[FairfieldLife] Re:islam in brief"attributes of God"

2008-02-08 Thread Napoleon Lupei
I like this and would like to share my opinion:
  1. God does not take human form:
  2. God does not perform ungodly acts
  3. God does not make mistakes
  4. God does not forget
  IMO: all of it could be a ruse, a trick. Yes there is a God but that is not 
all there is to know to form a correct or sensible opinion.
  For example - earth goes around the sun. Assuming that is correct, is it 
natural. By natural we mean, wild, no order. Does not look like it is to me. 
Same thing when a car goes round and round a circle, is that natural? Are there 
no other places this car can go to? 
  With regards to MMY: enlightenment = no desire. What about FREE WILL? Ergo - 
enlightenment is a scam - to make a slave. Wanting to be desireless is desire. 
Walking towards the path is desire. Staying on the path is desire.
  Seeking perfection is better. The carpenter said, "be perfect just like your 
father in heaven is also perfect". That is like saying, try to excell in all 
your undertakings. Like be good or be the best; life is a battle; it is a 
struggle. Live or die. NO ifs nor buts. Life moves on. You lag behind, you die. 
NO ifs nor buts. This makes the 10 Commandments not from God. This makes the 10 
Commandments a scam. 
  Enlightenment can become a very good technique  
  1. if one is trying to lose weight and save money 
  2. for mental relaxation purposes
  3. to strengthen or improve ones control over ones spirit - if one knows how
  islam in brief"attributes of God"   Posted by: "Maryam Hassan" [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]   maryam_science33   Fri Feb 8, 2008 10:12 am (PST)   
Attributes of God ( Allah ) 

To Allah belong the most beautiful names. The Holy Qur'an says: {{" Say (O 
Muhammad): "Invoke Allâh or invoke the Most Beneficent (Allâh), by whatever 
name you invoke Him (it is the same), for to Him belong the Best Names. And 
offer your Salât (prayer) neither aloud nor in a low voice, but follow a way 
between. }}, ) Holy Qur'an 17:110 (.
Sources of Islam give no less than ninety-nine different attributes to Allah 
Almighty. The Holy Qur'an refers to Allah as Ar-Rahman (Most Gracious), 
Ar-Raheem (Most Merciful) and Hakeem (All Wise) among many other names.

God does not take human form:
Many religions at some point believe, directly or indirectly, in the philosophy 
of anthropomorphism i.e. God is palatable to become a human. Their contention 
is that God Almighty is so pure and holy to the extent that He is unaware ( It 
is true that Allah is not like us, but this does not mean that He is unaware of 
our situations!! !?- I would rather say: is far away) of the hardships, 
shortcomings and feelings of human beings. In order to set the rules for human 
beings, He came down to earth as a human. Let us now analyze this argument and 
see if it stands to reason. 
Suppose I manufacture a videocassette recorder (VCR). Do I have to become a VCR 
to know what is good or what is bad for the VCR? What do I do? I write a manual 
instruction. "In order to watch a video cassette, you should insert the 
cassette and press on the play button. In order to stop, press on the stop 
button. If you want to fast forward press on the FF button. Do not drop it from 
a height or it will get damaged. Do not immerse it in water or it will get 
ruined". These manual instructions list the various do’s and don’ts for the 
machine. Similarly, our Lord and Creator, Allah does not need to take the human 
form so as to know what is good or bad for the human being. He chooses to 
reveal the manual instructions. The last and final manual instruction that is 
sent down to the human beings is the Glorious Qur'an whose ‘do's’ and ‘don’ts’ 
are mentioned to the human beings through the Holy Verses. If you allow me to 
compare human beings with machines, I would say humans are
more complicated than the most complex machines in the world. Even the most 
advanced computers, which are extremely complex, are pale in comparison to the 
physical, psychological, genetic, and social factors that affect individuals 
and collective human life. The more advanced the machine is, the greater the 
need for its manual instruction is. By the use of the same criteria, don't the 
human beings require a manual instruction by which it is easy to govern their 
own lives? 
Therefore, Allah does not come down personally to give the manual instruction. 
He chooses a man amongst men to deliver the message and communicates with him 
at a higher level through the medium of revelations. Such chosen men are called 
messengers and prophets of God. 

