[FairfieldLife] Sri Aurobindo and the Indigo children

2005-03-25 Thread rgjcm

In his epic poem, Savitri, Sri Aurobindo vividly describes a new 
race of humanity emerging on Earth, as different from humans today 
as we have ever been to the evolutions that have preceded us:

...I saw them cross the twilight of an age,

The sun-eyed children of a marvelous dawn,

Great creators with wide brows of calm,

The massive barrier-breakers of the world,

Laborers in the quarries of the gods…

The architects of immortality.

Into the fallen human sphere they came,

Faces that wore the Immortal's glory still…

Bodies made beautiful by the spirit's light…

Carrying the Dionysian cup of joy,

Lips chanting an unknown anthem of the soul,

Feet echoing in the corridors of Time.

High priests of wisdom, sweetness, might, and bliss;

Discoverers of beauty's sunlit ways…

Their tread one day shall change the suffering earth

And justify the light on Nature's face. (Savitri, pp. 343–4)

Sri Aurobindo seemed to indicate that a new genus or species is 
emerging among us. We have a ways to go before this will happen, 
however. He saw that there would have to be a transitional species 
before the true supramental species was able to enter the rarefied 
realms of a purified Earth. He saw that each successive generation 
would carry this evolutionary potential further, and that we would 
develop through the human human stage up to the overhuman stage 
before the supramental being could be anchored into the true 
physical realm of fourth dimensional matter.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: THE PRICE OF TM.

2005-03-25 Thread rgjcm

Absolutely rightand what about the millions of people, rich and 
poor alike, who are willing to spend huge amounts in cigarettes, 
alcohol, etc...we always find the money for those, yet we don't want 
to pay much for a technique we could use for the rest of our lives...
We could go on and on down the list of expenses we have, clothing, 
holidays, etc. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
 65 cents a day over 10 years.
 $1.30 a day over 5 years.
 2.60 a day over 2.5 years
 I drink more quickstop coffee than that. Cut down on one movie a 
 week and its done. 
 Not as bad as I thought.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: THE PRICE OF TM.

2005-03-25 Thread rgjcm

Interpretations of the Ramayana, authored by Goswani Tulsidas are 
The verse in question says that a guru who takes money from his/her 
chela without leading chela to self-knowledge goes to hell for sure.
TM leads the chela to self knowledge. Or not? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 25, 2005, at 7:43 AM, Paul Mason wrote:
  SwaroopanandJi: This is a principle. A quotation from Goswami
  Tulsidas: The guru who charges or takes money from his 
disciples in
  return for initiation, steals disciples property and goes to 
 Hi Paul:
 This is precisely what the sannyasis of the Holy Shankaracharya 
 told me: Mahesh was going to patala-loka (hell) for selling the 
 It's not unusual to give dakshina (money offering) to a GURU, but 
 usually there is a deeper commitment form the guru in that case. 
 has avoided being a guru.

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[FairfieldLife] Death threats

2005-03-25 Thread rgjcm

During a trip to Scotland, New age guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 
casually mentioned while speaking to Edinburgh-based Evening News 
that he had received death threats from Islamic and went on to 
gleefully say that it doesn't concern me at all. 

Islamic militants have put me on a hit list, he told the paper's 
bewildered reporter while beaming widely. 

This may explain the death threats...
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of the Art of Living Center recently said:
 In the Indian context, we have respect for all religions. 
Privilege for one religion above the other is not right. In our 
country the majority religion does not get facilities. Those people 
who go to the kumbh mela have to pay taxes whereas people are given 
a grant to go to Haj. These are disparities. That's why there is a 
sense of resentment in the majority community. 
This is only the beginning. As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar pointed out in 
the same interview: The minority community institutions are fully 
exempted from taxes whereas majority community institutions are not. 
In Karnataka, we have 40,000 temples. The income from these temples 
is Rs 40 crore. Only Rs 50 lakh is spent on the temples, the rest 
goes to the government. Whereas grants are given to the minority 
communities (to an extent of Rs 8 crore) while their income is only 
Rs 50 lakh. These disparities should go. Everybody should be treated 
This means, in effect, money is being taken from temples and 
channeled to Muslim institutions like mosques and madrasas. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Off to See Punditji

2005-03-24 Thread rgjcm

.. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Punditji)is well known in India and, 
increasingly, around the world as guru to the technology class. 

