The common dogma we all know about.
But, what I am wondering, is if anyone has any information,
On this subject, who has access to Akashic Records, of that era?
Or if one has had visions or Ritam of the event.
I am wondering if he could appear and dissappear, or something like that?
Or, if he was just taken and buried by his family, 
And, the visions of the resurrection where more on a spiritual non-physical 
And that I had heard, that many people were 'seeing' their relatives, who had 
just passed,
During the time, of the crucifixion of Jesus, King of the Jews; Wow, that hurt, 
beyond pain, with no morphine.
The ghosts had been let out, and rumors built on rumores. 
There was no mass media, video, or any of the common records, which we take for 
granted, today.
Sure we can walk on water, in the winter-time, in Iowa and Wisconsin...brrr!
But, no actually levitation, which could be recorded and distributed 
In a matter of nano-seconds.
Strange Religion!


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