Re: [FairfieldLife] The US trails its peers in fighting COVID-19

2020-07-17 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Please Dick this Covid thing is NOT a disaster. It is a politically
motivated hit job on our President and the death rate is comparable to the
yearly flu losses. Yet fascists in power in our country have succeeded in
shutting down our economy and harming millions of Americans and destroying
the rights of individual American citizens.

Please stop the propaganda campaign. When you have the Personal God in your
corner who is afraid of COVID-19? This is ALL politics brother; Marxist
takeover of America.

Trump 2020!!!

Give me a break!


Peter Rousseau

On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 10:57 AM Dick Mays
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Stay Safe and Healthy.
> The US trails its peers in fighting COVID-19
> … The [COVID-19] disaster in the US is perhaps best expressed in
> comparison to other industrialized nations. States such as South Korea
> suffocated the virus with aggressive measures while Trump was still denying
> its threat. France and Italy suffered terribly, but science-based lockdowns
> kept in place until the pathogen was suppressed -- unlike the premature
> state openings demanded by Trump -- worked. Aggressive foreign governments
> from Australia to Hong Kong to Germany now pounce on outbreaks in a bid to
> forestall a major resurgence.
> France, with a population of 67 million, reported 534 new cases of
> Covid-19 on Thursday and 18 new deaths. Florida, where 21 million live, put
> up 13,965 new cases and a new record of 156 deaths on a day its pro-Trump
> Gov. Ron DeSantis blamed the media for the virus running out of control.
> ...


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

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[FairfieldLife] [FairfieldLife] JOIN NOW! Ringo Starr's Big (80th) Birthday Show at 7:00 CDT

2020-07-27 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Hey Dick,

Black Lives Matter. Really! Are you serious? Black Lives do not matter; only 
Black Votes Matter. 329 dead in Chicago this year and nobody gives a rip. 

The DLF should not want to share billing with the Marxist destroyers in the BLM 

Neither should you support those America Hating Creep Marxists. Wake up Man!!! 
I thought meditation elevated consciousness.

Give me a break!

Peter Rousseau

Re: [FairfieldLife] [FairfieldLife] JOIN NOW! to appalud TRUMPS actions & 4 more years frely epressed in an open but NOT hostile form

2020-07-28 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
atet theft of intellictual property
> with mecanisms in place to fine or punish same in other manors as terrifs..
> Beging to have China purchase more goods & services from us as farm
> products with set standardes to be met as agreed to.
> Remove the 49 % restrictions on our coroprations doing business there now..
> & removed forced shareing or propritary info to do business there.
> On & On if interesed see Trimp administrations for the past three plus
> years on the net.
> Forgive the spelling errors written in hast & sent in hast with out proper
> review to my regret  hopefully NOT yours as well! smile & meditate more
> with me to continue to evolve toward the light with in us all make it shine
> brighter & remove my many imperfactions so I may continur to laugh at
> myself! With malice toward none but the darkness!
> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife] <
> To:
> Sent: Mon, Jul 27, 2020 9:59 pm
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] [FairfieldLife] JOIN NOW! Ringo Starr's Big
> (80th) Birthday Show at 7:00 CDT
> Hey Dick,
> Black Lives Matter. Really! Are you serious? Black Lives do not matter;
> only Black Votes Matter. 329 dead in Chicago this year and nobody gives a
> rip.
> The DLF should not want to share billing with the Marxist destroyers in
> the BLM movement.
> Neither should you support those America Hating Creep Marxists. Wake up
> Man!!! I thought meditation elevated consciousness.
> Give me a break!
> Peter Rousseau
> Posted by: Peter Rousseau 
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to:
> and click 'Join This Group!'
> Yahoo Groups Links


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Excellent social distancing advice

2020-08-16 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Use Amrit Kalash and Ambrosia to improve the ability of the nervous system
to fight illness and then forget about COVID 19. We are living in the midst
of trillions of viruses; does anyone really think that this one is the one
that will kill us all? Plus as meditators we live in the Grace of the
Personal God protecting us from 'anishtam'. or catastrophe. Live a normal
life realizing what a diamond Mahesh placed around your neck and forget
this paltry faintheartedness. It was good enough for Arjuna.

On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 1:40 PM Dick Mays
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Please check my friend Jim Collins' excellent advice from Dr. Erin Bromage
> on how to improve our social distancing skills and prevent Covid-19.


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

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immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely
from your computer system. Thank you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: MEET The Biden Family

2020-09-01 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]

Thank you for this post regarding the myth of Joe Biden the people's

Four more Years!!!

On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 1:54 PM William Leed [FairfieldLife] <> wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: Don Loos 
> Sent: Mon, Aug 31, 2020 8:46 pm
> Subject: FW: MEET The Biden Family
> Subject: Fwd: FW: MEET The Biden Family
> The Biden Family
> In 2017, Joe Biden’s niece, Caroline Biden, stole $100,000 through a
> credit card scam, aka, GRAND LARCENY, but was able to cut a deal with
> DEMOCRATIC NY prosecutor and got off scott free without either jail time or
> probation. This was her second arrest. She was able to deal her way out of
> the first one too. She has also been to rehab numerous times.
> Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was kicked out of the Navy for failing a
> cocaine drug test. More: HOW DID HE EVER GET A Naval Officers direct
> COMMISSION?  Daddy fixed it!
> Then Hunter divorced his wife, mother of his three daughters, after a year
> long affair, to marry his brother’s widow.   WHAT!!??
> Over the course of the divorce, Hunter drained hundreds of thousands of
> dollars from the couple's assets by "spending extravagantly on his own
> interests" (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts
> for women with whom he had sexual relations), while leaving the family
> with insufficient funds to pay legitimate bills. It actually was worse than
> that, all outlined here:
> And this is all on top of the BILLIONS in compensation his father
> dubiously arranged for him from communist China and Ukraine.
> Biden ’s daughter, Ashley Biden Krein, has been arrested several times for
> drug charges. While he was V.P., she was videoed snorting cocaine, but the
> news media decided that wasn't newsworthy and decided not to publish the
> video. She hid out in the Veep's Delaware home for a week or so until
> things blew over.
> Okay….. all God’s children got problems….but Damn., what if these
> things had occurred with Trump's children The Trump kids are apparently
> above reproach (if they weren't the media would surely have discovered it
> by now), and Biden has a passel of miscreants.. But the Democrats are not
> interested in subpoenaing all of the Biden children's bank and credit card
> accounts, are they? Why haven't we heard any of this from the networks, or
> read it in the "great" national newspapers?
> Nothing to see here!   Just move along! …….Really?


