To Reflect...

  More Effective Than A Miracle

  "Oh that my ways be steadfast in keeping Your statutes. Then I shall not be 
put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all Your commandments" (Psalms
  119:5, 6).

  It is recorded that Voltaire said: "Should I hear about a miracle performed 
in the market in Paris, in the presence of two thousand people, I would not 
believe it". Just a fact, even though well presented, is not sufficient to lead 
someone into the
presence of Christ.

  Far more effective than what we preach is what we live. Far more impressive 
than telling what God has done in someone's life is to show what He has done in 
our own lives. Far more productive than to describe the life of a saint is to 
live a sanctifi

ed life in an impure world, without sanctity.

  I know a man --- he married a primary school friend, and shared a wonderful 
experience with me. He told me he spoke of many virtues of men of God in the 
Bible when someone said to him: "More surprising than these facts you are 
talking about is you,
who, though living among us, unworthy men, continue to live a pure and 
sanctified life, without being contaminated by our errors.

  One of the greatest blessings in our lives is to live daily without having 
anything to be ashamed of. We know we are not perfect, that we fail, that 
though we do not want to, we sin. But, we place our lives on the altar of God, 
and we ask Him to gui

de and direct us, that our lives may shine for the glory of His name.

  Our attitudes speak louder than what we say. Our way of life calls more 
attention than the powerful sermon at church. Our smile and our love toward our 
friends leads more people to Jesus than the narrative of a miracle.

  We are the greatest miracle! Even an unbeliever, like
  Voltaire, would not be able to resist the power of God and would not be 
indifferent to what God has done in us.

  And you? Has your testimony led people to Christ?

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in internet

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