The guru has become hugely popular with India's urban elite and its 
growing community of technology graduates. These disciples say Sri 
Sri's approach to yogic breathing -- rhythmic breaths that flood the 
body with oxygen -- eases the intense pressures of their stress-
filled, competitive vocations and helps them find meaning in life 
beyond their jobs. It's a perfect solution for a generation that is 
breaking away from centuries of religious and family tradition. 
Rather than following the Hindu doctrine of penance and renunciation 
intertwined with past and future incarnations, Art of Living tells 
its generally well-heeled adherents to guiltlessly enjoy whatever 
wealth they accumulate and to live for the moment -- while giving 
back to society and letting the guru concern himself with their 
troubles. It's a spiritual niche into which New Age, developing 
techies fit, says Rukmini Bhaya Nair, an Indian Institute of 
Technology professor who writes about the country's evolving tech 

Some 4 million people are active devotees of Sri Sri's sudarshan 
kriya breathing, which the savvy guru says he discovered while 
meditating for 10 days in 1982. The 47-year-old ascetic is a hot 
commodity on the lecture circuit and has spoken at U.N. events and 
the World Economic Forum. Peacemakers are right here and 
everywhere -- within each one of us we can create that peace, the 
guru told world leaders gathered at Davos.

Some 1 million of his followers live outside India. In the San 
Francisco Bay area, for example, the number of practicing devotees 
has grown to 3,000 from 2,000 a year ago. It hasn't hurt that 
corporations such as Oracle (ORCL ) Sun Microsystems, and Cisco 
Systems have hired Art of Living teachers to conduct six-day 
seminars at $150 a head. The knife of job loss is hanging over our 
heads. The fear leads people to join the courses, says Ravi Phatak, 
an Oracle engineer in San Francisco who runs Art of Living seminars.

The epicenter of Sri Sri's movement, though, is Bangalore. At Sri 
Sri's headquarters complex and ashram, located on 60 acres of lush 
hillside south of the city center, the guru has a brand-new building 
for his satsangs, or evening devotionals. After sundown, as many as 
3,000 followers gather in the great hall beneath a roof shaped like 
unfolding pink lotus petals with a glass dome at its center. If Sri 
Sri is in residence, he addresses his flock; when he's not in town, 
the congregation listens to tapes of him speaking. As the ceremony 
wears on, youthful devotees -- many of them with long hair and 
beards like their guru -- sway, sing, and chant into cordless 

Bangalore's legions of young engineers, struggling with the friction 
between India's traditional culture and their new role as players in 
a global industry, eat it up. 

Art of Living gatherings may look like a hippie nostalgia tour, but 
they're smart business. Bangalore tech consultants estimate that the 
group took in $10 million in revenues last year. Art of Living says 
it invests much of that money in giving free courses to prisoners in 
India, the U.S., and Europe, and for rural-development programs in 
India and South Africa. Sri Sri leads an apparently simple life, 
owning almost nothing, wearing Spartan white or saffron robes, and 
living in a one-room cottage in his ashram when he's not traveling 
to tend to his global flock.

The son of a middle-class social worker, Sri Sri received a B.A. in 
science from a college in Bangalore. Upon graduation, he looked into 
a career at a Calcutta state-sector bank. Instead, Sri Sri became a 
disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Indian who introduced 
Transcendental Meditation to the West in the 1960s. Soon, Sri Sri 
had risen to become manager of the guru's foreign operations -- 
where he learned a thing or two about networking and marketing.

When Sri Sri struck out on his own, he knew just how to spread the 
word about his breathing program: through endorsements from 
socialites, fashion models, business leaders, and members of 
Parliament. His followers aggressively pitched the guru's message to 
corporations in India and, later, overseas. Art of Living 
is ancient wisdom made contemporary, says K.B. Seshadri, global 
sales director of iFlex Solutions, a Bangalore software 
house. There's no reading of scriptures. It's practical.

It's also an opportunity to be included in a club where not just 
techies but India's rich, famous, and beautiful play, critics note. 
It's a far easier membership to acquire than the snobby Bangalore 
Club, the city's elite, ex-colonial country club, says tech 
consultant Chiranjit Banerjee. Sri Sri counters that Art of Living 
serves a far more important purpose than any social club. Every 
intelligent person has a spiritual quest, he said in response to e-
mailed questions. 