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

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Re: [FairfieldLife] New York Times: College towns around America becoming coronavirus hot spots, including Iowa City

2020-09-06 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]

I am not impressed by your degrees. Meaningless really! The only real
knowing comes from within and not from academic training. If you think the
New York Times is a reputable news source I am helpless in assisting you to
understand how wrong you are! Half the country would disagree with you, at

The quality of my discerning mind qualifies me to know Truth and falsehood
when I see it. Isn't that the point of our meditation, to really SEE, and
know the difference? That is the result of my dedication, discipline and
devotion to the Ishtadeva! I state this not to gloat but simply to state a
fact. That is precisely why I have meditated all these years; to acquire
this intuitive faculty of mind, so I could KNOW!

Best Wishes,

Peter Rousseau
Meditator 50 years Nov.19, 2020

On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 12:11 PM Theresa Olson
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Thank you Dick for this most informative article.  When my husband and I
> go to Iowa City these days, I can sense sickness in the air.   Before it
> was not so bad. I think there is only one case so far.
> I read what Peter wrote you.  I do not think he is qualified to comment on
> the quality of journalism.  NY Times is excellent and engaging and
> investigative.  The paper has the reputation for ferreting out the truth
> that remains hidden underneath.  Right now the country needs truth, not
> conspiracy theories.
> Please continue to share such stories with the community.  You are a
> valued source of accurate information.
> Sincerely
> Theresa Olson, ma, ms, mdci, PhD.
> On Sep 6, 2020, at 10:08 AM, Dick Mays [FairfieldLife]
>  wrote:
> From today’s New York Times
> <06weekend-briefing-slide-SVYS-articleLarge.jpg>
> Kathryn Gamble for The New York Times
> 4. College towns around America are becoming coronavirus hot spots.
> About 100 college communities
>  across
> the country, including Iowa City, above, have seen an increase in
> coronavirus cases in recent weeks as students return for the fall semester.
> The potential spread of the virus off-campus has deeply affected
> workplaces, schools, governments and other institutions in local
> communities.
> In the U.S., at least 51,000 coronavirus cases and at least 60 deaths from
> the virus can be traced to American colleges and universities, a Times
> survey found
> .


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

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immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely
from your computer system. Thank you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] New York Times: College towns around America becoming coronavirus hot spots, including Iowa City

2020-09-06 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]

I told you the Truth as I see it. I fail to see the invective in what I
said. The degrees are not impressive to me. You included them in your
initial message. What was the purpose in that addition? Impress me,
intimidate me? I have a B.A. and I could care less about it. I didn't
include it in my message because it doesn't matter. Today's Universities
are hardly the Academy of Plato, and M.A., Phd degrees,etc. do not confirm
that one really knows anything, do they? At best, some relative, evanescent
information. As I mentioned before, true learning comes from within; not
from living in an academic environment or reading books and studying
incessantly. MMY said that many times! Yes, compassion is important, but
misplaced compassion is foolishness and enabling. You are so full of love
to wish me a karmic debt. Thank you for your kindness! I certainly didn't
wish such a thing upon you and I still do not. Is that a karmic debt for

I suspect that I hurt your feelings in my initial response. For that I do

I thought that your support of a journalistic failure such as the NYTimes
was mind numbing. If you do not like that comment it is hardly invective.
It is my opinion on that journalistic device. Other publications do a much
better job than the Times. Perhaps you should look elsewhere for

Whatever I have come to gain from my meditation I gain from the Personal
God, in the purusha, and Maheshji was His agent and I honor Him best by
practicing unfailingly his meditation method as I have done for 50 years.


On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 2:23 PM Theresa Olson
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Maharishi designed my education so you also do not respect him.  He
> trained me in journalism; obviously you lack his training.
> Consciousness based is compassion based.
> Light of life nourishes, you need to learn how to do that.
> Yes, poison is effective, but you will need to be reborn to pay off the
> karmic debt you are encurring by spreading invective.
> Avert your danger.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 6, 2020, at 11:58 AM, Peter Rousseau
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> Teresa,
> I am not impressed by your degrees. Meaningless really! The only real
> knowing comes from within and not from academic training. If you think the
> New York Times is a reputable news source I am helpless in assisting you to
> understand how wrong you are! Half the country would disagree with you, at
> least.
> The quality of my discerning mind qualifies me to know Truth and falsehood
> when I see it. Isn't that the point of our meditation, to really SEE, and
> know the difference? That is the result of my dedication, discipline and
> devotion to the Ishtadeva! I state this not to gloat but simply to state a
> fact. That is precisely why I have meditated all these years; to acquire
> this intuitive faculty of mind, so I could KNOW!
> Best Wishes,
> Peter Rousseau
> Meditator 50 years Nov.19, 2020
> On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 12:11 PM Theresa Olson
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
>> Thank you Dick for this most informative article.  When my husband and I
>> go to Iowa City these days, I can sense sickness in the air.   Before it
>> was not so bad. I think there is only one case so far.
>> I read what Peter wrote you.  I do not think he is qualified to comment
>> on the quality of journalism.  NY Times is excellent and engaging and
>> investigative.  The paper has the reputation for ferreting out the truth
>> that remains hidden underneath.  Right now the country needs truth, not
>> conspiracy theories.
>> Please continue to share such stories with the community.  You are a
>> valued source of accurate information.
>> Sincerely
>> Theresa Olson, ma, ms, mdci, PhD.
>> On Sep 6, 2020, at 10:08 AM, Dick Mays
>> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
>> From today’s New York Times
>> <06weekend-briefing-slide-SVYS-articleLarge.jpg>
>> Kathryn Gamble for The New York Times
>> 4. College towns around America are becoming coronavirus hot spots.
>> About 100 college communities
>> <

