[FairfieldLife] Why Bevan Never Got Married?

2012-09-05 Thread babajii_99
Why Bevan never got married or had children...


In that last life-time of his, he had his dear wife give poison to her dear 
sweet six children, before giving poison to her and then taking his own life...

He had the great honor of being in charge of the 3rd Reich for exactly one 

For one whole day after his great friend and mentor Adolf had committed suicide 
and had his sweet wife of a few hours commit suicide with his sorry ass.

That kind of karma is a real bitch!

[FairfieldLife] Re: OMG: aakaasha in the YF-suutra?

2011-11-30 Thread babajii_99
It refers to 'space'
Consciousness is finer than space.

In Brahman it means that the inner self is experienced as space and the outer 
world is experienced as space, With nothing but consciousness filling the 

In Western terms: Dust to dust.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
>  [Share on Facebook] 
>  rg/bs_1/1-1-08.html>[Swamiji on Youtube] 
>  Brahma Sutras
> by Swami Sivananda
> CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYASection 1: Akasadhikaranam: Topic 8 (Sutra
> 22)
> The word 'Akasa' must be understood as Brahman.
> Akasastallingat I.1.22 (22)
> The word Akasa i.e., ether here is Brahman on account of characteristic
> marks (of that i.e. Brahman being mentioned).
> Akasah: the word Akasa as used here; Tad: His, of Brahman; Lingat:
> because of characteristic mark.
> Brahman is shown to be Akasa in this Sutra. The Akasa of Chh. Up. I-9 is
> Brahman.
> In the Chhandogya Upanishad I-9 the following passage comes in. "What is
> the origin of this world? 'Ether' he replied". Because all these beings
> take their origin from the ether only, and return into the ether. Ether
> is greater than these, ether is their ultimate resort (Dialogue between
> Silak and Prabahana). Here the doubt arises – Does the word 'ether'
> denote the Highest Brahman or the Supreme Self or the elemental ether?
> Here Akasa refers to the Highest Brahman and not to the elemental ether,
> because the characteristics of Brahman, namely the origin of the entire
> creation from it and its return to it at dissolution are mentioned.
> These marks may also refer to Akasa as the scriptures say "from the
> Akasa sprang air, from air fire, and so on and they return to the Akasa
> at the end of a cycle". But the sentence "All these beings take their
> origin from the Akasa only" clearly indicates the highest Brahman, as
> all Vedanta-texts agree in proclaiming definitely that all beings take
> their origin from the Highest Brahman.
> But the Purvapakshin or the opponent may say that the elemental Akasa
> also may be taken as the cause viz., of air, fire and the other
> elements. But then the force of the words "all these" and "only" in the
> text quoted would be lost. To keep it, the text should be taken to refer
> to the fundamental cause of all, including Akasa also, which is Brahman
> alone.
> The word "Akasa" is also used for Brahman in other texts: "That which is
> called Akasa is the revealer of all forms and names; that within which
> forms and names are, that is Brahman" Chh. Up. VIII-14-1. The clause
> "They return into the ether" again points to Brahman and so also the
> phrase 'Akasa is greater than these, Akasa is their final resort',
> because the scripture ascribes to the Supreme Self only absolute
> superiority. Chh. Up. III-14-3. Brahman alone can be "greater than all"
> and their "ultimate goal" as mentioned in the text. The qualities of
> being greater and the ultimate goal of everything are mentioned in the
> following texts: "He is greater than the earth, greater than the sky,
> greater than heaven, greater than all these worlds" Chh. Up. III-14-3.
> "Brahman is Knowledge and Bliss. He is the Ultimate Goal of him who
> makes gifts" Bri. Up. III-9-28.
> The text says that all things have been born from Akasa. Such a
> causation can apply only to Brahman. The text says that Akasa is greater
> than everything else, that Akasa is the Supreme Goal and that it is
> Infinite. These indications show that Akasa means Brahman only.
> Various synonyms of Akasa are used to denote Brahman. "In which the
> Vedas are in the Imperishable One (Brahman) the Highest, the ether
> (Vyoman)" Tait. Up. III-6. Again "OM, Ka is Brahman, ether (Kha) is
> Brahman" Chh. Up IV-10-5 and "the old ether" (Bri. Up. V-1.)
> Therefore we are justified in deciding that the word Akasa, though it
> occurs in the beginning of the passage refers to Brahman, it is similar
> to that of the phrase "Agni (the fire) studies a chapter", where the
> word Agni, though it occurs in the beginning denotes a boy. Therefore it
> is settled that the word Akasa denotes Brahman only.
> So, what does 'aakaasha' refer to in the YF-suutra: the elemental ether
> or the highest Brahman?
> Perhaps it refers to both!?
>   [:o)]
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[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-25 Thread babajii_99

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > (Quoting an English translation of Vasistha's Yoga:)
> > > >   I shall now describe to you the method of gaining what is
> > > >   attainable (siddhi or psychic powers) towards which the
> > > >   sage of self-knowledge is indifferent, which the deluded
> > > >   person considers desirable and which one who is intent on
> > > >   the cultivation of self-knowledge is keen to avoid.
> > 
> > (Judy responded to this previous paragraph:)
> > > (Um, OK, so why are you telling us how to gain them, then,
> > > Vasistha? Could there be some context missing here? Is
> > > "method" the important word?)
> > 
> > Vasistha (or whoever compiled this work) continued as follows:
> > 
> > All achievements are dependent upon four factors: time,
> > place, action, and means. Among these action or effort
> > hold the key because, surely, all endeavours towards the 
> > achievement are based on action or effort.
> > 
> > Some perverse practices also prevail and they are said to
> > make achievements possible. Especially in the hands of
> > immature practicants they are conducive to great harm. To
> > this category belong the magic pill or unguent or want, as
> > also the use og gems, drugs, self-mortification and magic
> > formulae. the belief that the mere dwelling in holy places
> > like Srisaila or Meru enable one to attain spiritual
> > perfection is also defective.
> > 
> > This goes on and on...
> > 
> > My reason for quoting the passage was the phrase 'one who is
> > intent on the cultivation self-knowledge is keen to avoid,'
> > which implies there might be a down side to developing siddhis.
> What does "towards which" in that first paragraph refer to,
> though? The method of practice, or the powers themselves?
> What is the "method" he refers to, specifically?
The Self can only know itself by virtue of itself...
Being can only know Being through Being itself...
The sidhis have nothing to do with Being knowing itself...
Maharishi gained his enlightenment from being in close proximity of one who was 
His enlightenment (Maharishi's) had nothing to do with performance of any of 
the siddhis..

[FairfieldLife] Re: National Invincibility Tour - Spring 2011

2011-03-27 Thread babajii_99

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71"  wrote:
> I heard from people who attended this a few months ago on the east coast that 
> it was sweet and nostalgic.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays  wrote:
> >
> > From: Office of the President 
> > 
> > 
> > National Invincibility Tour
> > April / May 2011
> > Dr. Bevan Morris Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace
> > President of Maharishi University of Management
> > Working with Maharishi for 42 years
> > 
> > 
> > Dr. Bevan Morris will be touring the United States in April and May, 
> > to inspire the permanent creation of the national invincibility group 
> > of 2,000 Yogic Flyers in Maharishi Vedic City and in the Golden Domes 
> > of Maharishi University of Management.
> > 
> > You are warmly invited to attend Dr. Morris' presentation in your 
> > area. Also please let your friends and family know about the event in 
> > their areas so they can enjoy this profound presentation.
> > 
> > Event highlights:
> > 
> > * Maharishi's final, beautiful tender wishes and revelations for the 
> > world in January 2008, and for the US especially, and the progress 
> > around the world to fulfill these wishes
> > 
> > * Rising world consciousness and openness everywhere to Maharishi's 
> > Consciousness Based programs
> > 
> > * How Maharishi created and organized funding for the Invincible 
> > America Assembly in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa (the 
> > world's first fully Vedic city) with 1,000 Vedic Pandits performing 
> > Yogic Flying and Maharishi Yagyas (short videos of this will be 
> > seen), and 500 Sidhas from all over the world doing long practice of 
> > the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, 
> > including Yogic Flying, and having experiences of higher states of 
> > consciousness that are unprecedented in the history of Maharishi's 
> > Movement (these experiences will be described)
> > 
> > * How every aspect of Maharishi's knowledge is extremely lively in 
> > the US National Invincibility group-in education at Maharishi 
> > University of Management and Maharishi School of the Age of 
> > Enlightenment, in prevention-oriented natural health care at The Raj, 
> > in Vedic performances of Maharishi Yagya, in scientific research, 
> > fortune-creating architecture, organic agriculture, and sustainable 
> > living-and especially in the more than 1,800 practicing Yogic Flying 
> > together
> > 
> > * How to achieve the goal of Dr. Howard and Dr. Mickey Settle, 
> > supported by Raja John Hagelin and all of us, to achieve the number 
> > of 2,000 practicing Yogic Flying morning and evening on a permanent 
> > basis, which Maharishi said would fundamentally change American 
> > society and change the trend of time itself and the destiny of the 
> > human race.
> > 
> > With 200 slides, and an opportunity for questions and answers
> > 
> > Cities and dates for the April tour:
> > 
> > April 10, 1:30 pm - Houston, TX
> > 
> > April 12, 7:30 pm - San Antonio, TX
> > 
> > April 15, 7:00 pm - Orange County, CA
> > 
> > April 16, 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm - Encinitas, CA
> > 
> > April 17, 2:00 pm - Beverly Hills, CA
> > 
> > April 19, 7:00 pm - Las Vegas, NV
> > 
> > April 20, 7:00 pm - Phoenix, AZ
> > 
> > April 21, 7:00 pm - Tucson, AZ
> > 
> > April 22, 7:30 pm - Palo Alto, CA
> > 
> > April 23, 1:00 pm - Sausalito, CA
> > 
> > April 26, 7:00 pm - Salt Lake City, UT
> > 
> > April 27, 7:00 pm - Boise, ID
> > 
> > April 29, 7:00 pm - Denver, CO
> > 
> > April 30, 2:30 pm - Kansas City, MO
> > 
> > NOTE: A second email will follow shortly with details of the event 
> > locations.
> > 
> > Cities and dates for the May tour:
> > 
> > May 13 - Madison, WI
> > 
> > May 14 - Chicago, IL
> > 
> > May 15 - Detroit, MI
> > 
> > May 17 - Cleveland, OH
> > 
> > May 18 - Cincinnati, OH
> > 
> > May 19 - Lexington, KY
> > 
> > May 21 - Nashville, TN
> > 
> > May 23 - Little Rock, AR
> > 
> > May 25 - St. Louis, MO
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev
> >
Yes, he gave the same talk here, and goes through the history of the movement, 
slides of present projects, such as the buildings in India and the United 
States, Maharishi's last words to him...
So, yes it was a sweet and nostalgic presentation...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists more hated, distrusted than Muslims, homosexuals

2009-09-20 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert G."  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > I'd question anyone's judgment who would actually WANT to 
> > > > > work for someone like you, Shremp.
> > > > 
> > > > Not to "pile on" unnecessarily (but I 
> > > > can't help it), I have to add the phrase, 
> > > > "...especially on commission."
> > > > 
> > > > Am I the only person here who suspects that
> > > > a great deal of Shemp's angst and anger 
> > > > lately is due to "working on commission" 
> > > > in an economy that literally "trickles 
> > > > down" on the very God Of Capitalism he
> > > > worshipeth?
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I must tell you that the line of work I'm in is ZERO affected by the 
> > > recent economic crisis.  If anything, some of the products that I offer 
> > > are FLOURISHING in this type of economy (they offer guaranteed benefits 
> > > that are not subject to the whims of the marketplace, as do stock-based 
> > > investments).
> > > 
> > > My personal financial "mess" is 100% my own doing and has nothing to do 
> > > with the current state of the economy; capitalism is as good and as pure 
> > > as the driven snow as it always was.  If you must know, I indulged myself 
> > > in activities that were NOT conducive to making money -- which I should 
> > > have been doing -- and, as a result, I got sidetracked.  And now I'm not 
> > > sitting pretty.
> > > 
> > > Perhaps when I am homeless (as I well may be in the near future) I will 
> > > join you and live off your largess in Spain.
> > > 
> > > As long as you let me do TM twice a day.  Otherwise I would prefer to 
> > > live in the dumpster.
> > >
> > Could you lend me some money, Shemp?
> > Please...?
> >
> Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing...
> (actually, that's the best thing to ask a panhander.  If you see one 
> approaching, ask THEM for money before they get the chance to ask you...)
That's a good one, Shemp...I'll have to try that!

I do think there's an art to panhandling, like anything else, in life...
One time, I was down at the southern tip of Mexico, in a small town, named: 
They tell me it's where Columbus first landed on the mainland, and started 
intermingling with the natives...(I think they must have been talking sex, 
Anyway, there was this older looking gentleman, in the bus station, there...he 
had a very peaceful presence...kind of a spiritual vibe...around him...very 
humble and simply dressed...
One felt like giving him money, when he asked...
I watched him, and saw him pull out a 'wad of bills'...
It seems he's got the art of panhandling down to an art!

Roberto G.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Who is it, That seeks...War?...'

2009-09-19 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91  wrote:
> > I am absolutely in favor of a safe place for Jews to live,
> Why give any group of people special privileges just because of "deeply held 
> religious belief"? They're adults who believe in fairy tales, they don't 
> deserve any special treatment, apart from possibly thorazine.  

This is about the most superficial comment thus far on FF/Life!

The Jewish people have a history that goes back, almost 6,000 years...
They have been the 'Scape-goats' of many a civilization, since that time...
They were slaves to the Egyptians...
They were one of the first groups, to establish codes of evolved behavior and 
the belief in a 'Transcendental God'...

