[FairfieldLife] Invincible America Assembly

2016-12-28 Thread email4you mikemail4...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

|   https://www.mum.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/16-12-14-Review.pdf
Housing in Maharishi Vedic City rapidly filling

 A renovated campus in Maharishi Vedic City that once housed over 1,100 Vedic 
pandits is now proving to be a popular residence for Invincible America 
Assembly participants, thanks to the low costs and idyllic atmosphere.A group 
of pandits remains on the south part of the campus, whilethe northern part is 
quickly becoming a vibrant community of assemblyparticipants known as the 
IdeaLife Campus, which is under the management of the Maharishi 
foundation.According to Hinton Clabaugh, campus manager, the goal is to provide 
affordable accommodations for those who want to be a part of the Invincible 
America Assembly, which entails group practice of the Transcendental 
Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® programs, with the option of extended practice. The 
assembly housing is also available to those who haven’t yet learned the 
TM-Sidhi program.   |



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[FairfieldLife] Invincible America In a Dangerous World

2014-09-10 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Group Meditation.  That is the difference we make in the world. And our own 
safety — our own security — depends upon our willingness to do what it takes to 
defend this nation in meditation, and uphold the values that we stand for — 
timeless ideals that will endure long after those who offer only hate and 
destruction have been vanquished from the Earth.
 In meditation for the greater Good,
 -Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Invincible America Assembly experience report

2014-05-12 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Ted Clancy has been doing the long meditation program at the Invincible America 
Assembly in Fairfield. He recently recounted this vividly entertaining report 
to the others in the Domes.

If it resonates with and inspires you, please consider joining our precious IAA!

As my seven-year anniversary of being on the IA course nears, I felt compelled 
to give an overview of my experiences in hopes that it may be of value.
Using every trick in the book; every tool in the box, to squeeze every bit of 
evolutionary potential out of every moment, has yielded a rich harvest of 
varied and profound experiences.
But, I needed to pierce the veil of chhandas and achieve escape velocity, 
beyond the cloudy atmosphere of collective consciousness, to reach the real, 
true, genuine and consistent experiences, that could not be denied by the most 
jaded of intellects, nor could have they been contrived out of some unconscious 
desire for self-aggrandizement.
So, rather than provide a long litany of flashy ephemeral displays of 
pyrotechnics and eye-candy, I will attempt, given the limitations of language, 
to comprehensively, yet concisely convey those bench-marks and watershed 
moments, when a new, more expanded and stable state of being, was achieved.
Now, please bear in mind, these occurred over time.  But, if I had to describe 
their overall pattern of development, I would say that I would be going along, 
day to day, thinking maybe that nothing was happening, but steadily putting my 
time in.  Then there would be a gathering of momentum, an increase in tempo and 
variety, to crescendo at an event horizon, a transcendental quantum leap, then 
I would find myself waking up in the realization of a new state of being and 
style of functioning. This process repeated itself, again and again, over time.
A key component I discovered, which significantly changed the whole nature and 
color of my experiences--having grown up in a society where fatigue is 
considered a caffeine deficiency--and that is, my friends: rest is king.
Silence penetrated, then inundated, until it permeated every particle and fiber 
of my being; bubbling, percolating and roaring with the deafening impact of a 
great waterfall disappearing into a calm, clear pool of peace that passes all 
Then, over time, within this peace, blossomed a restfully alert state of poise, 
where I spontaneously found myself, assuming the royal pace of an elephant, 
while pouncing like a tiger in all directions:  I am still as a mountain; 
flowing like a great river.
Then again, over time, within this state of poise, blossomed a power, which 
passed into my experience without effort or labor.  And, I found things 
steadily coming my way, and coming my way without that awful effort that 
destroys the peace of mind of the majority of mankind.  And, I feel such deep 
ease, enfolded in the arms of infinite divine love, taking care of me.
I experience myself as the center and circumference; the point and the whole. 
The sutras weaving point-to-whole, and whole-to-point, into an exquisite 
tapestry of vibrant awareness. The sutras are multi-faceted gems, each of 
unique character and hue, dropping into the ocean of my being, reverberating 
out to whole and back again.  The returning waves crossing the outgoing waves 
forming vertices, that become planes of primordial geometry.  I do not 
experience this geometry as static, but as a stable harmonic resonance of 
divine musical vibration.  Yet this geometry also contains a dynamic flowing 
quality, with a funnel style hole, that goes completely through a sphere that 
continually flows in, around and on itself. This archetypal geometry, with its 
dynamic flow, clusters and generates the plethora of forms and phenomena found 
manifest everywhere in my experience.