Re: [FairfieldLife] New York Times: College towns around America becoming coronavirus hot spots, including Iowa City

2020-09-06 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Hey Rick nice try but you know nothing about the organic quality of my body
coming in; or the constellation pattern governing my development; I know
nothing of yours. So, you cannot really speak to the issue regarding my
perspective or my capacity to discern Truth per se; I would not question
yours. Let's just say I know my intuitional development from my experience.
That seems MMY sustainable. It is not based upon 50 years only. 50 years
taking into account the organic advantages or disadvantages of 1 person's
nervous system when compared to another. I am not comparing you, or Teresa
and myself here. I am just making the point. The body you came in with is a
very big thing to consider here. Some can go faster than others and some
favor certain abilities versus another person. Maybe you just do not like
anyone speaking with certainty and confidence I suspect, and you
immediately take a contrary perspective. That is perfectly fine. I get it
and it is more interesting than what gets posted usually on this site.

Take Care!

On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 6:02 PM Rick Archer
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Peter, you weren’t claiming a subjective opinion. You were claiming to
> KNOW it due to your 50 years of meditation. Even now you’re capitalizing
> Truth as if your view of the NY Times is absolute because of your years of
> meditation. Well I’ve been meditating 52 years and have never missed one.
> Does that make my view more valid? Theresa’s got us both beat by about 10
> years. If the number of years spent meditating is an indicator of
> infallibility, then we should both defer to her. Here’s an objective media
> bias chart:
> The New York Times scores way better than Fox News, if that’s what you’re
> alluding to.
> Rick Archer
> Buddha at the Gas Pump
> *From:* 
> *Sent:* Sunday, September 6, 2020 2:44 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] New York Times: College towns around
> America becoming coronavirus hot spots, including Iowa City
> Teresa,
> I told you the Truth as I see it. I fail to see the invective in what I
> said. The degrees are not impressive to me. You included them in your
> initial message. What was the purpose in that addition? Impress me,
> intimidate me? I have a B.A. and I could care less about it. I didn't
> include it in my message because it doesn't matter. Today's Universities
> are hardly the Academy of Plato, and M.A., Phd degrees,etc. do not confirm
> that one really knows anything, do they? At best, some relative, evanescent
> information. As I mentioned before, true learning comes from within; not
> from living in an academic environment or reading books and studying
> incessantly. MMY said that many times! Yes, compassion is important, but
> misplaced compassion is foolishness and enabling. You are so full of love
> to wish me a karmic debt. Thank you for your kindness! I certainly didn't
> wish such a thing upon you and I still do not. Is that a karmic debt for
> you?
> I suspect that I hurt your feelings in my initial response. For that I do
> apologize!
> I thought that your support of a journalistic failure such as the NYTimes
> was mind numbing. If you do not like that comment it is hardly invective.
> It is my opinion on that journalistic device. Other publications do a much
> better job than the Times. Perhaps you should look elsewhere for
> information.
> Whatever I have come to gain from my meditation I gain from the Personal
> God, in the purusha, and Maheshji was His agent and I honor Him best by
> practicing unfailingly his meditation method as I have done for 50 years.
> Namaste🙏
> On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 2:23 PM Theresa Olson
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> Maharishi designed my education so you also do not respect him.  He
> trained me in journalism; obviously you lack his training.
> Consciousness based is compassion based.
> Light of life nourishes, you need to learn how to do that.
> Yes, poison is effective, but you will need to be reborn to pay off the
> karmic debt you are encurring by spreading invective.
> Avert your danger.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 6, 2020, at 11:58 AM, Peter Rousseau
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> Teresa,
> I am not impressed by your degrees. Meaningless really! The only real
> knowing comes from within and not from aca

Re: [FairfieldLife] New York Times: College towns around America becoming coronavirus hot spots, including Iowa City

2020-09-06 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Mega hugs to Theresa. Kindness is so kind. I will strive for it.

