God's devotee can never stay dejected. While staying in the forests,
we were always under the all-powerful nature of Paramatman [God].
There in the dense forests, where no facilities for living are easily
available, all the needs of the devotee were met by Paramatman.

How can a prince experience any need in his own Kingdom? The devotee
of the all-powerful Lord, wherever in any of the three worlds he might
be, he is the prince and so he will live in bliss. How can the
all-powerful Lord tolerate the suffering of his devotee? Through one's
faith, devotion and trust in Paramatman alone and none else, it is
certain to get the Lord's attention. From then onwards Paramatman
himself will look after the well being of the devotee. There will be
no need to pray for one's welfare.

When the son gets sick, does he request the father have him treated
and then the father acts? Is it so? The father will not be able to see
his son suffer. Even without asking he will do his best to get his son
cured. Thus, whosoever becomes Paramatman's, whosoever wrests
Paramatman's love for himself, Paramatman, without even a request,
will do what is needed. It is an experienced fact that Paramatman's
devotee can never be unhappy.

~~  Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath

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