And, I really have to thank Maharishi for giving me a backstage pass to the 
universe:  a golden ticket to the symphony of creation behind Vishwakarman's 
magic show.
A shift took place in my awareness from experiencing consciousness existing 
within and a function of my physiology, to my body existing within and as my 
consciousness; as an individualized, ever changing state of wholeness, moving 
within my Self.  And I found myself able to experientially discriminate the 
successive states of my own material manifestation:  I can see, feel, hear, 
taste, etc. air, fire, water, earth and even the mineral densities of self. 
But, even at the greatest depth of density I experience the gold of universal 
soul; I see the brilliance of indwelling light; I feel the fire of boundless 
divine love.  Yet, this light does not blind, and this fire does not burn, but 
continually fills me with ever expanding delight. And while I am able to 
discriminate these individual stages, it remains one stream of awareness; one 
infinite reverberation. Then, over time, I found myself able to do the same 
with other individualized aspects of Self, be it person, plac

[FairfieldLife] Invincible America Program lost purity of the Teaching through "improvements"

2012-06-19 Thread allanrosenzweig
If people are not rounding, it is because it is not blissful any more. 

If it is not blissful, it is because the Purity of the Teaching has been lost.

The Invincible America program has made additions to "improve" it, but have 
taken away from the purity of the teaching, which lies in its simplicity.

In the good old days, when people paid to round, it was because it was simple.  
One round, then the ding of a bell, then a second deeper round.

Now it is "improved" by asking for a meaningless show of hands for Number 1 
experiences.  Then an international conference call, listening to mostly 
unenlightened mood making.

Most people love a Puja on special occasions.  But every day?  It loses its 
specialness.  Keep in mind that it was not Maharishi who added the Puja.  It 
was added after his passing away, then became institutionalized.

Then there is the stupid Heaven Is Descending jingle, which flies in the face 
of the organization's claim that TM is not a religion.

The program drags out so long, people have to eat between rounds.  So during 
their second round, their bodies are digesting - or sleeping.  

Better to simplify the program back to the basics.  Better to get the rounding 
done by 11:00 so the participants can stabilize.  Better yet then can do some 
job, or start a business, to become financially self sufficient.  Currently 
many of them  are cultivating a life style of being dependent, sleeping until 
noon, and will be unable to work if the grant ends.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau  wrote:
> >
> > > Do you still do TM? 
> > > 
> > No.  I sit and be with whatever arises.  Usually, after a while, it all 
> > subsides and I am in some form of samadhi.  Usually, the time being with 
> > what's arising exceeds the time in samadhi.
> >
> > > 
> Mark, that is honest.  As I survey around here that is what a lot of old 
> meditators say and do.  They've graduated in a sense back to something else 
> that is effortless, transcendental and meditating.  Most still see themselves 
> as being 'meditators'.  Most here are not doing the TM-siddhis actively.   
> Lately a lot of people have gone through and rotated off of the current 
> Invincible America Course noting the time doing the TM-siddhis is too long 
> and boring. So they've reverted back to simply meditating.  
> This actually is an un-stated community problem that the TB'ers left 
> administrating inside have on their hands in making the TM-siddhis their 
> flag-ship.  Most folks around here no longer regularly practice the siddhis 
> as their meditation.  Most just are not vested in the siddhis anymore.  In 
> trend over the years, Meditators here mostly have left the siddhis in storage 
> and only occassionally get them out.  The 'TM-siddhis' movement has mostly 
> gone on as meditators.  Witness that there really are just a very few 
> hundreds doing the 'siddhis' in the domes now.  As a meditating movement this 
> is basically the size of what the TM-movement is facilitating now as a 
> meditating movement and what it is down to now.
> As I ask around most are not doing the siddhis as their meditation practice 
> but say when asked that they would go up there for a group meditation if it 
> were open.  That, yes they are still meditators and practice.  The movement 
> as it is has long since abdicated the simple meditator promoting the siddhis 
> the TM flag-ship three and almost four decades ago.   The conservatives in 
> charge now evidently are determined to go down with their ship rather than 
> accomodate a course.  To them it is all about the siddhis.  To meditators in 
> the larger community it evidently is about something else.


2008-06-23 Thread Dick Mays

From: Dome Announcements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message from Dr. John Hagelin, Raja of Invincible America

Dear Community Members,

It is a great delight to know that in recent days we have managed to achieve
our Super Radiance target of 1,740 Yogic Flyers during both the morning and
evening programs. This is a wonderful achievement, and I wish to thank all
of you for your contribution to this. Traditionally over the summer months
we see our Super Radiance numbers drop somewhat when our students leave town
and others depart on summer vacations.

This year we are hoping to offset this by offering a month of inspiring
events during our Invincible America Month, July 4th to August 4th. This is
our opportunity to invite Citizen Sidhas and Governors from all over the
country to join us here so that they can personally experience the profound
Bliss that is being enjoyed on the Invincible America Assembly. It is our
hope that everyone that comes has such a wonderful time that they will be
inspired to move here permanently.

To achieve this we would greatly appreciate your help the following ways:

-Please telephone all of your friends and relatives and invite them to come
and (where possible) stay with you during this period.

-If you have sufficient space, please fill in one of the Housing Forms
(available in the domes) and welcome as many guests as possible for as low a
rental price as you can afford. Please also ensure that these guests have a
very comfortable stay throughout.

