An ancient design philosophy from the East that stresses achieving harmony 
between home and body is finding its way into the United States. Feng shui? 
That's been done. Bay Area, get ready for vaastu shastra. A design framework 
that comes from ancient Indian Hindu scriptures, vaastu at its heart is the 
belief that one's environment is a physical extension of the body, and that 
home design can affect a person's health. Vaastu is a science, not an art, 
religion or philosophy," says Liz Jan, a home designer who recently moved from 
San Francisco to New Mexico to deepen her study of vaastu. Vaastu design is 
undergoing something of a renaissance in India and remains better known there 
than in the United States. But anyone familiar with green building techniques 
and the more-recognized feng shui may be surprised to learn how much vaastu has 
in common with them."The idea behind vaastu is to orient rooms toward different 
positions of the sun at different times of the day, being
 mindful of the quality of the sunlight and not just the level of solar 
energy," says Anthony Lawlor, an architect at Polsky Perlstein Architects in 
Larkspur and the author of "The Temple in the House: Finding the Sacred in 
Everyday Architecture." "Ideally, the rooms would be like spokes of a wheel, so 
that you are harmonizing your activities with the sun's energy," Lawlor says. 
In a practical sense, that means orienting the dining room toward the south, so 
that the intensity of the sun's rays at midday assists in digestion; quieter 
rooms such as bedrooms should be placed to the north where the lower evening 
light prevails. Positioning a house to take advantage of natural sunlight is 
something green builders have long touted as an environmentally friendly design 
principle. Michael McCutcheon is the president of McCutcheon Construction in 
Berkeley, a company that incorporates both green and vaastu principles in its 
design work. "Green builders are using vaastu without
 knowing it," says McCutcheon, who learned about vaastu as a practitioner of 
Transcendental Meditation and spends a lot of time at environmental building 
conferences. "The rishis in India were the ones who recognized the rhythms of 
nature; the green building movement should recognize the shoulders on which it 
stands." Beyond an affinity for natural light, the quality of materials is key 
for both vaastu and environmentally aware builders. "There is wisdom in the 
materials," Lawlor says. "If you use wood, stone or plaster, the building 
quality is different than if you design a building using vaastu principles and 
then use toxic or synthetic materials."Both Lawlor and McCutcheon have spent 
time in the city considered the heart of American vaastu design: Fairfield, 
Iowa. It is the home of Maharishi University of Management, founded by 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who founded the TM movement. In Fairfield, McCutcheon 
says, many of the new buildings have been designed from the ground
 up based on the principles of vaastu. This has prompted controversy because it 
meant tearing down existing structures to build new ones that, for example, 
have entrances facing east. Pandit Pravinji, an astrologer and vaastu 
consultant in Antioch, says that when it comes to vaastu design and an existing 
home, "You just can't do everything. But if the home you live in is, say, 70 to 
75 percent balanced according to vaastu, you will still get good results." In 
selecting his own home, Pravinji notes that some aspects of the existing layout 
were very favorable, such as the morning sun that streams into his kitchen at 
breakfast time, and the room where he performs his puja, or daily worship. And 
he has furnished the home carefully in accordance with vaastu principles to 
lend it a feeling of spaciousness and quiet: painting the worship room blue to 
promote meditative calm, for instance. Still, says Pravinji, if he could change 
one thing about the house, "I would move my master
 bedroom. It is not in the southwest corner where it ideally should be placed. 
