I haven't been on FFL too mcuh so this may have already been posted. My 
apologies if so.

Bill Vosteen

A Beautiful Quote from Maharishi

(Related by Raja Steven Rubin as part of the 12th January 2009 celebration)

Maharishi repeating the question: …It's a beautiful question and very sweet, 
the question is and still is: "Guru Dev must have been fully enlightened. Now 
after leaving the body nothing remains in the Relative, just Absolute. Then how 
do we invoke and to whom? And if there is nobody to be invoked, then what is 
the use?"

Then Maharishi said: Some such similar question I asked Guru Dev once, what 
happened was, naturally, people came to the Ashram from all over India to pay 
their respects to Guru Dev, once or twice a year according to their own 

And when they would come, they would narrate all sorts of stories: the child 
was sick or they had a lawsuit, all sorts of difficulties, and then, thinking 
of Guru Dev, that thing disappeared.

And hearing all these things for a long time, one night I asked Guru Dev: "What 
is this? These people don't even write to Guru Dev. Guru Dev doesn't even know 
they are in difficulty on the surface of life, and then how do they report that 
they had a vision or they had some thought of Guru Dev and from that time 
everything started to be smooth? If they wrote a letter and the difficulty came 
to the notice of Guru Dev, and then they got out of their difficulties, I could 
understand it. But they didn't write letters, they just have the devotion to 
Guru Dev, and they have some thought of Guru Dev."

And Guru Dev's reply was: "It's the department of the Almighty, and He does it!"

And Maharishi went on to say: It took me about 2 years to understand, because I 
quite remember the time, what was meant by "It's the department of the 

Maharishi said: How I understand it was this: We Have the picture of Guru Dev, 
as when we do puja, and that form, that photo, that picture, is the physical 
expression of the form, which had a mind which was fully enlightened and 
omnipresent. So once we see the form our eyes associate with the form very 
naturally because the physical and mental run parallel.

And once the form is in our vision, in our awareness, then naturally our mind 
gets in tune with the mind, which occupied that form once upon a time. The form 
was occupied by a mind, that mind is an all-time reality, eternal, the barriers 
of time are no barrier for it, continuum.

The body is no more but the form is there, and once we tune our eyes, our 
vision, our perception, cognition to that, because that was held up by the mind 
that was enlightened, naturally our mind gets in tune. And because that mind 
was and is and will forever be omnipresent, immediately our mind gets in tune 
with the omnipresent, and right away the help comes from where we are.

The help comes from Absolute Being which is the nature of our own mind, but 
that image, that picture, becomes a positive and concrete medium to have that 
mechanics performed for our mind. So help comes from our own being, but because 
it comes through that form, naturally our Devotion is to That. And that is the 
department of the Almighty, which does it: It's not the individual, it's the 
department. And it's the only way, it's not two ways, it's one way. The help is 
not given, it's received, it's received by our ability to attune with That, and 
that ability develops with Devotion, Surrender and Service – these three things.

Automatically one is elevated to that level and help doesn't come from outside, 
it comes right where we are, from our own Being. But those unaware of one's own 
Being have these mechanics to help them.

And Maharishi went on to say: This is true for all the saints in all the times 
throughout the world.

Jai Guru Dev

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