Regarding Lou Valentino's wife, who died recently of breast cancer:




Dear friends of Astrological Varieties and Soul-Stories,


I gave out the wrong website address for Patricia M Greco. Soul-Stories 
<>  Home . I talked with her website master today and 
told him I would love to see the site stay up until April 1st so her friends 
could view some of her beautiful photos and wonderful soul writings.


Many of the photos were taken in Lunenburg, Massachusetts where Patti and I 
lived for 10 years. So many wonderful memories have crossed my mind since her 
passing on March 17th. The walks we took at the Woodlands in Lunenburg and the 
tall evergreen trees surrounding a beautiful large man-made lake.


Her ability to capture nature mixed with shadows of light came out in her over 
the last three years. I always will remember when I read her astrology chart in 
1989 when I first met her. I told her she had a lot of creative energy. I asked 
her if she painted or enjoyed photography. She said she tried to paint in 
school when she was growing up but a nun laughed at her drawing. She felt 
crushed and never pursued it any further.


As you view the photos she took and some of the people drawings she would do 
while she talked on the phone you can see the tremendous amount of talent she 
had stored away in her. 


When it finally came out of her I reminded her of our conversation in 1989 and 
was so proud of her for exploring her talents as an artist. She had so many 


View the site as soon as you can. If her family requests it be taken down 
sooner than April 1st I cannot stop that from happening. Just like I couldn’t 
stop her from treading down the path of her own chosen destiny. 


It has been and will continue to be very difficult to give her totally up to 
the heavens. After all we all still have to deal with hell here on earth. OK, 
there are little bits of heaven here too.

Her soul-stories, photos, drawings and her spiritual work continue's on. She is 
my teacher now and always. 


Love and Light,

Lou Valentino

Life long friend and husband of Patricia M Greco.

Supporter of Robert Barefoot products and knowledge for the prevention and cure 
of all types of Cancer.


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