
Faith is one thing that is most needed in this life and something that
so many have so little of. It generally follows that persons who have
a strong character have strong faith and those of a weak character
have very little faith in anything. In the Scriptures it is said, "Ye
of little faith." Faith is a strong conviction in something when
little proof is readily available. As little children we are filled
with faith. But, as we grow older we lose much of this due to
experiences that have destroyed our faith in anything we cannot
cognize with our physical senses. It is a sad situation that we are
not able to sustain our faith as we go along in life. If we are
faithful or filled with faith most of those we gravitate to are also
filled with faith and if we are of little faith most of our associates
will be of the same nature and they will strengthen our conviction
that all people are faithless.
As adults faith is something we should acquire and more so as we grow
older in life. We should have an unshakeable faith in God, as an
example, and if we do we will gain strength as we go along. If we have
none we will grow weaker as we go along life's path. Faith in God will
impart the strength and energy of God to us and we will continue to
grow in strength and in character. Religion for many ages has become a
path of faith because the keys to most religions have become lost and
we have not understood the word that has been imparted to us. So those
of religion have had to fall back on an unfolding revealing experience
as they continue in life. Faith should become the living word. If we
can acquire the experience of God in our daily life it will become the
living word. Very little faith is needed if we are able to experience
God because fact replaces faith. We can then speak from our experience
and no longer have to muster up faith in order to maintain a firm
conviction of God.
However, for at least two thousand years faith and the mystery schools
have been the only light humanity in the West has had to carry them
along on a very dark path. Faith is the one thing, when it is lacking,
that leaves humanity with a hopeless outlook on almost everything. Yet
on the other hand it is the one thing that has inspired those who have
it to rise to the heights. For it is the one thing that is capable of
moving mountains. Also where one has a strong faith in God he also has
a strong faith in himself. In order to accomplish almost anything in
life we must have the faith of our own convictions.
Often we place our faith in the wrong person or the wrong thing and we
become very disillusioned, yet this is the part of life where we learn
from our experiences and each time we place our faith in the wrong
thing we learn a valuable lesson and this is good. It was a lesson we
needed to learn. Some people place all their faith in material wealth
and then when it is carried away by one misfortune or another they are
devastated and have nothing to fall back on, while others having their
faith anchored in God find this is a rock that can withstand any storm
of life.
As Transcendental Meditators we are rapidly exchanging faith for
experience. We are gaining wisdom. We are beginning to know ourselves
and what we know about ourselves is wisdom; when we know about
ourselves we also know about God. What it really means is that we
experience ourselves and in so doing we experience God. Therefore, we
are in touch with total reality and very little faith is required.
However, for the masses who have no awareness of the facts of life and
their own destiny, faith becomes a necessity for them. People without
faith will perish...
...Today the curtain is being lifted and many are coming to the West
from the East and they are giving out wisdom that the whole world can
benefit from. Slowly experience of God is replacing faith in God. What
is now needed is the faith to continue to follow the Path of Wisdom
one has been placed on even when the lower self tries to get one to
forsake the path so it will not have to surrender to the higher Self...
The mind is so constructed that when you show it a way to greater
happiness and one begins to experience Bliss not too much faith is
needed. However, faith can still move the mountains and continued
faith, when it is required by one on the Path of Liberation, will
still be the means to carry that one to Eternal Liberation.
Faith is always that something that will carry us forward in the face
of darkness and doubt. If a mustard seed has faith, a human should be
the embodiment of faith. God has always had loving faith in us. So in
turn, we should also have total faith in Him. And when we do, we will
have faith in our own destiny. Faith is the light in this dark world
and we are the ones in these dark days on Earth that have been chosen
to keep the light burning and cause it to shine brighter until no
shadow remains and all will clearly see and again walk and talk with
God. Then, faith will have at long last served its noble purpose; for
humanity will have returned home cloaked in the radiant garments woven
by faith.

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