
I hope all is well for your loved ones in every realm of life.  We are all
aware of, and have experienced, subtler realms of being, some times through
conscious efforts and other times mysteriously in serendipity, and perhaps
grace.  I'm searching for personal experiences in arriving at such states
through breathwork.

Do you have, or do you know anyone who has experience using these breathing

Holotropic Breathing

Rebirthing Breathwork

Chi Kung/Qi Gong

or perhaps something similar to either?

If you do not have such experience, please forward this message to someone
you may know who does.

Which of these modalities have you invested your sincerity in practicing?

Are you currently practicing either of these breathworks?  If so, which

What was or is your experience toward gaining fluency in practicing this [or
each] breathwork modality?

What were some of the difficulties or obstacles in furtherinng your
endeavors of practicing this [or each] breathwork modality?

What were some, if any, symptoms you experienced for either breathwork
modality you practiced?

What, if any, were the greatest outcomes you experienced from your
breathwork, per modality?

What other symptoms did you experience in practicing your breathwork
modalities?  [describe as comfortable or uncomfortable].

Did you experience any subtle psychic insights that awakened you more
spiritually, transpersonally or occultly in any manner?

How so?

Were such experiences fleeting, transitory, or were you able to maintain
such skills over a period of time?

Your replies can be as anonymous as you want them to be, just be truthful.

Thank you,

Dharma Research

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