With the end of WWII, and the discovery of how vast the 'Holocaust' was, the 
magnitude of the thing...
Inspired the world, to pass a resolution, in the United Nations, in 1948, for 
the Establishment of the State of Israel...
The Jewish people, finally had a place to retreat to, of their own, where they 
had been defeated by the Romans, around 74 AD.

I know there is still anti-semitic attitudes, towards the Jewish people, and 
that has become a standard in world history...

The Israelis, after the establishment of Israel, have had to fight, several 
wars, in which they were successful, over the years...

Now, the latest threat to the Nation of Israel, is this demon in Iran...
This demon, wasn't even elected legitimately...
He wishes to start another 'Holocaust'...

I guess he dosen't realize that Israel, has about 400 nuclear war heads, and 
could annihilate all of Iran, if this idiot continues on his path of attempting 
to bring on the 'Apocalypse'...

His own people, in Iran, are taking action now to get rid of this bastard...
I would say to support the overthrow of this illegal government of Iran...

Robert G.

[FairfieldLife] Recapitulation (was Re: 'How Bevan Got so Big?')

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > TurquoiseB wrote:
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> > >   
> > >> So, who cares who big Bevan gets...just as long, as I'm not 
> > >> around when he bursts!
> > >> 
> > >
> > > OK, I *know* that it's evil of me to think of
> > > Bevan as Mr. Creosote and laugh at that, but 
> > > I did. Evil 'R Us.
> > >
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlK62rjQWLk
> > >
> > > :-)
> > 
> > What I find even more incredible is why anyone here even 
> > cares about Bevan or the TMO?  That was an old chapter 
> > in my life.  I don't look back.
> The 'ting is, it can be FUN to look back.
> Ever read any Castaneda? Yeah, the dude was a 
> charlatan. But he was an *interesting* charlatan,
> one who ripped off a few cool concepts from the
> Yaqui teachers he never really properly credited.
> One of those concepts was "Recapitulation" IMO.
> To recapitulate one's life according to Carlos 
> was *not* to look back on the past longingly,
> as if it contained your "best moments" ( Beach
> Boys concerts, Woodstock nostalgia, etc. ), but
> to look back on it with everything you had 
> learned since very present in your mind. You
> look back on your life and attempt to learn
> things from it that you missed the first time
> around.
> I find it valuable from time to time. I like to
> drop in to Rama forums and see how I view him,
> that trip, and my perceptions of both 12 years
> on. I see it -- and myself -- differently every
> time I do. I would suggest that the same thing
> could be true here on FFL.
> That is certainly how Curtis seemed to approach
> the place. My take on the dude was that he was
> very much Here And Now, but interested in learn-
> ing from the past. That's a very different thing
> that being still caught *in* the past.
This also happens, presumably, when you die, drop the body, kick the can, pass 
You re-capitulate your life, the lessons, how you did, what you regret, and 
integrate what you accomplished, to all the other life-times, then re-integrate 
with was you 'soul expression purpose' in preparation of the next life-time, 
which happens, when it happens to happen, according to what is the new 
potential, and in conjuction with the 'God-Force'...
If the new conception is aborted, then the soul, goes and finds a new entry 
point, but it may be with another family...
Thus, a special soul, could be aborted, and the gift of that soul, for that 
family, to go to another, so that is part of the karma, of abortion, is to give 
up the possibility of a beautiful re-furbished soul, with may be a very high 


[FairfieldLife] Re: "I don't know" -- Threat or Opportunity?

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of authfriend
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 11:03 AM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "I don't know" -- Threat or Opportunity?
> >  
> >  > True, but at a certain point, understanding the Description
> > > enables one to recognize its development in one's life, and
> > > thereby to favor it over opposing ways of functioning. For 
> > > instance, most of us are attached to the fruits of our
> > > action only to a degree - not entirely. When there's enough
> > > consciousness, one can make a conscious choice in this and
> > > other prescription/description situations to favor the more 
> > > enlightened tendency.
> > > At an early stage of spiritual development, this might be
> > > mood-making. Later on, it can be an effective technique.
> > 
> > Tricky line to draw, lots of room for self-deception.
> >  
> > True, but "getting" enlightened requires the development of subtle
> > discrimination.
> > 
> > A long-time TM teacher I spoke with once suggested that
> > MMY's tendency to think up project after project, get
> > people all involved in and excited about each one, and
> > then drop the current one and move on to something else,
> > was his way of training them not to be attached to the
> > fruits.
> Everone that was seriously "around" Maharishi and saw His operation during 
> many years knows this to be very true.
It was also his way, of staying un-attatched...
Because sometimes, the projects, would be ended, for him, prematurely...for 
him...he would be very disappointed, but would 'suck it up', and continue to 
move on, in a positive way...

For example, when they found that 'TM is a Religion' according to a U.S. 
Federal Court in Philadelphia, in 1977...

When the 'Beatles' took off, in 1968...he was greatly disappointed...

When it took so long, to get permission from the government to get the Vedic 
Pundits,  here...

There were many projects, I am sure, he tried, for what they were worth, at the 

He lived completely in the 'Present Moment'...


[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > >  , nablusoss1008 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlCJPxxKoaY
> > > 
> > > >
> > > > I want to thank that fellow, this a wonderful thing I've been doing
> > > for a few days. Thanks !
> > > 
> > > He says that the soul enters through the eyes at the time of birth.
> > > Is this a Vedic concept or just something he made up?
> > > 
> > > OffWorld
> > 
> > It's something he has cognized. And he is right, though some souls might 
> > enter through other openings of the body.
> >
> If that's the case them abortion is not much of an issue in this view, since 
> the soul has not enetered the body until birth (instead of at conception as 
> the fundamentalist christians believe.)
> OffWorld
Thought the soul enters the body, with the first breath, and leaves on the last 
Also, there may be some 'veils' placed in the way, to protect the soul from 
entering 'fully'...
Which is why some people seem to evolve more than others...because sometimes, 
they might have already been evolved, but had a lot of karma to work out...


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'How Bevan Got so Big?'

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> >   
> >> So, who cares who big Bevan gets...just as long, as I'm not 
> >> around when he bursts!
> >> 
> >
> > OK, I *know* that it's evil of me to think of
> > Bevan as Mr. Creosote and laugh at that, but 
> > I did. Evil 'R Us.
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlK62rjQWLk
> >
> > :-)
> What I find even more incredible is why anyone here even cares about 
> Bevan or the TMO?  That was an old chapter in my life.  I don't look back.
Yeah, that's true...
'Let the dead, bury the dead'...

Heck, even the Beatles, have moved on...
Today, 9/0/09...they've released their 10th version of 'Re-Mastered' Beatles 
Now, you have to be pretty good, to able to sell the same thing, ten times 
over, again...
Plus, they've also added, a game for the kiddies, that goes along to the 'Music 
of The Beatles'...advised by Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, themselves...
Genius, pure genius...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Assault Rifles and WMD for sale

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
> I am offering assault rifles and various WMDs.  Show Obama and your MC
> who's boss at their next town meeting.  Remember that the 2nd
> Ammendment is there just in case the government doesn't honor your 1st
> Ammendment rights.  Our government has czars.  All sorts of czars.
> What does that mean to you?
> Background check?  Poo!  I'll dummy up the paperwork to make it look
> like you bought the gear from me at a trade show.
> Contact me here at FFL.
You're sick, and need to get some help, for your sick psyche...

This email will be forwarded to the 'Homeland Security Office, D.C
And the F.B.I. and also, the C.I.A..

Git some help, dude!


[FairfieldLife] Re: White House Previews Obama Health Care Speech

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Insurance is a gamble - health insurance companies 
> are betting that nothing bad will happen to you. 
> You're betting that when it does, the insurance 
> companies will take care of you. 
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Insurance is a gamble - health insurance companies 
> are betting that nothing bad will happen to you. 
> You're betting that when it does, the insurance 
> companies will take care of you. 
> (snip)
It's not like getting some land in Texas, and gambling that you'll find some 
oil there...and hit it rich, or perhaps, just ending up with some worthless 
piece of Texas dirt...

But, to you guy's down there in Texas, life is not an oil well...
Life is not a gamble...
Life is to be preserved, even if your not white, and do not live in Texas...
It's simple, just give everyone health insurance, and pay for it with taxes, 
and force the drug company's and doctors, to make 'normal salaries...and so on 
and so forth...
Take the bang out of the buck, and put the bang, back in the feeling of 
Compassion for people and not Pity for the Insurance Company Monopolies...
Don't be stupid and ignorant please...
'Cause you and I we been through that!
And this is not place...
To be talking falsely, now...
The hours getting late, 



[FairfieldLife] Re: 'How Bevan Got so Big?'

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> >
> > ‘How or Why... Bevan Got so Big?’
> >  
> > I think it was said that Herr Propaganda Minister, Herr Goebbels...
> > 
> > Well, They used to call him...
> > 
> > 'The Dwarf'...(Just in Jest of him, I would imagine...)
> > 
> >  This might explain, how Bevan got so big...
> >  
> > Who knows, really, with the ‘Reincarnation Thing’ for sure?
> > 
> > r.g.
> >
> The story goes that when Bevan was thin he used to get ill
> because of all the flying around and irregular hours he did
> running the TMO. 
> So Marshy instructed him to put on weight to give him some 
> protection from imbalances. Being a good and devoted disciple
> he followed the instruction to the letter and perhaps a bit
> too much.
> The story also goes that Bev could often be seen in a track-
> suit jogging round Vlodrop wheezing "Maharishi's orders" to 
> anyone who raised an eyebrow.
So, I guess that's the answer, which I was searching for...
The propaganda minister, became a slave to a new 'Propaganda Minister'...whose 
mission was to bring enlightenment to the world...
So, who cares who big Bevan gets...just as long, as I'm not around when he 

Robert G.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Top 1 Percent Of Americans Reap Two-Thirds Of Income Gains

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --Top 1 Percent of Americans Reaped Two-Thirds of Income Gains in Last 
> Economic Expansion--
Has anyone bothered to figure out, how much of that, or what percentage of the 
wealth...'Trickled Down'...

You remember the 'Reagan Mantra' of 'Trickle Down'...
Did it work...did we get some of the trickle...

What do you think?

'We Report, You Decide?'...

'The Grand Illusion of the Wizard of Oz...?'

Step right up and get a ticket, to the 'Greatest Show on Earth'...
We just have one ticket left, must be for you sir...

Robert G.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'How Bevan Got so Big?'

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  wrote:
> On my 6 month course (Barry Wright was on it, too) in St. Moritz in 1977, 
> Bevan was the liason between Seelisburg and our course; he'd come about once 
> a month.
> At the time, he was totally normal weight.  He was about 5'10" and about 170 
> lbs.  Good looking fellow who was the most natural leader I have ever met 
> before or since in my life.  And inspiring.
> That's why all that happened afterwards is so surprising to me...all the 
> stories of him being so evil and all that.
I know I must have some personal issue with Bevan, of which, I'm not sure why...
I just feel, he's had an overall restrictive feeling for the movement, for 
maybe it's just my reminiscing about another time and place...

Not exactly sure...but, was just expressing my feelings, in an expressive 
way...but I think a lot of what I'm describing is mostly unconscious...


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'How Bevan Got so Big?'

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
> So you're suggesting that "Saint" Bevan just
> hates Kali Yuga -- and life -- so much that
> he's practicing a form of slow suicide. Maybe
> he'll be named the TMO's first martyr.
That was kind of what I was saying, in the 'Reincarnation Cycles'...
In other words, if one had an enormous amount of karma to balance out, that 
soul, might choose a path, to really get them to close to someone, who could 
help them with that task...
If they had followed a 'False Prophet' before, they might want to follow a true 
prophet now...

'Gaining weight, is a way of shielding one from pain...
Layers of coats of arms...'

And if this soul, has so much pain to carry, and he found no other way to 
shield himself, from the pain...

And was causing a feeling of restriction within himself, and the  feeling of 
the rigidity of the movement, since Bevan and the others kind of set the thing 
the way it has been...just very rigid, I guess...?

Robert G.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'How Bevan Got so Big?'

2009-09-09 Thread babajii_99
> So you're suggesting that "Saint" Bevan just
> hates Kali Yuga -- and life -- so much that
> he's practicing a form of slow suicide. Maybe
> he'll be named the TMO's first martyr.
> > > I think it was said that Herr Propaganda Minister, Herr Goebbels...
> > > 
> > > Well, They used to call him...
> > > 
> > > 'The Dwarf'...(Just in Jest of him, I would imagine...)
So, whomever was this 'Genius of the Reich' the Propaganda Ministry...
The Ministry of Enlightenment...Joseph Goebbels, remained Hitler's 'right-hand 
man, 'till the very end...he made himself to be responsible for the disposal of 
the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun
He assumed the role of Der Fuerer, for one day...

On that next day, Goebbels wife, had their four children, put to sleep first, 
before taking her own life, as Herr Goebbels, took the poison pill, at the end, 
then their bodies cremated outside the 'Bunker'...
Thus, ended Herr Goebbels life, at the very end of the end of Nazism in 
Germany...April, 1945..

So, I was just thinking, because of his devotion to a master, and his mastery 
of propaganda...would put this soul, close to a master, who was about 'Power 
and Taking Over the World'...
So, Bevan fit the part, that Maharishi wanted him to play...
But, when I see pictures of the people gathered in Holland, around the tables, 
it just reminds me of a meeting, perhaps typical in around 1936, before the 
horror of the war, and all the rest...
That it really reminds me of the same people, same setting, as this past life 
Nazi meeting, in Berlin...

Also, the notion, that many souls, involved in the horror of the 'Nazi Era' and 
absorbed it's complete failure, at the end...had and do have a 'Great Desire' 
to neutralize their lessons, and their karmas, from that past time...

People who might have died, during the war, and didn't see the eventual end, 
might be the one's who still cling to the 'Nazi Way'...
Some of these 'Reich Wing Republicans' and the Corporates'...still fell that 
the 'Old World Fascism' might still be a 'Viable Option'...?