[FairfieldLife] Art of Fleeing

2005-03-24 Thread rgjcm

Art of Fleeing: Sri Sri disciples deny report 

Times of India/January 11, 2005 

Kathmandu -- Disciples of Indian spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 
have denied media reports that he left a south Indian coastal 
village in a hurry on receiving a tsunami alert. 
An official from the guru's Art of Living Foundation in Kathmandu 
described the media report misleading. 
In a report headlined Tsunami scare hits Sri Sri, French news 
agency AFP, which covered Ravi Shankar's visit last week to 
Akkrapattai, a tsunami hit fishing village in Tamil Nadu, had given 
a detailed account of the incident. 
It said Ravi Shankar, who was scheduled to conduct a healing session 
for the traumatised fishing community of the village, had 
his motorcade of luxury cars swing round swiftly and onlookers 
said he looked tense and was in a hurry to leave. 
The report was splashed on the front page of a local daily on 
Mamta Kailkhura, coordinator of the communication bureau of the Art 
of Living Foundation, said, Neither did the false alarm scare the 
founder nor did he flee. 
In her letter, published in the daily on Tuesday, Kailkhura said the 
guru changed his plan about going to the village since most of the 
villagers had left following a false alarm about a second tsunami 
strike and the exodus made the road impossible to drive through. 
Hence Sri Sri decided to change the plan and meet hundreds of 
victims waiting for him in the nearby relief camps, she said. Over 
the last three days, Sri Sri, who cancelled some of his programmes 
in Europe to fly back to India, has been visiting several relief 
camps in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu... He has been continuously 
visiting the victims... In fact, the local administration has 
welcomed the initiatives of the foundation to start a trauma relief 
cell to help the victims... 
The Art of Living Foundation has units in Nepal. Ravi Shankar had 
visited Nepal late last year at the invitation of Nepal Tourism 
Board, the nodal tourism agency in the country, to promote religious 
tourism and portray Nepal as a safe destination. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: ShareInternational News - april

2005-03-24 Thread rgjcm

Lupidus, i think Peter is pulling your chain.
Everyone knows the US government is organised enough to kill 
thousands in Irak (+1500 American soldiers), get away with torture 
in Guantanamo Bay, fly out of the country over 100 Saudis (including 
family of Bin Laden) right after 09/11, etc.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lupidus108 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rudra_joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  This is such moronic stuff. I'm sorry, the US Gov.
  isn't organized enough to do this sort of stuff. You
  know, sometimes sh-t happens. 
 Do you seriously think that CIA is not able to blow up a car in a 
 foreign country ? 

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[FairfieldLife] His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

2005-03-24 Thread rgjcm

In the early 1990s, Shankar met the famous sitar player Ravi 
Shankar, who complained that the holy man was unfairly capitalizing 
on the name the musician had made famous. Soon after, the guru added 
the honorific Sri Sri.

Recently he added 'His Holiness'

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[FairfieldLife] Message to Governors and Sidhas

2005-03-23 Thread rgjcm

Message to Governors and Sidhas
March 23, 2005
In the past three days the news has gone out from all the Rajas 
about Maharishi's plans to start the Movement anew with all full-
time Governors and Citizens Sidhas who will establish the Movement 
in 2,400 locations in the U.S. and 3,000 locations worldwide and 
build Peace Palaces in each location. Once half of the funding is 
raised for a Peace Palace, the Raja Designate for that location will 
attend the Raja training course while the Peace Palace is being 
built. Raja Designates may be Governors, or if there is no Governor 
available, they may be Citizen Sidhas.

Training Course for Recertification of Full-Time Governors to Begin 
Immediately. Maharishi made a grand announcement today of a one-week 
course to begin in about a week to train and recertify Governors who 
make a commitment to be full-time. This course will be held in as 
many as six locations in each Raja's domain. Each course location 
will be for 50 Governors who will be in-residence during the course. 
Maharishi will connect to the course every day. His lectures from 
this course will become a permanent part of the training of all 
Governors in the future. This course will be for men and for ladies 
who are experienced Governors and committed to be full-time. 

Teacher Training for Citizen Sidhas. Maharishi also announced plans 
today for a large Teacher Training course for Citizen Sidhas to 
become teachers. The course will be held in a number of locations in 
each Raja Domain. The course has a minimum age requirement: those 
who enroll must be 30 years of age or older.

