'Astrological Transits for President Obama'
 For Today:

-203 Opposition Jupiter - Sun

Negative aspect: There may be a tendency to wastefulness during this transit, 
as well as faulty decision-making due to over-optimism or arrogance. Avoid 
making any large purchases during this transit, as you might find that once 
Jupiter passes, you didn't really need the item. Jupiter is infusing you with a 
boost to your ego at this time, and it is up to you how to handle it. Your 
ambitions may outstrip your abilities. You may be too vain, impertinent, 
self-satisfied. You will tend to abuse the good things in life. Too many 
well-oiled small meals, substantial over-spending. Your methods for achieving 
success could be outside the law. Avoid making decisions that you know in your 
heart are not for the better good.

-173 Opposition Uranus - Mars

Negative aspect: You are likely to be impulsive and imprudent: you can easily 
lose the run of yourself and, only if you are predisposed, may well become 
violent. A complete lack of calm will characterize you.

It is recommended to take the greatest care during this transit. Watch out for 
machines, cars and be nice to your partner. Activities seem to STOP temporarily 
and this is a transit that was a last minute thought designed by the Universe 
to be a REAL PAIN IN THE BUTT! Your health may not be at its best now, so have 
you been overdoing it physically? Now is the time for rest.

Explosive situations can really get out of control at this time and changes are 
imposed on you now rather than chosen. Use caution as freak accidents can 
happen now and it's very easy to lose your cool, so watch what you say and do. 
Uncommon happenings are sure to happen and physical upsets can be experienced. 
Traffic jams, fires and bad tempered people can be encountered as well.

You may experience annoying impulses to do something that you know is wrong, 
but it still keeps eating away at you. Outbursts of anger that you experience 
now will be directed at everyone around you and you will find it very difficult 
to relate to others. Any interfering that you do in other peoples lives will be 
very disruptive to all concerned and you may notice fluctuations in your energy 
levels and have some muscle spasms as well.

Accidents can occur through careless behavior, so avoid working on or near 
electrical equipment, wiring, appliances, machinery, sharp tools, fireworks or 
automobiles. Do not give into peer pressure that dares you to do something that 
you wouldn't normally do. If this is the case, you might want to consider new 

Your behavior might cause separations or permanent breakups of relationships, 
friends and family. Expect nervous tension and an irritable nature to be your 
friend now, so spend some time by yourself and avoid getting into tiffs with 
close friends and associates. Temporarily, you are very erratic for no real 
reason. People will try to make you overreact, so don't fall victim to their 
ploys, but you won't choose to listen to advice, so do what you have to do. You 
may be leading a very reckless lifestyle now. Problems in joint finances, 
insurance, alimony, taxes, nervous stress, conflicts and outbursts are all 
influences of this transit.

-157 Opposition Mars - Uranus

Negative aspect: It will be a period when you will be very nervy. You will boil 
over and the slightest thing will make you explode. You could be particularly 
violent, and so suddenly that you won't be able to control yourself. Be careful 
about problems and accidents that might result from such an attitude.

-121 Opposition Pluto - Venus

Negative aspect: Your emotional life may well be stormy. You will have 
difficulty in sexual understanding with your partner. You will think you are no 
longer loved and that therefore there's someone else etc.....: this will cause 
fits of jealousy sometimes accompanied by unfortunate acts.

In general, there is a sign of break-down, but a lot of couples can survive by 
picking up the pieces.

116 Trine Mercury - Venus

Positive aspect: You will certainly have an amorous adventure, you will travel 
to see your heart's choice, you will be in a good mood.

-97 Opposition Neptune - Uranus

Negative aspect: You will be disturbed, upset, troubled and tormented. You 
won't know why. A feeling that you've forgotten something, that something quite 
beyond you is threatening you, without knowing what it is. You will be 
dissatisfied, feel bad, fragile and nervous.

73 Conjunction Saturn - Mars

Positive aspect: Good physical resistance and stamina. You will be able to 
undertake lengthy tasks without getting too tired.

You will be realistic, but perhaps a little too hard. Work will take up all 
your time these days, and will count above everything else. You will not 
tolerate any contradiction, criticism or debate. You will temporarily distance 
yourself from family and your emotional life will be practically non-existent. 
Certainly, such behavior will not please your circle, and even less your 

You will be neither tender nor sentimental during this short transit. It is 
simply time to get some hard work done. You experience a period of time when 
disciplining yourself is easier. You are more in touch with your body in the 
sense that you see it for what it is, and you might begin exercise programs 
during this transit. (This is, incidentally, one of the best aspects for 
starting an exercise routine, another being Saturn trine Ascendant). 
Self-discipline and self-motivation, a cooling of the passions, increased focus 
in work and activities, and a sense of purpose. You feel in control of your 
passions and impulses, and you face life with more purpose and maturity. You 
are more practical than usual, and your progress in most projects is perhaps 
slow but steady. This transit lasts for a couple months.


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