[FairfieldLife] Re: Feedback

2008-03-14 Thread Bonnie Rosen
Sorry that you took my comments as "condensing"  as they were not intended as 
such.  I think it was more my way of expressing my frustration after reading 
some of the contributions.   And as I find a good number of the comments 
energetically not in aligment with my perspectives, that is why I consider the 
groups value for me..not for your usage if you participate.
  And also, I have in the past sent 2 other emails..but perhaps I never sent 
them correctly for they never appeared.  (I'll usually reasonablely tech 
friendly! :) )  
  And yes... of course I have noticed that those in these group are about 
finding their own path.that is clear.  
  And it is unfortunate that you now are suggesting that you have negative 
feelings and thoughts about SSRS.  That is your decision and I hope that you 
can sometime drop that and see value.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feedback

2008-03-13 Thread Bonnie Rosen
I do not think you have that right.  I am not condeming anyone.  
  I have my preferences and once of those is to engage in conversation where 
the energy isn't blasting back at meWasn't it MMY who said: speak the truth 
but speak the truth sweetly.
  Thats all..and I'm not going anywhere.   This is fun !  :)  
  Have a great evening.
  jai guru dev

[FairfieldLife] Feedback

2008-03-13 Thread Bonnie Rosen
Jai Guru Dev
  To those of you who said hello, I send many hellos back to you.  
  As for the others of you, I acknowledge you for speaking your truth here as I 
have just done myself.
  I have been watching from afar for the last several months on all of the 
postings and finally today when I saw comments flying around about Sri Sri...I 
took the plunge as HE  is too dear to my heart.
  I surely do differ with most of the postings and in fact have been thinking 
that reading these musings is in fact, as pointed out, a waste of time.  
Trullysince I was not learning anything , as hoped, and which was why I 
signed up in the first place.
  I was grateful for the various links to photos and comments during the week 
of 2/5 and 2/12 following MMYs passing.  
  Beyond thatyes...I have found some value but not much as hoped for.
  Lastly, yes, yes, I have over the years been extremely involved in many 
"service" projects including fund raisings and teaching events, that have been 
of value to others.   I am happy to have done so.
  Best to you all regardless of your point of view,
  Jai Guru Dev
  PS.  The comment about B & B was very funny and no children but 2 -4 
leggeds...Riley and Corey.   But our friends from Fairfield and other places 
often stop by B & B  B& B here in Sedona!  :)  

[FairfieldLife] Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is far more than just Sahaj Samadhi Meditation

2008-03-13 Thread Bonnie Rosen
Jai Guru Dev
  I am often offended by the language and depth of negativity I hear expressed 
in these daily digests FFL.
  Putting that aside, I will not negate your choice to express as you like for 
should I do so, I would be taking in that energy.  
  I have been with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar since 1991 after 23 previous years with 
TMO  SInce 1991 I have been enjoying the amazing harmonizing effect of the 
Sudarshan Kriya.  Even putting that and Sahaj aside, if you consider the 
service work being inspired around the world...the expression of BEING in Love 
in Action, then you might begin to appreciate the impact that Sri Sri has had 
on this planet.
  Several weeks ago, I had the blessed good fortune (call it karma) to be 
sitting at HIS feet and hearing him answer questions from the hearts of those 
in the audience.   Being so close is something that we never had with MMY but 
is such an incredible blessing to have with Sri Sri.   He is sooo much fun and 
wisdom all rolled into one.  Don't knock it until you've tried it! :)  
  To see the gift of transformation in people as they practice the breathing 
practices is a gift and to help them in this transformation is also a gift. 
  To raise money for trama relief programs for Vets; Prisoners; to help inner 
city school kids getting over Katrina messto building schools in 3rd world 
countries and providing education to a child who has no ancestors  who ever 
attended a day of school..these things mean far more than the "veda leila"  
or whatever other schemes are in place via the Rajas, etc.  
  So instead of yapping your loud mouth off...get off your butt and do 
something meaningful for someone else.  It will make you more positive!

[FairfieldLife] Re:'John MCcain Into Pentagrams in Sedona, AZ'

2008-03-06 Thread Bonnie Rosen
Hello from Sedona!  :) 
  Yes, the Red Rocks do magnifiy ones experience.  If one is having some 
negative emotions, they get intensified.  If one is smiling and happy~ that too 
is expanded upon.
  Sedona is an amazing place and we have been here over 10 years now...from 
over 22 in Iowa!!!
  ...very sacred Native American Indian land and the natural rock structures 
and wild life are so precious.  As I am writing to you I see many animals ~ 
coyotes, wild boar, rabbits, birds of all types, deer, transit across my yard.  
And of course, we do have those  3.5 million tourists who come and walk the 
trails each year on their way to the Grand Canynon.  Some are definately boomer 
hippie types...just like most of us in this yahoo group.  
  The beauty of this place, however, takes one out of thinking about the past, 
such as 1979 at MIU, etc.  It brings you squarely into the present moment with 
all its Grace & Beauty and an amazing connection to nature.  What a Blessing!  
  I think most of the consciousness and awake folks in Sedona aren't unlike any 
others in that category across this countryall wanting a more friendly 
  Living in Sedona is like living in the Grand Canynonall at 4,500 feet.  
  What exactly is John being accused of doing in Sedona?  
  I believe that he actually has a spread in the next town over...Cottonwood.
  Best to you,
  B in Sedona 

[FairfieldLife] Re:What must they think?

2008-01-27 Thread Bonnie Rosen
I have recently joined this group and agree with Rick.  I am surprised with 
every digest I received as to some of the rather negative rantings.
  You are wasting your time and my time. 
  Find something posititve to focus on.   Perhaps go do something of value for 
someone else.  
  Go meditation, sing a song, do some seva.Uplift someone by appreciating 
their Divine values.  Spread some Love; appreciate all you have and earn some 
  jai guru dev
  a long time Fairfielder 
  living elsewhere
  and sending you all love