God does not perform ungodly acts: 
The attributes of Almighty God preclude any evil since God is the source of 
justice, mercy and truth. God can never be thought of as doing an ungodly act. 
Hence, we cannot imagine God telling a lie, being unjust, making a mistake, 
forgetting things, or having any such human failings. Similarly, God can do 
injustice if He chooses to, but He will never do i

[FairfieldLife] Growth Challenges - getting us all on the same page

2008-02-08 Thread Napoleon Lupei
Kitchen Cabinet Forum:
  Let us all be realistic and truthful to ourselves. Let us stop fooling 
ourselves. We all are going to die. We are no better than what we think we are. 
Let us admit that we are confused and that we all need to get together to help 
each other so that others may have a better tomorrow.
  I noticed a few statements being preached in this email and I wish to point 
out the fact that these authors may not be qualified to make these statements. 
  For example: Basil Venitis wrote that the sun's influence on climate is the 
only thing that we should worry about. 
  I do not know his background but from my perspective I do not think he 
understand the subject of Global Warming. 
  IMHO: There are 3 major things we got to explore to fully understand Global 
  1. Why is it that the North Pole melted while Greenland did not? Because some 
explorers says, there is a thing called "mid ocean ridge" or underwater 
volcanoes that are active. These underwater volcanoes are not the same 
volcanoes we see like Mount Fuji. 
  Under water volcanoes are like 33 kilometers wide and some 2,000 miles long 
and its bottom is like the earth's magma. It could be said, that these 
volcanoes does not have what we believe is the earth's crust. Some explorers 
found a spot in the Atlantic Ocean where it does not have an Earth's Crust but 
it has no magma. The latest underwater volcano that was spotted or found 
forming as an underwater volcano was the one found some 300 kilometers off the 
shores of Oregon. 
  2. Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon's Triangle. Some scientists suggest that 
these areas have what they call a "Black Hole" and the other has a "White 
Hole". What is a "Black Hole"? It is some kind of a magnetic phenomena or 
gravitational force.
  3. UFO's. Is it possible, that the UFO's enters planet earth through the mid 
ocean ridge. And their key to opening and closing the openings is by operating 
the Black Hole and the White Hole? I believe sometime last month some news 
reported that a Pilot saw a UFO larger than a football field.
  With those 3 major considerations or mysteries, how are we going to proceed?
  IMHO: I would like us to try to establish a communication line between 
mankind and the UFO's. To do that, we need to figure out how to disable or 
destroy the "Black Hole" in the Bermuda Triangle. If we can do that, then they 
will come to fix it and we would be there to talk.
  As usual, I could be very wrong and you could be right. Good Luck.

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)   
   TRADE CHALLENGES From: eurokitchencabinet 
  View All Topics | Create New Topic 
 TRADE CHALLENGES   Posted by: "eurokitchencabinet" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
eurokitchencabinet   Fri Feb 8, 2008 8:19 am (PST)   Peter Mandelson, EU Trade 
Commissioner, points out that the openness 
boom poses immense challenges, both for us and for the developing 
world. Venitis speculates that BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) 
economies together could be larger than the G7 (Britain, Canada, 
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, US) in one generation. We can no 
longer rely on our ability to set the world agenda, and the need to 
build alliances and consensus with the newly emerging powers will 
only continue to grow.

Mandelson asserts that the openness boom has its environmental costs. 
It is powered by carbon based energy and is, to some extent racing 
ahead of the ability of governments in the emerging economies to make 
its impact on the environment a sustainable one. If we do not wish to 
deny the billions of the developing world the same level of basic 
material prosperity that we take for granted, then our economic 
growth will have to be weaned off greenhouse gases, and its impact on 
our climate and our environment dramatically reduced. In 
environmental terms the openness boom shows no signs of being self-
correcting – it is, as Nicholas Stern has said, probably the most 
important market failure in the history of markets. 

Basil Venitis notes that in seeking to understand recent warming, we 
also have to consider the natural factors that have regularly warmed 
the climate, even prior to the industrial revolution and prior to any 
human presence on Earth. The geological record shows a persistent 
1,500 year heat cycle, extending back over one million years. Natural 
factors include continental drift, mountain formation, deviations of 
Earth's orbit, volcanic activity, and solar variability. For a human 
generation, solar variability is the most important factor of climate 

Basil Venitis asserts that solar influence on climate is the only 
factor you have to worry about. It can manifest itself in 
fluctuations of solar irradiance, variability of the ultraviolet 
portion of the solar spectrum, which in turn affects the amount of 
ozone in the stratosphe

