[FairfieldLife] Fwd: It's Time to Vote in Jefferson County – Here's a Guide to Whom and What Is on the Ballot

2020-10-06 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Forwarded from: DAVID SANDS 

Please forward this email to others in Jefferson County.
Dear Jefferson County Voter,
Here’s my email with the information that could be useful in completing your 
general election ballot.
Absentee ballots will be mailed andearly voting starts tomorrow, Monday, 
October 5th. Yippee, it’s almost over!
If you have submitted an absentee ballot request, you’ll receive your ballot 
this week. If you have not submitted an absentee ballot request, you still can, 
but I recommend that you just go to the Courthouse and cast your ballot. That 
way, you’ll know that your ballot is in the Auditor’s hands.
If you receive an absentee ballot, please complete it and return it right away, 
either by mail or deliver it yourself, to the Auditor at the Courthouse.
You can see a sample ballot here 
http://www.jeffersoncountyiowa.com/elections.htm. Scroll down to find the 
ballot for your voting precinct.
Candidate Forums: Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, this Tuesday, Oct. 6th 
for Jefferson County Sheriff and County Supervisors, andWednesday, Oct. 7th for 
State Legislators. The forums start at 6pm and are streamed online.. Info here 
JUDGES and CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION: On the back of the ballot are places to 
vote on retention of judges and a chance to indicate whether you want a 
Constitutional Convention. This vote is mandated by law. Please vote to retain 
the judges and vote “No” on the Constitutional Convention question.
Rationale: We have good judges and I recommend not giving the Republican 
Governor an opportunity to appoint partisan judges. The same goes for a 
Constitutional Convention. We don’t need to amend Iowa’s Constitution and a 
convention would give Republicans an opportunity to inscribe their extreme 
agenda in the Constitution.
PRESIDENT, SENATOR, CONGRESSPERSON: For their regressive and often inhumane 
policies on health, immigration, the social safety net, white nationalism, 
racism, xenophobia, taxation, politization of judicial appointments, 
environmental issues and denying the social and economic consequences of global 
warming, we have to vote out the Republicans. Bernie made the case for voting 
for Democrats in a marvelous speech 
 last week: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAAWxZGHJNo. Basically, he argued that we must 
repudiate Trump and his Republican enablers and sycophants by electing 
Democrats for their social, economic and environmental policies. He added that 
we have influence with Democrats, and that he and others were working with Joe 
Biden’s people and will continue to work with them after Joe is elected. I’d 
say the same for the other Democrats — Theresa Greenfield for U.S. Senate and 
Rita Hart for 2ndDistrict Representative. Theresa and Rita are qualified, solid 
players dedicated to the wellbeing and success of all Iowans. Their opponents 
are dedicated Trump supporters whose attack ads have been totally Trump-ish — 
gross distortions and outright lies. Surely, I don’t need to say more. You can 
find info on Theresa Greenfield’s platform on her website 
, https://greenfieldforiowa.com, and Facebook 
https://www.facebook.com/GreenfieldForIowa. Info on Rita Hart’s platform is on 
her website , https://www.ritahart.com, and Facebook 
https://www.facebook.com/RitaHart4Iowa. You can hear the candidates debate this 
Tuesday and Wednesday. An earlier Iowa Press Debate between Rita and her 
Republican opponent Marionnette Miller-Meeks can be found here 
 Miller-Meeks is currently our State Senator.
FOOTNOTE: There are actually nine candidates for President/VP. Please don’t 
waste your vote on any of the other seven, either out of conviction or as a 
protest. Only Biden has a chance to oust Trump and become the next president.
STATE REPRESENTATIVE: I’m going to talk only about District 82, which 
encompasses the western two-thirds of Jefferson County plus Van Buren and Davis 
Counties. If you vote in a different district, you’re going to have to do your 
own research, but I make the same argument I did about the higher offices: 
Republicans control the Iowa Legislature and Governor’s Mansion. They have been 
passing ALEC’s bills supporting an extreme right-wing agenda. Let’s vote the 
Republicans out.
PHIL MILLER (D): Phil is a veterinarian and former president of the Fairfield 
Community School District B

[FairfieldLife] Goldman Sachs & Moody's Analytics: Democratic Sweep For More Jobs, Stronger Economy

2020-10-06 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Main Points:

"All else equal, such a blue wave [Democratic President, Senate & House] would 
likely prompt us to upgrade our forecasts," Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan 
Hatzius wrote in a Monday report.
It's true that if Democrats sweep into power early next year, it would likely 
translate to higher taxes and regulation. Such a reversal from the Trump agenda 
could eat into corporate profits and the earnings for affluent families. But 
Joe Biden is also promising a bonanza of government spending 

 that, coupled with extremely low interest rates, would likely speed up the 
Goldman Sachs wrote that a blue wave would "sharply raise the probability" of a 
fiscal stimulus package of at least $2 trillion shortly after the January 20 
inauguration. The bank also cited Biden's longer-term spending plans on 
infrastructure, climate, health care and education.

Moody's Analytics 


 that Biden's economic proposals, if enacted, would create 7.4 million more 
than would Trump's. The economy would return to full employment in the second 
half of 2022, nearly two years earlier than under Trump's plan, Moody's said.
"The economic outlook is strongest under the scenario in which Biden and the 
Democrats sweep Congress and fully adopt their economic agenda," wrote Moody's 
economists led by Mark Zandi, who advised Senator John McCain during the 2008 
presidential race. 

