Hi All,
I am new to this forum and it is the
first time I have joined a spiritually orientated group.
For most of my life I have kept quiet
simply because my belief's are different from those around me, so I
am hoping to meet like minded people. So here goes.
My spiritual life began when I started
to communicate with my Spirit Guide 40 years ago in Cambridge UK, I
was introduced to the spiritual church there by a girl friend. 

Things have taken off since then, but I
haven't, I cannot get out of this decrepit body and perform an
Astral Projection!
I have read many books – analysed
Monroe, Rogo, Taylor and others, but still stay firmly on Terra
Firma. If anyone has any advice I would be grateful.
I have attached a photo of a collection
of auras of acquaintances, ( found a free site and gave it a go – a
first for me) if anyone can interpret the colour meanings I would be
very grateful.

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