Re: [FairfieldLife] Decline of FairfieldLifenow up lifting FF Life thanks Doug 4 making it far better

2019-12-13 Thread William Leed [FairfieldLife]
The nastiness is gone & much of hte negativity as well & certainly hte HATE 
FULL SPEACH> Nice work Doug. My THANKS & that of most members here at present 
those with a civil voice can return but it may be a learning curve  for them.
Col. Ret. William Diller Leed I V sidha as well.

-Original Message-
From: Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife] 

To: [FairfieldLife] 
Sent: Wed, Dec 11, 2019 1:12 pm
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Decline of FairfieldLife

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I didn’t start it, but you should come over and at least take a 

On Dec 11, 2019, at 9:18 AM, Archer Angel [FairfieldLife] 

You know Mr. Hamilton, if we look at the past history of Fairfield Life, it has 
declined from as many as 4,000 posts a month to a trickle. Almost everyone has 
abandoned it, and it would appear you had a lot to do with it, by removing 
people you disagreed with. 
Rick Archer had made this an open forum, and you did not, you segregated people 
out based on your beliefs, it would seem under the pretext that messages 
violated Yahoo Guidelines.
Now you may notice Fairfield Life is now reborn on, about half the 
people previously on FFL moved there. I have not moved there yet. 
But perhaps you realize that narrowing the spectrum of what is allowable is in 
the end a somewhat tyrannical method of enforcing what you wish people to 
believe. But people believe all sorts of things, profound to inept idiocy. You 
cannot enforce what people think is true, even if it is dead wrong.
The content on this forum will disappear soon. Such is the nature of evolution.

[FairfieldLife] In the Spiritual FF satsang:

2019-12-13 Thread Doug Hamilton [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield, Iowa's Divine Mother Church, Downtown at the Fairfield square..

...join us for Empowerment Healings on Saturdays -- and Feast of Light sessions 
on Tuesdays, led by Connie*.  Some highlights of our extended calendar are 
listed here.  Be sure to check listings for all the events in the calendar 

Feast of Light Healings

These sessions are a wonderful pick-me-up in the middle of a busy week, and we 
encourage you to take advantage of them. They are shorter than the Saturday 
sessions, so they can fit into your lunch break.
Tuesday, 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.  Central Time USA

Attend these sessions in person at Divine Mother Church, 51 N Court, Fairfield 
- or by teleconference at  712-770 8027, CONFERENCE CODE 468716.

Conversation From the Fairfield satsang.. 


Q: David Spero is very good at a transmission of soul energy but this other, he 
is not directly of this other process of spiritual body, subtle body and 
cultivating those processes as the heart-mind and such as Janet, Matt, or 
Cynthia particularly entail it. 


A: You can see why because all that can become distracting in itself. It is 
funny, one sort of chooses one distraction for another. 

It used to be that it was meditation, meditation, meditation in the meditating 
community until it became more multi-formed in a coming on of ‘Vedic Sciences’. 
..That is because we needed to have the elevated value of this, the beautiful. 
Then is the sublime value of the Divine masculine, it is this open mind, it is 
this capacity of consciousness itself, the experience of the silence. But it is 
only part of what needs to happen in this process. 


In David there is a type of unification in process in what unity is, there is 
both. In what makes unity unity is not just infinite unbounded silence but 
infinite unbounded silence and infinite unbounded dynamism together at the same 
time. Not one or the other but both wedded. That is what Cynthia Bourgeault was 
talking about with this ecstatic languaging in Christianity, that there is a 
way it gets language-ed historically. 


Q: AND THEN you have David Spero activating, transmitting soul energy this 
other aspect, shakti. Is able to trigger that palpably in people. He is very 
effective at transmitting this.   


A: That is the first track Matt Kahn is describing, that is what the first 
group is. That is that job. His job is the first ascension group. He is out 
there holding the light, that is his job.

In FF satsang:

...Don’t get hung up on Matt Kahn’s goofy shirts that he wears. or his 


But Matt Kahn is cheering on those of us who are so interested in and have been 
dedicated to spiritual development, the Big “S” Spiritual development, 
upliftment. That it is not for nothing. That because as one has been engaged in 
it that it is not useless in this world or it is frivolous or inconsequential 
to what needs to happen here. That actually it holds the vibration and holds 
the criminal element back. 


He says that it is all part of one light, even the ones who are asleep. They 
are all still of the light. It is very uplifting. He has quite a construct of 
understanding, as a teacher at another level, as a native adept, like Janet 
Sussman. He is both very practical and advaitin-like in a way he strips down to 
the essentials, stripping the constructs, the excess to get to the essentials, 
the essential value of nonduality, which Cynthia very astutely gets to.  .

---In,  wrote :

The FF Satsang continuing, over coffee:


“..They are meant to be together (head and heart) . You don’t abdicate the 
head, the brain, the mind or the heart, they are together, the ‘masculine and 


Q: it sets up a duality talking about this, identifying it. 