Robert G.

[This just my intuition, lately on that period, of 1932-33...as it seems to be 
re-playing itself, now...the last rites of the 'Reich'...
'Last Throes of the Reich'...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'How Bevan Got so Big?'

2009-09-08 Thread babajii_99
> > > > > ‘How or Why... Bevan Got so Big?’
> > > > 
> > > > Simple: too much food. (snip)
> > > Early adopters of TM were predominately eccentric or misfits

> I'm not beating up on fatty, if you were thinking that. In fact, although I 
> rarely like what Bevan has to say, he does make realistic comments on the 
> Maharishi Channel which calmly bring some of Hagelin's and others' loopier 
> comments more down to earth. And Bevan is simply the best sort of manager 
> that an organization full of goofs could tolerate. 


I remember one of the more memorable comments, in the film, 'Invincible, 
Is from a scene, on Herr Hanussen's Yacht'...
A scene from the 'Floating Orgy'...of early Nazidom...

The scene opens with Himmler in the backround, drinking wine from a whores 
He is kind of a gross kind of guy...

This cuts to the head of the Berlin Police, the Chief, Herr Helldorf...

He is speaking with Herr Goebbels...on the yacht...it's early in 1933..
The Sky's are Grey and windy...in the background...

He is relating to something he saw, that morning...of a  Japanese man, who had 
bet, something like $500,000 on a gambling game, early that... morning...

 All the money he put on...'Black' on 'Spinning Wheel'...

The ball on the wheel, fell to the color, 'Red'...and he lost...

So, said, Count Helldorf, to Herr Goebbels...

Ya, know the man, well, he just 'Blushed, just a little bit'...
'He had some class, some sense of proportion, a sense of humor, something which 
you Nazis lack...
I hope you, lose this damn war,  that you will start...

Well, said, Goebbels, 'Ya, know, it's very easy to just 'Blush', when you 
own...5000 acres of land and two castles, isn't it?'...
So, it's no big deal,  Count Helldorf, is it?

That's been the 'Tone' of the 'TM Movement' by Bevan H. Morris...

Too serious all the time, too discriminating all the time, towards the 
so-called 'Lower Classes', or anyone with a sense of humor, or a sense of self, 
that would necessestae not bowing down to 'Herr Bevan...

I wonder when everyone got hypnotized, anyone remember, exactly?
Maybe every time he talks, in that 'Hypnotic Tone'...
You are getting sleepy, your eye lids are feeling very heavy...
You feel tired...
You want to sleep...
You want to fall deep into a deep trance...
I am Bevan, and you will follow my instructions, to the letter...
Do you understand?
Now, the spell is off...
You have seen through it, now...
And are released from the spell of 'Bevan'...release yourself now...
One two three, you are released...

Jai Guru Dev.

Robert G.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bhagavad Gita Chapeter 7, Verse 15

2009-09-07 Thread babajii_99
> > > > Robert:
> > > > > > Dogmatic Religious beliefs have cause so much pain and 
> > > > > > death, throughout history...there is no doubt about it...> 
> > > I do believe you're reading that assumption in.
> > > MMY's prescription for ethical behavior was,
> > > "Don't do anything you *think* might be wrong."
> > > 
> > > Is that too dogmatic for you?
> (snip)
We are all a 'Law unto Ourselves'...
Because we are were endowed by 'Our Creator' with 'Free-Will'...
So, because you have this free will, you can believe or not believe anything, 
you like...
You can choose to feel, or not to feel...
You can choose in love, or choose in fear...
You can choose to follow, or choose to lead...
You can choose to kill or choose to heal...
You can choose to cause chaos or cause order...
You can bring life into the world, or send one to his execution...
It's all up to you, who were given 'Free will'

So, if you happen to lose the innocent sense of self, which you were born with, 
because you happened to get yourself, into some kind of 'Karmic Jam'...and you 
might have lied, stolen, killed, committed Adultery...and so on...
And someone will come and piss you off, and there ya' go again...
over and over, ya' just can't help yourself, can you, Mr. Charlie 
Manson...bastard...really helped the 'Hippie Movement' Charlie..what an 

Anyway, you have to 'Go with your Heart',
Like His Holiness, was saying...
We are have this inner guidance...although everything our 'Corporate Culture' 
teaches, is to not trust yourself, but to 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road...ya' 
all git the pixture?

Robert G

[FairfieldLife] Re: "I don't know" -- Threat or Opportunity?

2009-09-07 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Nice topic, but living up to it is like riding a bicycle - you have to keep
> balancing. The "I don't know" thing sounds great in principle, but watch how
> many times a day one acts as though one does know. Every time we engage in
> any sort of judgment, participate in interpersonal conflict, etc., we're
> implicitly saying that we know better than the person we're judging or
> conflicting with.
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
> Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 2:57 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] "I don't know" -- Threat or Opportunity?
> It occurred to me today that much of spiritual history,
> at least in the traditions that sprang from a single
> charismatic spiritual teacher, can be reduced to him
> or her saying, "I know. You must trust me on this."
> Millions have followed such teachers. Possibly billions.
> They have grokked the teacher's message and found some
> resonance with it and yes, believed Him or Her. They
> accept without question that the Dude or Dudess really
> did *know*. 
> And, because they're now His or Her followers and trying 
> to live His/Her teachings, they *know*, too. 
> They *know* so completely that they're willing to commit
> genocide, burn people at the stake, torture them, and
> launch fearful wars in His or Her name. Some of them,
> even if they don't go quite so far, get way uptight when 
> someone suggests that they just might not *know*, only 
> think they do. Some are so attached to *knowing* that 
> they perceive any suggestion that they might not as a 
> threat.
> I don't think that being willing to say "I don't know"
> is a threat. I think it's a marvellous opportunity. 
> "I don't know" is liberating. It *frees* you and puts
> your heart to flight. Just saying it makes you feel
> lighter, less burdened by the things you *know*, and
> more open to learning more. Saying "I don't know" is
> equalizing -- it puts you on exactly the same plane
> as everyone else on this silly blue-green ball in black
> space. They don't know, either. "I don't know" implies 
> a future, wheras "I *know*" implies only a past, back 
> when you didn't. That was then, this is now, everything's 
> downhill from here. Nothing more to learn. I know.
> Me, I don't know. And I like things that way.
This is what Socrates was convicted of defying the state, by teaching this 
principle, of 'I don't know'...I don't have all the answer's..
Sort of like the opposite of the 'Decider's' attitude...

More like the attitude of Barack Obama, who is waiting for the people to take 
some responsibility to fight the 'Corporate Media Nazis'...because he can't do 
it, on his own power alone...
Especially, when the 'Congress of the United States' is so bought off  by these 
people, who run things, from 'Behind the Curtain'...
It's no accident that 'The Wizard of Oz' came out in 1939, right at the 
beginning of the catastrophic war...
We need to help President Obama, and ourselves, by living the truth, and 
exposing the 'Lie' wherever it exists...

Robert G.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active FF Spiritual Practice Groups

2009-09-07 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm not a big one for "shakti" in particular, because I
> > > have experienced what most call shakti and know it for
> > > what it really is, the "pushing out" of occult energies.
What is an "Occult" energy?
How do you 'Push it out'?

Shakti to me, has more to do with sexual energy
Someone who has learned to integrate their sexual energy, and raise it up to 
the higher chakras, so it can be transmitted, in a non-sexual way...
But taking the 'Passion' of the sexual instinct, and integrating this sexual 
energy, with the 'Passion of the Soul'..
When one becomes enlightened, it is this sexual energy, that is integrated 
completely, and then this produces the 'Shakti'
Shakti is 'Spiritualized Sexual Energy'...

That is why there is so little 'Shakti' in bars...
Because the sexual energy, is kept in the lower chakras, and does not rise, 
because of the effect of alcohol on the shutting down of the 'Spiritual 
Centers'...in the higher chakras

That is why, some of the Tantra techniques, have to do with increasing sexual 
energy, by amping it up through breath, and control of ejaculation...and 
holding the sexual release, so as to raise it up, through the 'Crown 
Chakra'...and using the sexual experience to become familiar with and 
comfortable with, the integration of more sexual energy, and bringing it to 
combine with spiritual intention, instead of just 'release'...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Evolution of Life in the Universe

2009-09-07 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jr_esq"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jr_esq"  wrote:
> > >
> > > To All:
> > > 
> > > Fr. George Coyne, Director of the Vatican Observatory,
> > > discusses the evolution of life without believing in
> > > the Garden of Eden story as a scientific reality.  He
> > > would be tarred and featered if he were in Kansas.
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYOR0dPZc3I&feature=related
> > 
> > Fundamentalists (Protestants) believe papists are
> > automatically heretics, so he wouldn't be tarred and
> > feathered as an apostate *just* for his nonliteral
> > view of Genesis, the way he would if he were himself
> > a fundamentalist Protestant.
> Put it this way, Coyne would have found much opposition to his lecture if 
> fundamentalists Christians were there.  It appears that Christian 
> fundamentalism is on the rise in this country.  It may be due to the fear of 
> radical Islam thinking in the Middle East.
> The phenomena was described by an English bishop by saying that the issues 
> involving religion are deadly in that humans are trying to deal with 
> "absolutes" that they profess in their faiths.  When these clash, humans are 
> incapable at the present time to see the big picture, or tolerate the other 
> people's beliefs.  Thus, we end up wars and bloodshed.
> Once again the crucible is in Jerusalem, the land of the Old Testament.  The 
> three major religions have their own churches in that city.  There is now a 
> growing number of fundamentalist Christians who believe that the prophesies 
> of the Book of Revelations will soon come true.  Thus, they are knowingly or 
> unknowingly hastening this event by siding with the Israelis in their efforts 
> to get a foothold in the Middle East.
> Once this is done, the Christian fundamentalists believe that Armageddon will 
> occur which will be fought in a valley near Jerusalem.  Thus, the return of 
> Christ will happen which will pave the way to the Rapture.
> Was Bush influenced by this rationale to justify his attack of Iraq?  Will 
> Obama be similarly influenced by continuing the war in Afghanistan?
>From what I heard, Bush was bought into this idea...about the 'Revelations' 
I am of the opinion, that Barack Obama is the so-called 'Second Coming'...and 
hopefully will lead us back to sanity...and away from the insanity of the 'Book 
of Revelations'...written by John, when he was having some 'Bad 
Hallucinations'...back in the day...when he retreated to some cave in 
Greece...it was bad for the early Christians, and Disciplesas they all were 

Also, in regard to the murderous intentions of some of the 'Christians'...back 
in the day...
Don't forget the 'thousands of so-called Witches' who were tortured and burnt 
at the stake...
Dogmatic Religious beliefs have cause so much pain and death, throughout 
history...there is no doubt about it...


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Where the Fate of the World, Rests...?'

2009-09-06 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero"  wrote:
> --Doesn't seem to be working too well...
> .
> - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> >
> > ‘The Thirty Six Just Ones/Carrying the Weight of the World’...
> > 
> > by Ancient Jewish Legend...(more below...)*
> > 
> > There is an ancient tradition, mentioned in Islamic, Jewish and Persian 
> > writings, that the world is prevented from being submerged in its follies 
> > and wickedness by the presence in each generation of a small number of just 
> > men who, through their conduct and good deeds, ensure the safety and 
> > survival of the people. They operate inconspicuously: scarcely recognized 
> > by others or even themselves.
> > 
> > The legend is widespread in Jewish folklore, but accounts vary as to the 
> > quality or number of these 'Zaddikim'. Some are hidden, or take action to 
> > avoid being noticed; others are known and subject to public attention. 
> > Proverbs X praises the just man as the foundation of the world; early 
> > Talmudic writings give the number as thirty (from an interpretation of 
> > Genesis XVIII: 18 whereby God promised Abraham that the world would never 
> > lack so many such as he; and the Babylonian section refers to forty-five. 
> > The number was rounded-off to three dozen by a Babylonian teacher in the 
> > fourth century from a numerical interpretation in Isiah XXX: 18 of the word 
> > for 'Him'.
> > 
> > It is thought, however, that the idea of thirty-six is not specifically 
> > Semitic, being taken from an Egyptian/Hellenistic notion of 36 celestial 
> > decans, each of which rules ten days of the year, and personifies them into 
> > watchmen of the Universe. Later, each sign of the Zodiac was given three 
> > faces and each decan bore the name of one of the Biblical characters from 
> > Adam to Ezra. This idea was eventually taken into Kabbalistic literature.
> > 
> > In Eastern Europe, for good reasons, Jewish people firmly believed that the 
> > thirty-six were always present to support them and confound their 
> > oppressors. They were given the name 'Lamedvavniks' after the numerals in 
> > the Hebrew counting system. Lamed, the twelfth letter in the alphabet, 
> > equivalent to our 'L', has the value thirty and Vav, six.
> > 
> > Whatever the details and origin of the legend - and this one follows the 
> > general pattern - it is a nice story with a ring of truth. The world is 
> > maintained by quite small numbers of ordinary people who, by their 
> > presence, with no special claim to merit or distinction, go about their 
> > affairs in times of upheaval to provide oases of sanity and continuity. 
> > Those who claim to be in control of events strut about in the limelight and 
> > manipulate the levers of power without considering that these are not 
> > necessarily connected to anything behind the panel and any that are 
> > connected may do considerable damage before being reversed...
> > 
> > Can we modestly claim 'Modesty'...also, I am wondering?...
> > 
> > More from a different article:
> > 
> > *Justified and Ancient
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Ancient
> > writings of the Middle East claim that in every generation there exist
> > a minimum number of beings upon whose merits the fate of the world
> > rests. The number varies, but in Jewish legend 36 "Just" beings, or
> > Tzaddikim, are considered to be the Foundation Stones of the World.
> > Some speak of 72 Tzaddikim - thirty six Revealed and thirty six
> > Concealed. They combine to form the 72 bridges which spell the
> > 72-lettered name of God. (This has its parallel in Earth Chakra work
> > with the 72 Bonded Pairs. For further information please see Bonded 
> > Pairings.) 
> > Tzaddikim
> > serve the Divine Will. Overall, their work is difficult to observe, not
> > because it is carried out secretly, but for the very reason that the
> > work of the Tzaddikim literally rectifies Creation. This process of
> > Rectification is referred to in Cabalistic literature as Tiqqun `Olam:
> > The Restoration of the World.
> > The
> > Just help to fulfil the Divine Promise of Creation, working to
> > Illuminate the Shekhinah - Presence of the Divine - within all matter
> > at All Times. They work behind the scenes, unknown to others, and
> > sometimes unknown to themselves. If you, dear reader, are solely
> > dedicated to Life, and to the Liberty of All Beings throughout the
> > Universe, then your work is in harmony with The Just. To be Justified
> > before God is to be made immortal. The Justified and Ancient are the
> > Immortals. 
> > The
> > 36 lights of the festival of Channukah (Dedication to Light) are
> > symbolic of the Divine Sparks hidden within Creation. There is a link
> > between the Tzaddikim and the Priesthood of Melchizedek. Robert Coon
> > says: 
> > “Rene Guenon, in his book The Lord of the World,
> > offers many valuable insights into the Melchizedek lineage. The name
> > itself is originally spelled Melki-Tsedeq

[FairfieldLife] Re: USA increase weapons sales

2009-09-06 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  wrote:
> The United States signed weapons agreements valued at $37.8 billion in
> 2008, or 68.4 percent of all business in the global arms bazaar, up
> significantly from American sales of $25.4 billion the year before.
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/07/world/07weapons.html
Yes, this would have been one of the 'Last Acts' of...

