[FairfieldLife] Re: The Guardian on Karadzic

2008-07-26 Thread turiya89
Well, you have in Mahabharat the rakshasa Shakuni, that is an 
incarnation of demon Dwarpa, as main causer of war.

It was not Duryodhan the rakshasa, he was rather negatively influenced.

In Ramayana there is Keykeyi sending Rama to forest, but she was again 
not the main evil but her rakshasa maid.

Who is responsible in Serbia, Bosnia? I think serbian academy of 
sciences, what i know maybe serbian ortodox church? Maybe serbian 
folkmusic lobby? There sit some rakshasas that would never meditate

The Western world is always trying to cover the secret forces by 
accusing one single person. 
Bush is also only vehicle, there are Banks and money structures 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Guardian on Karadzic

2008-07-26 Thread turiya89
Well, you have in Mahabharat the rakshasa Shakuni, that is an 
incarnation of demon Dwarpa, as main causer of war.

It was not Duryodhan the rakshasa, he was rather negatively 

In Ramayana there is Keykeyi sending Rama to forest, but she was 
again not the main evil but her rakshasa maid.

Who is responsible in Serbia, Bosnia? I think serbian academy of 
sciences, what i know maybe serbian ortodox church? Maybe serbian 
folkmusic lobby? There sit some rakshasas that would never meditate

The Western world is always trying to cover the secret forces by 
accusing one single person. 
Bush is also only vehicle, there are Banks and money structures 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Guardian on Karadzic

2008-07-26 Thread turiya89
Well, you have in Mahabharat the rakshasa Shakuni, that is an 
incarnation of demon Dwarpa, as main causer of war.

It was not Duryodhan the rakshasa, he was rather negatively 

In Ramayana there is Keykeyi sending Rama to forest, but she was 
again not the main evil but her rakshasa maid.

Who is responsible in Serbia, Bosnia? I think serbian academy of 
sciences, what i know maybe serbian ortodox church? Maybe serbian 
folkmusic lobby? There sit some rakshasas that would never meditate

The Western world is always trying to cover the secret forces by 
accusing one single person. 
Bush is also only vehicle, there are Banks and money structures 

[FairfieldLife] Kriyas, pranayamas, sudharshan kriya develope cosmic or gods consciousness?

2009-05-11 Thread turiya89
I learned that plain TM develops consciousness to the fifth or cosmic 
TM Sidhis should to the job for gods consciousness.

Anybody knows,how is with techniques from other traditions like Yogananda or 
sudharshan kriya? Should they bring fifth or as well sixth state of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Exercise? Avoid C & E supplements

2009-05-11 Thread turiya89
so no more juices for free radicals in exercise

[FairfieldLife] Re: Whatever is done by Brahma is done by you

2009-02-16 Thread turiya89
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  
> Yogavasistha
> Manu:
> "Know that whatever is done by Brahma or Vishnu or Shiva is done by
> you."

Great! Who is then to blame for everything an whom should we forgive?
Only ourselves

[FairfieldLife] Suggestibility or something else?

2009-03-05 Thread turiya89
Once before many years I was meditating with a guy who worked close with 
Maharishi. I was drawn in the deep.

Just a regular guy,I didn´t know what he works nor did we talked before, but I 
knew that he comes from TMO capital. 

Later, as I was in the TMO capital I newer experienced the same.

I don´t get, if I am very suggestible than why I didn´t have the same 
expirience as I was later in TMO capital?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Suggestibility or something else?

2009-03-05 Thread turiya89
Thanks, I think I see it now more clearly!

[FairfieldLife] Erich Fromm about TM

2016-07-13 Thread turiya89
https://youtu.be/foZl7pHcMDk?t=2515 https://youtu.be/foZl7pHcMDk?t=2515