Below are answers to questions that have come in from Governors and 
Citizen Sidhas regarding Maharishi's message to them.


Q. How will the Movement be different than in the past?

A. The old system of teaching will stop. And in the future there 
will be a fresh, revitalized and more effective system of teaching. 
This old system of teaching, part-time and all that, will stop from 
the end of this month. A more enlightened, more integrated 
organization, and more effective teaching with some new elements in 
teaching will come up. Teaching will be with renewed knowledge, 
renewed policy.

Q. All the Governors are thinking how to do it.

A. They will ensure their life in enlightenment.

Q. Many ladies who want to teach are hoping they will not be left 

A. Ladies will also teach full-time. We will have Peace Palaces for 
ladies. In the same way for men and for ladies. 

Q. The ladies wanted to know if they would also be able to undergo 
some form of training like Raja Training.

A. They will have equal kind of training. We will design a good name 
for them. Not Rajas but something like that.

Q. What is the special angle of the Governor Recertification Course?

A. Because these are old Governors, they have to have a new angle. 
Maharishi will give them a new angle. It is a renewed field of 
knowledge for a renewed purpose. The renewed purpose will be 
invincibility of the nation—to build up the connection between the 
individual advantage from Transcendental Meditation and collective 

Q. Will there be subsequent courses?

A. Many will like to come but may have forgotten. For them we will 
hold another course. But the first course we give to those who have 
been working. From now on the whole system of teaching will be 
different. Initiations will be in the center. We will give them a 

Q. Because of this desire of Maharishi for all the Governors to be 
full-time and not part-time and to take responsibility for Peace 
Palaces around the country, the question has come up from some of 
those living in Fairfield if they should stay in Fairfield to 
maintain Super Radiance or take these new positions in another city?

A. Each must decide for himself. We cannot decide for them. They 
decide among themselves, where and what they want to do. From our 
side, we decide our policy that this is the new phase of teaching 
after 50 years.

Q. Will a certificate be awarded to the Governors upon graduation 
for the Recertification course? 

A: Each initiator, for his renewed ability to teach from now on, 
will have a certificate. 

Q. Will there be any opportunity for part-time teaching?

A. Those who want to teach they have to be full-time teachers. It is 
their choice. 

They have be full-time working in the Movement. If part-time, then 
no choice. 

Q. Does everyone have to decide this week. Can somebody decide later?

A. Those who want to be full-time and could not come to this course, 
we will see how many there are after one or two months. We will give 
them a chance of renewed training. Maybe we call them for a month 
training. One week is for those who have been teaching and doing 
things. Those who have gone to other employment, maybe 2, 3 weeks. 
See how much they have forgotten. On that basis we will decide. 

Q. Will the Recertification Course be for ladies as well 

[FairfieldLife] Re: In or out redux

2005-03-23 Thread rgjcm

Little knowledge, as they say, is dangerous, so is little 

Q. Many ladies who want to teach are hoping they will not be leftout.
A. Ladies will also teach full-time. We will have Peace Palaces 
forladies. In the same way for men and for ladies.

Q. The ladies wanted to know if they would also be able to undergo 
some form of training like Raja Training.
A. They will have equal kind of training. We will design a good name 
for them. Not Rajas but something like that.

Q. What is the special angle of the Governor Recertification Course?
A. Because these are old Governors, they have to have a new angle. 
Maharishi will give them a new angle. It is a renewed field of 
knowledge for a renewed purpose. The renewed purpose will be 
invincibility of the nation—to build up the connection between the 
individual advantage from Transcendental Meditation and collective 

Q. Will the Recertification Course be for ladies as well as men?
A: What we are considering is a revival of knowledge and system of 
teaching Transcendental Meditation. We are concentrating on 
teaching. In this consideration, this course could be attended by 
the ladies also. For revival of teaching we have to take them onto 
this level of satwa that has arisen in the world consciousness. From 
that level we are starting a fresh Movement. The purpose of the 
Movement will be invincibility to the nation. The purpose of the 
Movement so far has been enlightenment of the individual. And now to 
that enlightenment will be added a new phase of invincibility to the 
nation. And as teachers whosoever we engage in teaching, they will 
be full-timers, completely rigidly maintaining their own longer 
meditations and the system of teaching and lectures. So have the 
ladies come also in this. Ladies who want to be full-time all the 
time. Other ladies who have been teaching once a week, two hours a 
month at their amusement, all that will stop. This is the profession 
of the teacher of Transcendental Meditation. 

