From: David Orme-Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 8:00 PM
To: David Orme-Johnson
Subject: Does TM do any Harm? Revised page on


Dear Colleagues,


This page reviews all the research claiming that practice of the TM program
may cause harm. 


Below is an excerpt from the page, which presents brief summaries of the
studies, which are followed by more details on the Web
site. Of particular interest is the often quoted paper by Otis, (# 1 in the
list below), which was found to be seriously confounded.


Al the best, David



Papers Often Referenced to as Asserting that the TM Program Has or May Have
Harmful Effects. 

Out of the over 600 studies on the Transcendental Meditation program over
the past 35 years, only a dozen or so even suggest that the program has
harmful effects. This amounts to only 2% "negative" papers, compared with
98% of the papers reporting beneficial effects.

Close analysis shows that the "harm" papers are all uncontrolled studies,
some not on the Transcendental Meditation program at all. In some, the claim
of harm is based on unfounded speculation with no evidence. Others present
strong evidence that the TM program is beneficial even for seriously ill
psychiatric patients, although these studies rightly warn that such patients
should be closely monitored when learning to meditate. One article presents
interesting experiences of "witnessing" in cosmic consciousness, which are
simply misinterpreted in terms of psychiatric concepts.

The 14 papers reviewed below are ones that are often cited on the Internet
and in reviews as evidence that the Transcendental Meditation program has or
may have harmful effects. 

fm#Otis_New#Otis_New"1. Leon S. Otis. Adverse Effects of Transcendental
Meditation. Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives Alden
Publications, 1984, p. 204.

The study by Otis, which was never published in a peer-reviewed journal,
makes the following errors: (1) it confounds the number of problems
experienced by meditators with how long they have been meditating; (2) it
compared groups that were not equivalent at pretest; (3) it reported only
part of the data; (4) it changed its hypotheses to fit the data; (5) it
proposed a fictitious physiological mechanism for how meditation could cause
harm; (6) it has never been replicated, and (7), it is contradicted by
better-designed, controlled research.

Imagine that a truck salesman compares how many problems his trucks had over
a three-month period with the number of problems other truck brands had over
an 11-months-to-10-year period. Is this a valid comparison? Of course not.
Naturally, one would expect more problems to come up over the longer time
period. Yet this is the essence of Otis’s claim that Experienced meditators
have more problems that Novice meditators.

fm#Lazarus#Lazarus"2. Arnold A. Lazarus. Psychiatric Problems Precipitated
by Transcendental Meditation. Psychological Report, 1976, 39, pp. 601-602.

Arnold A. Lazarus.  Meditation: The Problems of Unimodal Technique.
Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Alden
Publications, 1984, p. 691.

The author’s main thesis is “how can anything be good for everyone” and he
sets out to find a subgroup for whom TM practice would not be indicated.
This is not a controlled study, and the author presents no systematic data
of any kind to support his thesis. Instead, he supports his points with
uncontrolled observations and hearsay. His opinions are contradicted by
substantial, well-controlled research on a variety of patient groups and
other populations (e.g., see Opinion on Glueck research above). These
controlled studies have found TM practice to be beneficial. Conceptually,
one can understand how TM practice could be universally beneficial from the
physiological research, which indicates that it produces a state of deep,
coherence rest. Like sleep, it is good for everyone.

fm#Glueck_75_Comp_Psychiatry#Glueck_75_Comp_Psychiatry"3. Bernard C. Glueck
and Charles F. Stroebel. Biofeedback and Meditation and the Treatment of
Psychiatric Illness. Comprehensive Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 4, 1975.

fm#Glueck_85_Current_Psychiatric#Glueck_85_Current_Psychiatric"4. Bernard C.
Glueck and Charles F. Stroebel. Biofeedback and Meditation and the Treatment
of Psychiatric Illness. Current Psychiatric Therapies, Vol. 15, 1975, p.

fm#Stoebel_78#Stoebel_78"5. Charles F. Stroebel and Bernard C. Glueck.
Passive Meditation: Subjective, Clinical, and Electrographic Comparison with
Biofeedback. In G. E. Schwartz and David Shapiro (editors) Consciousness and
Self Regulation, Volume Two. Plenum Press, New York, 1978.

fm#Glueck_84#Glueck_84"6. Bernard C. Glueck and Charles F. Stroebel.
Meditation in the Treatment of Psychiatric Illness. Meditation: Classic and
Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Alden Publications, 1984, p. 150. 

A series of four papers described the results of using the Transcendental
Meditation program with institutionalized psychiatric patients at a top
mental health clinic in America, the Institute of Living in Hartford,
Connecticut. The research was conducted by Bernard C. Glueck, MD, who was
Director of Research and Psychiatrist at the Institute, and Charles F.
Stroebel, MD, PhD.

