[FairfieldLife] Facts you should know about the fighting in Gaza

2014-08-21 Thread eustace10679
Facts you should know about the fighting in Gaza 
By Joyce Chediac on August 19, 2014 
Since Israel began a military offensive in Gaza on July 8, some 2,000 
Palestinians and 68 Israelis have been killed. What is going on? Why is it 
important to you? 
Fiction: Israel was exercising its “legitimate right of self-defense” in 
bombing Gaza.
Fact: Israel has no such “right” under international law. But the Palestinians 
do have a legal right to resist occupation. 
Israel claims self-defense under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, 
which says that states have a right to self-defense if attacked by another 
state. But Gaza isn’t a foreign state. It has been occupied by Israel since 
1967, and 80 percent of its residents are refugees that were forced out of 
Israeli invaded land in 1948. Israel controls the land, sea and air borders of 
Gaza, the civil population registry, and the tax and revenue system. 
So Israel is bound by other laws. The 1960 Declaration on the Granting of 
Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, as well as the Fourth Geneva 
Convention and its protocols, call Israel’s occupation forced upon the West 
Bank and Gaza a “belligerency,” or state of war. According to these laws, the 
people of Gaza have the legal right to “fight against colonial domination and 
alien occupation in the exercise of their right to self-determination.” 
Fiction: Hamas is a terrorist organization and international outlaw.
Fact: Israel disregarded Hamas, the Palestinian peoples’ elected choice, and 
then used state terrorism to try to get them out of office. 
Hamas is one of many political, social, military, professional and charitable 
organizations in Palestinian society. It had enough popular support to win a 
parliamentary election in 2006 — an election which was called “free and fair” 
by U.S. former President Jimmy Carter and other election observers. 
The U.S. and Israeli governments did not like the Palestinian people’s choice, 
so they declared economic and military war on Hamas and Gaza. Borders were 
sealed, and Gaza and its people were blockaded for eight years. Since that 2006 
election, Israel has waged three wars on Gaza: in 2008, 2012 and now in 2014. 
Military measures taken by Hamas and other organizations in Gaza have been to 
defend the people against this constant Israeli aggression. 
Fiction: Hamas started the current war by firing rockets into Israel.
Fact: For 17 months Hamas fired no rockets, while Israel repeatedly violated 
ceasefires and then attacked full force. 
After a November 2012 ceasefire agreement ended eight days of Israeli attacks, 
not one rocket was fired into Israel from Gaza until Israel broke the ceasefire 
in February 2013. 
Since then, according to the Jerusalem Fund, a nonprofit group based in 
Washington, D.C., “Palestinian launches have been rare and sporadic and 
occurred almost always after successive instances of Israeli cease-fire 
violations.”  (blog.thejerusalemfund.org, Feb. 5) The Centre for Research on 
Globalization reports that of the rockets fired from Gaza in 2013, “none … came 
from the Hamas government themselves, despite the widespread violations from 
Israeli forces.” (July 28) Hamas did not fire any rockets from November 2012 
until June 30, 2014, after an Israeli plane struck Gaza. 
Israel could easily end the rocket strikes by stopping its attacks, lifting the 
blockade and letting the Palestinian people have their rights. 
Fiction: Gaza rockets purposely target civilians. 
Fact: Israel claims “pinpoint precision” for its weapons, yet its bombs hit 
schools, mosques, hospitals and ambulances and demolished whole neighborhoods. 
These are war crimes. 
Gaza rockets have killed two Israelis. Rather than purposely targeting 
civilians, their low-tech, mostly homemade rockets are hard to aim. Most 
military analysts regard these rockets as harassment rather than a serious 
threat to Israel. The fighters in Gaza would gladly trade their homemade 
rockets for the laser-guided Cruise and Tomahawk missiles that the U.S. gives 
to Israel. 
Israel claims that its high-tech weaponry can target with pinpoint precision. 
Yet according to the U.N., Israeli planes, ships, tanks and bombs have killed 
1,948 Palestinians — 1,402 of them civilians, including 456 children. Some 
9,806 Gazans have been wounded. Israel has destroyed Gaza’s industrial sector 
along with whole neighborhoods, mosques, hospitals and 11,000 homes, 
devastating the infrastructure and creating a dire economic, humanitarian and 
public health crisis. 
Israel took out Gaza’s only power plant. This has drastically reduced the 
pumping of water to homes and the treatment of sewage, both of which require 
electricity. The lack of refrigeration has also severely affected food 
production. Bakeries can barely bake bread. 
Fiction: Israel struck because Hamas kidnapped and then killed three Israeli 
teens on the West Bank.