A: What Matt Kahn points out is that there are people on various tracks, we are 
all on ascension tracks, we are all in tracks, this is not a better than the 
other. The first track is the one is where the people are standing in light 
where the people are light bearers. Where people are light holders. The people 
who are in consciousness where they are standing there in the light and that is 
their main job. Being light holders. 


Then you have the second track, which is people who are becoming activated by 
what they see as problems in the world and they are going to look for social 
justice solutions, constructs, and so they are activated, and then a third 
track of people asleep. The third track is people who are always up to 
technology, on their phones, who their reference is always the phone, IT, 


Light holders, social construct, and then the asleep who are willing and 
wanting to wed themselves to technology. 


Matt Kahn is saying we all have our place in this, we are all in to this 
together. In his view this is going to become very clear in the next two years, 
unambiguous.  These Three general tracks is how people are 

[FairfieldLife] The Glory of Being near Guru Dev

2019-12-13 Thread Doug Hamilton [FairfieldLife]
This is being shared around the community..

Subject: Guru Dev


The Glory of Being near Guru Dev

>From a talk about Guru Dev which Maharishi gave in Hertenstein, Switzerland 
>around 1974-1976


. The priceless transcendental nectar in which saints and seekers lose 
themselves and forget everything during their deep meditations in silent barren 
places - when that same nectar, that very same experience is had in nearness to 
the lotus feet of Guru Dev, in an unmoving and stable manner, with the eyes 
open and in a completely wakeful state, the incomparably blissful 
transcendental torrent floods the inside and outside, and the mind is drowned 
in ecstasy.


Certainly this state in the nearness to the lotus feet of Guru Dev is much more 
desirable and enjoyable than the state where we forgot everything in samadhi. 
In that state at the lotus feet of Guru Dev, wave upon wave of the bliss of 
samadhi rises in myriads of forms and channels in complete wakefulness. That is 
the experience of jivan mukti, by the grace of the lotus feet of Guru Dev. The 
experience of the unshakable bliss of samadhi, when we are completely awake, is 
the jivan mukti, drowned in which the great Mahatmas become Brahman.


At this time in this silence, in the nearness to Guru Dev, that is the 
experience. There is an inexpressible happiness, a feeling of huge elation, the 
heart is overwhelmed by ecstatic feeling like the heaving of an ocean of love, 
an ocean of bliss, as if the blissfulness of pure consciousness is rising in 
powerful torrents to surface from somewhere deep inside; and outside, Guru 
Dev's wordless, enchanting, inviting, nectar- like love is an infinitely large 


Torrential waves are rising from this limitless ocean on the outside, and 
diving deep inside and having struck the deepest depths, are rising outwards 
again and again, and then falling at the lotus feet of Guru Dev in voiceless 
ripples softly heaving and vibrating in ecstasy. The hand and feet and ears and 
all the senses, together with the heart and mind and intellect, are bursting 
with the fullness of that ecstatic feeling.


Every tiny atom of the body is enveloped in that unbounded transcendental bliss 
of Brahmananda, and is melting into that experience as if into an indivisible, 
everlasting union with pure radiant love, untouched by time, space, or any 
other constraint. The limitless ocean of the heart bursts forth in wave upon 
torrential wave of invincibility and freedom.


That unchanging, eternally stable, and timeless bliss, which is beyond the 
senses and transcendental in every way, is being experienced at the surface 
value of life at one single time simultaneously by all the senses, by every 
part of the physical body, and by the entire heart, mind, and intellect - all 
this by the grace and love of Guru Dev. The whole of life, the gross physical 
body, the subtle body, the transcendental inner phase of life, is throbbing and 
heaving with ecstatic feeling that is only bliss, just ecstasy and the nearness 
of Guru Dev.


Outside on the terrace, it is as if the gentle ripples of the lake are nudging 
the sides and sleeping vegetation to awaken them to enjoy the tender moonlight. 
And there, on the terrace, the divine illumination of the lotus feet of Guru 
Dev is giving the power of life to the brilliant, inexpressible, transcendental 
sun of pure consciousness, to allow its waves to shake the heart of the 
ignorant disciple, to bring enlightenment and jivan mukti. The disciple is 
awakening from sleep. He is rising up. His ignorance and doubts are being 
erased. The fog facing him is lifting and the long journey is being quickly 
completed; the goal is becoming visible; it is right in front. Reaching it is 
all that is left. The other shore barely appears, and Guru Dev, the captain of 
the boat, throws a chain around the docking post to hasten his disciple's 


Great good fortune is needed to be able to experience the unbounded grace of 
Guru Dev and to continue to drink of that infinite ocean of bliss…


The point being brought out here is the blissfulness experienced in nearness to 
the true Master. The point to notice is how the Guru, by giving his disciples 
and other seekers the experience of the different and varied aspects of Brahman 
strengthens every disciple's progress on the path of evolution and carries him 
to the pinnacle of perfection. The thing is the same, pure consciousness, but 
the Guru gives the disciple experiences of it in such a variety of ways that 
remove every shadow of doubt that could become an obstacle to the disciple's 


