i have had this come up a lot with people telling me this and i found my Guru's 
words and 
guidance comforting in the middle of the last incident. It was with one 
enlightenment. Something came up like so and so was stealing and then my 
was to point that this is not a good thing. the "enlightened one" was taking 
the position 
that all is perfect, we can't judge.

My Guru commented - if you think stealing is a good thing, be my guest. The 
only thing 
that is perfect is that unchanging is, all else requires checks and balances. 
There was an 
incident where a man was steeling and Ramana slaped him. The stealing was not a 
thing for what good is going to come to the man, but the slap was perfect as it 
was from 
flow and was what the man needed.

Regarding a heirarchy with guru's, if one is seeking, then this means that one 
has not yet 
found the way out to liberation. If one is going to buy into the concept that 
they don't 
know the way and what they have done so far has not got them there, then they 
may seek 
out one that  as a mentor or a Guru.

If one is going to go to this Guru and at the same time instruct how things are 
to be done, 
then this is not sensible, one is not going to progress. Either face that you 
dont know the 
way, find one that you think does and then follow the instrutions or go off on 
your own. 
But to come to a guide for guidance, then to instruct that their truth is as 
valid as mine- 
there is no need to say much more. It is silly. I would say go one way or the 

What does a Guru do- guide one, not live their life. What do they advise- be 
still and 
know, not ramble on with the mind and know- "be still and know that I am God"- 
stillness where mind has not rerooted, when one knows 100 percent that they are 
not the 
mind, body, or identifications- this my Guru would describe as enlightenment


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