Q. If a couple is both teaching, do they both receive $2000 a month?
A. Of course. Then she will take care of the ladies' organization in 
their city and he takes care of the men. And at home both will talk 
together and enjoy together. Both together— the advantage is they 
will have undivided long morning and evening meditation. That is the 
advantage of both getting into this field. Setting up the life is 
the primary thing. Not based on monetary things. And we have in mind 
to increase their salaries as we see income coming on.

Q. A couple who does not have children and husband works elsewhere 
would like the wife to work full-time.
A. We tell the husband it is not that the wife is working full-time, 
8 hours outside or inside. It is the long meditations of the wife.If 
he can stand the wife doing 3 hours of program in the morning and 3 
hours of program in the afternoon, in addition to her teaching 
activities, then it is alright.In our principle, the success of 
activity belongs to the level of consciousness of the doer, of the 
actor, and the consciousness of the actor will be more integrated 
with three hours morning and evening. If that is not available, the 
success in action will be limited. That is why those whom we take, 
we take full-time, and full-time means they are everyday growing in 
the full awareness of their own consciousness. This is their life 

Q. Are there any special things the ladies should consider 
indeciding to take the Recertification Course and be full-time?
A. They should think about their life style, whether they are a 
couple and whether it would be welcome to their companion at home 
and children at home. Those who are single, absolutely take 

Jai Guru Dev

Dr. Bob Wynne

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam 
 And the call relayed his wrinkle: the offer is only for men. Women 
need not apply.
 The irony of this last condition is that I was getting the call 
from a woman Governor 
 who's been faithfully carrying the TM torch for years.
  - Patrick Gillam

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[FairfieldLife] Republicans Urinate on 216 Years of Federalism

2005-03-23 Thread rgjcm

News From The U.S. Election Reform Movement

In Terry Schiavo Case, Republicans Urinate on 216 Years of 
Federalism, Usher in Era of Massive Government Meddling in the 
Affairs of the States 


Employing extraordinary parliamentary procedures never before used 
for such a purpose, radical Republicans in the U.S. Congress have 
passed, in the dead of night, a bill which overrules the scientific, 
legal, and medical determinations of countless licensed physicians, 
state and federal judges (including the U.S. Supreme Court) and a 
small army of civilian witnesses in order to keep alive a Florida 
woman who has been in a persistent vegetative state--that is, 
scientifically brain-dead--for more than fifteen years.

To understand the Terry Schiavo case, you must first understand that 
not a single Congressman who spoke on Schiavo's behalf on Sunday 
night gives one whit about the Florida woman or her family.

People die under more tragic and contested circumstances every 
minute in the United States, and their unspoken and unheeded causes--
universal healthcare, an end to homelessness, federally-mandated 
heating for the elderly, more money for Medicaid, more money for 
Medicare, better prenatal care for the poor, greater federal 
investment in disease prevention and research--get not a single 
moment of airtime in the halls of Congress or on our living room 
television sets.

No words or tears are spilled for them, or for their deaths.

No woman has ever received more due process in the American legal 
system, or had more engines of power directed toward the 
investigation and rectifying of any wrongs ever committed against 
her, or had greater scrutiny of the moral, medical, ethical, and 
scientific determinations made on her behalf and in her name over 
the past fifteen years, than Terry Schiavo.

Do not weep for Terry.

Weep for a country in which the business of government is meddling 
in the life and times of a single brain-dead woman from Florida, 
rather than securing a better future for the almost three hundred 
million of us without such a built-in voting bloc--such 
unprecedented access to power-brokers and primetime darlings--as 
Schiavo has had these fifteen years.

Jeb Bush wrote a law purely to save her (or his political career, 
no one was certain); members of Congress issued bogus, disingenuous 
subpoenas for her appearance before ad hoc sub-committee sessions as 
part of a massive, abusive-of-government stratagem to save her; 
and extraordinary remedies were sought in the legal system, even 
appeals to as august and nationally-minded a body as the U.S. 
Supreme Court, all in an effort to save this woman no more 
important, no more special, no more sacred than any of the rest of 
us--and make no mistake, many of the rest of us are suffering 
deeply, for a thousand different reasons this night--despite the 
fact that were Terry Schiavo able to speak (or to feel, or to think, 
or to dream) she undoubtedly would tell the whole ingratiating lot 
of aforementioned Republican meddlers to mind their own fucking 

So, she doesn't know anything about any of this.

