[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside performer 
> with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker is to break 
> them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me.  "Pay" is the key 
> word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog long enough to extract 
> something green and crisp from their wallets and purses.
> Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily distracted 
> by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments), and lacking the 
> intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and making it to their 
> car before the meter maid, they are ideal co-conspirators.  I invite them up 
> with maracas so they can join the show.  Parents get it right away, artistic 
> enrichment for the center of their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I 
> have something hidden to show you.
> She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of 
> magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in 
> Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk, and 
> tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of orthodontist 
> approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her brown hair was 
> pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink scrunchy fabric.  The 
> only thing out of the ordinary was that she crowded me a bit after she got 
> her maraca. Younger kids will do this, and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it 
> is up to me to get them to back off and give me some performance space.  
> Decking one of the kids with my heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip 
> inspiring flourishes, leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would 
> definitely cut into profits.  But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, 
> so it got my attention that she was standing very close to me with one side 
> of her body.
> I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me on red 
> alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below the elbow 
> and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm was not this way 
> from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done this, and it left a 
> fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and I gave her a nod.  We 
> were thick as thieves in an instant and she relaxed into a nervous giggle.  
> Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded to her through omerta.  It was a 
> matter of trust, and I felt it in my chest. 
> We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People probably 
> thought she was my niece or something, who else would play together with this 
> familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a brave kid, this is not 
> easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd formed supporting the cute 
> little girl and the bluesman.  They had no clue to the fierceness of her 
> jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself sideways, showing the world who she 
> wanted to be, and they bought it. At the song's end she shot me a 
> conspiratorial look.  I sensed something gritty in those eyes.  A steeliness 
> forged by the fires of pediatric ward hell.  I wondered about her mom and 
> dad, who had spent the hours in the hospital making the painful decisions 
> that lead to this.  Oh bullshit, I have no idea.  She ran off back to her 
> dad.  His look combined sincere thanks with "you have no idea". Or maybe I 
> just read all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes 
> met I forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw people moving in with tips in 
> slow motion.
> Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always take her 
> left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will press her 
> close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she will feel safe 
> and brave, facing the world.

Beautifully written . and she will ;) 


[FairfieldLife] Re: 556 more Pandits have passports

2012-07-29 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> Seems to me like Ellen, Russell, Oprah and the TM org itself should be able 
> to donate this piddly sum between them and sustain it for, let's say a year. 
>  World peace is being held hostage by lack of funding?  Guess it's not that 
> important then.  They need to change their messaging.  
>  From: Buck 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2012 4:45 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 556 more Pandits have passports
> As a conservative meditator here I'd really like to see a tax levee to 
> support the Pundits on those people who don't go to the Domes.   Everyone 
> pays for and everyone benefits from the Pundits.   A pundit tax equally on 
> Meditators and non-meditators.  No exemptions no deferments from a Pundit 
> tax.  The Pundits are here as substitutes, make it a particularly progressive 
> tax on those people here who have Dome badges but don't go meditate in the 
> domes now.  It's the conservative way, work for peace by meditating or pay 
> for peace in cash.
> -Buck in Fairfield 
> http://globalcountryofworldpeace.org/emailing/2012_07_26_budget.html#budget 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> >
> > This is the time we have all been waiting for. There are currently 556 
> > Maharishi Vedic Pandits with passports assembled in India preparing to join 
> > us in Maharishi Vedic City. This will create the largest group of Maharishi 
> > Vedic Pandits ever assembled in the US and secure the daily Super Radiance 
> > numbers above 2,000 in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City. What a day it 
> > will be when we welcome these Pandits!
> > 
> > What is needed to make this happen?
> > In order to have the Pandits come, we need to raise the funds for various 
> > upfront costs, which are $2,000 per Pandit for passports, visas, airfare, 
> > ground transportation and supplies as well as set-up costs in the US. In 
> > addition, the campus needs upgrades including a significant kitchen and 
> > dining expansion and residential building improvements. For a detailed 
> > budget, click here.
> > 
> > http://globalcountryofworldpeace.org/emailing/2012_07_26_budget.html#budget
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > > A Vision of Community
> > > 
> > > The United States in the 18th and 19th centuries was a fertile ground for 
> > > ventures in communal living.  The promise of religious and social freedom 
> > > acted as a magnet for those who sought to escape the orthodoxies of state 
> > > churches, or who were being persecuted, or who simply sought room to live 
> > > according to their consciences.  Others felt communal living, combined 
> > > with humanitarian socialism, science and education, held promise of 
> > > Utopia.
> > > 
> > > Introduction
> > > Guide to Historic Communal Sites of the United States
> > > prepared by the Communal Studies Association, 2010
> > >
> >

No, you don't understand, the messaging is perfect. And it is accomplishing 
it's intended purpose. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: what I am doing these days