On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 6:59 PM Theresa Olson
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 1:42 PM Rick Archer
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
>> Thank you Rick and Marty and Dick and hugs to Peter.
> Dick, yes my niece and grand niece came down with Covid back in March.
> Recovered but a scary time. Then there is a former friend of my stepson who
> tested positive but came out ok after quarantine. Another grand niece went
> to Alabama, from So Cal, to attend university there and has tested
> positive. She is quarantined and not so well. I am sure there are more.
> Tougher on the parents. So far no deaths.
> Rick. You created a belly laugh, thank you. I have found it challenging
> interacting with folks in Fairfield after the paradise of teaching TM in
> Maryland. Covid created a nice excuse to just stay quiet and at home.   I
> do love caring for animals. Unconditional love and trust, even among the
> wild ones. They teach me what compassion truly is.  Fascinating. I  get why
> God is so great: that infinite compassion for the constantly erring human..
> How lucky we are to have examples of living compassion surrounding us in
> thought, word and deed. Ma comes to mind.
> And Dick, and  Peter, the only way we can make wise and intelligent
> decisions is by having a platform that presents varying points of view.
> Maharishi used to suggest, get at least 3 Jyotishis not just one. See the
> patterns.  Truth remains steadfast.
> But be kind to one another.
> Consciousness and kindness
> Oh another thing Maharishi would constantly say to me: “Don’t expect
> perfection in the relative”. By its very nature it fluctuates.  But we
> don’t need to find fault with others either.
> Love knows no barriers. Love unifies. Let’s start living that 24/7.
> Love to you all
> Theresa
>> Fairfield is full of crazy people who think they KNOW. And also plenty of
>> sane ones. There are a few guys on Purusha who believe (or maybe they would
>> say they KNOW) that the earth is flat. 50 years of meditation does not
>> insure sensibility.
>> This might add to the discussion:
>> by James D. Rietveld and his daughter Kristina V. Rietveld
>> Originally my daughter and I posted this in August of 2016--this figures
>> in her academic field as well (Communications), but with all the CONSPIRACY
>> THEORIES going on as related to the CORONA VIRUS I've seen on
>> Facebook and other places, this information is relevant again. Obviously,
>> I am not doubting the legitimacy of the Virus itself or what it is doing,
>> but I see many additional "spins" that are the product of conspiratorial
>> thinking!
>> I am teaching a course on Conspiracy Theories as related to the Social
>> Sciences in the Fall at Cal Poly Pomona.
>> So let's get started:
>>A Scientific Theory can be proven false, while a Conspiracy Theory
>>can become more elaborate to accommodate new observations and so is
>>difficult to disprove, morphing so as to circumvent possible challenges to
>>the legitimacy of
>>the theory.
>>A Scientific Theory is not necessarily based upon a distrust of
>>authority, while a Conspiracy Theory often has the distrust of authority
>>and expert opinion at its central root. “Expert opinion" here is defined 
>> as
>>opinions as expressed
>>by government studies, academic research, and privatized think-tanks.
>>They avoid evidence that goes through any legitimate peer review process.
>>A Scientific Theory always examines the totality of the body of
>>evidence within the context of any given proposition, while a Conspiracy
>>Theory will typically “cherry pick” through the evidence, finding what
>>supports the already
>>pre-believed and conceived proposition and disregard evidence that
>>goes contrary to it..
>>Conspiracy Theories often involve what is called a “monological
>>belief system,” whereby any and all events can be explained by a web of
>>interconnected conspiracies, often reflecting the individual’s personal
>>sense of paranoia.
>>They often operate like a web, where there is a central truth, but
>>the Conspiracy Therapist focuses upon the interconnectedness of everything
>>as opposed to going through a step-by-step process..
>>Scientific Theorists apply critical thinking skills and are often
>>skeptics, while Conspiracy Theorists are NOT Skeptics 

Re: [FairfieldLife] << o >> VEDIC WATER << o >>

2020-09-09 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Such a beautiful image and perfect analogy for the Reality of existence.


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

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PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE, and (b) is intended only for the use of
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immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely
from your computer system. Thank you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Sadhguru's motorcycle tour of spiritual America

2020-09-21 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
I must admit to never having heard of the 'Sadguru' per se; The idea of
this effort is interesting though. Claiming to be a 'Sadguru' is quite an
assumption. I would not know how to prove the validity of the claim.
Therefore I would not validate it by referring to him in that context. I
just do not know; but the trip and the motive for it is refreshing and cool..

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 12:13 PM William Leed
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: William Leed 
> To: William Leed 
> Sent: Mon, Sep 21, 2020 12:09 pm
> Subject: Fwd: Sadhguru's motorcycle tour of spiritual America
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: *Dean Michael Anderson* 
> Date: Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 9:31 AM
> Subject: Sadhguru's motorcycle tour of spiritual America
> To: Dean Anderson 
> OF Motorcycle And Mystic |Spritual America |SadhguruExclusive
> OF Motorcycle And Mystic |Spritual America |SadhguruExclusive


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is of, or may be
PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE, and (b) is intended only for the use of
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addressee, you are hereby notified that reading, using, copying, or
distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this electronic mail message in error, please contact us
immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely
from your computer system. Thank you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Former Pfizer executive says covid-19 “pandemic is over,” so-called “second wave” based on fraudulent testing

2020-10-02 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
I agree completely with the evaluation Of Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer
executive, on this COVID-19 pandemic hysteria. For political gain, and to
destroy President Donald Trump, the political Left in the US has scared the
American people to death over something with no more lethality than the
yearly flu; we shut down the country, destroyed small business, closed the
schools, printed trillions of dollars of fake money, caused 30 million
people to be unemployed, robbed people of their constitutional rights, and,
in many cases, mandated that people wear masks that are probably filthy
from overuse and ineffective in the first place, to save us from the plague
of the century; only it isn't true. It is fake, a phony crisis. If it was
not so deeply tragic it would be hilariously funny. Even the corrupt Romans
would have been hard pressed to think up a scheme as bad as this one has
proven to be; and they were masters at it.


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is of, or may be
PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE, and (b) is intended only for the use of
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from your computer system. Thank you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] > WHO & other experts now ADMIT global economic shutdowns for COVID-19 are WRONG

2020-10-22 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Amen! Finally.

On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 12:51 AM email4you
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> In a reversal few saw coming but most understand, officials from the World
> Health Organization (WHO) has finally condemned the global economic
> shutdowns.  Far from saving people’s lives, *these shutdowns have in
> their estimation caused “irreparable damage” to citizens of the world* –
> especially the most vulnerable among us – and have sparked a concerning
> upward trend of poverty and mental health issues.
> The concern is so widespread and severe that epidemiologists from Stanford
> University, Oxford University, and Harvard University have put together a
> petition  calling to finally end the unethical
> madness of COVID lockdowns.
>  *
> Lockdowns for COVID Fail to Help | NaturalHealth365
> Lockdowns for COVID Fail to Help | NaturalHealth365
> (NaturalHealth365) The World Health Organization and other experts now
> admit that COVID lockdowns are a big mist...
> In a reversal few saw coming but most understand, officials from the World
> Health Organization (WHO) has finally condemned the global economic
> shutdowns.  Far from saving people’s lives, *these shutdowns have in
> their estimation caused “irreparable damage” to citizens of the world* –
> especially the most vulnerable among us – and have sparked a concerning
> upward trend of poverty and mental health issues.
> The concern is so widespread and severe that epidemiologists from Stanford
> University, Oxford University, and Harvard University have put together a
> petition  calling to finally end the unethical
> madness of COVID lockdowns.
> Great Barrington Declaration and Petition
> As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have
> grave concerns about the damaging phy...