'The Roman Emperor Caesar Nero'... 

Oh,  I mean:

'The U.S. President Bush'...

  <2008 AD>...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fox TV to address important issue of nation's dancing

2009-09-06 Thread babajii_99
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> No surprise there. What's the big deal?
No biggie...it would take Jesus Christ, himself, to wake these fox-watchers, 
up...they are tea-baggin' sleep -walking, bastards...
I wouldn't worry too much about a bunch of fat old farts sitting around 
drinking beer, in front of their tv's, a  watchin' a lot of fox news...
The days of Bush are over...didn't they get the letter...
The war is over...

'War is Over' 
'If you want To'..


[FairfieldLife] Re: [Obama Pretends He Dosen't Know] , nothin'...]

2009-09-06 Thread babajii_99
>  You don't go along with the Warren commision report?
>   How about the  9-11 report.
>   Then there was the story about people finding anthrax in the mail when they 
> didn't vote properly.
>   If you keep up, I won't be able to be the top conspiracy wingnut
Well, I think they found the 'Antrax Guy', but after they found him, he was 
dead...committed suicide, I think they said...
Kinda like Lee Harvey Oswald, only in reverse...


[FairfieldLife] Re: [Obama Pretends He Dosen't Know] , nothin'...]

2009-09-06 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelsonriddle2001"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelsonriddle2001" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >  (snip) 
> > > > > Obama Doesn't Want You To Know He Knows Public Option Is Popular
> > > > > By: emptywheel Friday September 4, 2009 11:23 am
> > > > > (snip)
> > > > I have an idea, what happened to President Obama, since he was 
> > > > inaugurated President...
> > > > It seems like, someone had a 'Little Talk'...with him...
> snip,,
> > > > r.g.
> > > >
> > >  Sounds like some wingnut conspiracy theory.  :-)
> > >
> > Thank you, for your kind remarks, sir...as I was thinking the same thing, 
> > myself...
> > I first was 'Clued In' about this scenero, some years back, when I had met 
> > this guy, who said, that he had been in the CIA, and that his father had 
> > been in the CIA, also...
> > He told me he wanted to see the tape, which I described, but told him, that 
> > I did not, but he told me what was in it...
> > So, recently I remembered this, and looked on the Net, and there it is...
> > About this story...
> > So, ...
> > I just was thinking, that some of these people are so entrenched in the 
> > military, oil, weapons sales, drug dealing bus., that these things are 
> > bound to happen, when they start employing thousands upon thousands of 
> > 'Black Mercenary Murdering Thugs'...on the government payroll, some making 
> > 1/2 mil. a year...
> > These things are bound to happen in the Roman Empire...it's just the way it 
> > is...
> > 
> > R.G.
> >
>  You don't go along with the Warren commision report?
>   How about the  9-11 report.
>   Then there was the story about people finding anthrax in the mail when they 
> didn't vote properly.
>   If you keep up, I won't be able to be the top conspiracy wingnut
'Ultimately, everyone believes, what they 'want' to believe...or,
What they 'choose' to believe'...'

So, it maybe that all the stuff you see on Fox Network is true?...
Well, it is a 'Money Maker' in a way, to the bank it is quite true, as all the 
bills get paid on time, and that is all they really care about, down at the 
bank, right...?

And so, in our culture, if it is doing 'good at the bank'...well, then, what 
else really counts?(no pun intended)..


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Pretends He Dosen't Know Public Option Is Popular

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie  wrote:
> I am remembering election 2008, there were people who thought that McCain 
> Palin wouldactually sin based on Palin´s popularity in the polls.  I don´t 
> believe most of what the media reports it seems they are fair weather or 
> highest payer information sources.  By the way they are reporting things 
> Obama will have ratings lower than Bush next week.  Even though the loans to 
> banks are being repaid, even car companies are paying money back with profit. 
>   The other stimulus efforts are too early yet to say but all people can talk 
> about on the news is how much Obama is spending.   Not how much was wasted on 
> Iraq and qho knows what else.   Now that the birth certificate issue has gone 
> away he has become Hitler.  So based upon all the noise it is hard to know 
> what to believe from the media.   
> What is absolutely absurd is the idea that any parant in America would even 
> think about keeping their child home from school to protest the President.  
> This is taking racism too far.
Well, John McCain would have been the 'Perfect Manchurian Candidate'...he had 
all the attributes...
And Sarah Palin, is obviously a 'Black Magician'...so, not much more to say 
about her...(Jesus Be With Me!)...

Anyway...the 'Reich Republican Party'...
Well, they will go to any lengths...as there is not a limit to their evil 
In Germany, they fooled the people for 12 long destructive years, lies upon 
lies, by Goebbels, Hitler, Himmler, Goering...
Now, we have, Beck, Limbaugh, Cheney and O'Reilly...
So, what the difference...
They only stop with murder, and once they start, they don't stop...
We see how easily that George W. Bush, signed 'Death Warrant', when he was 
Governor of Texas...and we saw, how easily he sent the boys and girls to die, 
and forbid their casket, to be viewed...what a cold-hearted attitude, very 
arrogant, I would say...
Very cold, and unforgiving...where does one get such an attitude, and still be 
able to 'Sleep at Night'...
How can the guy, who CEO's Cigna, and made 750, 000, 000...in stock options and 
salary, last year, by denying claims, how can he sleep at night?
How do they do it...
Do they even have a soul, a conscious?
Do they become so consumed in their monopoly game, that they just start to see 
'Other Humans' as pawns, to be moved around on the 'Chess Board of Life'...
Do, they feel so unloved that they find the need to feel like they are some 
kind of 'Demi-God'...
How many more stations, does Rupert Murdoch really need, at this point...
Why did he need to buy, 'The Wall St. Journal', also...
What is behind, that kind of 'Blind Ambition'?


[FairfieldLife] Re: [Obama Pretends He Dosen't Know] , nothin'...]

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelsonriddle2001"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> >
> >  (snip) 
> > > Obama Doesn't Want You To Know He Knows Public Option Is Popular
> > > By: emptywheel Friday September 4, 2009 11:23 am
> > > (snip)
> > I have an idea, what happened to President Obama, since he was inaugurated 
> > President...
> > It seems like, someone had a 'Little Talk'...with him...
> > That went something like this...
> > 
> > He gets a call from: 'Mr. Big'...for a short meeting at the WH...
> > Mr. Big arrives with an entourage of a few people...
> > 
> > 'We want you to watch a little tape we have, Mr. President, and BTW, 
> > congratulations on the election...what a wonderful speaker, you are, 
> > indeed!'
> > 
> > 'Here, we will play for you the 'Zupruder Film, in it's original form, 
> > before it was altered, slightly...
> > You see, a few frames were removed, but when replace, you can clearly see 
> > here, Mr. Greer, a CIA agent, who was driving the car, see how he turns so 
> > quickly, the camera barely can track it...and shooting the President, at 
> > point blank range...see how the car, is slowing down...see how Jackie is 
> > running out'...
> > 
> > 'So, anyhow, it's very sad, that we had to do that, very, very sad, 
> > indeed'...
> > 
> > 'But, you understand, Mr. Obama, that Mr. Kennedy was getting a little too 
> > nosey, about our affairs, so, we had no other choice...
> > We had warned him, about this..he never listened...so arrogant, the man 
> > was'...
> > 
> > But, you are much smarter than he...a better speaker, I might add...
> > So, you have a nice wife, and nice daughters...so beautiful is your life, 
> > your family...
> > And such a good speaker, you are...indeed you are...
> > That is why, we want you to continue to make these beautiful speeches of 
> > yours, all over the world...to bring the 'World Peace' 'The Peace and Love, 
> > of the '60's...ahh, so beautiful, is your vision, Mr. Obama...indeed!'
> > 
> > 'Nonetheless, we have our operations, shall we say, very well entrenched by 
> > now...you understand, it has been this way, for quite some time, now'...
> > 
> > We don't bother you, and you don't bother, us, Kapish?
> > As you saw in the film, we don't play very nice...so...
> > 
> > We will leave you now, to a peaceful and joyful night, Mr. Obama...
> > And, we shall be 'In Touch'...but, hopefully, not...'Too in Touch'...
> > 
> > r.g.
> >
>  Sounds like some wingnut conspiracy theory.  :-)
Thank you, for your kind remarks, sir...as I was thinking the same thing, 
I first was 'Clued In' about this scenero, some years back, when I had met this 
guy, who said, that he had been in the CIA, and that his father had been in the 
CIA, also...
He told me he wanted to see the tape, which I described, but told him, that I 
did not, but he told me what was in it...
So, recently I remembered this, and looked on the Net, and there it is...
About this story...
So, ...
I just was thinking, that some of these people are so entrenched in the 
military, oil, weapons sales, drug dealing bus., that these things are bound to 
happen, when they start employing thousands upon thousands of 'Black Mercenary 
Murdering Thugs'...on the government payroll, some making 1/2 mil. a year...
These things are bound to happen in the Roman Empire...it's just the way it 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Right Wing Lunacy is Getting Worse

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Robert wrote:
> > How could you stick with this crew Willy Tex?
> > 
> Don't you just hate those radio talk show
> hosts like Glenn Beck!
> "The flap that ensued did not appear to dampen 
> Beck's viewership. This month, his show has 
> averaged 2.25 million viewers, 99% more than 
> tuned in during the same period last year, when 
> the network aired "America's Election HQ" 
> during the time period..."
That is the natural result, when you throw all morals to the wind, and sell 
your soul, for money, only...
They will sell, anything that our numbed out culture will buy...
They are like the 'Spirit of Kali' supporting the 'Age of Kali-Uga'...
Now, just because, everything, since the Hollywood movie actor, to the 
stage...that everything, and I  do mean everything, is valued, only, in dollars 
and cents...
It has become so common, that we don't even think about it, anymore, when they 
say, that the movie grossed this much, and this many numbed out viewer's 
watched 'Bill O'Reilly, the sex-fiend...
Or how many listener's had the Goering of the Reich, Ruch 'Fatty' 
Limbaugh...the drug addict, slob, and thug...
And then there's the 'Fake King' of the 'Deluded Kingdom' on 'No'...

'Nine', Fraulien, let me see your papers...we see that your father was black 
and your mother was white...how very strange...how did you become the 
'President of the United States?'..
That's not 'Supposed to Be'...
We are a 'White Christian Nation'...
Remember, your people, aren't 'Supposed to Lead' us...
How ridiculous, you are, Mr. Obama, if you think, for one minute, we will be 
led by a 'N' like you...
Or actually, you're not even a 'N' are you, Mr. Obama?
More like, what are you, anyway...and where you born, Mr. Barack Obama...
You're not 'Our President' and we will never be 'Behind You'...

Because we could never be behind a person, like you...
A 'Truly Holy Person' who wants to 'Undermine the Power of Caesar'...
How dare you, Mr. Obama, and your arrogant militant black attitude, hanging out 
with that 'N' in Chicago...shame on you...
If we just had recovered those smear tapes a  few months earlier, we wouldn't 
have to deal with your ass, now...
Unfortunetly, you really fooled them white folks, this time...
Damn traitors to their race...
May the 'Christian South Rise Again!'...
Long live Robert E. Lee...


[FairfieldLife] Re: [Obama Pretends He Dosen't Know] , nothin'...]

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
> Obama Doesn't Want You To Know He Knows Public Option Is Popular
> By: emptywheel Friday September 4, 2009 11:23 am
> (snip)
I have an idea, what happened to President Obama, since he was inaugurated 
It seems like, someone had a 'Little Talk'...with him...
That went something like this...

He gets a call from: 'Mr. Big'...for a short meeting at the WH...
Mr. Big arrives with an entourage of a few people...

'We want you to watch a little tape we have, Mr. President, and BTW, 
congratulations on the election...what a wonderful speaker, you are, indeed!'

'Here, we will play for you the 'Zupruder Film, in it's original form, before 
it was altered, slightly...
You see, a few frames were removed, but when replace, you can clearly see here, 
Mr. Greer, a CIA agent, who was driving the car, see how he turns so quickly, 
the camera barely can track it...and shooting the President, at point blank 
range...see how the car, is slowing down...see how Jackie is running out'...

