[FairfieldLife] Urgent Warning: Jefferson County's Record-Shattering New COVID Cases

2020-11-12 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Dear Friends,

Jefferson County has shattered its previous record for new COVID cases.

In March we had no cases.
In April our new cases ranged from 0 to 2.
In May our new cases ranged from 0 to 4.
In June our new cases ranged from 0 to 4.
In July our new cases ranged from 0 to 5.
In August our new cases ranged from 0 to 5.
In September our new cases ranged from 0 to 4.
In October our new cases ranged from 0 to 14.
>From November 1 to 11 our new cases ranged from 0 to 17.
Yesterday our new cases were 28!
Today our new cases were 34!

Please stay safe and healthy. And please help your loved ones, friends and 
community stay safe and healthy, too!

Loving best wishes,

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Message from Adrian Daller who just tested positive for COVID

2020-11-12 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Forwarded from a dear friend:

This was posted by Adrian Daller of Fairfield IA. Read and take heed:

Nate and I tested positive for COVID even though we've been extremely cautious 
- masks outdoors, rarely going in buildings, homeschooling, tiny bubble of 
people we were seeing who were equally cautious. We've taken a financial hit 
because of these choices but are fortunate enough to have a roof over our heads 
and food on the table. We're asymptomatic so far, and our kids tested negative, 
but we could have given it to family members who we were cautiously seeing 
after months apart. They all tested negative, but we spent several days with 
the very real possibility that we could have given it to elderly family 
members. And the only reason we got tested is because someone else in our 
bubble tested positive. Otherwise we never would have known. We thought of 
ourselves as the safe people who were following all the rules..

People who know me well, know why we made the choice to be this cautious but 
it's nobody's business, really. I wish I didn't have to prove why we're being 
cautious -- that knowing folks in your community have their reasons for trying 
to stay healthy could be enough of a reason to be cautious yourself. I wish 
that my community members were willing to take the precautions to keep others 
safe instead of refusing because of political stance or because you personally 
don't believe this is the right way deal with a pandemic, or you have your own 
theory about it that differs from what doctors are recommending. That's all 
your prerogative, but I still believe it's possible to take the precautions as 
best you can out of compassion for those around you. I know there are those who 
say, "well, we're all gonna get it anyway," and choose to continue as normal. 
But when you make that choice, you're making it for your entire community, 
including people with health conditions and others more at-risk than you may be 
(and there have been cases of reinfection in our own county).

There is a very real possibility that you could be carrying the virus without 
knowing and pass it to someone - or someone's relative - who dies from it.

I know there are people who have to go to work or your business will close. Or 
you'll lose your job and won't have a way to sustain yourself or your family. 
Or your kids have to go to school. There are many who need help with small 
children - can you imagine staying by yourself indoors with a toddler for 
months on end? Plenty of very legit and unavoidable reasons to be around 
others. But those who DO have a choice have the opportunity to play it even 
safer for the benefit of those who don't.

I mainly wanted to post this because we're going into several months of more 
indoor time, lowered immunity, and family gatherings around the holidays. If 
you have the choice, please think about prioritizing the safety of those around 
you over the quality of your lifestyle over the coming months. Consider 
cancelling gatherings. Again, I am well aware that many of you do not have the 
option to completely quarantine yourself. I'm writing this for those of you who 
do have that choice. đź’—

[FairfieldLife] From Chetana Daniels, Nurse Practitioner in the University of Iowa Medical Intensive Care Unit

2020-11-12 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Forwarded from a dear friend:

This was posted by Chetana Daniels (daughter of Fairfield’s Susan and Bob 
Daniels) who’s a Nurse Practitioner in the University of Iowa Medical Intensive 
Care Unit:

Having one of our parents admitted to our ICU is our worst nightmare. What is 
an even bigger nightmare is the possibility that our sick parent won't be able 
to receive the highest level of care because the hospital is overrun.. This is 
what we are facing now. Never in my 5+ years in the MICU have I seen a waiting 
list as long as we have. We are opening another 10 ICU beds next Monday, but we 
have enough patients seeking care at UIHC to fill them today. With the way 
things are going across the state, we will soon be making decisions about who 
will receive care and who we will have to deny. The kind of moral distress this 
is going to cause healthcare workers is enough to make them find a new career. 
My biggest fear is that I will see the name of someone from my community on the 
wait list, and they will be denied or delayed a transfer long enough to 
negatively impact their chances of a meaningful recovery. Please do whatever 
you can to stay home, wear good masks, wash your hands, and make your family do 
the same.

[FairfieldLife] pilot randomized clinical study > calcifediol = 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin-D > best available therapy for COVID-19

2020-11-12 Thread email4you mikemail4...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
“Effect of calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best 
available therapy on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients 
hospitalized for COVID-19:   A pilot randomized clinical study”
