Title: Fight Big Pharma for Drug Savings

Check out this animation about how drug companies keep prices high and sign up to save 50-70% on your oprescription drugs.

Watch this short animation about how drug companies have use their wealth and power to keep drug prices high, and what you can do to fight back! Then, sign on for 50-70% prescription drug discounts and to support a bulk purchasing program open to all Americans.

Watch the Animation and Sign Up To Save 50-70% on Your Prescription Drugs!

Drug companies have been allowed to charge U.S. residents 50-70% more than what patients in Canada and England pay for the exact same medications!

With 35 million people, a California prescription drug bulk purchasing pool could get even better discounts than all of Canada. Right now, the City of Los Angeles is developing such a program.

You do not have to live in Los Angeles to receive discounts of 50-70%. Sign up now and we will notify you when the program begins.

Watch the Animation and Sign On For Prescription Drug Bulk Purchasing!

Drug companies claim that high prices are necessary to pay for the cost of developing new medications, but they spend 2-3 times more on advertsing than they do on research.

And, they spend millions of our dollars each year in contributions to politicians to kill reform efforts.

That's why we're signing people up for the bulk purchasing program - we'll let you know when the program is up and running, and send your petition to policymakers urging them to expand the program to all Americans. The Bigger the Buyer, the Better the Price!

The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights is California's leading nonprofit consumer advocacy organization. Visit us on the web at ConsumerWatchdog.org


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