Goldman Sachs: A Democratic sweep would mean faster economic recovery
By Matt Egan , CNN Business 

Updated 12:17 PM ET, Tue October 6, 2020

New York (CNN Business) President Donald Trump is once again warning voters 
that Democrats would "shut our economy and jobs down" if they win in November. 

Goldman Sachs is telling its clients the exact opposite.
Just hours after Trump's all-caps Monday morning tweet  
economic disaster 
 Goldman economists pointed out that polls 

 "suggest a 'blue wave' in which Democrats gain unified control of Washington 
is becoming more likely" -- and they're not suggesting investors dump stocks..
In fact, "all else equal, such a blue wave would likely prompt us to upgrade 
our forecasts," Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan Hatzius wrote in a Monday 
It's true that if Democrats sweep into power early next year, it would likely 
translate to higher taxes and regulation. Such a reversal from the Trump agenda 
could eat into corporate profits and the earnings for affluent families. 
But Joe Biden is also promising a bonanza of government spending 

 that, coupled with extremely low interest rates, would likely speed up the 
Goldman Sachs wrote that a blue wave would "sharply raise the probability" of a 
fiscal stimulus package of at least $2 trillion shortly after the January 20 
inauguration. The bank also cited Biden's longer-term spending plans on 
infrastructure, climate, health care and education. 
Taken together, this spending "would at least match the likely longer-term tax 
increases on corporations and upper-income earnings," Goldman Sachs wrote.
"It would likely result in substantially easier US fiscal policy, a reduced 
risk of renewed trade escalation, and a firmer global growth outlook," the 
report said. 
Moody's: 7.4 million more jobs under Biden's plan
Goldman Sachs isn't the only Wall Street firm to point out the positive 
benefits of a blue wave. 
Moody's Analytics 


 that Biden's economic proposals, if enacted, would create 7.4 million more 
than would Trump's. The economy would return to full employment in the second 
half of 2022, nearly two years earlier than under Trump's plan, Moody's said. 
"The economic outlook is strongest under the scenario in which Biden and the 
Democrats sweep Congress and fully adopt their economic agenda," wrote Moody's 
economists led by Mark Zandi, who advised Senator John McCain durin

[FairfieldLife] Special Invitation to Join Online Super-Radiance via Zoom

2020-10-06 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Forwarded from Bob and Carol Markowitz 

OCTOBER 5, 2020

A Special Invitation to Join Online Super-Radiance Program over Zoom!
Please join us online Wednesday evening, Oct. 7 at 5 pm Central Time, and also 
5 pm Pacific Time; and Thursday morning, Oct. 8 at 7:30 am Central Time, and 
also 7:30 am Pacific Time for the kick-off of this extraordinary program to 
create a powerful wave of harmony and coherence in the nation.

Dear Sidhas and Governors,

As Dr. John Hagelin mentioned in a recent email 
“The time has come to create greater harmony and unity during these turbulent 
times by joining our daily Online Super‑Radiance program over Zoomfrom the 
comfort of your own home.”

What is Super‑Radiance?
The Super‑Radiance program is for all those practicing the TM‑Sidhi® program to 
coordinate their Yogic Flying® times to increase coherence in collective 

Join us for the special inauguration!
Dr. Hagelin will launch the program himself on Wednesday evening, Oct. 7 at 5 
pm Central Time, and also 5 pm Pacific Time; and Thursday morning, Oct. 8 at 
7:30 am Central Time, and also 7:30 am Pacific Time. Join us!

When do I connect?
First priority for the whole country: Join the largest group of Sidhas doing 
Super‑Radiance program together, with lift-off at 8:15 am and 5:45 pm Central 
Time. (Click here for lift-off times 
Second priority: If the above time doesn’t work for you, then join the 
second-priority Super‑Radiance times for your time zone. (Click here for 
lift-off times 
 NOTE: There is no Zoom connection for the second-priority times except for the 
Pacific time zone. (Please see schedule below.)
How do I connect?
Connect via Zoom video:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89691355158  

Connect by phone: 646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592 or 312-626-6799. Then enter 
Meeting ID 896-9135-5158# for all dates.
Hawaii Zoom Connection only: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4535789550 

Passcode: 5sj5QJ for all dates.
For those connecting by phone, you will mostly “hear” silence. There will be a 
brief welcome 45 minutes prior to lift-off and a bell at lift-off time. For 
those connecting online, you will see some slides, but it will be the same 
“silent” program as mentioned above.

The power of group TM‑Sidhi practice
We have a well‑proven formula to enliven consciousness and transform society. 
Let’s make Super‑Radiance a priority in our lives. Please join me and thousands 
of Sidhas around the country in doing all we can for our nation.

Reports from around the globe
Sidhas throughout Latin America, Europe, Africa, and elsewhere who have started 
doing Online Super‑Radiance are reporting much deeper experiences during their 
programs along with a greater feeling of connectedness with their fellow 
Sidhas. They also say this encourages them to join everyone at times when most 
Sidhas (and Meditators) are doing program.

Let’s take care of ourselves while creating a huge upsurge of coherence and 
positivity for our nation.

Please spread this message to all Sidhas in the U.S. so that we can create the 
largest coherence‑creating group in the history of our country, extending 
across every state in the nation.

Warm regards,

Carol & Bob Markowitz
Southeast Iowa TM Program