Police team looking for cannabis finds only

It was like a scene from Hamish MacBeth. Police 
launched a full-scale drugs raid on a Highland 
home - but discovered only the 79-year-old 
owner's tomato plants.

Uniformed officers burst into Lulu Matheson's 
house in the village of Shieldaig, Wester Ross, 
kept her son Gus in his bedroom for two hours, 
handcuffed her grandson Stephen, and turned the 
house upside down.

The high-profile afternoon raid involved three 
squad cars, seven officers and sniffer dogs. 
They told the family they were looking for 
cannabis, but after searching for several hours 
had to concede the green plants visible in the 
window from the roadside were tomatoes.

The plants, of which police requested a sample 
for analysis, were bearing fruit.

The swoop follows on a number of recent drugs 
busts across the Highlands in which rented 
houses have been found converted to cannabis 

But Mrs Matheson, a widow who has lived in the 
house for 53 years, was flabbergasted when the 
police poured into her home.

She said: "I got a terrible fright and I 
couldn't understand what they were doing here 
because I knew we had nothing more than tomatoes 
in the window. I don't know what the neighbours 
must be thinking."

Gus Matheson, 47, a former diver, said: "I was 
standing looking out the window at the pier when 
I saw two cop cars pull up beside the house with 
five officers getting out and I wondered what on 
earth was going on. I opened the door and they 
more or less barged past saying that I was 
growing cannabis on the windowsills."

He added: "It was a terrible carry-on. The 
police didn't even apologise."

Mr Matheson now intends to make a formal 

A spokesman for Northern Constabulary said last 
night: "Recently we have had a lot of high-
profile raids on properties where cannabis has 
been grown, as there have been across Scotland. 
These have been conducted on an intelligence-led 
basis acting on information. But on this 
occasion no controlled substances were found."

He denied it was a heavy-handed operation.



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