Glueck and Stroebel do not report any adverse effects with practice of the
technique in the psychiatric population, which included many psychotics,
although they do naturally warn that such populations should be monitored
closely when they learn the technique, as they would be when learning any
new practice of potential therapeutic value.

Glueck and Stroebel report that patients practicing the Transcendental
Meditation technique improved on all measures, including improved mental
health status at the time of hospital discharge, compared to a matched group
that received only usual hospital care; reduced sleep medication and other
medications; improvement on psychological tests (MMPI); improvement on
nurses’ daily notes of behavior; and, in teen aged patients, increased
ability to concentrate and reduced impulsive behavior.

#7._Heide"7. Heide, F. J.,& Borkovec, T. D., 'Relaxation-Induced Anxiety:
Paradoxical Anxiety Enhancement Due to Relaxation Training,' Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1983, Vol. 51, No. 2, 171-182.

#8._Heide"8. Heide, F. J. Relaxation: The Storm Before the Calm. Psychology
Today, April, 1985.

The two papers by Heide et al. are an attempt to show that relaxation could
cause anxiety in some highly anxious people, but the study is not on the
Transcendental Meditation program at all, but on a technique made up by the
author.  Moreover, there is no statistically significant evidence even
supporting that the technique they constucted causes anxiety.

#Persinger_Cult_Mania"9. Michael A. Persinger, Norman J. Carrey and Lynn A.
Suess. TM and Cult Mania. North Quincy, Massachusetts, Christopher
Publishing House, 1980.

#Persinger_Kindling"10. Michael A. Persinger. Transcendental Meditation and
general meditation are associated with enhanced complex partial
epileptic-like signs: Evidence for 'cognitive kindling”? Perceptual and
Motor Skills, 1992.

#Persinger_Sensed_Presence"11. Michael A. Persinger. Enhanced incidence of
'the sensed presence' in people who have learned to meditate: Support for
the right hemispheric intrusion hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills,
1992, 75, 1308-1310.

The book by Persinger, et al., is a diatribe against the Transcendental
Meditation program and TM organization that arose from his public debates
with TM teachers at Laurentian University. He sees the TM program "as an
assault on 20th-century Western civilization”. His book is an attempt to
save Western civilization, which undoubtedly needs saving, but I don't think
stopping the TM movement is the way to do it.  The two ensuing papers by
Persinger, published 12 years later, are his attempt to find something wrong
with the program.  From psychological tests, he speculates that meditation
may predispose people to epilepsy, for which all the direct evidence is just
the opposite.

#Perez"12. Perez de Albeniz, A. & Holmes, J. (2000). Meditation: concepts,
effects, and uses in therapy. International Journal of Psychotherapy, 5(1),

Contrary to the impression given in a summary of this article posted on the
TranceNet Web site, this review of 75 studies on meditation did not report a
single study showing that the Transcendental Meditation technique has
adverse effects. It does, however, mention three studies reporting negative
effects from other meditation techniques. On the whole, this paper is highly
favorable towards meditation.

#Castillo"13. Richard J. Castillo. Depersonalization and Meditation.
Psychiatry:Interpersonal and Biological Processes, Vol. 53, May, 1990pp.

This paper by Castillo on "Depersonalization and Meditation” was perhaps the
most interesting, because it was based around interviews with six meditators
reporting their experiences of "witnessing", an indication of Cosmic
Consciousness. Castillo attempts to explain these experiences in terms of
the psychiatric concept of "depersonalization", but the explanation falls
short because these are all very healthy, highly functional people.  In
Castillo's words "All of the meditators interviewed are successful in their
careers, and apparently satisfied with their lives and optimistic about the
future, and are very friendly, personable people.  Their lives seem to run
smoothly, with an absence of any significant anxiety or stress.” "None of
the informants reported a personal history of psychiatric disorder..." p.
166. A consideration of these experiences not only provides an opportunity
to differentiate "witnessing" from "depersonalization", but also illustrates
some of Maharishi’s key points on the development of Cosmic Consciousness,
the Fifth State of seven states of consciousness.

" \n14. The 'German' report

The German government never conducted its own investigation of the
Transcendental Meditation program and no German court ever ruled that the
Transcendental Meditation program was dangerous. Close analysis of the
research referred to in Exhibit 65 indicates that it did not show that
practice of this program caused adverse social relationships, or that it
impaired mental faculties, or resulted in loss of self-determination and
motivation, or psychological disorders or had any other adverse effects.



David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.




191 Dalton Dr.

Seagrove Beach, FL 32459


850-231-5012 Fax




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