2012-05-14 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> I've been learning how to create "bindings" from my favorite languages, 
> Squeak and Pharo Smalltalk. I just did a benchmark to time the difference 
> between the built-in math, and a math library called gmplib (GNU 
> Multi-Precision library).
> performing 100,000 factorial (100,000 x 999,999 x 999,998 x ... x 2 x 1) is 
> 700 times faster using the library rather than doing it in squeak. That 
> resulting number, by the way, is "rather" huge.
> For any programmers (or wannabe programmers) who want to learn to use Squeak 
> Smalltalk, I have a video tutorial series on youtube, geared for (almost) 
> complete beginning programmers: Squeak from the very start   
> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6601A198DF14788D&feature=view_all
> just to brag to true computer programmer/computer scientist geeks, one of the 
> co-authors of _Design Patterns_ emailed me and said he was having a friend 
> watch it as an intro to Squeak.   :-) :-) :-)
> Cheers. 
> Lawson
Hey Lawson, 

Good Stuff :) 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Bill Leed

2010-01-29 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Today's the day.
Happy Birthday, Bill !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maddow: Anti-Islam paranoia the new McCarthyism

2009-11-21 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "JohnY"  wrote:
> > Do. Said:
> > 
> > "It appears to me Vaj, that along with being an anti-Transcendental
> > Meditation pseudo-scholar, you also turn out to be a hateful xenophobic 
> > bigot."
> > 
> > //sarcasm tag //
> > 
> > I think that if you want to unload all chambers in your Alinsky six shooter 
> > on Vaj, you'd need to add racist for the proper effect. Then again, maybe 
> > that's covered by xenophobic bigot 
> > 
> > JohnY
> Bingo !
No Nab, 

That was sarcasm directed at do and all his political stuff, not Vaj.
But I'm sure you knew that.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maddow: Anti-Islam paranoia the new McCarthyism

2009-11-21 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelson"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > > Unfortunately for Rachel, the reason Islam is considered the "religion
> > of peace" is that once the whole world converts, they believe there will
> > be peace on earth, a chilling prospect, however you parse it...it is not
> > merely a religion, but a social movement and a system of mandatory
> > jurisprudence. In any predominantly Muslim nation, people of the book
> > are taxed till they convert. People who are not "of the book"...well
> > they're not as fortunate. Both followers of Hinduism and Buddhism would
> > be considered fit for slaughter, esp. the latter since they consider god
> > (Allah) worship antithetical to peace and complete awakening.
> > >
> > > I predict that eventually we'll see Islam no longer classed as a
> > religion by some western nations, but instead as a dangerous social and
> > political movement, with a quasi-religious core. This will allow a new,
> > more escalated crusade between ostensibly "Judaeo-Christian" countries
> > against the new infidels. It's very possible we will see nuclear
> > despoliation of Islamic holy sites, like Mecca, within our
> > grandchildren's lifespans.
> > >
> > > Ironically, the "stone" at Mecca is actually listed as a sacred shiva
> > lingam in the pre-Vedic Puranas...
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > It appears to me Vaj, that along with being an anti-Transcendental
> > Meditation pseudo-scholar, you also turn out to be a hateful xenophobic
> > bigot.
> > 
> > Any huge group of ANY religious ideology will be found with its fanatic
> > and extremists  - that would include the Christians and the Jews.
> > 
> > The obvious fact that you seem to eagerly and blindly ignore to feed
> > your paranoid hateful bigotry is that the huge and vast and overwhelming
> > majority of the members of these groups are peacable, law-abiding human
> > beings with families who simply want to get along with their lives and
> > have conflicts with no one.
> > 
> > I would have thought that self-professed 'know-it-alls' like you would
> > be intelligent enough to not be sucked into the anti-Isalm hysteria by
> > the prevailing paid paranoia propagandists on the Fake Noise network
> > like many ignorant, insecure people were by Joe McCarthy during the
> > 'communist panic' era.
> > 
> > It's easily lead irresponsible clowns like you who would foment more
> > hatred and divisiveness to perpetuate and escalate the conflicts.
> > 
> > Apart from that - considering the Ft Hood shooter - in this country
> > people are supposed to be afforded the rule of law - not mob lynching -
> > which some of the obsessed hateful bigots would love to carry out.
> > 
> > It hasn't been shown that he was part of any terrorist network.
> > 
> snip,
>   Wouldn,t being a radical muslim- believer in suicide bombers etc. qualify 
> him?

Do. Said:

"It appears to me Vaj, that along with being an anti-Transcendental
Meditation pseudo-scholar, you also turn out to be a hateful xenophobic bigot."