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is of, or may be
PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE, and (b) is intended only for the use of
the Addressee (s) named herein. If you are not the intended recipient, an
addressee, you are hereby notified that reading, using, copying, or
distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this electronic mail message in error, please contact us
immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely
from your computer system. Thank you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Invisible Rainbow >> A History of Electricity and Life

2020-11-06 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Congratulations on your analysis. You are spot on! 99%+ survival rate but
look what we did to destroy many people's lives; add trillions to the
national debt, see hard working business people have to close their
business after years of effort. Evil and good fighting it out in the Higher
realms but this fight is far from over.

Thank you for discerning this and declaring it for all to see and reflect

'Politics is folly'  Plotinus 4th century Neo-Platonist. It sure is! How
can we fool them today is the attitude and deceit is the method; and
because the Universe is structured in Pure Integrity this approach must
necessarily and ultimately fail. The Gods will not allow it to stand!

Jai Guru Deva

Peter Rousseau

On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 2:17 PM Bhairitu
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> You'll be happy to know that the pandemic is over now that silly season
> is over.  Indeed it was much politicized including Amy Goodman at the
> opening for her Democracy Now! show over summer giving the daily covid
> stats.  Nary a mention of it today.
> As I've said elsewhere what they should have done was convene a group of
> leading scientists and epidemiologists rather than relying on Fauci when
> about August they would have come up with solutions.
> On 11/5/20 7:14 PM, Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]
> wrote:
> >
> > Interesting. I spent about 20 minutes skimming this. When I read
> > things like this, including the conflicting information about Covid
> > flying around, I wish that science could operate without economic or
> > political influence to determine what’s really going on. Since it
> > can’t, and since I’m not in a position to do this research, I can’t
> > reach firm conclusions. But for various reasons, including the health
> > issues covered in this article, I don’t use a cell phone.
> >
> > Buddha at the Gas Pump
> >
> >
> >
> > *From:* 
> > *Sent:* Sunday, November 1, 2020 5:18 PM
> > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The Invisibel Rainbow >> A History of
> > Electricity and Life
> >
> > This remarkably well-documented and -referenced book is a cornerstone
> > in the
> > sense that it traces the deployment of electricity in our
> > civilization, in terms of its interaction with living organisms, from
> > its initial discovery in the 1740s all the way to our time, and even
> > projected into the future.
> >
> > surprisingly without speaking about, it also explains 2020 ...
> >
> > just enjoy the summary ...
> >
> >


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is of, or may be
PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE, and (b) is intended only for the use of
the Addressee (s) named herein. If you are not the intended recipient, an
addressee, you are hereby notified that reading, using, copying, or
distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this electronic mail message in error, please contact us
immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely
from your computer system. Thank you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Invisible Rainbow >> A History of Electricity and Life

2020-11-06 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Covid totals mean nothing if 99%+ survive. Also, co-morbidities have
resulted in most of the deaths; not Covid.Total deaths go way down
considering the presence of diabetes, COPD etc; and hospitals are
misleading us in the reports. Liars use statistics folks if they or their
perspective benefits.

On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 3:14 PM Bhairitu
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Do you have the EXACT numbers, Rick?  How are they being tested? With
> those worthless PCR tests?  What planet or movie are you living in? ;)
> On 11/6/20 11:58 AM, Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]
> wrote:
> >
> > Not sure what planet you live on but in the US here on Earth current
> > daily Covid totals are recording-breaking.
> >
> > Rick Archer
> >
> > Buddha at the Gas Pump
> >
> >
> >
> > *From:* 
> > *Sent:* Friday, November 6, 2020 1:18 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Invisible Rainbow >> A History of
> > Electricity and Life
> >
> > You'll be happy to know that the pandemic is over now that silly season
> > is over.  Indeed it was much politicized including Amy Goodman at the
> > opening for her Democracy Now! show over summer giving the daily covid
> > stats.  Nary a mention of it today.
> >
> > As I've said elsewhere what they should have done was convene a group of
> > leading scientists and epidemiologists rather than relying on Fauci when
> > about August they would have come up with solutions.
> >
> > On 11/5/20 7:14 PM, Rick Archer
> >  [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> > >
> > > Interesting. I spent about 20 minutes skimming this. When I read
> > > things like this, including the conflicting information about Covid
> > > flying around, I wish that science could operate without economic or
> > > political influence to determine what’s really going on. Since it
> > > can’t, and since I’m not in a position to do this research, I can’t
> > > reach firm conclusions. But for various reasons, including the health
> > > issues covered in this article, I don’t use a cell phone.
> > >
> > > Buddha at the Gas Pump
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > *From:*
> >   > >
> > > *Sent:* Sunday, November 1, 2020 5:18 PM
> > > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The Invisibel Rainbow >> A History of
> > > Electricity and Life
> > >
> > > This remarkably well-documented and -referenced book is a cornerstone
> > > in the
> > > sense that it traces the deployment of electricity in our
> > > civilization, in terms of its interaction with living organisms, from
> > > its initial discovery in the 1740s all the way to our time, and even
> > > projected into the future.
> > >
> > > surprisingly without speaking about, it also explains 2020 ...
> > >
> > > just enjoy the summary ...
> > >
> > >
> >
> >


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is of, or may be
PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE, and (b) is intended only for the use of
the Addressee (s) named herein. If you are not the intended recipient, an
addressee, you are hereby notified that reading, using, copying, or
distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this electronic mail message in error, please contact us
immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely
from your computer system. Thank you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Invisible Rainbow >> A History of Electricity and Life

2020-11-06 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Irrelevant Marty. These people were seriously weakened by the presence of
significant underlying diseases. Those diseases and a weakened immune
function led to their deaths much more exactly than the presence of Covid.

