sovereignty and 
 The annual New Year's address is a tradition Mr Kim picked up from his 
grandfather, Kim Il-sung, founder of the communist country.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..at the interdisciplinary Global Zen Consciousness Conference in Atlanta...

 The conference was organized by the Shaolin Chan [Zen] Foundation, which hopes 
to “create a worldwide revolution by combining the spheres of science and 
Eastern philosophy to help humanity realize that at the deepest sub-nuclear 
level and at the innermost consciousness level we are all one.” “This was a 
breakthrough event, with both the modern and ancient corroborating each other 
in an authentic and science-based manner,” said Dr. Schneider, dean of MUM’s 
College of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Hagelin spoke about the physics of 
consciousness and higher states of consciousness. Dr. Schneider discussed the 
physiological correlates.. 


 Peace by the Meissner-like effect of groups meditating:
 Creating an Ideal Society:
 The phenomenon of a powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole 
community or nation when a small fraction of the population practices the 
Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the Maharishi Effect [ME].  The 
influence of orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation 
experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique is so powerful that 
even one per cent of the people in society practising the Transcendental 
Meditation technique is sufficient to neutralize negative tendencies and give 
an evolutionary direction to community life as a whole. With the growth of 
individual consciousness, family consciousness, community consciousness, 
national consciousness, and world consciousness are enriched. More than one and 
a half million people currently practising the Transcendental Meditation 
technique are constantly intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to 
the Age of Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the day.
 12 January 1977

 Brave meditators, you have done all we asked you to do, and more than could be 
reasonably expected; but your own global country of World Peace is at stake, 
your partners, families, your homes and all that you hold dear. You have worn 
yourselves out with fatigues and hardships of waging world peace, but we know 
not how to spare you. If you will consent to stay in the Domes only one month 
longer, you will render that service to the cause of liberty of all and to your 
global country of world peace which you probably never can do under any other 
 -Buck in the Dome

 Transcendental Meditation:

 Crime rate decreased in cities after one percent of their populations had 
begun practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique. -Editors


 Paper 98
 Improved Quality of Life Through The Transcendental Meditation Program:
 Decreased Crime Rate

 Paper 98
 In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate did decrease i

[FairfieldLife] Re: How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry

2019-08-08 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Critique by Maharishi: 

 Maharishi - What creates real deep Peace:
 “The basis of peace is bliss. Unless one is happy, he cannot be in peace. 
Peace without lasting happiness is only passivity. When one sleeps in the night 
he feels absence of activity. This is called peace. But when he wakes up in the 
morning and comes into the field of thought, speech, and activity, he begins to 
feel miserable again. The peace felt by the absence of activity is not lasting.
 The peace gained by emptying the mind of thoughts, holding the mind in 
suspension, is due only to the lack of pressure of thought.
 When such a mind returns to the field of thinking and acting, it again begins 
to feel the pressures of thought and action. Then the individual begins to feel 
unpeaceful. All such practices of silencing the mind are wrong. Such practices 
continued for much time result in making the mind dull.
 There are many groups in the world who sit in silence and try to hear their 
inner voice or the voice of God, as they term it. All such practices make the 
mind passive and dull.
 Those who practice silencing the mind begin to lack in brilliance. Dullness 
can be seen on their faces. They are not energetic in the field of action. They 
look peaceful, but they are passive in life. Peace at the cost of activity is 
at the cost of life.
 Such an experience of peace is at the cost of efficiency in life and at the 
cost of life itself. An attempt to silence the mind in the hope of experiencing 
pure consciousness is pursuing a mirage.
 When one keeps the thoughts out of the mind, it becomes passive because it 
remains on the conscious thinking level without a thought. This practice makes 
the mind dull.
 What is necessary is not the attempt to vacate the mind, but that the 
conscious mind be led on to the subtle states of thinking to eventually 
transcend the subtlest state and arrive at the positive state of Being.
 Holding the mind on the conscious level is only taking it out of the field of 
activity and allowing it to be passive and inactive. This only helps to 
diminish the brilliancy of the mind and brings dullness and passivity to it.
 People who practice this do feel peace in life because they are practicing 
suppression or negation of thoughts. When a mind that has gained the quality of 
sluggishness and dullness through such practices does not have a thought in a 
very energetic manner and does not engage itself energetically in the field of 
experience and activity, peace is felt because of the innate dullness of the 
 But, whenever some serious problems in life arise, the mind feels a strain 
because it has been trained to remain dull and passive. When the individual 
must become active to accomplish some work in a very precise and energetic 
manner, the mind feels the strain.
 Such practices have also done great damage to the progress of the individual 
and society.
 Thus we find that practices that silence the mind in the first place produce 
dullness in the mind, and, in the second place, the peace that is felt is not 
lasting. As we have said, peace can be lasting only if the mind could be made 
happy forever.
 Only if the very nature of the mind could be transformed to bliss 
consciousness could peace be lasting. The quest for peace should be directed to 
bringing the mind to the field of the transcendent, the source of all happiness 
through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.
 When one is not peaceful, fear, lack of self-confidence, and all the pettiness 
in life arise and the consciousness of man becomes so abjectly miserable that 
he cannot think and cannot accomplish anything worthwhile.
 Fear is just lack of self-confidence, and the basis of confidence is in 
contentment which can only result from the experience of bliss.
 There is nothing in the world which can really bring lasting contentment to 
the mind because everything in the world, although it provides some happiness 
to the mind, is not intensive enough to satisfy the great thirst for happiness 
of the mind.
 The only field of contentment is the transcendental field of bliss 
consciousness. Unless one arrives at that state, one’s peace will always be 
threatened by everything in the world because of lack of contentment.
 The only golden gate to peace in life is the experience of transcendental 
bliss consciousness and this great glory of life is easy for everyone to 
achieve and live throughout life.”
 — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi from MERU Course

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

  Is interesting in the article how they define and expect revolution. However 
evidently a regular practice of meditation, even mindfulness meditation, 
evidently brings change to the individual and society as a Meissner-like Effect 
(ME) of meditators on groups.
 Political struggle could hope that society could transform individuals. But 
someone asserting trope that meditating ‘does not require change’ like