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Dear Jefferson County Voter,
Here’s my email with the information that could be useful in completing your 
general election ballot.
Absentee ballots will be mailed andearly voting starts tomorrow, Monday, 
October 5th. Yippee, it’s almost over!
If you have submitted an absentee ballot request, you’ll receive your ballot 
this week. If you have not submitted an absentee ballot request, you still can, 
but I recommend that you just go to the Courthouse and cast your ballot. That 
way, you’ll know that your ballot is in the Auditor’s hands.
If you receive an absentee ballot, please complete it and return it right away, 
either by mail or deliver it yourself, to the Auditor at the Courthouse.
You can see a sample ballot here 
<>: Scroll down to find the 
ballot for your voting precinct.
Candidate Forums: Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, this Tuesday, Oct. 6th 
for Jefferson County Sheriff and County Supervisors, andWednesday, Oct. 7th for 
State Legislators. The forums start at 6pm and are streamed online.. Info here 
JUDGES and CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION: On the back of the ballot are places to 
vote on retention of judges and a chance to indicate whether you want a 
Constitutional Convention. This vote is mandated by law. Please vote to retain 
the judges and vote “No” on the Constitutional Convention question.
Rationale: We have good judges and I recommend not giving the Republican 
Governor an opportunity to appoint partisan judges. The same goes for a 
Constitutional Convention. We don’t need to amend Iowa’s Constitution and a 
convention would give Republicans an opportunity to inscribe their extreme 
agenda in the Constitution.
PRESIDENT, SENATOR, CONGRESSPERSON: For their regressive and often inhumane 
policies on health, immigration, the social safety net, white nationalism, 
racism, xenophobia, taxation, politization of judicial appointments, 
environmental issues and denying the social and economic consequences of global 
warming, we have to vote out the Republicans. Bernie made the case for voting 
for Democrats in a marvelous speech 
<> last week: Basically, he argued that we must 
repudiate Trump and his Republican enablers and sycophants by electing 
Democrats for their social, economic and environmental policies. He added that 
we have influence with Democrats, and that he and others were working with Joe 
Biden’s people and will continue to work with them after Joe is elected. I’d 
say the same for the other Democrats — Theresa Greenfield for U.S. Senate and 
Rita Hart for 2ndDistrict Representative. Theresa and Rita are qualified, solid 
players dedicated to the wellbeing and success of all Iowans. Their opponents 
are dedicated Trump supporters whose attack ads have been totally Trump-ish — 
gross distortions and outright lies. Surely, I don’t need to say more. You can 
find info on Theresa Greenfield’s platform on her website 
<>,, and Facebook 
<>, Info on Rita Hart’s platform is on 
her website <>,, and Facebook 
<>, You can hear the candidates debate this 
Tuesday and Wednesday. An earlier Iowa Press Debate between Rita and her 
Republican opponent Marionnette Miller-Meeks can be found here 
 Miller-Meeks is currently our State Senator.
FOOTNOTE: There are actually nine candidates for President/VP. Please don’t 
waste your vote on any of the other seven, either out of conviction or as a 
protest. Only Biden has a chance to oust Trump and become the next president.
STATE REPRESENTATIVE: I’m going to talk only about District 82, which 
encompasses the western two-thirds of Jefferson County plus Van Buren and Davis 
Counties. If you vote in a different district, you’re going to have to do your 
own research, but I make the same argument I did about the higher offices: 
Republicans control the Iowa Legislature and Governor’s Mansion. They have been 
passing ALEC’s bills supporting an extreme right-wing agenda. Let’s vote the 
Republicans out.
PHIL MILLER (D): Phil is a veterinarian and former president of the Fairfield 
Community School District Board. He’s deeply committed to health, public 
education and strengthening our rural economy, which includes factories, small 
businesses, a large service sector, health care personnel, farmers and 
agricultural workers. Phil also served for one year as our representative, 
filling the vacancy left by the untimely death of Curt Hanson. He’s a 
reasonable person who listens to all. He believes strongly in treating people 
fairly with social justice and economic equality, and in respecting the 
environment. You can learn more on his website 
<>,, and 
Facebook <>,, pages. I respect Phil’s broad 
understanding of the needs of the District and his ability to take in people’s 
ideas. He’ll bring a calm, rational approach in the Legislature.
JEFF SHIPLEY (R): Although Jeff gained favor with many in the Fairfield 
community for his support of for those who sought to block the rollout of smart 
utility meters and 5-G cellular service, and for his hippie-ish Peace and Love 
(or Peace and Prosperity) campaign theme, he has consistently shown a callous 
 towards the novel coronavirus pandemic — even stating that he hoped he would 
catch Covid-19 so he would become immune — and opposition to public schooling — 
voted against increased funding for school busing and supported parents who 
favored full time in-school classes this semester by campaigning against 
passage of the referendum on the Revenue Purpose Statement for long-term use of 
tax revenues. Jeff has also published several ads attacking his opponent with 
misleading or outright false statements in a manner consistent with Republican 
strategy in this election. Furthermore, Jeff has voted for bills pushed by the 
Republican leadership that come directly from ALEC, not Iowans. He strongly 
opposes abortion and has made chauvinist comments in public. He failed to 
understand the nature of transgender sexual development even after I met with 
him and explained it in detail. His failure to understand sprung from his 
staunch Catholic and Libertarian ideologies. While I personally enjoy engaging 
with Jeff and have done so many times, we have little common ground and I 
cannot support him over his opponent. Here’s his Facebook 
<> page:
COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS:This race is interesting because four people are 
running for two seats. I’ll put the two candidates I want to see elected, one 
Republican and one Democrat, first. I do not want either of the other two 
candidates elected. You can read about what the candidates said during the 
forum held on Sept. 24 here 
Susie Drish is a native of Jefferson County and a partner in the Pony Farm, 
where they breed a special small pony known as Poas. They also have alpaca and 
fainting goats. (You needed to know that, right?) Susie worked for 39 years in 
a Federal Job Training program through Indian Hills Community College. She 
mentored at-risk kids, low-income adults, offenders, welfare recipients and 
dislocated workers. In this work, Susie related to agencies, employers and 
school districts. She is well known and respected in Jefferson County for her 
contributions to economic development. She serves on the JeffCo Extension Board 
and the JeffCo Mutual Insurance Agency. Susie is well qualified to serve as 
Supervisor and determined to do the job.
