Paramhansa Yogananda's guru Sri  Yukteshwar Giri shed his mortal body in 
January 1936. After a few  months in June 1936 Guru Yukteshwar Giri appeared 
before disciple Paramhansa Yogananda's  in an astral form. The  Guru -disciple 
dialogue as it appears in the book " The Autobiography of a Yogi " is given 
below. In this dialogue the Guru describes the astral body , the astral beings 
and experiences in  astral plane of existence. :
   Some excerpts :
  "As prophets are sent on earth to help men work out their physical karma, so 
I have been directed by God to serve on an astral planet as a savior," Sri 
Yukteswar explained. "It is called Hiranyaloka or 'Illumined Astral Planet.' 
There I am aiding advanced beings to rid themselves of astral karma and thus 
attain liberation from astral rebirths. The dwellers on Hiranyaloka are highly 
developed spiritually; all of them had acquired, in their last 
earth-incarnation, the meditation-given power of consciously leaving their 
physical bodies at death. No one can enter Hiranyaloka unless he has passed on 
earth beyond the state of sabikalpa samadhi into the higher state of nirbikalpa 
  "God encased the human soul successively in three bodies-the idea, or causal, 
body; the subtle astral body, seat of man's mental and emotional natures; and 
the gross physical body. On earth a man is equipped with his physical senses. 
An astral being works with his consciousness and feelings and a body made of 
lifetrons. A causal-bodied being remains in the blissful realm of ideas. My 
work is with those astral beings who are preparing to enter the causal world."
  "The astral universe, made of various subtle vibrations of light and color, 
is hundreds of times larger than the material cosmos. The entire physical 
creation hangs like a little solid basket under the huge luminous balloon of 
the astral sphere. Just as many physical suns and stars roam in space, so there 
are also countless astral solar and stellar systems. Their planets have astral 
suns and moons, more beautiful than the physical ones. The astral luminaries 
resemble the aurora borealis-the sunny astral aurora being more dazzling than 
the mild-rayed moon-aurora. The astral day and night are longer than those of 
  "The astral body is not subject to cold or heat or other natural conditions. 
The anatomy includes an astral brain, or the thousand-petaled lotus of light, 
and six awakened centers in the sushumna, or astral cerebro-spinal axis. The 
heart draws cosmic energy as well as light from the astral brain, and pumps it 
to the astral nerves and body cells, or lifetrons. Astral beings can affect 
their bodies by lifetronic force or by mantric vibrations."
  "Physical desires are rooted in egotism and sense pleasures. The compulsion 
or temptation of sensory experience is more powerful than the desire-force 
connected with astral attachments or causal perceptions." 
  "Astral desires center around enjoyment in terms of vibration. Astral beings 
enjoy the ethereal music of the spheres and are entranced by the sight of all 
creation as exhaustless expressions of changing light. The astral beings also 
smell, taste, and touch light. Astral desires are thus connected with an astral 
being's power to precipitate all objects and experiences as forms of light or 
as condensed thoughts or dreams. "
  "Causal desires are fulfilled by perception only. The nearly-free beings who 
are encased only in the causal body see the whole universe as realizations of 
the dream-ideas of God; they can materialize anything and everything in sheer 
thought. Causal beings therefore consider the enjoyment of physical sensations 
or astral delights as gross and suffocating to the soul's fine sensibilities. 
Causal beings work out their desires by materializing them instantly.Those who 
find themselves covered only by the delicate veil of the causal body can bring 
universes into manifestation even as the Creator. Because all creation is made 
of the cosmic dream-texture, the soul thinly clothed in the causal has vast 
realizations of power. "

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