[FairfieldLife] Are we missing a dimension of time?

2007-11-09 Thread Mystical Sadhu
What are the possibilities, of what constitutes the universe and our human
potential to actualize ourselves into new thresholds of human excellence?
You know much about the three dimensions because ... you are ens consed in
the fourth dimension, and may have had glimpses or actualizations within the
fifth dimension.  What would happen of your subtler experiences could be
readily accessible if standard practices were put to use making these
subtler realms available at will and within ethical bounds for you and most
anyone deserving of homo sapien?

*Are we missing a dimension of time?*
* *
Roger Highfield Telegraph Media Group Limited
October 10, 2007

*Could hypertime help develop a theory of everything? *
*Roger Highfield reports*

A scientist has put forward the bizarre suggestion that
there are two dimensions of time, not the one that we are
all familiar with, and even proposed a way to test his
heretical idea next year.

Time is no longer a simple line from the past to the
future, in a four dimensional world consisting of three
dimensions of space and one of time. Instead, the physicist
envisages the passage of history as curves embedded in a
six dimensions, with four of space and two of time.

There isn't just one dimension of time, Itzhak Bars of
the University of Southern California in Los Angeles tells
New Scientist. There are two. One whole dimension of time
and another of space have until now gone entirely unnoticed
by us.

   [image: Two-Time Physics diagram]  Itzhak Bars' two time physics diagram

Bars claims his theory of two time physics, which he has
developed over more than a decade, can help solve problems
with current theories of the cosmos and, crucially, has
true predictive power that can be tested in a forthcoming
particle physics experiment.

If it is confirmed, it could point the way to a theory of
everything that unites all the physical laws of the
universe into one, notably general relativity that governs
gravity and the large scale structure of the universe, and
quantum theory that rules the subatomic world.

In the quest for that all embracing theory, scientists have
been adding extra dimensions of space to their equations
for decades. As early as the 1920s, mathematicians found
that moving up to four dimensions of space, instead of the
three we experience, helped in their quest to reconcile
theories of electromagnetism and gravity.

Today, theoreticians are studying a theory of everything
called M-theory that adds yet another dimension, taking the
total to 11: 10 of space and one of time.

Until now, they have been reluctant to meddle with time
because it can lead to unexpected consequences, such as
time travel.

Changing our picture of time from a line to a plane (one to
two dimensions) means that the path between the past and
future could loop back on itself, allowing you to travel
back and forwards in time and allowing the famous
grandfather paradox, where you could go back and kill your
grandfather before your mother was born, thereby preventing
your own birth.

Bars first found hints of an extra time dimension in
M-theory in 1995 and, when he looked into it, discovered
the grandfather paradox and other fears could be overcome
by using a new kind of symmetry - a mathematical property
to work out the relationship between the quantities of
position and momentum. It is this symmetry that might help
reconcile the two mighty pillars of 20th-century physics,
quantum mechanics and relativity.

Simply adding an extra dimension of time doesn't solve
everything, however. To produce equations that work with
the new symmetry that describe the world accurately, an
additional dimension of space is needed as well, giving a
total of four space dimensions, he explained in the journal
Physical Review D.

According to Bars, the familiar four dimensional world we
see around us is merely a shadow of the six-dimensional
reality, just as a hand makes many different shadows on a
wall when lit from different angles.

Although we cannot experience the extra time dimension
directly, we can effectively notice it through the
different perspectives of the different shadows.

In this sense, he points to already existing evidence of
physical phenomena at both macroscopic and microscopic
scales. Furthermore, he believes that more evidence for his
theory could emerge next year, when particles are smashed
together in CERN's Large Hadron Collider near Geneva,
Switzerland to create hitherto unseen supersymmetric

The work poses a question: is his proposal a mathematical
fix, rather than a real physical entity?

Bars insists his extra dimensions are more than
mathematical sleight of hand. Absolutely not, he told New
Scientist. These extra dimensions are out there, as real
as the three dimensions of space and one of time we
experience directly.


*Tantra Psychology

[FairfieldLife] Are we missing a dimension of time?

2007-11-08 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
*Are we missing a dimension of time?*
*Roger Highfield Telegraph Media Group Limited
October 10, 2007

*Could hypertime help develop a theory of everything? *
*Roger Highfield reports*

A scientist has put forward the bizarre suggestion that
there are two dimensions of time, not the one that we are
all familiar with, and even proposed a way to test his
heretical idea next year.

Time is no longer a simple line from the past to the
future, in a four dimensional world consisting of three
dimensions of space and one of time. Instead, the physicist
envisages the passage of history as curves embedded in a
six dimensions, with four of space and two of time.

There isn't just one dimension of time, Itzhak Bars of
the University of Southern California in Los Angeles tells
New Scientist. There are two. One whole dimension of time
and another of space have until now gone entirely unnoticed
by us.

   [image: Two-Time Physics diagram]  Itzhak Bars' two time physics diagram

Bars claims his theory of two time physics, which he has
developed over more than a decade, can help solve problems
with current theories of the cosmos and, crucially, has
true predictive power that can be tested in a forthcoming
particle physics experiment.

If it is confirmed, it could point the way to a theory of
everything that unites all the physical laws of the
universe into one, notably general relativity that governs
gravity and the large scale structure of the universe, and
quantum theory that rules the subatomic world.

In the quest for that all embracing theory, scientists have
been adding extra dimensions of space to their equations
for decades. As early as the 1920s, mathematicians found
that moving up to four dimensions of space, instead of the
three we experience, helped in their quest to reconcile
theories of electromagnetism and gravity.

Today, theoreticians are studying a theory of everything
called M-theory that adds yet another dimension, taking the
total to 11: 10 of space and one of time.

Until now, they have been reluctant to meddle with time
because it can lead to unexpected consequences, such as
time travel.

Changing our picture of time from a line to a plane (one to
two dimensions) means that the path between the past and
future could loop back on itself, allowing you to travel
back and forwards in time and allowing the famous
grandfather paradox, where you could go back and kill your
grandfather before your mother was born, thereby preventing
your own birth.

Bars first found hints of an extra time dimension in
M-theory in 1995 and, when he looked into it, discovered
the grandfather paradox and other fears could be overcome
by using a new kind of symmetry - a mathematical property
to work out the relationship between the quantities of
position and momentum. It is this symmetry that might help
reconcile the two mighty pillars of 20th-century physics,
quantum mechanics and relativity.

Simply adding an extra dimension of time doesn't solve
everything, however. To produce equations that work with
the new symmetry that describe the world accurately, an
additional dimension of space is needed as well, giving a
total of four space dimensions, he explained in the journal
Physical Review D.

According to Bars, the familiar four dimensional world we
see around us is merely a shadow of the six-dimensional
reality, just as a hand makes many different shadows on a
wall when lit from different angles.

Although we cannot experience the extra time dimension
directly, we can effectively notice it through the
different perspectives of the different shadows.

In this sense, he points to already existing evidence of
physical phenomena at both macroscopic and microscopic
scales. Furthermore, he believes that more evidence for his
theory could emerge next year, when particles are smashed
together in CERN's Large Hadron Collider near Geneva,
Switzerland to create hitherto unseen supersymmetric

The work poses a question: is his proposal a mathematical
fix, rather than a real physical entity?

Bars insists his extra dimensions are more than
mathematical sleight of hand. Absolutely not, he told New
Scientist. These extra dimensions are out there, as real
as the three dimensions of space and one of time we
experience directly.