Dee Sandquist is the only incumbent. A native of Jefferson County, she and her 
husband farm east of Fairfield with commitment to preserving soil and water for 
future generations.  Dee has over 40 years of management experience in food, 
nutrition and health care. She was a national spokesperson for the Academy of 
Nutrition and Dietetics. She works to alleviate food insecurity as a board 
member of Carry-on Bagsand Hunger Dialogue. She is an ambassador for the Women, 
Food and Agriculture Network and helps farmers learn to use cover crops, 
no-till and crop rotation, which help preserve soil and reduce greenhouse 
gases. She is endorsed by the Sierra Club. Dee has worked hard in her first 
term as Supervisor and earned the respect of a diverse constituency.
Nick Adam is a CAFO developer, operating several CAFOs and seeking to build 
more. He knows quite a bit about what goes on in the County, seeing issues from 
the perspective of agri-business. Nick has a different view of financing County 
development, favoring bonds over budgeting (pay as you go) for long-term needs. 
I cannot do the issue justice here.
Keith Vlademar has no party affiliation and, judging from his debate 
presentation, little knowledge of or qualifications for the job of Supervisor. 
He is a retired civil engineer who worked for the Department of Transportation.
JEFFERSON COUNTY SHERIFF: You may not think about the Sheriff’s Office often, 
but its roles in the community are important. Beyond law enforcement, the 
Sheriff’s deputies assist citizens in difficult situations and provide security 
to all. Sheriff’s deputies are always ready to rush to any emergency in any 
school, business or home in the county, putting their lives on the line, if 
necessary, to protect our community. The person we elect as Sheriff must have 
experience both in the field of law enforcement and as an administrator, as 
well as the focus and judgment to lead the deputies. This race is interesting 
because of divided support for the candidates. Both candidates are current 
Sheriff’s Deputies but they have quite different backgrounds and philosophies 
for leading the Office.
Before I discuss the candidates’ qualifications, I think I should say something 
about the endorsements each has received. Bart Richmond touts the endorsements 
of the retiring Sheriff, Gregg Morton, and many currently in the Sheriff, 
Police and Fire departments. Tracy Vance has been endorsed by the former 
Sheriff and Chief Deputy. There is some question about the endorsements Bart 
Richmond got in the Sheriff’s Office and the Police Department. As he’s the 
Chief Deputy and the hand-picked successor to the retiring Sheriff, it had to 
have been hard for other Deputies and employees to say ‘no.’ There’s a legal 
issue too in making those requests for endorsement at the Law Center. I believe 
that Bart’s seeking endorsements from his co-workers reflects his “good ol’ 
boys” approach to the Sheriff’s job. Tracy has demonstrated a more professional 
approach in his campaign.
I should say something too about Bart’s campaign manager, Wally Devasier. While 
I respect Wally’s right to endorse a buddy and lead his campaign, we must also 
remember that, in the political sphere, he is not representing the Movement… 
and neither am I. Many leaders of the Movement support Tracy, though they feel 
that they cannot make a public endorsement because of their position. We need 
to evaluate the candidates on their merits.
Deputy Tracy Vance is a professional who has a combination of law enforcement, 
community relations, administrative and budget management experience that will 
serve the citizens of Jefferson County well. He has over thirty years of public 
service as a firefighter, Emergency Medical Technician, school board member, 
county supervisor, Chamber of Commerce director, and economic development 
director. Tracy is keenly aware of the human aspects of the work of the 
Sheriff’s deputies, which are the biggest part of the job. I’m referring to 
matters like domestic quarrels and mental health issues. Tracy wants the 
deputies to get much more training in managing these kinds of situations 
because they demand mediation skills rather than a gun or a taser. He also 
proposes establishing a Citizen’s Advisory Council to facilitate effective 
communication between the Sheriff’s Office and the community. Find more 
information on Tracy’s Facebook <> page,, and website 
Chief Deputy Bart Richmond is the designated successor to the retiring Sheriff. 
You may have seen his VW Beetle around the County. Bart has made a career in 
law enforcement since 1992. He has executed the duties of Chief Deputy capably. 
Though I have heard questions raised about his “good ol’ boys” style of law 
enforcement, I have not heard that his management has compromised law 
enforcement. He is well-liked around the County. There is little information 
about Bart on his Facebook <> page:
JEFFERSON COUNTY AUDITOR Scott Reneker is running unopposed for reelection.
County Public Hospital Trustee
Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner
County Agricultural Extension Council Member
There are as many candidates running to serve the County as there are seats to 
fill for each of these positions. I suggest voting for the candidates on the 
ballot just to keep some unhinged being from slipping into office via a 
write-in campaign.
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