August 25th, 2007
http://www.spiritli php 
Greetings to each of you! I know this is a bit early - I thought I 
ought to get a follow up newsletter out since the changes that the 
Masters spoke of are coming earlier than the actual event they spoke 
of, the tear in the fabric of creation which begins on Sept 6th and 
maximizes on the 14th or so. They will fill you in below.

What are we experiencing? Holy cow what a ride we are on! I have 
heard from many, many people about changes that we humans are 
experiencing in preface to the actual shift. There is a lot of body 
pain, sharp shooting pains particularly in the head. Not headaches, 
shooting pains. Also the feet, particularly the balls of the feet are 
demonstrating pain, particularly after sleeping or standing after 
sitting for a while. Some people are getting burning in their feet. 
The foot stuff is directly related to the earthquake activity that 
has escalated just as the masters said it would. Hang onto your hats 
because the earthquake activity is about to ramp up. Please don't 
take this with a fearful perspective, just a head's up. Particularly 
if you are in an earthquake zone. Some people are feeling pain in 
their major joints, hips, elbows for the most part. Don't shoot the 
messenger, but these symptoms will most likely get worse before they 
get better.

Other symptoms of the current coming shift are sleepless nights 
(including yours truly!), appetite changes including not being hungry 
at all or being ravenous for several days at a whack. Weigh issues 
are on the rise, but that is mostly fluid retention based upon the 
energy influences. Remember, we are mostly created of water so when 
there are huge changes in the universe, our bodies are going to 
respond. Sometimes that means fluid gain for a while. This too shall 
pass. Another thing that is happening is brain fog. Jut try to think 
of that word you mean to say, or to recall someone's name, even 
though you know it as well as your own. 

The most intense for people have been the emotional ups and downs. 
That is rampant and there have been lots of arguments among people 
who just don't do that, misunderstandings like a mercury retrograde 
on steroids. Be sure to be very clear with what you say or do, then 
follow up even when it is with someone that you trust because pretty 
much everyone is affected with the energies right now.

The truth is that all in all the old paradigms are dying. They no 
longer work. I know that I said that before, but if whatever you are 
doing isn't working, look for new or creative ways to go about them. 
Mostly, please, look inside of you. Go into your hearts and ask the 
real you what you can do differently to avoid misunderstandings or 
taking things personally. Don't depend on anyone else for validation 
of your choices. Ask yourself how you can change old ways so that you 
are free of them. All it takes is making a different choice in a 
moment and lives change forever. Believe me, I know!

The positive side of all of this is that with the new energies are 
coming new and exciting teachings from the ethers. I know that many 
of you are experiencing new types of awakenings that are often 
profound. My advice is to stay out of your heads with this. Don't try 
to understand. Let the information free flow into you. When you need 
it, it will be fully present to you. You will wonder how you knew it!

Look closely to your dreams. There is a lot of night school going on 
right now. The guides are coming and the Masters are roaming the 
dimensions, sharing and caring and leaving us with what we need 
toward total recall of our light beingness. Also in our dreams, many 
of us are processing our day time lives big time. Look for the 
symbolism, don't take your dreams literally. Often your dreams will 
tell you volumes through symbols or things that represent something 
to you. What we can't always face in our waking time, our dreams will 
process with us.

Remember, through it all, that each of us is whole and perfect just 
as we are, no matter how the moment looks, if we are forcing or 
fighting anything we must look at what it is we are really doing., 
Usually it isn't at all about what we are uncomfortable with in the 
moment, but something, some issue, that we are carrying deep within 
us. Generally this is a fear that we just don't want to own, so it 
causes us dysfunction in our lives until we meet it head on and 
dispense with it. It isn't as hard as it sounds and we don't have to 
relive the pain of whatever experience in the past caused it. Just 
let go. Life is too short and there is so much beautiful for us all!

Well, I am thrilled to tell you that I finished "Conversations with 
the Children of Now" last night (Yayyyy!) It comes out in February. I 
interviewed 15 kids for the book about life, death, love, God, 2012 
and many other subjects that we humans always want to know about. The 
children didn't let us down either! I know that has it up 
already for preorder, and I will be letting you know when my advance 
copies arrive, probably in mid to late January.

I will be traveling throughout the Fall and do hope to meet as many 
of you as possible in those journeys. Here is a brief line up of 
where I will be when. The full details are on my web site. One new 
addition is Doc Spirit Adventures! I will be taking groups to the 
pyramids of the sun and the moon in Teotihuacan , Mexico in December 
and February! I am excited about this and will be sending out an 
announcement with details shortly! Here is where to find me this Fall:

Tree of Life Conference, September 7th - 10th, 2007   Sherwood Hills 
Resort Salt Lake City, UT
Building Bridges Conference, September 15th-16th, 2007         
Calgary , Alberta , Canada
Lightworker' s Midwest Conference, October 5-7, 2007
Wyndham Naperville-Lisle Hotel in the Grand Ballroom, Lisle, IL
Lift the Light, The world Puja Event of the 
year!                        November 3rd, 2007, Seattle , WA
Celebrate your Life Conference, November 9th - 11th, 2007
Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort, Scottsdale , Arizona
Teotihuacan , Mexico December 2007 (details to come) Join me for an 
experience you will never forget! For info, please e-mail me at  
docspiritadventures @spiritlite. com

Can't wait to see you here or there!!!!