//sarcasm tag //

I think that if you want to unload all chambers in your Alinsky six shooter on 
Vaj, you'd need to add racist for the proper effect. Then again, maybe that's 
covered by xenophobic bigot 


[FairfieldLife] Re: A message to all members of Veda Tradition Himalaya

2009-11-13 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "JohnY"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > A message to all members of Veda Tradition Himalaya
> > > Namaskar, friends!
> > > 
> > > We thank our dear Finance Minister, Swami Trilochana-ji, who has created
> > > a brand new website for our US based "Institute for Promotion of
> > > Vedic Education, and Culture", and to have set up a PayPal button on
> > > the main page.
> > > 
> > > Here is an easy way for you to make donations to support the ashram,
> > > since several of you have expressed their desire to participate.
> > > "These are the days for fulfilliment of desires!"
> > > 
> > > (This PayPal account is a dollar account, best for donations made in
> > > North America).
> > > 
> > > Please visit (and donate): http://www.vediceducation.org/
> > > <http://www.vediceducation.org/>
> > > 
> > > We are in the midst of major constructions, including guest houses to
> > > accomodate you when you come, and our school need monthly income to be
> > > able to continue, and to grow.
> > > 
> > > An option is to sponsor a student with a monly donation of $ 100 (USD).
> > > 
> > > This is a call we do not want to make too often, but please, hear it
> > > now!
> > > 
> > > Thank you for your support.
> > > 
> > > God bless you.
> > > 
> > > Jai Guru Dev!
> > > 
> > > Pierre
> > > 
> > > PS: another website (for now, in French only(, is online, with a
> > > donation page ready, with several options (Swiss Bank account, Swiss
> > > Postfinance & PayPal in Euro).
> > > 
> > > Please visit : http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/
> > > <http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/>
> > > 
> > > To go directly to the donation page :
> > > http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/page6/page9/page17/page17.html
> > > <http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/page6/page9/page17/page17.html>
> > > 
> > > Visit Veda Tradition Himalaya at: http://vedatradition.ning.com
> > > <http://vedatradition.ning.com>
> > >
> > 
> > I have 2 questions: 
> > 
> > 1. Who are these folks? 
> Swiss Purusha & friends
> > and 
> > 
> > 2. Is that a Vedic PayPal Button?
> Probably :-)
> > 
> > JohnY
> >

So the next question is:

Has the Swiss Purusha and friends, with the help of "our dear Finance Minister, 
Swami Trilochana-ji" created a foundation outside the TMO perview, or is it 
just meant to look like that? 

In other words:
Is is a Vedic PayPal button? or an Indian TMO Vedic PayPal button?


[FairfieldLife] Re: A message to all members of Veda Tradition Himalaya

2009-11-12 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> A message to all members of Veda Tradition Himalaya
> Namaskar, friends!
> We thank our dear Finance Minister, Swami Trilochana-ji, who has created
> a brand new website for our US based "Institute for Promotion of
> Vedic Education, and Culture", and to have set up a PayPal button on
> the main page.
> Here is an easy way for you to make donations to support the ashram,
> since several of you have expressed their desire to participate.
> "These are the days for fulfilliment of desires!"
> (This PayPal account is a dollar account, best for donations made in
> North America).
> Please visit (and donate): http://www.vediceducation.org/
> <http://www.vediceducation.org/>
> We are in the midst of major constructions, including guest houses to
> accomodate you when you come, and our school need monthly income to be
> able to continue, and to grow.
> An option is to sponsor a student with a monly donation of $ 100 (USD).
> This is a call we do not want to make too often, but please, hear it
> now!
> Thank you for your support.
> God bless you.
> Jai Guru Dev!
> Pierre
> PS: another website (for now, in French only(, is online, with a
> donation page ready, with several options (Swiss Bank account, Swiss
> Postfinance & PayPal in Euro).
> Please visit : http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/
> <http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/>
> To go directly to the donation page :
> http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/page6/page9/page17/page17.html
> <http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/page6/page9/page17/page17.html>
> Visit Veda Tradition Himalaya at: http://vedatradition.ning.com
> <http://vedatradition.ning.com>

I have 2 questions: 

1. Who are these folks? 


2. Is that a Vedic PayPal Button?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Special Event - Sat, Nov 14th, Sondheim Theater