'So, anyhow, it's very sad, that we had to do that, very, very sad, indeed'...

'But, you understand, Mr. Obama, that Mr. Kennedy was getting a little too 
nosey, about our affairs, so, we had no other choice...
We had warned him, about this..he never listened...so arrogant, the man was'...

But, you are much smarter than he...a better speaker, I might add...
So, you have a nice wife, and nice daughters...so beautiful is your life, your 
And such a good speaker, you are...indeed you are...
That is why, we want you to continue to make these beautiful speeches of yours, 
all over the world...to bring the 'World Peace' 'The Peace and Love, of the 
'60's...ahh, so beautiful, is your vision, Mr. Obama...indeed!'

'Nonetheless, we have our operations, shall we say, very well entrenched by 
now...you understand, it has been this way, for quite some time, now'...

We don't bother you, and you don't bother, us, Kapish?
As you saw in the film, we don't play very nice...so...

We will leave you now, to a peaceful and joyful night, Mr. Obama...
And, we shall be 'In Touch'...but, hopefully, not...'Too in Touch'...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Right Wing Lunacy is Getting Worse

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
> > > - Jonah Goldberg is a prime distortion, misinformation and 
> > > outright reality fabrication cheerleader for the massive 
> > > paranoid sociopathology of the fringe right wingers.
> I wrote the comment about Jonah Goldberg. 
> Glenn Beck's audience is primarily made up of those easily lead fringe right 
> winger ditto-heads who apparently do not have the intellectual capability to 
> see that he's expressing his own gross ignorance in his propaganda TV 
> performance, and that it appeals to their common ignorance, insecurities, 
> fears and lower base instincts.
> It's no surprise that the right wing GOP is mostly made up of less educated 
> Bible belt Southerners.
These people have been 'Followers' since the beginning of their 'Slave Driven 
If it was up to them, they would still have 'N-Slaves'...Right?
These people have been on 'The Wrong Side of the Law'...for who knows how long 
Sometimes, I do wish, that American culture, had just a little class...So, we 
wouldn't be so mocked by the rest of the 'Civilized World'


[FairfieldLife] Re: Right Wing Lunacy is Getting Worse

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> John wrote:
> > It's no surprise that the right wing GOP 
> > is mostly made up of less educated Bible 
> > belt Southerners...
> > 
> Don't you just hate those 'less educated
> Bible belf Southerners', who made Beck one 
> of the most popular radio programs. LOL!
Feel sorry for people who are so easily manipulated...
Sheep, baa, baa, baa...
Certainly not for one's seeking any kind of 'Truth'...let alone, 
How could you stick with this crew Willy Tex?
Don't make no sense to me...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation begins with samadhi

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> >
> > Good Morgan, Mr. Turq...
> > You certainly sure sounds like you have an advanced level of 
> > meditation going on, or whatever you choose to call it...
> Au contraire, Pierre. :-)
> According to the teacher who taught me the technique
> I was practicing, I am one seriously crappy meditator.
> I tend to agree with him; that is why the occasional
> *really* deep delving into Silence is so neat when
> it happens.
> > But, I am wondering, one ting...
> > Did this all start, many years ago, with Maharishi and T.M
> > Or, did your meditation experience start, with something else...
> > Just curious...
> I practiced some Zen techniques of meditation before
> I started TM, and tried a few others from books, but
> none of them "took." I started TM and practiced it 
> pretty much religiously for a buncha years. Then I 
> walked away from TM and the TMO and learned some 
> other techniques after that, which I tend to practice 
> "non-religiously," meaning that I practice a particular 
> technique when and if I feel like it, not to any kind 
> of schedule. Sometimes I start with one form of medi-
> tation and segue into one or more others, "mixing and 
> matching" techniques and even schools of meditation
> as I please. I haven't practiced TM per se since 
> maybe 1980.
> And probably most important: 1) I don't feel that
> meditation "ends" when I open my eyes (if I've even
> had my eyes closed...many of the techniques I prac-
> tice are performed with eyes open), and 2) I don't
> "build my life around" meditation. Meditation is just
> a tiny part of my life, not the "foundation" of it
> or "basis" of it. It's more like something I do 
> because I enjoy it than anything I do because I feel
> that I "have to" or "should."
So, may I suggest, to you, that by your stated testimony here...
You hereby given much credit to TM and to Maharishi, for your advanced state of 
experience and knowledge of 'Samadhi'...for whatever reason, since the TM days, 
you switched many horses...which is great...
But the point, I am making is:
Think of the many thousands of people, that for whatever reason, started TM, 
and met Maharishi on whatever level, he or they were available to each other, 
in the same time frame, which would have been allowed, with all the CIA stuff 
going on...
And the rest...
But, the many thousands of souls, that Maharishi touched before it got to 
'Corporatized' by Bevan and his Co-horts...
Well, anyway, just a little 'Saturday Morning Rant'...
Have a good day,

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Living Between Two Realities...'

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69"  wrote:
> why... all this.does . it . mean  you . know what 
> .you are.sayingis .justblather.
Ok, let me be more clear, I hope, with what I was attempting to Express...
The idea that many people feel like that are 'Freaking Out'...
Because things are changing, so much...
That people say, they want change, but then are afraid to make any real 
changes, and expect, Obama to do everything, for everybody...
While at the same time, the opposite forces, of status quo...is trying every 
'Goebbels' trick in the book, to stir up the 'Sub-moral Lower Scum'...
>From the bottom of their sewers...

So, we still need to purify ourselves from the 'Nazi Vibrational Traumas'...
Which are still...Being released, in the individual karma...
And, the Collective Karma...
The earth needs to release this 'Fearful State of the Past'...
And move forward to a 'Present That is Different'...
In quality and texture, from the 'Past Military Industrial Complex'...

You must know that, President Obama, was told, that certain branches of the 
Government, were 'off-limits' for him to attempt to change...
You must know this...
Because you see what 'They' did to the Clinton's...
And 'Hillary-Care', in 1993-94...
And this 'Corporate Take-Over' of the United States...
Has gone on now, since the Reagan years...
Without a let up...
But, rather accelerated, under the failed leadership of George W. Bush, of 
Dallas, Texas


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Glenn Beck= Psychic Tool of the Reich!'

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Robert wrote:
> > He is working for the Nazis...
> >
> "The founder of the group organizing a 
> boycott against conservative talk show 
> host Glenn Beck is a self-described 
> "black nationalist" and "Communist", 
> who has ties to a former terrorist and 
> is working in the Obama administration..."
That's called in China...Yan/Yang concept...
It means that one polarity, attracts it's opposite...

Because President Obama has no polar opposite, because, unlike the polarized 
Incorp/Mass Media/Fox/Etc...
President Obama, has as many 'Polar Opposites' that the 'Legions of Demons'...
Can dream up...

Because President Obama, stand for Unity...and because the oppostion is against 
any kind of unity, because it is 'Ego-Based'...and therefore remains on the 
level of: 'Ego Debate'...which is a circular motion machine, that feeds on 
repetition and the 'Reptilian Brain'...
Of 'Man's Lower More Beastly Instinctual Level'...
Which the 'Lower Vibrational Primates/Oil People/Bankers/Insurance 
Companies/Military Contractors/Dicky Cheney/His Wife and Lesbian Daughter
All, in the many tens of thousands of legions of dark thoughts of hatred, 
toward an innocent man, who won the Presidency=Fair and Square'...
And not by a 'Nazi Supreme Court'...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Right Wing Lunacy is Getting Worse

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Bhairitu wrote:
> > The LSD in the right wing kool-aid 
> > is really doing the trick.  
> >
> Don't you just hate that tricky right 
> wing LSD kool-aid! But I thought it 
> was the 'left wing' hippies that drank 
> the LSD kook-aid. Just reading your 
> last two posts makes me think you're
> already inside a mental institution.
> You're not even making any sense. 
> Fer chrissakes, Barry, it's one thing
> to be a snark, but do you guys have to
> be total hypocrites? LOL!
The C.I.A. was experimenting a lot with L.S.D. and many other drugs, that, 
could be used for mind control...
I've also noticed that many of the 'Assassines'...are former 'Marine 
Corps'...members...and the idea, of 'Mind Control'...with hynosis, and acting 
out commands, on command...
Very scary stuff...

Also, I heard that much of the government was taken over by a 'Behind the 
Scenes Shadow Govt.'...
That was mostly based in the 'Military/Drug Smuggling/Money Laundering/Stock 
Mkt/Manipulation/Manipulation of Elections/Govt. Contracts for 
Mercenary's/Military people retiring and then creating Corporations to receive 
government contracts, while selling back to the government, so they get paid 
twice for the same thing...
The mafia take-over of the whole health care industry...
The 'Oil People' in Texas, in 'Cahoots' with the Saudis, and other Arab oil 
producers...dirty money for dirty weapons...goes on and on...
The media/cable companies/money goes back to Dallas, TX.

"So, the first thing they did, was move out to Beverly, Beverly Hills, that 
is...swimming pools, movie stars... 
~Ronald Reagan~

'We Have Begun Phase Transition/The Final Frontier-
[The+Star+Ship+Enterprise] est Reporting-
>From The Third Planet From the Sun, in the Milky Way Galaxy...
The year is 2009, heading into 2010...

Stayed tune, don't touch that dial!

We'll be right back...

~Robert G.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation begins with samadhi

2009-09-05 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> I had a way cool meditation the other morning. For some reason
> I woke up early, before sunrise, and went out to the end of
> one of the jetties along the Sitges beach and sat to meditate
> for a few minutes. Three hours later I opened my eyes. So I'm
> gonna rap for a few minutes about what a "good meditation" is
> to me.
> CAVEAT EMPTOR: I am going to do this while referring
> to my own style of meditation, and my own assumptions
> about what meditation is and what its value to the practitioner
> is. Some of these assumptions differ from the TM dogma about
> what meditation is, and how it works. If this pushes your
> buttons such that you feel you have to rush in and "correct"
> my "misunderstanding" of what meditation is and "set me
> straight," you will have to forgive me  if I ignore your silly ass.
> The "lead in" to this particularly enjoyable meditation, the
> theoretical "set up" from which to understand *why* it was partic-
> ularly enjoyable, is a teaching one would probably never find in
> the TM organization. That teaching is, "Meditation *begins* with
> samadhi."
> In some traditions, including the one that taught me the technique
> I was practicing, "transcending" as it is thought of in TM (that
> is, the simple stoppage of thought) is not the end point of medi-
> tation or in any sense its "goal." How could it be? In these tech-
> niques, which involve discrimination and a small amount of effort,
> stopping thought is *easy*. Anyone who *can't* stop their thoughts
> for half an hour at a time is considered a beginner at the technique.
> In such a tradition, stopping thought is No Big Deal; it's what
> happens *after* thought has stopped that is interesting.
> The only analogy I can think of to explain it is to relate an exper-
> ience I had while on vacation recently in France. I was hiking with
> my dogs in a forest, grooving on the Silence. The Silence was so
> profound that I could not *help* but groove on it. But then, at
> what I later found was a quarry adjacent to the park where I was
> hiking, someone set off some dynamite.
> Its effect was shocking. The forest, which up until then I had
> thought of as Silent, suddenly became Really Silent. And at that
> point I realized that it hadn't been until then. What I was think-
> ing of as Silence before the boom had been "relative Silence," and
> filled with the background chirping of birds, the squeaking of frogs,
> etc. When the dynamite went off, they stopped doing that, and the
> forest truly fell silent. What a difference!
> That is the difference being referred to by the teaching "Meditation
> *begins* with samadhi." A mind free of thoughts is not the "end
> point" of meditation, not the Silence one has been seeking, merely
> the threshold beyond which much deeper levels of Silence lie, wait-
> ing to be appreciated.
> For me, a "good meditation" really kicks into "high gear" only after
> 20 minutes or so in the state of thoughtlessness. The initial dropping
> of thoughts is cool, but it's as if the Silence one experiences init-
> iatlly as thoughts drop off and cease is as much at the "surface of
> Silence" as the seemingly Silent forest was before its deeper levels
> of Silence were revealed.
> Silence isn't static. It unfolds and unfolds into deeper levels of
> itself, or its Self if you prefer. The initial state of no thought
> "expands" somehow to deeper and more profound levels of no
> thought, to deeper and more silent levels of Silence. It's really neat.
Good Morgan, Mr. Turq...
You certainly sure sounds like you have an advanced level of meditation going 
on, or whatever you choose to call it...
But, I am wondering, one ting...
Did this all start, many years ago, with Maharishi and T.M
Or, did your meditation experience start, with something else...
Just curious...

~Robert G.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Tuesday afternoon

2009-09-03 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> I remember TM'ers played that album over and over and over again.  I got 
> sick of hearing it.  It was like muzak.
Flash-back to a party in High School, somewhere in the year, 1969...
There was just one record at the party...a 45 rpm...the one with the big hole 
in the middle...
'Dance to the Music' was the song...how could I ever forget, the embedding in 
my mind of that tune, over and over again...
It's by 'Sly and the Family Stone'...

