HuffPost, 1.13.9

At the opening of Sen. Hillary Clinton's confirmation hearings for the 
post of Secretary of State on Tuesday, the ranking Republican on 
theSenate Foreign Relations Committee offered a bit of perfunctory 
praise for the former first lady.

"President-elect Obama has boldly chosen the epitome of a big 
leaguer," said Sen. Richard Lugar, who spoke of Clinton's confirmation 
as a certainty. "Her qualifications for the post are remarkable... Her 
time in the Senate has given her a deep understanding of how United 
States foreign policy can be enriched... She is fully prepared to 
engage the world on a myriad of issues that urgently require 

The sentiments may have been customary Senate pleasantries. But 
Clinton, over the course of several hours, proved the Indiana 
Republican correct. Her confirmation hearing was a tour de force, one 
that demonstrated not just her breadth of understanding of the policy 
issues, but the meticulous preparation that she has brought to most 
every political task in her career -- and, likely soon, Foggy Bottom.

Pressed by her soon-to-be-former Senate colleagues, Clinton fielded 
questions on topics ranging from the impact of the Law of the Sea 
treaty on Alaska, to Russia's purchase of a Serbian gas utility, to 
the piracy crisis off the coasts of Somalia.

"I've never seen anybody know so much about so much," Chris Matthews, 
a sometimes-critical voice on the Clintons, would gush on Hardball 
later that day.

If Clinton's performance was, as Matthews claimed, virtuoso, it was 
owed to hard, behind-the-scenes preparation. According to a source 
close to the Obama transition, in the process of preparing for the 
hearing, the former first lady met or at least spoke to every member 
of the Foreign Relations committee. The in-person meetings were, at 
times, lengthy with some lasting up to an hour. She "devoured" 
briefing books prepared by officials at the Department of State -- an 
undertaking that not only prepped her for grilling but brought her up 
to speed on the gamut of issues she will face at Foggy Bottom.

Clinton and her staff held several mock hearings, often lasting 
several hours each. Wendy Sherman, who heads up the Obama transition 
team's State Department Agency Review Team, played a leading role in 
prep work. Jim Steinbeg and Jack Lew, Clinton's choices for her 
deputies at State, also participated, in addition to Andrew Shapiro, a 
Clinton Senate staffer, and Jake Sullivan, a senior policy staffer on 
her campaign.

The long hours, aides say, helped her get a better sense both of the 
major and obscure obstacles that lay ahead. It also educated her on 
the pet projects and concerns some member bring to their committee 
assignments. During one particular sequence, Clinton was pressed by 
six different Senators on six unique and occasionally provincial 

Bob Corker (R-TN) asked her about management structure of the State 
Department. Russ Feingold (D-WI) solicited her position on how to 
resolve the crisis in Darfur. Dick Lugar then asked about his most 
passionate topic, nuclear arms control, after which Barbara Boxer (D-
CA) discussed the plight of women in third world countries, 
particularly Afghanistan. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) followed suit with a 
plea for a more "vigorous" approach to Latin America, before 
discussing the reported imprisonment of a Florida contractor by the 
Iranian government. Finally, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) asked about 
America's "role as an Arctic nation."

Would the ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty be a priority, she 
wanted to know?

"Yes, it will be, and it will be because it is long overdue," replied 

"Well," said Murkowksi, "I'm -- I'm very pleased, very encouraged to 
hear that and truly look forward to the opportunity to be working with 
you to advance these issues."

The back-and-forth underscored not just the depth of Clinton's 
understanding of the issues but the senatorial demeanor she could 
bring to the new post. Not everything, of course, went entirely 
smoothly. Clinton demurred from taking direct positions on diplomatic 
negotiations with Iran and Syria when pressed by committee chairman, 
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA). And she did not relent to releasing more 
information on the donors to her husband's initiatives -- a chief 
complaint from her, primarily, GOP detractors. Both Clinton and her 
husband have agreed to disclose large swaths of previously private 
information. But her refusal to immediately make public any donations 
of $50,000 or more from any source drew particular scorn from 
Republicans on the committee.

In the end, however, it was hard for members of the other political 
party to suppress the positive impression Clinton had left.

"Congratulations, Senator Clinton," concluded John Barrasso (R-WY). "I 
always found you to be very prepared, very thorough, very thoughtful. 
And I'm sure you're going bring all of those same things to the State 

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