The newest thing from Google is "Google Instant" -- a kind of "psychic"
feature that instantly displays the results for what it *thinks* you are
searching for. You don't even have to press Enter; it displays results
as you type in your search criteria. I managed to get ahold of a Beta
copy and tried it out by typing "TM" and it seems to work. Full article
under the screenshot below.  :-)


'Google Instant' Search Feature Unveiled At Google Press Conference

Google has unveiled a new feature called Google Instant 
type.html> designed to help users access search results more quickly and
easily than ever before.

Marissa Mayer, Google's VP of Search Products & User Experience,  called
the new feature a "fundamental shift in search," according to CNET
<> 's live blog from
the event.

Google introduced Google Instant at a press conference
-how-to-watch-live-50064>  Wednesday and explained how the new tool
works in an  official blog post
ource=instant> :

Faster Searches: By predicting your search and showing  results before
you finish typing, Google Instant can save 2-5 seconds  per search.
Smarter Predictions: Even when you don't know exactly what you're 
looking for, predictions help guide your search. The top prediction is 
shown in grey text directly in the search box, so you can stop typing as
soon as you see what you need.

Instant Results: Start typing and results appear right before your eyes.
Until now, you had to type a full search term, hit return, and hope for 
the right results. Now results appear instantly as you type, helping 
you see where you're headed, every step of the way.

"Many think of Google Instant as 'search as you type,' but really  it's
search 'before you type,'" Mayer explained. "There's almost a  psychic
element to it, because Google tries to predict the results and  present
them to you in real time," she said, according to Ars Technica
ith-dynamic-results-predictions.ars> . Mayer estimated that Google
Instant may be able to save users 2 to 5 seconds per query.

Google Instant will be the default setting for users. As the 
screenshots below show, with Google Instant, the search results returned
vary as the user types in their query. Type "H" into Google's search 
box, and Google will show you the results for "Hotmail," with several 
other suggested search terms ("Hulu," "Home Depot," "Hopstop") in a 
drop-down menu. Adding another letter--"H-U"--automatically causes the 
search results to refresh, and returns new suggestions.
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Several have noted that Google Instant will censor "NSFW" results. 
ReadWriteWeb's Marshall Kirkpatrick noted in a tweet, "NSFW results will
not be instanted, even if you have safe search off. search results go 
blank for naughty queries." "I want to turn off the Google censor on 
Google Instant. Try searching for a naughty word. Doesn't work. I feel 
like I live in China," Robert Scoble tweeted.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt teased the new feature in a tweet earlier 
today. "I predict big things happening today at Google. We're already 
fast.. fast is about to get faster," Schmidt wrote
<> .

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