On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 9:29 PM Marty Davis
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Tell the 220,000 people who have died that it’s not a big deal.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 6, 2020, at 4:13 PM, Peter Rousseau
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> Covid totals mean nothing if 99%+ survive. Also, co-morbidities have
> resulted in most of the deaths; not Covid.Total deaths go way down
> considering the presence of diabetes, COPD etc; and hospitals are
> misleading us in the reports. Liars use statistics folks if they or their
> perspective benefits.
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 3:14 PM Bhairitu
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
>> Do you have the EXACT numbers, Rick?  How are they being tested? With
>> those worthless PCR tests?  What planet or movie are you living in? ;)
>> On 11/6/20 11:58 AM, Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Not sure what planet you live on but in the US here on Earth current
>> > daily Covid totals are recording-breaking.
>> >
>> > Rick Archer
>> >
>> > Buddha at the Gas Pump
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > *From:* 
>> > *Sent:* Friday, November 6, 2020 1:18 PM
>> > *To:*
>> > *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Invisible Rainbow >> A History of
>> > Electricity and Life
>> >
>> > You'll be happy to know that the pandemic is over now that silly season
>> > is over.  Indeed it was much politicized including Amy Goodman at the
>> > opening for her Democracy Now! show over summer giving the daily covid
>> > stats.  Nary a mention of it today.
>> >
>> > As I've said elsewhere what they should have done was convene a group of
>> > leading scientists and epidemiologists rather than relying on Fauci when
>> > about August they would have come up with solutions.
>> >
>> > On 11/5/20 7:14 PM, Rick Archer
>> > <> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Interesting. I spent about 20 minutes skimming this. When I read
>> > > things like this, including the conflicting information about Covid
>> > > flying around, I wish that science could operate without economic or
>> > > political influence to determine what’s really going on. Since it
>> > > can’t, and since I’m not in a position to do this research, I can’t
>> > > reach firm conclusions. But for various reasons, including the health
>> > > issues covered in this article, I don’t use a cell phone.
>> > >
>> > > Buddha at the Gas Pump
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > *From:*
>> > <> > > <>>
>> > > *Sent:* Sunday, November 1, 2020 5:18 PM
>> > > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The Invisibel Rainbow >> A History of
>> > > Electricity and Life
>> > >
>> > > This remarkably well-documented and -referenced book is a cornerstone
>> > > in the
>> > > sense that it traces the deployment of electricity in our
>> > > civilization, in terms of its interaction with living organisms, from
>> > > its initial discovery in the 1740s all the way to our time, and even
>> > > projected into the future.
>> > >
>> > > surprisingly without speaking about, it also explains 2020 ...
>> > >
>> > > just enjoy the summary ...
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
> --
> *Thank You,*
> *Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
> *Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*
> *Phone: 804-564-1385*
> Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520
> ** 
> This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is of, or may
> PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE, and (b) is intended only for the use of
> the Addressee (s) named herein. If you are not the intended recipient, an
> addressee, you are hereby notified that re

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Invisible Rainbow >> A History of Electricity and Life

2020-11-07 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
Common sense and clear intuition.

On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 10:11 PM Marty Davis
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> And your source of facts for these statements?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 6, 2020, at 4:36 PM, Peter Rousseau
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> Irrelevant Marty. These people were seriously weakened by the presence of
> significant underlying diseases. Those diseases and a weakened immune
> function led to their deaths much more exactly than the presence of Covid..
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 9:29 PM Marty Davis
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
>> Tell the 220,000 people who have died that it’s not a big deal.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 6, 2020, at 4:13 PM, Peter Rousseau
>> [FairfieldLife] > > wrote:
>> Covid totals mean nothing if 99%+ survive. Also, co-morbidities have
>> resulted in most of the deaths; not Covid.Total deaths go way down
>> considering the presence of diabetes, COPD etc; and hospitals are
>> misleading us in the reports. Liars use statistics folks if they or their
>> perspective benefits.
>> On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 3:14 PM Bhairitu
>> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
>>> Do you have the EXACT numbers, Rick?  How are they being tested? With
>>> those worthless PCR tests?  What planet or movie are you living in? ;)
>>> On 11/6/20 11:58 AM, Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Not sure what planet you live on but in the US here on Earth current
>>> > daily Covid totals are recording-breaking.
>>> >
>>> > Rick Archer
>>> >
>>> > Buddha at the Gas Pump
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > *From:* 
>>> > *Sent:* Friday, November 6, 2020 1:18 PM
>>> > *To:*
>>> > *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Invisible Rainbow >> A History of
>>> > Electricity and Life
>>> >
>>> > You'll be happy to know that the pandemic is over now that silly season
>>> > is over.  Indeed it was much politicized including Amy Goodman at the
>>> > opening for her Democracy Now! show over summer giving the daily covid
>>> > stats.  Nary a mention of it today.
>>> >
>>> > As I've said elsewhere what they should have done was convene a group
>>> of
>>> > leading scientists and epidemiologists rather than relying on Fauci
>>> when
>>> > about August they would have come up with solutions.
>>> >
>>> > On 11/5/20 7:14 PM, Rick Archer
>>> > <> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > Interesting. I spent about 20 minutes skimming this. When I read
>>> > > things like this, including the conflicting information about Covid
>>> > > flying around, I wish that science could operate without economic or
>>> > > political influence to determine what’s really going on. Since it
>>> > > can’t, and since I’m not in a position to do this research, I can’t
>>> > > reach firm conclusions. But for various reasons, including the health
>>> > > issues covered in this article, I don’t use a cell phone.
>>> > >
>>> > > Buddha at the Gas Pump
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > *From:*
>>> > <> >> > <>>
>>> > > *Sent:* Sunday, November 1, 2020 5:18 PM
>>> > > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The Invisibel Rainbow >> A History of
>>> > > Electricity and Life
>>> > >
>>> > > This remarkably well-documented and -referenced book is a cornerstone
>>> > > in the
>>> > > sense that it traces the deployment of electricity in our
>>> > > civilization, in terms of its interaction with living organisms, from
>>> > > its initial discovery in the 1740s all the way to our time, and even
>>> > > projected into the future.
>>> > >
>>> > > surprisingly without speaking about, it also explains 2020 ...
>>> > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] CDC: 59% of COVID cases are spread by people without symptoms

2020-11-22 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]

I am so glad that you are out there and responding. So many points were
made in your post that I simply cannot adequately respond in this format.
We would need to be in each other's presence. The Gita says, 'a little of
this yoga delivers from great fear'.

