A bill recognizing "the religious and historical significance of the festival 
of Diwali" passed in the full House of Representatives by a mammoth margin of 
358 to 0. House resolution 747 was introduced jointly by Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) 
and Jim McDermott (D-WA) and with its passage becomes the first bill to ever 
pass the House recognizing a Hindu festival that is also marked by Sikhs and 
Jains. Intending to have the bill passed prior to November 9, when Diwali will 
be celebrated this year, the bill was introduced and passed in the Foreign 
Affairs Committee last week and moved quickly to the successful full vote 
  "My resolution acknowledges the international, religious, and historical 
importance of the festival of Diwali as well as the religious diversity in 
India, the United States, and throughout the world," said Congressman Wilson in 
a statement that was read on the floor of the House prior to the vote today. 
"It shows our support for the strong and growing partnership and dialogue in 
international efforts between the United States and India." Rep. Ileana 
Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) also took the floor to speak on behalf of the bill. 

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