Forwarded from: Lisa Ashelman < 

This Movie tonight the RIGHT TO HARM - that everyone is going to at the 
Sondheim is Free online.

So I encourage everyone to go to John Hagelin's event tonight - he is making a 
special request for as many as possible to go. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: John Hagelin < <>>
Date: Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 9:18 AM
Subject: I need your help tonight!
To: President Hagelin < <>>

Dear Friends,

First, let me say how much I enjoyed being with you during these past 18 days!  
Thank you for your wonderful support, thoughtfulness, and kindness throughout 
my course.

I am writing to ask for your help tonight!!!

Tonight, at 8:00 o'clock in Dalby Hall, we are presenting an honorary 
doctorate, the Doctor of World Peace Honoris Causa, to a renowned scientist, 
mega-philanthropist, meditator and Vedic scholar, Dr. Navin Doshi.  He has 
funded Endowed Chairs at a half a dozen Universities world-wide.  And we 
certainly want / need his support!

I very, very much want you all to come!

Mr. Doshi is an extraordinary man. Born in India, he moved to the U.S. and 
became an aerospace engineer, receiving many awards from NASA for his work. 
Then he became very successful in business. And for years now he has used his 
resources to promote “the building of bridges wherever there are differences,” 
“the perfection of mind and spirit, irrespective of religion, ethnicity or 
culture,” and “the expansion of human consciousness.” He is the author of a new 
book entitled Transcendence: Saving Us From Ourselves.

I have known Mr. Doshi for many years and have been looking forward to the 
opportunity to honor him in this way. He is a dear man, a dear friend, and 
already a great supporter of MUM.

Let’s be sure Mr. Doshi and his wife Pratima receive a royal MUM welcome.

Please all come!  And bring a friend, spouse, or a buddy from IAA.

It will be a lovely, celebratory evening!

With my deep personal thanks,

Raja John

Dr. Lisa Ashelman
Technologies of World Peace

(641) 469 3110

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