I will put my trust in the words of Krishna.

Happy Thanksgiving and have the whole family there.

On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 7:04 AM Share Long
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Hi Theresa, when I said pray to God but tie up yr camel, I meant, in this
> current context, meditate, but wear a mask, etc. Being well over 65,
> having
> Type A blood and high BP, what's common sense for me is to avoid going out
> as much as possible. But I pray for those suffering in hospitals and
> nursing homes and elsewhere. You too, be well, stay safe and radiate Truth.
> On Sunday, November 22, 2020, 02:03:42 AM CST, Theresa Olson
> [FairfieldLife] 
> wrote:
> Which explains why Guru Dev died of throat cancer and Maharishi from
> congestive heart failure.
> Maharishi regularly said to fight to stay alive. Fight! Active verb. Not a
> quiescent state of surrender.
> God helps those who help themselves.
> Avert danger before it arises.
> Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
> I think common sense must be the leading factor here.
> Show compassion by caring for others.
> Peter and Sharon. Since you both are so strong, please go and volunteer at
> the hospitals where folks are suffering. Uplift them with your darshan and
> tell them your messages ge. Hold them in your arms as they die and let them
> know your point of view.
> Prove to me you are invulnerable to this disease and then we will trust
> you.
> I know I am not.
>  Be well, stay safe and care.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 21, 2020, at 2:07 PM, Peter Rousseau
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> Not to be contentious as that is not my intention, I do not believe that
> you even have to worry about the camel. The Guru Dev stated that we should
> attach the mind, through our meditation, to Paramatma. That is the clear
> instruction. Then, Paramatma, seeing everywhere, even this very place,
> takes care of all the Devotees needs without PRAYER AND WITHOUT having to
> ask; because it is His nature to solve all the issues of his Devotees
> because he does not want them to suffer in any way. This is in His role as
> Almighty Father. As a father I can attest that I wish to do the very same
> thing for my children; unfortunately I am not Almighty.
> Jai Guru Dev!
> On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 1:41 PM Share Long
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> Pray to God. But tie up your camel.
> On Saturday, November 21, 2020, 12:01:40 PM CST, Peter Rousseau
> [FairfieldLife] 
> wrote:
> All Meditators,
> You are all Devotees of the Almighty, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Govinda. He
> is your Ishta Deva and the Ishta protects one from Anishtam(calamity)(per
> the Guru Dev). This is the promise of the Most High God! That is why we are
> Devoted to Him(Ishwara). Do we not realize this? This is why we do what we
> do; to eliminate from ourselves all limitation and weakness, living
> thereafter under the infinite protection of the Personal God.. He has
> promised to do this for all His Devotees. We need to be aware of this
> tremendous advantage that Mahesh-Ji has bestowed upon us; a Diamond of
> inestimable worth.
> If we know this and believe in the Infinite power of the Supreme Being, I
> ask a simple question, 'what are we afraid of? If we are afraid of this
> current pestilence, perhaps we do not realize the above and we are lacking
> in Faith which we still need to possess even though we are systematically
> replacing blind Faith with direct experience; a very big difference. Based
> upon our direct experience we have faith that what we have not experienced
> we will one day participate in.
> The Gods have no interest in causing the Devotees of Paramatma to suffer.
> If this were so, then our meditation is not what we have been told that it
> is and I know from my own experience that our meditation represents the
> Highest Spiritual teaching available to mankind on this earth.
> Please stop cowering in and spreading fear and reflect the power that we
> all are infusing daily from the Almighty Being to whom we are Devotees.
> Namaste🙏
> On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 11:16 AM Dick Mays
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
>- According to the CDC,

Re: [FairfieldLife] CDC: 59% of COVID cases are spread by people without symptoms

2020-11-22 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
My best advice would be stay strong and courageous and accept the
Prarabdha. Do not resent it as it is your own doing, or my own, speaking
for myself,  as is everything in the final analysis. This attitude has
helped me greatly. Whatever comes, comes and we must face it with courage.
I accepted this when confronted with the prices for Jyotish and Yagyas. I
said, 'the costs are ridiculous' and determined to take my destiny head on,
come what may and promptly forgot about both; trusting in the Personal God
for His protection and mercy.

I am sorry for the health issues John and you are facing. it will all be
okay. Know that we are all facing these realities. You are NOT alone. I
recently had a number of tests for dizziness. All checked out well. Eye
issues too! I do try to deal with things that I know and hate opinionism
really. I, like you, have worked to improve the quality of my mind. Most
have not ,because they do not possess the method or the discipline. That
results in opinionism in my book. We do, by the grace of God, have the
method to purify the mind and that is a huge difference maker, obviously. I
do have great confidence in my positions; perhaps too much certainty, but I
would never impose anything on anyone; I value compassion immensely as do
you; strength too, both are essential. I speak what I believe I know and
that all comes from within and I believe that is my right, within respected
limitations, if I have come upon the knowledge.

In any event I wish the very best for you and your husband.



