Re: [FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism

2016-03-29 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I'm not waiting on anything.I have what I've always wanted and I didn't expect 
anyone to give it to meI never was ambitious but I don't begrudge those that 

  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 11:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism
 You still seem to be waiting for the rich to pee money down on you.  
"Trickle down" was the biggest scam of the 20th century.  What did we have up 
until Reagan?  We had "Small is Beautiful", "Live Simply So Others can Simply 
Live".  We were ready to bring the country back into balance.  But no, you had 
to support the rich, the Neocons because "hey, someday you may be rich." Dream 
 Gonnna be a long hot summer.
 On 03/28/2016 07:49 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] wrote:
     I started watching and found something amusing. He starts off with Christ 
being pissed at the *money changers* in the temple. We're all told this story 
but what most aren't told is, that it was a racket. Remember how Buddha pissed 
off the Brahmans by telling people not to  waste their money on yagyas? Pretty 
much the same here with Christ. Christ was pissed at the temple priests. They 
would tell the common man that he needed to make a sacrifice for his sins at 
the temple. He needed a special lamb, which the priest just happened to have 
for  sale, which he raised right down the road in Bethlehem. The priest was 
paid for the lamb, he raised and sold for such purposes plus he got to keep 
either all or at least half the lamb after it is sacrificed. See the meat 
market outside the Temple. The money changers took your Roman coins with images 
of the Cesar, a God,  and exchanged them, at a price, for Temple coins to buy 
the lamb with.It was a salvation racket! Jesus was on to it, I'm sure others 
were as well but Jesus raised hell about it in the temple and embarrassed the 
priests, hitting them in the pocket book. Of course , the temple priests were 
determined to get even and the rest is history. 
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 7:25 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism
    Excellent video, begins with the 14-th century, through 2015. Mentions 
two perennial  problems/complaints: 1. treatment of producers - the workers, 
and 2. production of what some people might consider useless or harmful goods.  
(the problems associated with 1. and 2. will be covered in part II).  Here's 
part I:, 11 min. 
   HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism  
  |   HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism  Though capitalism seems like just 
plain common-sense  nowadays, it is a theory of human society with a 
distinctive history and set of assumptions. Please subs...|  
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


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Re: [FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism

2016-03-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
You still seem to be waiting for the rich to pee money down on you.  
"Trickle down" was the biggest scam of the 20th century.  What did we 
have up until Reagan?  We had "Small is Beautiful", "Live Simply So 
Others can Simply Live".  We were ready to bring the country back into 
balance.  But no, you had to support the rich, the Neocons because "hey, 
someday you may be rich." Dream on.

Gonnna be a long hot summer.

On 03/28/2016 07:49 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
I started watching and found something amusing. He starts off with 
Christ being pissed at the *money changers* in the temple. We're all 
told this story but what most aren't told is, that it was a racket. 
Remember how Buddha pissed off the Brahmans by telling people not to 
waste their money on yagyas? Pretty much the same here with Christ. 
Christ was pissed at the temple priests. They would tell the common 
man that he needed to make a sacrifice for his sins at the temple. He 
needed a special lamb, which the priest just happened to have for 
sale, which he raised right down the road in Bethlehem. The priest was 
paid for the lamb, he raised and sold for such purposes plus he got to 
keep either all or at least half the lamb after it is sacrificed. See 
the meat market outside the Temple. The money changers took your Roman 
coins with images of the Cesar, a God,  and exchanged them, at a 
price, for Temple coins to buy the lamb with.It was a salvation 
racket! Jesus was on to it, I'm sure others were as well but Jesus 
raised hell about it in the temple and embarrassed the priests, 
hitting them in the pocket book. Of course , the temple priests were 
determined to get even and the rest is history.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, March 28, 2016 7:25 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism

Excellent video, begins with the 14-th century, through 2015. Mentions 
two perennial problems/complaints: 1. treatment of producers - the 
workers, and 2. production of what some people might consider useless 
or harmful goods. (the problems associated with 1. and 2. will be 
covered in part II). Here's part I:, 11 min.

HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism 

image <>

HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism 
Though capitalism seems like just plain common-sense nowadays, it is a 
theory of human society with a distinctive history and set of 
assumptions. Please subs...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism

2016-03-28 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I started watching and found something amusing. He starts off with Christ being 
pissed at the *money changers* in the temple. We're all told this story but 
what most aren't told is, that it was a racket. Remember how Buddha pissed off 
the Brahmans by telling people not to waste their money on yagyas? Pretty much 
the same here with Christ. Christ was pissed at the temple priests. They would 
tell the common man that he needed to make a sacrifice for his sins at the 
temple. He needed a special lamb, which the priest just happened to have for 
sale, which he raised right down the road in Bethlehem. The priest was paid for 
the lamb, he raised and sold for such purposes plus he got to keep either all 
or at least half the lamb after it is sacrificed. See the meat market outside 
the Temple. The money changers took your Roman coins with images of the Cesar, 
a God,  and exchanged them, at a price, for Temple coins to buy the lamb 
with.It was a salvation racket! Jesus was on to it, I'm sure others were as 
well but Jesus raised hell about it in the temple and embarrassed the priests, 
hitting them in the pocket book. Of course , the temple priests were determined 
to get even and the rest is history. 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 7:25 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism
    Excellent video, begins with the 14-th century, through 2015. Mentions two 
perennial problems/complaints: 1. treatment of producers - the workers, and 2. 
production of what some people might consider useless or harmful goods.  (the 
problems associated with 1. and 2. will be covered in part II).  Here's part 
I:, 11 min.
 HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism 
||||   HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism  Though capitalism 
seems like just plain common-sense nowadays, it is a theory of human society 
with a distinctive history and set of assumptions. Please subs...||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|

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[FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Excellent video, begins with the 14-th century, through 2015. Mentions two 
perennial problems/complaints: 1. treatment of producers - the workers, and 2. 
production of what some people might consider useless or harmful goods.  (the 
problems associated with 1. and 2. will be covered in part II).  Here's part 
I:, 11 min.

  HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism 
 HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism 
Though capitalism seems like just plain common-sense nowadays, it is a theory 
of human society with a distinctive history and set of assumptions. Please 
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