2009-10-30 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays  wrote:
> Delivered-To: dickm...@...
> Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 12:35:29 -0500
> Subject: Special Event - Sat, Nov 14th, Sondheim Theater
> From: MUM Development Office 
> Dear Friends,
> You may have heard about a very special performance coming up on 
> Saturday, November 14 for the David Lynch Weekend at MUM. This will 
> be an amazing triple bill--with Donovan joined by The Little Death, 
> featuring Laura Dawn (Moby's lead singer who was a hit at last year's 
> David Lynch Weekend)...and a most special guest, James McCartney, 
> flying in from London with his band. Paul McCartney's son James is a 
> talented performer in his own right and makes his U.S. debut 
> performance here in Fairfield.
> With only 500 seats in the Sondheim Theater, this show is a certain 
> sell-out, so we want to be sure friends of the University and the 
> David Lynch Foundation have an opportunity to get the best seats. 
> General admission seats are priced at $23, $33 and $43. We have also 
> reserved a number of VIP seats priced at $100. We encourage you to 
> order your tickets as soon as possible.
> VIP and general seating tickets are available at the Sondheim box 
> office. You can call the Sondheim Center at 472-2787 or stop by the 
> Sondheim box office Monday through Friday, from noon to 5pm.
> Please note that the show starts at 9:15 pm because there will be an 
> earlier show for the visiting students attending the David Lynch 
> Weekend. See you there!

Am I sensing a shift from teaching TM to vedic concert promotion?
The question is: Is it a new income stream or a new degree program?


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pirate Bikini

2009-09-28 Thread JohnY
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > Walking my dogs long the Sitges beach this morning,
> > I spied with my little eye a new kind of "fashion
> > statement," one that I have never seen before and 
> > hope never to see again. 
> > 
> > It was one of those "Where are the Fashion Police
> > when you need them?" moments, hopefully to be filed
> > away in a section of my brain labeled "What can this
> > person have been *thinking* and other imponderables
> > not worth pondering" as soon as I have finished 
> > writing it up here and thus purging it from my mind.
> > 
> > It was a bikini, with a normal bottom, but with a
> > top that had been sewn (not modified) to cover only 
> > one boob. It was like the Pirate's eyepatch of bikinis.
> > 
> > The question "Why?" leapt to my lips. In Spain, all
> > of the beaches are topless. Hell, all of the beaches
> > could be nude beaches for that matter; nudity and
> > the right to walk about nekkid as a jaybird is written
> > into the Spanish Constitution.
> > 
> > And there seemed to be no physical reason for the
> > revealing of one of the set and the concealing of the
> > other; both seemed equally natural, equally large, and
> > equally well-formed. 
> > 
> > As many of you know, I'm not a big one for rules and
> > unnecessary laws. But this may cause me to stray 
> > across the border into Conservatism. Both boobs bare:
> > great. Both boobs covered: great. One boob covered,
> > the other bare: pushing the limits of legality.
> > 
> > Go figure. I mean, go figure...
> >
> Since you're straying "across the border into Conservatism" in the bikini 
> department, what's your take on this 95 year old woman's beach attire?
> --- A 95 year old woman has her own "bikini show" at the seaside --- 
> Scroll down to see photos:
> http://www.zinkalo.com/2007/05/95-years-old-woman-bikini-show.html

Beautiful! She's looking good for 95. She reminded me of Jubal Harkshaw(?) 
(from Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land) talking about Rodin's Caryatid 
(and I looked it up):

"For three thousand years architects designed buildings with columns shaped 
as female figures. At last Rodin pointed out that this was work too heavy for a 
girl. He didn't say, `Look, you jerks, if you must do this, make it a brawny 
male figure.' No, he showed it. This poor little caryatid has fallen under the 
load. She's a good girl-look at her face. Serious, unhappy at her failure, not 
blaming anyone, not even the gods…and still trying to shoulder her load, after 
she's crumpled under it.

"But she's more than good art denouncing bad art; she's a symbol for every 
woman who ever shouldered a load too heavy. But not alone women—this symbol 
means every man and woman who ever sweated out life in uncomplaining fortitude, 
until they crumpled under their loads. It's courage, [...] and victory."


"Victory in defeat; there is none higher. She didn't give up[...]; she's 
still trying to lift that stone after it has crushed her. She's a father 
working while cancer eats away his insides, to bring home one more pay check. 
She's a twelve-year old trying to mother her brothers and sisters because Mama 
had to go to Heaven. She's a switchboard operator sticking to her post while 
smoke chokes her and fire cuts off her escape. She's all the unsung heroes who 
couldn't make it but never quit.

—Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert H. Heinlein (1961)

Beautiful, and she still enjoys the beach.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Peace Palace for sale for $45 million | The Real Deal | New York Real Estate

2009-09-19 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Sep 19, 2009, at 11:04 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > Why should they ? My take is that the TMO is pulling out of the USA
> > altogether including the soap-opera called Fairfield. The focus will
> > be on India and South America.
> I see the same trend. Focus on places where education is less,
> superstition is high and they can more easily victimize these
> populations, like an opportunistic infection. Thus I see the TM Org
> targeting the third world and more remote areas that haven't caught on
> to the scams yet.

The TM part of the TMO was pulled out a long time ago. Only the fund
apparatus remains. Like a patient on a respirator, when the money runs
out the plug gets pulled... .