'Good-bye Ruby Tuesday'
Who could hang a name on you...
When you change, with every new day...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active FF Spiritual Practice Groups

2009-09-03 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > > On Behalf Of j_alexander_stanley
> > > 
> > > I don't think it's possible on FFL to mention the topic of 
> > > seekers becoming finders without it pushing someone's buttons.
> >  
> > There's some justification for that, in that many who reported 
 > great experiences or Awakening did so to bolster their egos or 
> > attract followers.
> > Also, some folks' definition of enlightenment is rather exalted 
> > and would exclude all stages of awakening other than the final 
> > one. Also, there's a tendency to dismiss claims of awakening in 
> > those whose personalities we may not like, or who appear so 
> > ordinary.
> I can only speak for myself. I am not at *all*
> opposed to people's experiences of "finding."
> I just tend to look at what they DO with that
> which they believe that they've found.
> If, for example, they announce with absolute
> certainty *exactly* what it IS that they've found,
> or what it "means," I grow wary. I'd like to see
> the telegram they got from God that makes them
> so certain.  :-)
> Another thing I see as a "red flag" in some who
> claim that they have "found" is that they assume
> that they have nothing more to ever find again,
> that they're "there," and that there is no more 
> seeking to do. I find that very, very sad. 
> I think that to some extent the "finding" thang
> is an extension of the "seeking" thang. That is,
> a lot of people paid their dues for a long, long
> time in traditions that left them as seekers,
> without them ever finding what was promised.
> That can tend to make people a little anxious,
> and after 20 or 30 years make them almost 
> *desperate* to find something -- anything --
> to prove to themselves that all these years
> and decades spent seeking were not in vain,
> were not wasted.
> So they let their standards slip. They have a 
> realization or awakening, and because they've
> waited so long for something to happen -- for
> *anything* to happen -- they make more of the
> experience than perhaps they should. They have
> a flash of 24/7 witnessing and think they're
> enlightened. They see rosy auras and think
> they're in GC. 
> I've seen this happen so many times, and in so
> many spiritual traditions, that I tend to walk
> away from anyone who talks about "having found."
> *Especially* if it becomes apparent that after
> having found whatever they found they *stopped*
> there, and assumed that there was nothing more
> to find.
> I have only met two or three individuals on this
> planet whom I suspect of being fully enlightened.
> Every one of them could not *wait* to wake up 
> each morning and see what new things it had to
> teach them, what more they could learn that day,
> and how much they might be changed at the end, 
> of that day. That, to me, is finding something
> and treating it correctly, as just one more step
> along a never-ending path. Saying that one has e 
> reached the end of seeking -- to me -- just indi-
> cates that the person saying it has grown tired 
> or lazy or complacent.
This is good, everything you say, I can kinda relate too...

It would just make sense, that when one becomes more aware, I mean really more 
aware, then one would be more excited about 'waking up in the morning'...or for 
that matter, for every second that being more aware, is being more aware of 
feelings, things, intricacies, smells, tastes, transcendent values, archetypes, 
intuitions, feelings of bliss-full oneness...

The most important thing in life, is not to 'Reach Some Goal'...but rather, to 
just remember who you are, as a soul, in a body...but an eternal soul...

The more you can reflect and become aware of your 'Eternal Soul'(which is all 
you get to take with you, when you pass)
...while you are here in a body, 
You came here to do what you came here to do...

Like Jesus said: 'It is Finished'...he was 'Soul-Realized'...
Leaving the 'Cross' with 'All Peace and Love'...

~Kind of like John Lennon-[in a way],...
(Ah, my Oh, my, I'm wayy... sorry, I'm not supposed to compare the Beatles to 
Jesusnow I remember)...
Then call this a 'Successful Lifetime'...


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Sunday Thang

2009-08-30 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> > "I have taught you the way of meditation, you must keep it, I am but one; I 
> > do my work, you must do yours.  When I have done my work, I can help you no 
> > more.  I wish you knew your day and your privilege; you have a privilege 
> > that many souls have desired, and could not obtain.  You are young, and you 
> > have a privilege to take up your practice in the prime of your activity.."  
> >
> Om, but there is more doing:
> "If you take up your spiritual practice against the lust of the flesh while 
> you have power yourselves, you offer to God the first fruits; and there is a 
> glorious crown for all who take up their practices against the flesh in this 
> world; such souls will receive that honor and crown of glory, which no other 
> souls can ever obtain."
> "But all souls will have the a privilege in this meditation, either in this 
> world, or in the world of spirit; but those who have the offer of meditation 
> in this world, if they finally reject it, they will never have another day."
> Jai,
> > >
> > > 
> > > It's as if the prevailing mindset in America is about
> > > "Doing Something." If you're not actively doing some-
> > > thing, you feel antsy, ill at ease. And while this
> > > might be a useful mindset if you're running a business
> > > and hoping to make a profit from your employees feel-
> > > ing and acting this way, it may be somewhat problematic
> > > when it comes to Just Being. 
> > > 
> > > In France and in Spain, my perception is that the 
> > > majority of folks have *no problem* Just Being, and that 
> > > in America a *lot* of people have a big problem with
> > > Just Being. It tends to make them a little crazy, and
> > > they react to this craziness by feeling they have to
> > > Do Something. Unfortunately, that "something" often
> > > tends to carry with it the underlying vibe of their
> > > own dis-ease, the thing that is compelling them to
> > > Do Something instead of Just Being.
> > > 
> > 
> > Doing something
This tendency has been around, for a very long time...
I remember the furthest back life-time, and it was about carrying bricks, up a 
planck, in order to build some jack-ass pyrimid, in some God-forsaken place, 
somewhere, in the hot sun, in the middle of nowhere, and then got smash to 
death, when the damn brick fell on me, as I wasn't really cut out, for that 
kind of works

So, now you see the kids, texting, messaging, tied to Mom thru Cell Phone 
[Total Family Plan]: Controled Minds in a Controled enviornmentwearing 
their helmets, when they ride...
So, what to do...

[Make it 'Cool' to be 'Silent'...}

It's cool to really be really silent, while performing any action, in the 
presence of the younger gen X...
They will notice, that you are 'Playing the Game' 'Outside of the 
Box'...immediately, because they are 'Well Trained' to notice anything, 
'Outside of the Ordinary Controlled Box'...
And they seem to always, remarkably, respond in a very positive manner, as you 
help them move from the 'Lifelessnesss.ss of Ego(s)'...

~Roberto De Madison.end of August, we made it through, so far...'09

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ted Kennedy Jr. Says Goodbye To His Father

2009-08-30 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> ...There is also much to say and much will be said about my father the man. 
> The storyteller, the lover of costume parties, a practical joker, the 
> accomplished painter. He was a lover of everything French: cheese, wine, and 
> women. He was a mountain climber, navigator, skipper, tactician, airplane 
> pilot, rodeo rider, ski jumper, dog lover, and all around adventurer. Our 
> family vacations left us all injured and exhausted.
> He was a dinner table debater and devil's advocate. He was an Irishman and a 
> proud member of the Democratic Party.
> Here's one you may not know: Out of Harvard he was a Green Bay Packers 
> recruit but decided to go to law school instead.
> He was a devout Catholic whose faith helped him survive unbearable losses and 
> whose teachings taught him that he had a moral obligation to help others in 
> need.
> He was not perfect, far from it. But my father believed in redemption and he 
> never surrendered. Never stopped trying to right wrongs, be they the results 
> of his own failings or of ours.
> But today I'm simply compelled to remember Ted Kennedy as my father and my 
> best friend. 
> When I was 12 years old I was diagnosed with bone cancer and a few months 
> after I lost my leg, there was a heavy snowfall over my childhood home 
> outside of Washington D.C. My father went to the garage to get the old 
> Flexible Flyer and asked me if I wanted to go sledding down the steep 
> driveway. And I was trying to get used to my new artificial leg and the hill 
> was covered with ice and snow and it wasn't easy for me to walk. And the hill 
> was very slick and as I struggled to walk, I slipped and I fell on the ice 
> and I started to cry and I said "I can't do this." I said, "I'll never be 
> able to climb that hill." 
> And he lifted me in his strong, gentle arms and said something I'll never 
> forget. He said "I know you'll do it, there is nothing you can't do. We're 
> going to climb that hill together, even if it takes us all day."
> Sure enough, he held me around my waist and we slowly made it to the top, 
> and, you know, at age 12 losing a leg pretty much seems like the end of the 
> world, but as I climbed onto his back and we flew down the hill that day I 
> knew he was right. I knew I was going to be OK. 
> You see, my father taught me that even our most profound losses are 
> survivable and it is what we do with that loss, our ability to transform it 
> into a positive event, that is one of my father's greatest lessons. He taught 
> me that nothing is impossible. 
> [...]
> He even taught me some of life's harder lessons, such as how to like 
> Republicans. He once told me, he said, "Teddy, Republicans love this country 
> just as much as I do." 
> I think that he felt like he had something in common with his Republican 
> counterparts: the vagaries of public opinion, the constant scrutiny of the 
> press, the endless campaigning for the next election, but most of all, the 
> incredible shared sacrifice that being in public life demands. He understood 
> the hardship that politics has on a family and the hard work and commitment 
> that it requires.
> He often brought his republican colleagues home for dinner and he believed in 
> developing personal relationships and honoring differences. And one of the 
> wonderful experiences that I will remember today is how many of his 
> republican colleges are sitting here, right before him. That's a true 
> testament to the man...
> -Full text: http://snipurl.com/rhsm5   [www_boston_com] 
> -Full video here: http://snipurl.com/rhsmb   [crooksandliars_com]
Listen to 'Air America' every weekday night, broadcasting [live]from Seattle, 
'The Ron Reagan Show'...
Ron interviewed his Mom, Nancy, a couple of nights ago...
She had many lively and fond memories of the close friendship she had 
developed, over the years, with Teddy Kennedy...
She said, that the best speech, she ever heard, given in honor of her late 
husband President Reagan...
She said, it was the most 'Touching Speech I ever remember, anyone ever giving 
my husband'...

Ted Kennedy was a 'Real Dude' in every sense of the world and in every sense of 
the Word...

~Roberto De Madison2009

'Say The Word!'

Say the word, and you'll [Be Free...
Say the word, and [B]e like me...
Say the word, I'm thinkin' of...
Have[You]Heard, ["The Word is Love"]

Is so fine, it's sunshine...

Say, the [Word-Love]...
 In the beginning, it's misunderstood, 
But, now I've got it, and the [Word] is [Good]...

Say, the [Word] and you'll be [Free]
Say, the word, and be like me...
Just, say, the, word, Love...try it, it works...(comment by R.g.)
John Lennon/Paul McCartney...   1965

[FairfieldLife] Re: Tomb of Jesus in India : Lived till age of 88 surviving crusification

2009-08-28 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Ghanesh PV wrote:
> >
> >
> > http://www.tombofjesus.com/2007/home.html
> > This is revelation based on German researcher after their study of many
> > sacred Hindu Sanskrit texts records, Islamic records and Kasmiri texts
> > that accounts Jesus(Issa Purtra - Son of God) arrival and his living in
> > heaven(Kashmir). His told is in Srinagar along with that of Mother Mary and
> > HIs Guru Abraham(Brahma)
> Ann Frank is alive but not well because of her advanced age, living in my 
> attic.

Actually my sister, Lisa, is the reincarnation of Anna Frank...she hasn't 
changed much, and spends most of her time, upstairs in her room...she's into 
Buddhism, now..but doesn't believe in 'Reincarnation'...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Senator's Passing Brightens Hope'

2009-08-28 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge  wrote:
> -He's a man with great failings, tipsy , but tipping no cosmic scale
I met Senator Kennedy, when he was campaigning for President, in 1980, in 
Ottumwa, Iowa...
He was there, with his younger son, who had part of his leg removed, because of 
He seemed to radiating an amazing amount of compassion, and a sense of 
completing his 'Dharma'...
I just flash back, to that time, when I was meditating in his presence, and 
felt, that when a person, passes, their basic vibrational essence, expands, 
greatly, throughout the Cosmos...
When one leaves the body, there is an amazing expansion which naturally takes 

Therefore, I feel, that because Senator Kennedy, was one of great compassion, 
for his fellow man/woman, then this pure vibration of compassion, would balance 
out the violence of the opposition...

In terms of 'Reincarnation Cycles'...
I had heard that both his brothers John, and Bobby were both 'Disciples of 
Yeshua bin Joseph...
I am not sure, but I would assume, that Teddy Kennedy was also a close 
associate of Jesus the Christ


> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> >
> > Teddy's  passing infuses the spiritual light,
> > Â .Which he exemplified and walked..
> > And, ‘Social Justice, Honor and Truth...
> > His passing, I believe will bring that light;
> > To be:  ‘Absorbed back to the Cosmos’
> > I believe, tipping ‘The Cosmic Scale...
> > All in favor, for what Senator Kennedy,
> > Devoted his life to, ‘till the very end...
> > A truly heroic man, of our time...
> > Making the 'Light of Hope', in our time...
> > Brighter, definitely brighter!
> > Â 
> > 
> > ~Roberto De Madison.2009
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feeling sad?