Because Terry Schiavo feels no pain.

She feels no thirst.

She feels no hunger.

Her cerebral cortex has been, in the words of her 
doctors, liquidated.

And after the Florida Supreme Court ruled several days ago that her 
orally-transmitted living will would be respected--that her pre-
hospitalization wish not to be kept artificially alive should the 
opportunity to be so sustained ever present itself--and after the 
same Supreme Court ruled that the wishes of her long-suffering 
husband and guardian would likewise be respected, Ms. Schiavo's 
feeding tube was finally removed on Friday.

A fact which Schiavo did not and could not appreciate.

It was an event which heralded, of course, a slow death by 
dehydration for the Florida woman--which, likewise, she does not and 
could not possibly apprehend, and which she cannot and will not feel 
as it overtakes her.

Terry Schiavo is brain-dead and has been for fifteen years.

The morbid, disgusting, crass, and disingenuous videos released by 
Ms. Schiavo's parents--who, despite their daughter's clearly-
articulated wishes, aim to pointlessly keep her alive, in her 
persistent vegetative state, for several more decades--present to 
the nation (and have already presented to Republican doctors, who've 
callously and unprofessionally diagnosed Schiavo from the videos) 
a woman who appears to be capable of receiving and processing 
external stimuli.

These videos are a deception, as a bevy of court-ordered doctors and 
disinterested judicial bodies have already found.

As if calling into question the veracity of reports on global 
warming wasn't enough--as if denying evidence of the failure of 
abstinence education wasn't enough--as if opposing the teaching of 
evolution in elementary schools wasn't enough--as if denying for 
decades that nicotine is a carcinogen 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Offer to Governors and Citizen Sidhas

2005-03-21 Thread rgjcm

Currently there is heated debate in India as some experts have 
claimed to have found errors in the ancient calendars. This puts the 
date of the Golden Age-Sat yuga- very close to the end of the Mayan 
calendar, 2012.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, at_man_and_brahman 
  In his latest masterstroke, he is
 deciding to alienate 99.99% of 
 all the remaining Governors and
 still accomplish Sat Yuga in 10

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[FairfieldLife] re: a ridiculous movement...was:The Death of Democracy

2005-03-18 Thread rgjcm

American Style Democracy

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rudra_joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I would like to see the example of any ridiculous movement which 
has survived. Nevermind there's Scientology. 

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[FairfieldLife] Amma, Krishna and Jesus Christ

2005-03-14 Thread rgjcm

This is an excerpt of an interview Amma gave to the number one 
weekly magazine in India, The Week, in September 2003.

Interview/Mata Amritanandamayi/My karma is to console 
By C. Sujit Chandra Kumar 

Your biography says you converted water to panchamritham (sweet 

I don't think of it as a miracle. For me, peace of mind is the 
greatest miracle. What happened that day was, there was this 
Bhagavatha reading in a neighbour's house. While listening, I danced 
in ecstasy. Some people came and demanded that I show them a 
miracle. When they insisted, I asked them for a pot of water. That 
was distributed to everyone and they ate the panchamritham. Another 
time, someone took away the lamp. Those days, there was no 
electricity. Some devotees poured water in sea shells. I asked them 
to light it. It happened while the devotees were watching. They only 
did it. I haven't done anything myself.

People say you have cured diseases. Why then did you build a 

Even if you remove the poison from body, if mind doesn't change, 
there is no use. Jesus Christ is said to have healed people. Why are 
his followers building hospitals? How did Krishna become Dhanwantara-
murthy? Prayer and medicine are necessary. Tomorrow, I can also get 

Some local people still have doubts.

How can we remove the doubts of everyone? When Krishna, Nabi and 
Rama came to this world, people had doubts. Is there anyone who has 
total acceptance? Do children fully accept their parents? Does one 
have full control of one's own mind? No. There will be two sides and 
that is the way it should be. Some have preconceived ideas. It is 
difficult to wake up those who are pretending to be asleep.


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