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in Cc - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Napoleon Lupei
IMHO: Death does not mean the spirit left. It could mean that the 
spirit moved to another body. If there's another spirit in that body, he may 
subordinate himself to that lower spirit. Once in a different body, he can't be 
the same guy that you will recognize or perceive with cosmic consciousness 
because not one thing is the same, down to the cellular level. Everything is 
  Another thing to consider? We all have free will. The CC can choose to 
withdraw his support or can choose to spring into action whenever he thinks fit.
  Another point: a higher spirit can co-exist with you in your body. This may 
perhaps help explain why some are sickly some are not. Meaning, if you are 
sickly, you might have a lower spirit co-existing with you in your body. If you 
go for exorcism - that might work.
  Assuming MMY is a higher spirit or co-existing with a higher spirit in his 
present form - what does he do to share the graces or the benefits of 
co-existing with this higher spirit?
  In my case, I think my [EMAIL PROTECTED] is one of the best way I can share 
with you things that I think will have a positive effect in your life. Because 
the lower spirit may have been attracted to your body, if that attraction was 
removed or somehow expelled, that lower spirit may just have to find another 
body. What I got in ageless_secret can remove what can lower your self-control.
  What is the possibility that you may have another spirit co-existing with you 
in your body? Greater than 100%. So - developing your self-control is a must.
  How do you develop self-control? Meditation.
  If you guys are coming to Las Vegas, give me a call @ (702) 275-1011 and we 
should meditate together and you drink from my water. We should at least meet 
so we can at least mentally be one spirit or one church and build a greater 
  Salvador (Sonny) Santayana
   MMY: (interrupting) Anyone who will go will come back. Go has to 
be back. One doesn't go, doesn't… There's no question of coming back when he 
doesn't go. There is no question of coming back. When his going is 
arrested, he doesn't get a passport to come back. His going is arrested, it 
doesn't go. 
> S: Thank you.
> MMY: Is that point clear?
S: Uh, yeah kinda. I don't see if a man reaches Cosmic 
Consciousness, and he leaves the body, and like you say he's unbounded, then 
can he choose to come back to earth in a body to help…


Click to join ageless_secret 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Message not approved: Prelude to Election 2008: Mass Foreclosures

2008-02-07 Thread Napoleon Lupei
thanks: but all newspapers and magazines and TV news are the same; not connected
  I can't expect them to read and absorbed everything; but they can pick and 
choose what they want to absorb.

  my main thing is - to get them to ask everyone they know to go out and vote 
because, usually those who cheats elections - they base their work on those who 
boycott elections.
  so they steal DMV computers and computers of schools and universities. and we 
know they can make these computers and election machines talk.
  the problem is, they do not know who would be dead by the time election 
comes. so every time there's an election, you will read in the news "dead 
people voted".
  if you followed the "chad" case in Florida, you would have read the same news 
report, "dead people voted". first time I read that was in the 80's, in 
  if you never volunteered in elections, you will say that does not make sense.
  but if you volunteered and wanted to be a delegate, whether you are a Green 
or Libertarian, you would have gotten a list of those who are registered Green 
or Libertarian or Democrat.
  then when you come to vote, you know they also got a list. 
  like - they got a list of those who did not vote the last time and those who 
did. chances are, those who did not vote the last time will not vote this time.
  now tell me, who else has a list.
  the problem is, not one of them knows who would be dead by the time election 
time comes.
  so -- how do we find out? we get a list of those who died on November, 
October, and September. I'm pretty sure, they all voted.
  got it.. so what do we do. we try as much as possible to get 
them all to go out and vote.
  BTW: which yahoogroup are you with?
"R.P. McCosker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  You're covering too many subjects in a single message, while making it too
difficult for the average reader to connect these subjects together.