2009-08-26 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
> -- 
> "If violence isn't your last resort, then you didn't use enough violence."
Sounds exactly like the philosophy of Adolf Hitler...and due to the karma of 
violence, had his country flattened, and had himself burned to a crisp...
Also, the Romans had a good terror device, called crucifixion...ever hear of it?
Violence breeds violence...
What a stupid ignorant demonic way of thinking and  acting, don't ya think?
But, I'm sure your friends, George Bush, and Dick Cheney subscribe to the same 


[FairfieldLife] The Health Care Industry As War Profiteers (was Re: Billionaires for Wealthcare)

2009-08-26 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > We have the Most Profitable Health Care System in the World !
> > 
> > Keep the Billionaires Rich!
> > 
> > Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHVwrCzRUX0
> Funny and instructive protest/film. 
> While on vacation I found an old copy of Vanity Fair
> and read an article about Halliburton/K&R and the
> whistleblowers who have pointed out how systematically
> they have ripped off (and continue to rip it off to 
> this day) the federal government and, by extension, 
> US taxpayers.
> This flick reminded me that in a real sense the health
> care industry (doctors, Big Pharma, and insurance com-
> panies) are K&R's moral equivalents -- war profiteers.
> Somewhere along the line, their focus shifted away 
> fighting the war (against terror, against disease)
> and shifted to *perpetuating* it. Because every day 
> they can make it last means millions more in the bank
> for them. 
> What's the difference, after all, between billing the
> federal government for meals served to a number of 
> people that exceeds the population of Iraq (and worse,
> having them *pay* that bill without question), and
> doctors ordering tests that they know are not necessary
> but which increase their profits or drug companies 
> selling a drug in the US for $20 a pill that they sell
> in other countries for 40 cents a pill? 
> Nothing.
There seems to be a group of people, who continue to be pulling the strings, 
that have no compassion or mercy, or any redeeming qualities...
All they know how to do is divide and conquer, and to war against anyone, who 
is not in their demonic group...
Like you said, if they can't wage war, overseas, then they will wage war on 
their own countrymen, and woman...keeping the masses, scared, confused and 
Right now, they've are waging a war on President Obama, and the American 
people..they will fight tooth and nail to prevent Obama from doing anything 
which would be against their insidious plans...
They consider him, to be an easy target, for their propaganda, which taps into 
racism, and anything else they can come up with...
They will do anything necessary to stay on top, because they don't believe in a 
Creator God, the Oneness of Spirit, or any evolved consciousness...They believe 
in seperateness, as long as they can feel superior...
It's the same with the people running the TM movement...as they are just a 
reflection of the same collective rich boy superiority...
They have evil selfish, and murderous intentions, and if a new age is truly to 
manifest itself, these selfish egotistical bastards will need to fail, but 
since they control everything, I'm not sure how this is going to happen...
They have been at this for too long, to give up now...
It will take an act of God, to reverse this trend...
And that is what will probably happen.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rajas

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool  wrote:
> Kingsley Brooks is on Facebook.
> So is Rogers:
> http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=rogers+badgett&init=quick#/profile.php?id=10061204737&ref=search&sid=802075314.192014658..1
Do you really think these soul-less people will listen to anything you have to 
Your wasting your time...
The only thing they want to hear from you, is that you have like a million 
dollars to donate...then they will be all ears...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Senator Edward M. Kennedy, 1932-2009

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool  wrote:
> http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/national_world&id=6983196
> "Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
> love." 
> - Amma 
Goodbye and God Bless you, Senator Kennedy...
Thank God they didn't kill you, like they did your brothers...
Gave you time to do some good for this pathetic country...
One of the last Senators, that kept his heart, and his soul...
You will certainly be missed, especially with the way things are going now...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Talking Health Care Reform with Matt Taibbi

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> Today Jane Hamsher hosted an online conference in the comments with Matt
> Taibbi Welcome Matt Taibbi, whose latest article on health care is in
> the new issue of Rolling Stone.
> I remember being at the Ways & Means committee for markup last month. 
> Lobbyists were paying in the range of $3500 a seat for homeless people
> to hold places in line for them.  It was like being on the floor of the
> Chicago Board of Trade -- everyone was yelling votes into their cell
> phones, texting on their blackberries furiously to legislative aids who
> slipped pieces of paper to members on the committee. At one point I 
> walked in the wrong door and saw that there was, indeed, a "smoke filled
> back room" where members sat around and cut the real deals.
>   Talking Health Care Reform With Matt Taibbi 
> With the health care industry currently worth 17% of GDP, it was like
> being in boom town during the gold rush.  All I could think was, "it
> won't be long until Matt Taibbi gets here."
> Health insurance industry stock prices soared this week
>  about-to-get-worse-courtesy-of-max-baucus-rahm-emanuel/>  after Kathleen
> Sebelius said that the public option could take a nap under the bus.  Is
> it just a coincidence?  Or is it just the public manifestation of the
> secret deals that the White House has been cutting since May 11
>  insurance-hospitals-and-rahm/>  with AHIP, PhRMA, the device
> manufacturers, the hospitals
>  -goes-south-baucus-owns-it/> , the AMA and other stakeholders, the deals
> we still know nothing about, while liberal interest groups sit it out in
> the veal pen under orders from Rahm Emanuel
>  erals-in-the-veal-pen/> ?
> For the past 8 years we've been told that true progressive change was
> not possible because the Republicans held the keys.  Now that we've got
> a Democrat in the White House who ran on a public option, 60 Democrats
> in the Senate, a Speaker of the House who pledged that no bill would go
> through without a public option, and 77% of the country in favor of
> having one, we're confronted with the ugly reality that the system is
> too corrupt and too recalcitrant for one man or one party to change.
> As Taibbi says of our failed health care system in this month's Rolling
> Stone:
> The cost of all of this to society, in illness and death and loss of
> productivity and a soaring federal deficit and plain old anxiety and
> anger, is incalculable -- and that's the good news.  The bad news is our
> failed health care system won't get fixed, because it exists entirely
> within the confines of yet another failed system:  the political entity
> known as the United States of America.
> He talks about the unbelievable treachery of Max Baucus, who has
> received $3,973,485 in campaign contributions from the health care
> industry since 2003.  And of the way that the Blue Dogs held the health
> care bill hostage before the August recess -- and got a concession that
> any public plan would not be tied to Medicare rates:
> The concession would bump the price of the public option by $1800 a year
> for an average family of four.  In one fell swoop, the public plan went
> from being significantly cheaper than private insurance to costing,
> well, "about the same as what we have now," as one Senate aide put it."
> He ascribes this to Nancy Pelosi's shortcomings, but I'd actually take
> issue with that -- it was Hoyer, advocating for the Blue Dogs, who
> provide his power base and fuel his hopes for ascendency to the
> Speaker's chair.  Quite frankly, if it weren't for Pelosi, Waxman and
> Miller's commitment to the public plan, it would've been gone a long
> time ago. But whether that is true commitment to a public plan, or just
> to getting one through a first House vote for the benefit of optics that
> they plan to sacrifice in conference, I can't say.
> It's a great rundown of the opaque process by which the Senate and House
> have operated with regard to health care, something we are only
> beginning to scratch the surface of.  Is the power dynamic changing in
> favor of progressives
>  e-verge-of-changing-the-power-dynamic> , as Sirota says today?  Nobody
> yet knows.  I hope he follows it up with a look at that dynamic, and
> also the machinations that have gone on in the White House -- because I
> strongly suspect that's been the true driving force behind this all
> along.
> Please welcome Matt Taibbi in the comments.
> Firedoglake
> by Jane Hamsher
> 8/25/09
> http://snipurl.com/r7jrx 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
>   Hi RG,
>   Being the resident conspiracy theorist-rightwingnut-anti UN- anti big 
> government  
Oh, now I get it...you don't like 'Big Government' except when it comes to 'Big 
Military'...Huge expendentures of implements of death...
Go it alone, and invade Iraq, to fill the coffers of the death mongers...the 
bigger the better, there...
Anything big, when it comes to inequality, death and racism...

But, for the people, to make their lives, a little less stressful, and more 
enjoyable, well we don't want to do that...

But, if you need money for death and destruction, no problem there...
The Big government, there is just fine...big oil, big drug pushers, big banks, 
big everything...just not for the average person...
Because you see, they don't count...
Only the 'Right-Wing Nazis count, and they can have the biggest death machine, 
as possible...
You are either brainwashed or just have lost your compassion for humanity, in 
Did you ever wonder why, they have plenty of money for war, but little else...
Who cares about the children and their schools...who cares if sick people can't 
get health care...
A true Nazi attitude...I guess we haven't really evolved too much, if we're 
still stuck in our little egos, have we?


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelsonriddle2001"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> >
> >  (snip)
> > >  Being a bright lad, I expect you noticed that everyone in Washington is 
> > > seriously anti second amendment. (name any of the top players)
> > >   Do you think it is accidental?
> > >
> > Mr. Nelson, it's no riddle, if you believe this stuff as true...
> > Just stock up on as much ammo, as you can, at Walmart...just buy everything 
> > they have...
> > In the meantime, stock up on every kind of handgun, rifle, shotguns, flame 
> > throwers, hand grenades, everything...
> > The only thing you might have trouble securing is a 'Nuclear War-head'...
> > But as smart as you are, you could probably figure out a way to make on...
> > 
> > R.g.
> >
>   Hi RG,
>   Being the resident conspiracy theorist-rightwingnut-anti UN- anti big 
> government and, whatever, I am entitled to have a different opinion than most 
> of the current hypnotized types we see in the majority.
>Wallmart here dosent carry ammo anymore and, not being in the rich and 
> famous category, stocking up is slow going.  keep laughing..
Last time I was down there, in Kentucky, rumor has it, that Obama is going to 
take their precious guns away, and I assure you, that they do sell plenty of 
guns and ammo, down there in their Kentucky Wal-Mart...

Perhaps different States, have different laws, but the Hill-Billy's down there, 
have a Wal-Mart, that does sell that death stuff...

If you can't get the stuff you need at Wal-mart, to protect your scared ass, I 
am sure, there are other places you can git, what your lookin' for...



[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Cigna Healthcare Profits/Took in $4.8 Billion/Paid out $787 Million'

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex  wrote:
> > > So, you're saying that if the Dem plan for a public 
> > > option, in order to wipe out the insurance companies 
> > > like Cigna, passes and is made into law, that all 
> > > the insurance companies, 13% of GNP, will go 
> > > bankrupt.
> > >
> Robert wrote:
> > Why would you care about these fools who make money 
> > off of people's suffering...
> >
> There's no 'money' Robert, no gold in Fort Knox. Your 
> 'dollars' are not worth the paper they are printed on. 
> The U.S. is bankrupt, don't you get it? You didn't
> vote to kick the bums out, now the bill is due. You
> need to get out more.
Ok, if the money is worthless, then why don't you send me, your valueless 
money...I'll give you my address...

All I know is that my ex-brother-in-law, works for Cigna, and believe me he 
could care less about providing health care...his job, is to rip off as many 
people, as possible...
He is a fat liar pig, and when one lies as much as some of these people, they 
forget how to tell the truth...
Your oil empire, down there in Texas, is what is going to go defunct...the 
sooner the better..
I'm sorry I can't bow down, to your hero George W. Bush, but I just think he is 
a soul-less, cocaine sniffing psychopath, that doesn't lose a wink of sleep, he 
doesn't care about anyone, except his stupid ego...

[FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Lou Valentino Radio Interview on BBS with Mike Quinsey

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: ls...@... [mailto:ls...@...] 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:48 PM
> To: ls...@...
> Subject: Lou Valentino Radio Interview on BBS with Mike Quinsey
> 08/25/2009
> Dear astrological clients, yoga practitioners, spiritual friends and family,
> I am honored to announce a radio interview with Mike Quinsey on BBS Radio 
> “Connecting the Light”. 
> This will air on Friday August 28th at 2:00PM PDT or 5:00pm EDT. The radio 
> show is national and if you can’t listen live then they are very organized 
> with archives of shows to listen to at your convenience. Go to  Internet 
>   Talk Radio | Live Internet Radio Talk Shows - BBS 
> Radio.com. Click Radio Schedule from the left hand menu and go to Friday 
> 2:00PM. Click- “Connecting The Light” with Mike Quinsey.
> My conversations with the Pleiadians is 70 pages of information regarding the 
> new model of life that they and other races will try to introduce to 
> earthlings sometime between late spring of 2011 and the end of 2012 to 
> fulfill the prophecy of the Mayan calendar and astrological signatures that 
> show the end of a 26,000 year cycle and beginning a new one.
> The information is very positive giving much insight into the new and 
> innovative life style we will be inheriting from 2012-2026. They call it 
> “The Preparation Phase”.
> The e-book will be available for purchase through my website by September 
> 11th or sooner. I will let you all know as soon as all the editing is done 
> and the shopping cart is updated.
> What will you gain by reading this channeled information?
> Ø  You will discover the new model of Healthcare for humanity
> Ø  The new Education of the “Preparation Phase” 2012 to 2026
> Ø  A new model of Economics based on small family groupings
> Ø  A new model of Real Estate with get away vacations for everyone
> Ø  A new approach to Romance and the definition of Soul Mates/Soul Twins
> Ø  Answers on how to prevent Cancer cells from staying alive
> Ø  Information on the Pleiadians and how this culture lives
> Ø  UFO appearance dates and its connection to the Mayan prophesies year 
> 2012
> Ø  Meditations and Affirmations for better health, romance and abundance
> Ø  The Guru/Disciple Relationship in the New Age
> A new 26,000 year cycle is almost here. The days of darkness for earthlings 
> is about to end by the end of 2012 and a glorious bright future for planet 
> earth and humanity will be the by-product as we connect with other advanced 
> races.
> Love and Light,
> Lou Valentino
> Swa Ha    
You Go, Lou, Good Luck to you...
I hope you are right...and where we are now...is just the: 
 'Darkness Before the Dawn'...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fed-Ex and UPS are FUNDED BY TAX-PAYERS ! - MIKE DIXON is a SOCIALIST !

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> LOL Off the Post Office runs deficits in the billions! Fedex and UPS are 
> highly profitable. By the way UPS and FEdex have complained for years that 
> Parcel Post is such a loser that it has to be subsidized by first class mail.
> (snip)
Ok, if the free market, has been good for competitors of the mail service...
Then why, oh why, are the insurance co.'s scared to death, to compete with a 
government run health care system...
I know it will cut in to their huge profits on drugs, and the fat pigs at the 
insurance co's...
So, why are they so afraid? I wonder...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Cigna Healthcare Profits/Took in $4.8 Billion/Paid out $787 Million'

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex  wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > What WILL happen if there is ever a large-
> > scale disaster (BIG hurricane or California earth-
> > quake) is that pretty much every insurance company
> > in America will be unable to pay off on its out-
> > standing policies and will declare bankruptcy...
> >
> So, you're saying that if the Dem plan for a public 
> option, in order to wipe out the insurance companies 
> like Cigna, passes and is made into law, that all 
> the insurance companies, 13% of GNP, will go 
> bankrupt.
Why would you care about these fools who make money off of people's 
suffering...are you a Nazi?
The money that would be saved, instead of paying these manipulative A-Holes, 
could be used in much better ways, then for them to keep soaking the people...
F' Cigna and all the rest of the Bastards...
They are just left-overs from Reaganomics, and guess what?
Nothing trickles down, except their lying sh_t...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feds can NOT run social secuerity the mail or much else except military

2009-08-25 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> <>
> ROTFL ! ! ! ... There are as many mercenaries hired by the US in Iraq
> and Afghanisthan, as there are US military personel. There are about
> 130,000 mercenaries in Iraq.  THIS  IS A FACT.  The Blackwater
> mercenaries get paid 20 times what the US soldiers get paid. And you
> DEFEND this system ! !  !  You Sir, are a traitor to the troops, and a
> traitor to America.
> OffWorld
The real scary thing, is what happens when these psychotic psychopathic 
murderers come back to the U.S...
Hopefully, they've made enough money, to go hang out in Las Vegas, where they 
can get real drunk, and spend their blood money on  whores and other underworld 
stuff, that the blood money can buy...