But I try to be flexible and not worry too much."In the Bay Area, it's not easy 
to find a building - residential or commercial - that has been torn down and 
rebuilt according to vaastu principles. More often than not, people are 
interested in fixes for an existing home. If they're lucky, as Pravinji was, 
their homes might (mostly) conform to vaastu principles without having been 
designed that way. Otherwise, McCutcheon says, they will be limited to the 
quick fix, which can limit vaastu's effectiveness. "There's no evidence that 
people are knocking down their homes," McCutcheon says. "Rather, they're 
tinkering with it. Feng shui is actually a much better way to tinker with a 
building," he says, because it is more flexible than vaastu, which demands a 
rigidly prescribed geometric and compass-point approach. "And there's no doubt 
that feng shui works," McCutcheon says. "But the maharishi would say
 that you're better off knocking down a building with poor design and starting 
again." Lawlor agrees: "Feng shui always offers a cure, like hanging a mirror 
or a crystal. That's appealing to an American mind-set."The majority of 
McCutcheon's work is in renovation, not new building. But when meeting a new 
client, he says, "I bring up vaastu when I'm looking at a house for the first 
time. I consider the orientation as I draw up the designs. Can we move the 
kitchen from the west to the southeast corner? I know that the study is best in 
a northeast corner, and I take that into consideration."Those sorts of 
deliberations often are at odds with city building codes, sloping lots and 
modern inventions such as plumbing and electricity - not to mention aesthetics 
and views. Lawlor, who works in Marin, says, "Everybody wants the views. If 
someone wants their living room facing Mount Tam and vaastu said that's not the 
optimal space, what do you do?" Marti Kheel needed to rebuild
 because of dry rot in the deck of her El Cerrito home. A writer and health 
consultant, Kheel is just learning about vaastu and believes that a person's 
health is influenced to a great degree by the energy in his or her home. She 
says vaastu remains a fairly obscure practice for most people in the Bay Area. 
"Everyone here has heard of feng shui, but mention vaastu and people go blank," 
she says.Kheel contacted McCutcheon, who is rebuilding her deck using 
dragonboard, construction panels made in China from a combination of magnesium 
oxide and magnesium chloride and fibrous reinforcement.Kheel acknowledges that 
vaastu principles sometimes clash with her own tastes: "I had a beautiful 
wooden headboard with spokes on it - you're not supposed to have spokes on your 
bed," she says. (Vaastu experts believe they can be disruptive to sleep.) "So I 
bought a new bed of sustainable wood and I couldn't stand the way it looked!" 
She's on the lookout for a bed that will conform both with
 vaastu and her personal tastes, but sometimes finds the process difficult. 
"Now that I consider vaastu, everything takes longer," Kheel says. "I think 
about the materials and design of the objects, and their energetics. Even 
importing the dragonboard from China - I wish I could find something closer to 
home that would have the same properties."Among Bay Area Indians, vaastu 
remains primarily the bailiwick of the older generation. Deepak Ajmani, who 
owns the Bombay Spice House in Berkeley, says, "The modern generation? Either 
they don't know about it, or they don't care." Ajmani, who offers a selection 
of vaastu books in the astrology section of his store, believes that the 
transience of the American lifestyle is a factor. "People here live a suitcase 
life. If you're renting an apartment, you can't make the changes that vaastu 
recommends." He said vaastu is getting more attention in India these days, and 
he sees many of his local customers purchasing the statues and items
 recommended for vaastu cures.Hari Johan, who is affiliated with the Hari Om 
Mandir (temple) in San Mateo, agrees. "Older people carry these practices; now 
it is our job to teach them to the younger people," he says. Johan is looking 
for a new temple site and said that vaastu is extremely important to him in the 
site selection process. "That's the time to use vaastu - when you're building a 
house," Johan says, because only then can a person be sure that the orientation 
and materials are in pure alignment with vaastu principles.Johan's friend 
Chhabildas Khatri, proprietor of Roopam Sarees in Berkeley, says that on a 
recent visit to India, he noticed more interest in vaastu than before. As a 
landlord, he has twice been asked to move the toilet in his properties by 
tenants who complained that its unfavorable placement was affecting their 
business. "Both times I moved it - once for a property in India and once in the 
U.S. - and it ended up making a big difference for my
 tenants," Khatri says, though he adds that he himself is not convinced that 
vaastu delivers.Still, in the United States, publishers are taking note of 
vaastu - occasionally with a slightly different spelling. Two new books, 
"Vastu: Transcendental Home Design in Harmony With Nature" by Sherri Silverman 
and "Space Matters: Use the Wisdom of Vastu to Create a Healthy Home" by 
Kathleen Cox, were released last month. One has only to count the number of 
yoga mats strapped onto backs in San Francisco to glimpse vaastu's future. 
Yoga, too, was once considered an obscure practice from India until its health 
benefits became more widely understood. It's possible, with the growing 
awareness of the advantages of environmentally friendly house design, that 
vaastu is poised to go mainstream.

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