This is the glory of being near Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] A Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups (2005)

2019-12-13 Thread Doug Hamilton [FairfieldLife]
Title: Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups Text of the 
article in the Weekly Reader (October 2005,Old dated contacts): 
Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups

 Outside of Fairfield, people intently ask, “What is going on in Fairfield?” 
The spiritual, utopian side of Fairfield is something they are wondering about. 
Fairfield has become recognized as a spiritual Mecca of sorts, ranking with 
Sedona, Arizona, Boulder and Crestone, Colorado or Ashville, North Carolina and 
the like. Within these past three decades, Fairfield spiritual practice groups 
have matured, giving this community a rich, new face.

The long-time Fairfield meditating community today is its own center for 
spiritual practice. The breadth of spiritual practice groups in Fairfield is 
now a unique feature of our town in the 21st Century.


A Course in Miracles,

Mondays 7:30 pm. Local contact: 472-7148.

 Art of Living Foundation -Sri Sri Ravishankar Meditation and program schedule 
in Fairfield. 472-2053

 Babaji Group: Local contact: 472-9952

 Bapuji Group Shri Avadoot, better known as “Bapuji”. Local contact: 472-9260

 Chalanda Sai Maa Satang in Fairfield

Group meditations based on the teachings of Chalanda Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi. 
First and third Monday of the month at 7:30 PM. Call for location & 
information: 472-5175.

 Circle of Sophia a holy order for women at St. Gabriel and All Angels, the 
Liberal Catholic Church. Original worship celebration, written from sources in 
ancient Christianity, enlivens the Feminine Divine for both men and women. 
Celebrations monthly. 300 E. Burlington., 472-1645, for 
information and calendar.

 Deeksha Darshan and teachings of Bhagavan Kalki & Padmavati Amma

Fairfield contact for local program: 472-6948

 Divine Mother Church in Fairfield

“We don’t talk about God, we commune with God”. Sundays 10 AM; 409 W. Broadway; 

 Fairfield Ammachi Satsang

Ammachi Fairfield weekly schedule of meditation, chanting, and bhajans contact: 

 Fairfield Vedic Pujas, Yagyas and Ceremonies

Scheduled public events always open to interested persons. By Vedic Scholar and 
Priest, Pandit Dhruv Narain Sharma: 630-240-3368 or (641) 209-5757

 Fairfield Shri Karunamayi Satsang

Fairfield Group Meditation and Program.  472-8422

 Fairfield Transcendental Meditation Programs: 641-919.8188 or 472-1174

 Fairfield Weekly Discussion Group - Experiences in Consciousness and 
Enlightenment. For meeting time and location, contact Rick Archer, 472-9336..

 Fellowship of the Holy Spirit in Fairfield

“Consciousness, Joy, and Devotion: Christianity that works.” Sundays, 11 AM, 
Gateridge Building, 1100 N. 4th. 472-8737.

 Friends Meeting Fairfield Society of Friends (Quakers) Un-programmed ‘silent’ 
meeting for worship. 472-8422.

 Gangaji Group Local contact: 472-9476.

 Golden Shield Qi Gong Fairfield practice: 641-919-3913.

 Hatha Yoga classes. Sue Berkey: 472-6577

 Henry Hertzberger Chanting, Pujas & Yagyas. Mahaganapati Temple Schedule: 

 Liberal Catholic Church in Fairfield

St Gabriel and all Angels, 300 E. Burlington. 472-1625

 Manavata Mandir Vedic Temple

800 W. Burlington in Fairfield. 469-6041.

 Saniel Bonder, ‘Waking Down’ in Fairfield. Sittings calendar: call 472-7182.

 Scalar Group Meditation Programs

facilitated by Lilli Botchis. A unique opportunity as a group to research in 
mind/body consciousness the universal themes of pure energy and manifestation 
potential of HHFe Scalar wave regeneration system. Programs designed to clear, 
balance and open the chakra system. 472-0129.

 Shivabalayogi Group All are welcome. There is never any charge for Swamiji’s 
blessings. For further information, contact: 641-233-1025.


Svaroopa Yoga (641) 472-7499.

 Tetra Building TM-Sidhi Meditation Practice Room Daily morning and afternoon 
meditation facility for the practice of the TM-Sidhi meditation program. A 
quiet, clean and convenient place ‘to do program’. Contact David Hawthorne for 
use and membership information: 472-3799.

 Transformational Prayer in Fairfield

For information on Fairfield activities, call 472-0662.

 This directory was compiled using public notices, advertisements in The 
Fairfield Weekly Reader, or by Web pages and Yellow Book searches for listings. 
Most of these groups have e-mail lists for schedules and programs. Contact them 
directly for more information. For additions and updated email