On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 6:46 PM Theresa Olson
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Hi Peter
> Just balance
> Kin Chita Gita
> John had another surgery tomorrow on his eye: the fifth one in 3 years.
> Cataract did not work first time.
> So we tend to be grateful for all the preventative care my 78 year old and
> I can get! Just a little less to be concerned with as we face challenging
> health issues.
> Then I get varicose vein surgery. Ick but family genetics.
> We are surviving.
> Funnily enough, the isolation is actually helping us.
> Happy Thanksgiving and many happy celebrations to come!
> Theresa
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 22, 2020, at 5:39 PM, Peter Rousseau
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> Theresa,
> I am so glad that you are out there and responding. So many points were
> made in your post that I simply cannot adequately respond in this format.
> We would need to be in each other's presence. The Gita says, 'a little of
> this yoga delivers from great fear'.
> I will put my trust in the words of Krishna.
> Happy Thanksgiving and have the whole family there.
> On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 7:04 AM Share Long
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
>> Hi Theresa, when I said pray to God but tie up yr camel, I meant, in this
>> current context, meditate, but wear a mask, etc. Being well over 65,
>> having
>> Type A blood and high BP, what's common sense for me is to avoid going out
>> as much as possible. But I pray for those suffering in hospitals and
>> nursing homes and elsewhere. You too, be well, stay safe and radiate
>> Truth.
>> On Sunday, November 22, 2020, 02:03:42 AM CST, Theresa Olson
>> [FairfieldLife] 
>> wrote:
>> Which explains why Guru Dev died of throat cancer and Maharishi from
>> congestive heart failure.
>> Maharishi regularly said to fight to stay alive. Fight! Active verb. Not
>> a quiescent state of surrender.
>> God helps those who help themselves.
>> Avert danger before it arises.
>> Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
>> I think common sense must be the leading factor here.
>> Show compassion by caring for others.
>> Peter and Sharon. Since you both are so strong, please go and volunteer
>> at the hospitals where folks are suffering. Uplift them with your darshan
>> and tell them your messages ge. Hold them in your arms as they die and let
>> them know your point of view.
>> Prove to me you are invulnerable to this disease and then we will trust
>> you.
>> I know I am not.
>>  Be well, stay safe and care.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 21, 2020, at 2:07 PM, Peter Rousseau
>> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
>> Not to be contentious as that is not my intention, I do not believe that
>> you even have to worry abo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sat., Dec. 12, 4 pm CT, Special Maharishi Video

2020-12-10 Thread Peter Rousseau [FairfieldLife]
meditators not welcome. The pompous elitists!

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 8:01 PM Dick Mays
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> *Forwarded from: *"TM Special Events" 
> [image: Transcendental Meditation]
> DECEMBER 10, 2020
> Just for Governors & Sidhas:Special Weekly Online Knowledge Meeting and
> Super‑Radiance Group Program
> *Next: Saturday, Dec. 12, 4 pm CT*
> Dear US Sidhas and Governors,
> New Knowledge Series: 4:00 to 4:40 pm Central Time, just before Group
> Program
> To complement our national Super-Radiance initiative, we now offer a
> powerful and uplifting Zoom knowledge series, with special videos for
> Sidhas and Governors, *every Saturday from 4:00–4:40 pm, CT (5:00–5:40,
> ET; 3:00–3:40, MT; 2:00–2:40, PT) through the end of December*. *View the
> national times below.*
> This week’s videos
>1. *4:00 pm (CT)*: Part 2 of  *“Maharishi Reviews the World Situation
>and the Need to Maintain Self-Referral Consciousness.”* (May 5, 1992;
>28 min.)
>2. *“The Origin of Yogic Flying®”* (April 18, 2002; Vlodrop, Holland;
>13 min.)
> How do I connect?
>- *Connect via Zoom video:***
>- *Connect by phone:* *646-558-8656* or *301-715-8592* or
>*312-626-6799*. Then enter *Meeting ID 89691355158#* for all dates.
> We hope you can take advantage of this opportunity to continue creating
> much‑needed unity and coherence for our whole nation.
> With best wishes,
> Dr. John Hagelin
> President, Maharishi International University (MIU)
> National Director, Maharishi Foundation USA
> Super-Radiance *lift-off times* for Yogic flyers
> for all U.S. time zones
> Join the largest group of Sidhas doing Super-Radiance program together.
> Connect by Zoom twice daily to *lift off at the following times*
> .
> The *times in bold below are the first priority for the whole country*.
> They all connect by Zoom. Currently, due to a Zoom conflict, only the
> second-priority times with an asterisk also have a Zoom connection.
> Eastern
> Morning: *9:15 am*  |  Evening: *6:45 pm*
> *Second-priority times:*
> Morning: 7:45 am  |  Evening: 6:00 pm
> Central
> Morning: *8:15 am*  |  Evening: *5:45 pm*
> *Second-priority times:*
> Morning: 6:45 am  |  Evening: 6:30 pm
> Mountain
> Morning: *7:15 am*  |  Evening: *4:45 pm*
> *Second-priority times:*
> Morning: 8:00 am  |  Evening: 6:45 pm*
> Pacific
> Morning: *6:15 am*  |  Evening: *3:45 pm*
> *Second-priority times:*
> Morning: 8:15 am*  |  Evening: 5:45 pm*
> Alaska
> Morning: *7:15 am*  |  Evening: *4:45 pm*
> *Second-priority times:*
> Morning: 8:00 am  |  Evening: 6:45 pm
> Hawaii**
> Morning: *8:00 am*  |  Evening: *6:00 pm*
> *Second-priority times:*
> Morning: 9:00 am  |  Evening: 4:45 pm
> © 2020 Maharishi Foundation USA, Inc., a non-profit educational
> organization. All rights reserved. Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, and
> Yogic Flying® are protected trademarks and are used in the U.S. under
> license or with permission.
> TM Special Events
> Maharishi Foundation USA
> PO Box 670
> Fairfield, IA 52556


*Thank You,*

*Peter A. Rousseau/Broker*
*Rousseau Medicare Consultants LLC*

*Phone: 804-564-1385*
Metrofax: 1-804-533-1520

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