> Prelude to Election 2008: Mass Foreclosures
> True or False: Most of our problems today (Foreclosures, Bankruptcies, High
> Interest Credit Cards, Jobs going overseas) would not be existing
> if JFK did not die.
> True or False: Julius Ceasar was assassinated in the Senate. So, there could 
> be killers in
> the Senate. In 2002 Bernanke's speech, the FED committed the Great 
> Depression. So,
> if there is a killer in the US Senate, it must be Rockefeller. If the FED 
> committed the
Great Depression, doing JFK was nothing.
> The following link is Bernanke's speech declaring the FED (Rockefeller & 
> Company)
committed the Great Depression. He said it before the last paragraph.
> http://www.federalreserve.gov/BOARDDOCS/SPEECHES/2002/20021108/default.htm
> Good or Bad: Rockefeller is a Democrat. He is the Head of Senate Intel: 
> Mastermind.
The President follows or execute or enforces the laws. The economy sucks; in 
foreclosure in 2007 increased 200% - doubled. The year before that, 2006, 
went more than (around) 345%. That means in 2007, in Nevada, some 900,000 homes
went into foreclosure, and Rockefeller was the Mastermind. Vote NOT a Democrat.
> The scheme to make everybody poor (Nevada Population is less than 2 million) 
> in
Nevada will become much clearer to you if you read and understand the US 
Democrat Top
Secret PPS23.
> http://www.geocities.com/rwvong/future/kennan/pps23.html
> There it says, the plan was to keep disparity between rich and poor. BUT what 
> do they
really mean? Or what did they truly plan? There's a saying "action speaks 
louder than
words". If we are going to base it on the Great Depression, then they planned 
to make
everybody POOR.
> This plan was made public by Ronald Reagan in his speech before the 
> Conference of
Catholic Bishops when he was President. That means, they planned. These 
foreclosures is
not because of bad economy or oil shortage. It is because that is their plan. 
How? By
making laws favorable to this plan. Like here in Nevada, you can get fired from 
your job
for doing good or no reason at all. Like, we got no usury laws. This makes it 
imperative for
them to keep winning elections. And if they have to kill, they will kill.
> http://www.rense.com/general76/jfkvs.htm
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,,329637177-103680,00.html
> Quote of the Week
> "We have not seen a nationwide decline in housing like this since the Great 
> Depression"
~ Wells Fargo Chief Executive John Stumpf referring to the U.S. Housing Market
> http://www.dailyrec koning.com. au/greenback/ 2008/02/04/
> Monopoly:
> Haven't you noticed, whoever wins this election (except when Ron Paul wins)
Rockefeller (Federal Reserve - the Big Boss & owner of the Irish Republican 
Army -
assumed. If you read the IRA website like I do - starting when Clinton was 
around 1995, we might come with the same conclusion.) and the KKK Democrats 
> http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=Y5i_BUA49RI&feat

[FairfieldLife] Fall of the Roman Empire, much like the USA today, why?

2008-02-07 Thread Napoleon Lupei
Drought & water pollution did it. Somewhat like Global Warming.
  Our brain is over 60% water. If you feed your brain with the wrong kind of 
water, you are going to get fat, sick, older and dead faster than you can 
  I can say lobbyists & politicians or rigged elections or bias did it. 
  For example: http://www.americanchemistry.com/chlorine/. Do you know how big 
and powerful this industry is? Some 25 years ago, some experts declared that 
chlorine causes cancer and heart disease and yet to this very day, it is still 
mixed in our water.
  In Rome, how did they get these chemicals into their system? Well, they drank 
a lot. And the bronze or gold or silver cup they used were manufactured using 
chemicals and are highly decorated using some deadly chemicals that once you 
pour that wine into that cup, those deadly chemicals got mixed into the  drink.


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[FairfieldLife] Prelude to Election 2008: Mass Foreclosures

2008-02-06 Thread Napoleon Lupei
  Prelude to Election 2008: Mass Foreclosures
  True or False: Most of our problems today (Foreclosures, Bankruptcies, High 
   Interest Credit Cards, Jobs going overseas) 
would not be existing 
   if JFK did not die.
  True or False: Julius Ceasar was assassinated in the Senate. So, there could 
be killers in 
  the Senate. In 2002 Bernanke's speech, the FED committed the Great 
Depression. So, 
  if there is a killer in the US Senate, it must be Rockefeller. If the FED 
committed the Great Depression, doing JFK was nothing. 
  The following link is Bernanke's speech declaring the FED (Rockefeller & 
Company) committed the Great Depression. He said it before the last paragraph.
  Good or Bad: Rockefeller is a Democrat. He is the Head of Senate Intel: 
Mastermind. The President follows or execute or enforces the laws. The economy 
sucks; in Nevada foreclosure in 2007 increased 200% - doubled. The year before 
that, 2006, foreclosure went more than (around) 345%. That means in 2007, in 
Nevada, some 900,000 homes went into foreclosure, and Rockefeller was the 
Mastermind. Vote NOT a Democrat.
  The scheme to make everybody poor (Nevada Population is less than 2 million) 
in Nevada  will become much clearer to you if you read and understand the US 
Democrat Top Secret PPS23. 
  There it says, the plan was to keep disparity between rich and poor. BUT what 
do they really mean? Or what did they truly plan? There's a saying "action 
speaks louder than words". If we are going to base it on the Great Depression, 
then they planned to make everybody POOR. 
  This plan was made public by Ronald Reagan in his speech before the 
Conference of Catholic Bishops when he was President. That means, they planned. 
These foreclosures is not because of bad economy or oil shortage. It is because 
that is their plan. How? By making laws favorable to this plan. Like here in 
Nevada, you can get fired from your job for doing good or no reason at all. 
Like, we got no usury laws. This makes it imperative for them to keep winning 
elections. And if they have to kill, they will kill.