Fact: Israel used the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Facts you should know about the fighting in Gaza

2014-08-21 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Israel’s quick embrace of an Egyptian-proposed cease-fire early 
Tuesday was a sign of its reticence to launch a ground invasion of Gaza 
and turn this into a full-scale war...

'8 things you need to know about the Gaza-Israel conflict'

Hamas or its military wing is designated as a terrorist organization by 
Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, the European 
Union, Egypt, Australia, Japan, and is banned in Jordan.


On 8/21/2014 1:38 AM, eustace10679 wrote:

Facts you should know about the fighting in Gaza
By Joyce Chediac on August 19, 2014

Since Israel began a military offensive in Gaza on July 8, some 2,000 
Palestinians and 68 Israelis have been killed. What is going on? Why 
is it important to you?

Fiction: Israel was exercising its “legitimate right of self-defense” 
in bombing Gaza.

Fact: Israel has no such “right” under international law. But the 
Palestinians do have a legal right to resist occupation.

Israel claims self-defense under Article 51 of the United Nations 
Charter, which says that states have a right to self-defense if 
attacked by another state. But Gaza isn’t a foreign state. It has been 
occupied by Israel since 1967, and 80 percent of its residents are 
refugees that were forced out of Israeli invaded land in 1948. Israel 
controls the land, sea and air borders of Gaza, the civil population 
registry, and the tax and revenue system.

So Israel is bound by other laws. The 1960 Declaration on the Granting 
of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, as well as the 
Fourth Geneva Convention and its protocols, call Israel’s occupation 
forced upon the West Bank and Gaza a “belligerency,” or state of war. 
According to these laws, the people of Gaza have the legal right to 
“fight against colonial domination and alien occupation in the 
exercise of their right to self-determination.”

Fiction: Hamas is a terrorist organization and international outlaw.

Fact: Israel disregarded Hamas, the Palestinian peoples’ elected 
choice, and then used state terrorism to try to get them out of office.

Hamas is one of many political, social, military, professional and 
charitable organizations in Palestinian society. It had enough popular 
support to win a parliamentary election in 2006 — an election which 
was called “free and fair” by U.S. former President Jimmy Carter and 
other election observers.

The U.S. and Israeli governments did not like the Palestinian people’s 
choice, so they declared economic and military war on Hamas and Gaza. 
Borders were sealed, and Gaza and its people were blockaded for eight 
years. Since that 2006 election, Israel has waged three wars on Gaza: 
in 2008, 2012 and now in 2014. Military measures taken by Hamas and 
other organizations in Gaza have been to defend the people against 
this constant Israeli aggression.

Fiction: Hamas started the current war by firing rockets into Israel.

Fact: For 17 months Hamas fired no rockets, while Israel repeatedly 
violated ceasefires and then attacked full force.

After a November 2012 ceasefire agreement ended eight days of Israeli 
attacks, not one rocket was fired into Israel from Gaza until Israel 
broke the ceasefire in February 2013.

Since then, according to the Jerusalem Fund, a nonprofit group based 
in Washington, D.C., “Palestinian launches have been rare and sporadic 
and occurred almost always after successive instances of Israeli 
cease-fire violations.”  (blog.thejerusalemfund.org, Feb. 5) The 
Centre for Research on Globalization reports that of the rockets fired 
from Gaza in 2013, “none … came from the Hamas government themselves, 
despite the widespread violations from Israeli forces.” (July 28) 
Hamas did not fire any rockets from November 2012 until June 30, 2014, 
after an Israeli plane struck Gaza.

Israel could easily end the rocket strikes by stopping its attacks, 
lifting the blockade and letting the Palestinian people have their 

Fiction: Gaza rockets purposely target civilians.

Fact: Israel claims “pinpoint precision” for its weapons, yet its 
bombs hit schools, mosques, hospitals and ambulances and demolished 
whole neighborhoods. These are war crimes.

Gaza rockets have killed two Israelis. Rather than purposely targeting 
civilians, their low-tech, mostly homemade rockets are hard to aim. 
Most military analysts regard these rockets as harassment rather than 
a serious threat to Israel. The fighters in Gaza would gladly trade 
their homemade rockets for the laser-guided Cruise and Tomahawk 
missiles that the U.S. gives to Israel.

Israel claims that its high-tech weaponry can target with pinpoint 
precision. Yet according to the U.N., Israeli planes, ships, tanks and 
bombs have killed 1,948 Palestinians — 1,402 of them civilians, 
including 456 children. Some 9,806 Gazans have been