Having listened to the rants on this forum about the
evils and dangers of "unbridled sexuality" and how that
both ruins one's chances of enlightenment and drags down
the Ideal Vedic Society that TMers are trying to create,
I have perceived a marketing opportunity.

I'm going to sell bridles. I've started a company called
Age Of Enlightenment Bridles.

I think they'll be just the ticket for people like BillyG
and JohnR and others who are so worried about "unbridled"
sexuality. Here are a few of our introductory models:



Age Of Enlightenment Bridles are made from only the finest
Sattvic leathers. Like Maharishi's deerskin, we only use
in our bridles leather from animals who have walked up to
saints and plopped down dead at their feet as a sign of
devotion and sacrifice.

And, our bridles are multi-purpose:

* You can use an Age Of Enlightenment Bridle to curb your
wife's sexual cravings. ( We don't recommend using our 
bridles on girlfriends because we don't recommend girl-
friends; if you're not married or celibate, as Maharishi 
said you have chose the Waste Of Life path so there is
little one of our bridles can do for you. ) You just
place the bridle over your wife's head and shoulders and
tether her in the kitchen, where at least she can be 
productive, according to her Vedic place in the world.

* You can use an Age Of Enlightenment Bridle to bridle 
your own sexuality by wearing it discretely under your
clothing. Heck, even if it doesn't do anything to curb
those sexual cravings, you'll be too embarrassed to have
actual sex because you'd have to disrobe and explain to
your potential sexual partner that you're not really 
into B&D.

* If you backslide and actually decide to have sex, you
can actually use the Age Of Enlightenment Bridle to 
explore all those B&D fantasies you've been suppressing 
for years.

Add an Age Of Enlightenment Bridle to your spiritual 
sadhana today and notice the difference it makes! You
need no longer suffer from the heartbreak of unbridled

Age Of Enlightenment Bridles sell for $108 to $108,000.

Just like the rest of the TM-related product line, the
bigger your budget and the more worried you are that you
aren't doing everything in your power to attain enlight-
enment, the more we charge you. 

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