  Quote of the Week
"We have not seen a nationwide decline in housing like this since the Great 
Depression" ~ Wells Fargo Chief Executive John Stumpf referring to the U.S. 
Housing Market 
http://www.dailyrec koning.com. au/greenback/ 2008/02/04/
  Haven't you noticed, whoever wins this election (except when Ron Paul wins) 
Rockefeller (Federal Reserve - the Big Boss & owner of the Irish Republican 
Army - assumed. If you read the IRA website like I do - starting when Clinton 
was President around 1995, we might come with the same conclusion.) and the KKK 
Democrats wins. 
  http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=Y5i_BUA49RI&feature=related
  For example: 
  John McCain - in 1980 when Bill Clinton was Atty. Gen of Arkansas, they said 
the highest Irish Republican Army Officer in the USA was Clinton. Some say this 
guy McCain is nice &  funny. He was born in Panama Canal - not a US Territory 
and that makes him not a natural born citizen and not qualified to run for 
  "Natural Born Citizen" - "is where ONLY the natural act of one being born in 
a place determines the status of ones citizenship with no additional 
stipulations necessary to influence that status" 
Excerpts from transcript:
  MR. RUSSERT: Before you go, I want to show a tape of Bill Clinton, the former 
president, talking about you and Hillary Clinton. Let's watch?
  PRES. BILL CLINTON (D-AR): (From videotape.) She and John McCain are very 
close. They always laughed that if they wound up being the nominees of their 
party, it would be the most civilized election in American history, and they're 
afraid they'd put the voters to sleep because they like and respect each other.
  MR. RUSSERT: Do you accept the endorsement?
  SEN. McCAIN: I thank Senator Clinton for his endorsement. 

  Romney - from Massachusetts, the New Ireland, where it was said all four 9/11 
planes came from. The problem is - a lot of people are challenging that 
  GLEN ELLYN, Ill.—Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign has apparently 
decided it's not enough to challenge John McCain for the Republican nomination 
on Super Tuesday. Today he’s lumping McCain in with Democratic contenders 
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, saying the three senators are 
  The above is the only thing I can agree with him. McCain is a Democrat 
running as a GOP. And I can believe him because "it takes a thief to catch a 
thief" and he is my authority on that opinion.

  Huckabee: D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ice Breaker: JFK vs The Federal Reserve

2008-01-22 Thread Napoleon Lupei
The answers are in the material if you will just take the time to read it from 
top to bottom.

The Secret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Napoleon Lupei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> True or False: 
> MOST of our problems would have not existed today if JFK did not
> JFK Vs The Federal Reserve
> By John P. Curran> 4-19-7 
> On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree,
Executive Order 0, was signed with the
authority to 
> basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money
to the United 
> States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen,
President Kennedy 
> declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be
out of 
> business. The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched
this matter 
> through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. We can now
safely conclude 
> that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or
superceded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is
still valid. 

I could swear that I heard on NPR some years ago that the Federal
Reserve Board was part of the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH and that it made it's
money by clearing checks. How interesting to go back and read the
Constitution http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html#A1Sec8 . I've
tried to read it at the National Archives and each time I launch into
it I get shooed away I guess in fear that I might be planning on
doing the document harm. Hmm. Maybe next time I'm in the district I
could ask some friends I do some work with every now and then to
intervene. Then again, even they might not want to touch that one. 

Interesting what the powers of Congress are. Like for
example "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign
Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;". 

Can anyone tell me which branch of the government the Federal Reserve
is in? Yes, I see it listed as an independent agency. But agency
implies Executive Branch, yes, no? 

It's kind of looking like the Federal Reserve can be regulated by
Executive Orders.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
matter and those who matter don't mind. -- Dr. Seuss

"I love you just the way you are." -- Mr. Rogers


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.   
   George Santayana, The Life of Reason, Volume 1, 1905   - More quotations on: 
[The Past] 

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