The Dr. Meg show currently has limited room for sponsors if you are 
interested, please contact Dr.Meg at [EMAIL PROTECTED] com.

Until next time, I wish you joy in your heart, laughter in your days 
and love in everything that you do! Be in peace. Blessings, 

Dr. Meg

Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.


Message from the Masters:
August 25, 2007

Anshallah! Antui! Entilleha, ansi, asi!

Greetings to you in these lighted times! Your world is shifting!

As we have spoken to you previously, your time to experience another 
major event nears. Also as indicated, there has been an escalation in 
earthquake activity on your earth as well as extremes of weather. The 
energies have set up earlier than projected. Expect them to continue 
to escalate until the climax of this event on September 14th at 6:02 
a.m. eastern time. The event had been projected to begin escalation 
on September the sixth, but current consciousness and the energies 
have combined for a sooner rather than later setting up of the event. 

Inwardly many of you have felt disturbed, uncalm or unsettled. There 
are times when many of you feel as if you are literally plugged in to 
the extreme electromagnetic currents that are moving through you and 
your environment. What occurs is your physical response to the 
energies. What you must know is that the rest of you knows inherently 
that which comes and is prepared to balance and experience this event 
as a catalyst for the changes that come. 

Your particulates are about to become rearranged. The actual 
relationships of your particulates amongst themselves are going to 
reorder to different proportions. Your particulates are responding to 
the light which is evident universally with this event as well as the 
photon belt which you have begin to traverse upon your planet. 

Know that as you move closer and closer to your galactic center, you 
will be exposed to more and more light energy. As this occurs, your 
particulates will respond by reordering again and again. As they do, 
the mathematic increments, the ratios of placement of the very fabric 
of your beings change relationships. As it does, you cannot hold 
within that which you have hidden from yourselves. 

When your particulates rearrange as they have begun to do in this 
now, there will be what you might consider a vacuum effect which will 
pull the light through you. As this occurs, you will be rewired to 
the new energies. Your entire electromagnetic system will respond. 
What occurs is your Galactic overlay, a high frequency matrix of 
wiring that will interface with your earthly selves. You are 
receiving your intergalactic initiation.

Consciously open to the coming changes. Imagine that you as a 
manifested being are spreading your etheric arms widely to receive 
that which is light. Your particulates will spread wider with intent 
and you will receive more than if you just let it be, so to speak. 

As your particulates respond to this universal stimulus, and they 
separate, along with the light come the symbol of all time. These 
symbols are complete libraries of information for you. They are you. 
The infinite you. And they will burn into your manifested being that 
which you have forgotten. As this occurs, your vibration will be 
brought to a rising to new heights and into higher reality. This, in 
a way, is an ascension. You might think of this experience as 
Ascension by intent. No, you will not rise to the sky and disappear. 
Instead, you will bring the heavens to you and to your earthly 

This you can do with ease and with peace, as the void opens and the 
heaviness of dense energies is drained, so is the resistance to your 
heritage. So is anything that is not of truth. Because of this, there 
will be political scandals that will continue through the Fall. There 
will be changes and truths coming out that you have suspected for 
some time. There will be information coming to your world that has 
been on hold, waiting for the clearing. It is time. It is now. It has 

Look beyond your humanity for a moment in eternal time. See the 
infinite picture of your threads in the tapestry of all creation. You 
are interwoven, creating the beauty of a landscape far greater than 
you can imagine. All that you are and all that you do creates the 
beauty of the weave. Lift your sight unto the light. It is there in 
which you will recognize your being.

For you in this now, we have created a series of symbols for 
initiation to those of the highest vibrations. They are above our 
message. They are the initiation. Use these for your opening to the 
coming energies. Use these until you have found your specific 
harmonic rising. It is there within you. Meditate upon them as you go 
about your days. Allow them to become you and you them. As you gaze 
upon them you will feel stirrings deep within you, awakening to your 
higher being. Do not think of this, allow yourselves to unfold as a 
delicate blossom on a Spring morning as the sun caresses it, so shall 
the Light within you assist your to unfold.

Be not of worry or concern of anything. Be in and of the now. There 
is no other time.

Know this: That you are wholly in and of the same creation as we. 
Know that beyond the light and into the void there comes a 
destination which is only light. Shine as you are truth, Dear Ones.

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