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread babajii_99
>  Being a bright lad, I expect you noticed that everyone in Washington is 
> seriously anti second amendment. (name any of the top players)
>   Do you think it is accidental?
Mr. Nelson, it's no riddle, if you believe this stuff as true...
Just stock up on as much ammo, as you can, at Walmart...just buy everything 
they have...
In the meantime, stock up on every kind of handgun, rifle, shotguns, flame 
throwers, hand grenades, everything...
The only thing you might have trouble securing is a 'Nuclear War-head'...
But as smart as you are, you could probably figure out a way to make on...


[FairfieldLife] Re: WillyTex REALLY IS is a RAGING SOCIALIST !

2009-08-24 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex  wrote:
> > > My parents both have private insurance and like
> > > everyone else, Medicare and Medicaid. But the
> > > Medicare and Medicaid are supplements to the
> > > private insurance. I'm am glad my parents had
> > > good jobs and a good group policy: the USAF.
> > >
> Off:
> > The air force is PAID FOR BY TAX PAYERS.
> >
> Dad is retired from the USAF, he works for
> an private oil company with a group plan, so
> I guess he's covered by that, and he has 
> Medicare, so the USAF has nothing to do with
> his healthcare at this point.
I am sure the United States Air Force, has an unlimited budget...
As well, the OIL COMPANIES, also have an unlimited budget, because they have 
been draining the rest of us...but that's ok...

Black Gold, Texas Tea...has apparently polluted more than just the earth...it 
also seems to pollute the minds of those that greedily sell the black 
In this case, the racist in Texas, can proudly say:
"Black is Beautiful!'  as long as the black is sticky oil...
Or is it called; 'Light Sweet Crude'...
What a joke.

Racist oil suckers...is the consciousness of the State of Texas...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rajas

2009-08-24 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
> >
> >
> > Does any one have the e-mail address of all or any of TM movement Rajas?
> >
> > Tom Stanley: stanl...@...
> >
> > John Konhaus: rajajohnkonh...@...
> >
> > Rogers Badgett: rogersb...@...
> >
> > Kingsley Brooks is on Facebook.
> >
> Do you have the address of the Nazi?  I want to send him fan mail.
`All Correspondence can be sent to:

Bevan Morris aka Joseph Goebbels, at 

The Third Reich Reichstag
Berlin, Germany...

Att/ Bevan Morris.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelsonriddle2001"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> >
> > Anti-Constitutional and want to establish a monied Monarchy..
> >  
> > Because they are: 'Of the Money, by the Money, and for the Money...
> > Simple, huh?
> > 
> > Money first, second and third...the people last on the list...
> > 
> > If you have no money, to the Republicans, you just don't count...as a human 
> > being...
> > 
> > Kind of demonic, don't ya think?
> > 
> > r.g.
> >
>   As an opinion, I think the present administration trying to rewrite the 
> first and second amendment is a problem. (amongst others)
And, How are they trying to do that? Is that something you heard on 


[FairfieldLife] 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
Anti-Constitutional and want to establish a monied Monarchy..
Because they are: 'Of the Money, by the Money, and for the Money...
Simple, huh?

Money first, second and third...the people last on the list...

If you have no money, to the Republicans, you just don't count...as a human 

Kind of demonic, don't ya think?


[FairfieldLife] 'If The Republicans had Their way...'

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
There would be no food stamps, no Social Security, no Medicare or Medicaid, no 
Section 8...no civil rights legislation, no Martin Luther King holiday...no 
medical marijuana, plenty of CIA imported Cocaine and Heroin, more people in 
Jail, more CIA inspired terroristic scare tactics, more secret deals with big 
oil, more secret deals with Big Drug pushers, more weapons contracts, you get 
the picture...
All and all they like to create a stressed out culture, where people are too 
drunk, or tired to push back or even to think logically..

There would be more spending on the military, less regulation for banks and 
insurance company's, their goal is not for the people...
Their goal is money and power, and domination...

Every social program, to help the average citizen, was put into law, by 
Democrats...every single one...

I challenge anyone to name one social program, which the Republicans 
instituted...you can't think of one thing, they've done for the people, and not 
for the money, power, and [Roman Empire] type takeover of the world...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Mindsight, cutting edge meditation research

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero"  wrote:
> --Results will be superficial window dressing due to widespread potential 
> opposition by Christian Fundamenalists.
This is true...The 'Christian' opposition, is wide-spread, across the 
nation...they will stomp on anything that smells of religion, and is not 
Same thing they did, back in the late 1970's, when they smashed the idea of 
teaching TM in public schools...
Since meditation in and of itself, is usually associated with religious 
practice, I don't see how the 'Christians' would allow it, in any public 


[FairfieldLife] Re: PLEASE ASK SENATOR GRASSLEY if he has Healthcare paid for by the Taxpayer.

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex  wrote:
> Robert wrote:
> > I guess Mr.Grassley, has been in Washington D.C. 
> > too long...
> > 
> So, Robert, you're in favor of socialized medicine,
> and you're opposed to a bi-partisan bill. You want 
> to include in the bill an employer mandate that 
> would kill jobs or send them overseas. And, in your
> plan, there is no opt-out - it's an automatic tax
> deduction from your paycheck. Is that right?
I am in favor of shutting down the Insurance Co.'s...because they are ripoffs.
I am in favor of making medications available at a reasonable price.
I am in favor of people going in the medical profession, who want to heal 
people primarily, and make a decent living, but not the greed they invest in 
It's impossible to get anything of value from the Republicans, so I could care 
less about getting any Republicans, on board...

What you don't seem to understand, is that everybody is stressed out in the 
current system...
Being stressed out, effects health in a negative way.
If health care were provided in a humane way, then the stress of the people 
will lesson, and there will be generally better health...

It would be better to get the Insurance Company's out of the business, so they 
can get real jobs...

I don't understand why this needs to be so complicated, other then the 
Insurance Co's. and the other Republican liars, and their greed machines, 
stressing everyone out...
After Bush, how could you believe anything that comes out of their 
mouths...they are all bought, and have generally lost their souls, to greed, 
lust and an unjustified murdering war...

[FairfieldLife] Re: FW: It was good enough for Senators Obama and Biden...

2009-08-22 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > 
> > > I comfort my mother and pray for my brother. Violence
> > > against women isn't so far away. It's in our homes, quietly
> > > hidden in families too afraid or ashamed to tell anyone
> > > about it. I'm talking and it's damn painful. I don't have
> > > the any answers for my niece, but I do have a responsibility
> > > to speak on her behalf and tell her story, here and now just
> > > to see if I'm alone in the echo chamber or resonating with
> > > someone out there I don't know.
> > 
> > Raunchy, your niece's story makes my heart hurt. I hope
> > she'll be getting psycholgical counseling as well as
> > medical treatment to help her get past this awful trauma
> > and get on with her life.
> >
> Thanks, Judy. She's living with a girlfriend. Her two youngest kids are with 
> her. She's on antidepressants. Psychological counseling is an unbelievably 
> remote possibility considering her circumstances. She's unemployed and on 
> foodstamps. My mother, brother and I send her some money to get by, but 
> that's about it. 
> She has a case worker through social services, but I don't know how much good 
> that will do. As shocking as this may sound, her previous caseworker tried to 
> force her to give him a blow job. She filed a police report. Since it was 
> just he-said she-said, they didn't do anything about it. He still has his 
> job. That gives you an idea of how impoverished social services have become 
> in Michigan. 
> We don't know if the boyfriend is still in jail. I hope he stays in there 
> long enough that she doesn't feel tempted to go back to him. As crazy as that 
> sounds, it happens all the time. Abused women have so few resources, they 
> become dependent on the abuser.
It is a shame, if she can't get the proper resources to help her...
In a society based on the buck...the buck is all powerful...

Besides the buck, what is it about this poor girl, that attracts men to her, 
that are overly aggressive and macho?
Why does she need validation from these men...
And why is she having babies, when she is obviously not even able to take care 
of herself...?
She needs to grow up, and take some responsibility, of who she decides she is 
going to give her body, and the motivation behind giving her body to someone, 
who is capable of such vile violence...
You can go murder this guy, but, then will she just find another guy to take 
this fool's place?


[FairfieldLife] Re: PLEASE ASK SENATOR GRASSLEY if he has Healthcare paid for by the Taxpayer.

2009-08-22 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> PLEASE ASK SENATOR GRASSLEY of Iowa if he has Healthcare paid for by the
> Taxpayer.
> OffWorld
We know what the answer to that question...
The real question with Grassley, is what aspect of creative intelligence is he 
What aspect of the collective consciousness is he reflecting...
I would expect more from a Senator from Iowa, when we have all of the 
meditation and stuff, going on in Fairfield...
I guess Mr.Grassley, has been in Washington D.C. too long...
Brainwashed? or just ignorant?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama’s Trust Problem

2009-08-22 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Aug 22, 2009, at 7:48 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > You may as well be a wingnut.
> >
> > I write to another list that's very right wing and find that there  
> > is more aggressive attacking from you about Obama [on anything at  
> > all you can dig up about him to attack him with] than any individual  
> > wingnut there - with the exception of a few clearly mentally  
> > challenged extremist sociopaths.
> >
> > My guess is it's quite apparent to most readers here except maybe  
> > for a couple of the resident right wingers that you have a personal  
> > grudge problem, Ms Dog with regard to your "Champion" Hillary losing  
> > to "an inadequate black man" [the latter in quotes is from from a  
> > frothing woman Obama hater after Obama was chosen over Hillary to  
> > run for president].
> >
> > You'd fit right in with the current crop of fringe wingnut losers.
> >
> > Obama IS going to get a decent health care reform bill passed and  
> > the economy IS starting to gradually turn around despite your self- 
> > revealing and self-defeating incessant bitter carping.
> Amen.  It's clearly become a personal issue for rd,
> she's basically lost all self-control or sense of
> perspective as far as Obama is concerned.
> Sal
We also forget, what happened to Hillary, back in '93...
We lose perspective on how pervasive the money interests are, and how many 
psychopathic personalities, are running the Corporations, the CIA, and so 
They are hitting back with everything they have...
Mexico apparently has had it with U.S. psychopathic drugs laws, which only pump 
up the violence...
President Obama is taking this one step at a time, in order that the 'People', 
take some responsibly to push back on the money/power interests...
The only real way to fight these bastards, is for people, who are aware, take 
some action, any action, to further their agenda...
Because the other side, is working 24/7 for their manipulations...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Usama and Usain??

2009-08-22 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > (NB: according to Wikipedia, the Arabic language has three vowels,
> > a, i and u. So, the spelling Osama for Usama seems a bit substandard,
> > or stuff...)
> > 
> > Usama bin Ladin > USA map in lad, in!
> > 
> > Usain Bolt > USA (athletics) in bolt??
> >
> Barack Usain Ubama?
> Ubama, Ubama bo Bama Bonana fanna fo Fama fee fy mo Mama, Ubama!
Many fine leaders have been mocked, so Barack Obama is in good company...
They mocked Jesus, Maharishi, Socrates, Early Followers of Jesus sent to Rome 
to be mocked and killed, Anyone who challenges the status quo, is guaranteed to 
be mocked...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Common Sense 2009

2009-08-22 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Common Sense 2009
> by Larry Flynt
> The American government -- which we once called our government -- has 
> been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the 
> super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group of 
> powerful elites, the people President Franklin D. Roosevelt called 
> "economic royalists," who choose our elected officials -- indeed, our 
> very form of government. Both Democrats and Republicans dance to the 
> tune of their corporate masters. In America, corporations do not control 
> the government. In America, corporations are the government.
> This was never more obvious than with the Wall Street bailout, whereby 
> the very corporations that caused the collapse of our economy were 
> rewarded with taxpayer dollars. So arrogant, so smug were they that, 
> without a moment's hesitation, they took our money -- yours and mine -- 
> to pay their executives multimillion-dollar bonuses, something they 
> continue doing to this very day. They have no shame. They don't care 
> what you and I think about them. Henry Kissinger refers to us as 
> "useless eaters."
> Read the rest:
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/larry-flynt/common-sense-2009_b_264706.html
> I'm all for a national strike, BTW.
These people don't care because they have no conscious, they are psychopaths...

[FairfieldLife] '[The Prophet]- Returns-Every-Seven-Hundred Years!'

2009-08-21 Thread babajii_99
Here's my theory...
Every 7 hundred years, humanity goes through a transition;
Usually led by someone, who is remembered as the 'Agent of Change'...
Many, many years later...
And act as a catalyst, for an evolutionary next step, in human development...

Here's my List:

Moses[inspiration of Old Testament]

King David[inspiration of Psalms]

Yeshuam bin Joseph[inspiration of New Testament]

Mo-Ham-meeed[inspiration of Koran]

Leonardo[inspiration of Renaissance]

Barack Obama[inspiration for people globally]