-Please assist the team that is organizing the events by filling in one of
the Volunteer Forms (also available in the domes) and offering to help with
as many tasks as you can comfortably manage.

With your assistance we will be able to maintain our Super Radiance numbers
throughout the summer months, attract many more people to join us
permanently on the Assembly, and enjoy a permanent Invincible America.
Jai Guru Dev

John Hagelin
Raja of Invincible America


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[FairfieldLife] Invincible America every day now maharishi effekt ...

2008-06-12 Thread michael

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[FairfieldLife] Invincible America-Indexing

2008-01-01 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Invincible America:

Call to action; July 2006

Except, ejected August 2006

Except rejected, August 2006

Rejected: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/108731

Yogic flyer ad,

Des Moines Reg. 8-2006 article,

Can't find, the 190 Million.

Invincible America Course 10-2006;

Can't get the numbers needed Oct 2006:

Om on the Range  (Washington Post) Thread

Pundits arriving Nov 2006

Pity, the Poor Pundit, April 2007

Invincible America Course, April 2007
Invincible America, the numbers, April 2007:
Invincible America, course numbers June 2007

Journalistic FF, April 2007

MMY,  the TMOrg  and Feminism (thread)

"Marketing Gurus"
Comparative article;
Fairfield & TM connection to the subject:

Marketing Science: Creationism and Maharishi's SCI

Maharishi's Legacy, summer 2007 thread

Guru Dev, 1945

Invincible America, Sept 2007

TMorg Finances, October 2007

New TMorg Rajas, Oct 2007

Raja: German Invincibility Nov `07
Link to Time article:
U-tube David Lynch, Bevan & Hagelin tour with the German Raja,

New Age-like Elements and the Third Reich (thread)

The TM New Age Reich (thread)
MMY, TMmovement & Feminism (thread)


Leaving the camp

TMmovement statement, Dec 2007 Fairfield Ledger

The Maharishi Effect Quantum-failure essay (thread) 12.27.2007

These posts scratch the surface.

[FairfieldLife] Invincible America: Urgent message from Dr. John Hagelin

2007-09-23 Thread Dick Mays

Please Read Immediately


September 23, 2007

Dear Fellow Governors and Sidhas:

I had the great honor of announcing in July to Maharishi and the 
world press the results of the first year of our Invincible America 

The news was excellent-and exactly what we had predicted one year 
earlier: a record-breaking stock market and a surprisingly robust 
economy; mounting bipartisan support for a peaceful resolution of the 
Iraq conflict; improved relations with North Korea, including an 
unexpected treaty; and fewer natural disasters (in fact, no 
hurricanes hit the US mainland in over a year-defying the predictions 
of every respected meteorologist in the country!).

The cause of such extraordinarily good news is an established 
scientific fact: nearly 1800 Yogic Flyers assembled together in 
groups in Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic 
City-enough to create a high degree of coherent national 
consciousness-the basis for a healthy, peaceful, prosperous, 
invincible nation.

But now, two months later, it's a different story. The market has 
turned volatile, peace efforts in Iraq have stalled, and US-Iran 
relations are flaring up again.

Why? There are now up to 200 fewer Yogic Flyers in the flying halls.

I write to every Yogic Flyer in America to give a gentle but urgent 
call: Please come here and fly together in a large group! We must 
immediately bring our numbers up again above the super radiance 
threshold of 1730. And ideally, we must increase those numbers to 
2000 and beyond!

Yes, it is true that more Vedic Pandits are on their way from India 
and should be here in a few months. And their arrival will certainly 
raise our numbers.

But the Vedic Pandits should come here to "crown the nation with 
invincibility"-not to lay the groundwork. Creating national coherence 
is the responsibility of all American Yogic Flyers-including all of 
us who are blessed to be living in this sublime community.

Please come. You will hasten the rise of your own supreme 
enlightenment and enjoy life in a state of perpetual bliss 
consciousness. And you will radiate your bliss to America and the 

Thank you so much.

Jai Guru Dev


Click here to unsubscribe

[FairfieldLife] Invincible America: Welcome back to the Golden Dome

2007-09-22 Thread Dick Mays

The Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome
of Pure Knowledge is once again
a beautiful Golden Dome

New roof - A newly insulated foam roof finished with a deep rich gold 
now crowns the men's dome.
Upgraded entryway - Has been upgraded with new ceramic floor tiles 
and new paint and woodwork. The coatroom has 40% more coat hooks.
Renovated bathrooms - New ceramic floor tiles, new paint and 
woodwork, and all new fixtures, including new sinks and mirrors, and 
a new, more powerful ventilation system.
Deep-cleaned interior - Has been scrubbed and vacuumed, including the 
entire ceiling.
Clean duct work - A professional outfit has been hired to clean all 
the ventilation and duct work throughout the Dome, ensuring pure air.
New curtains - Will surround the interior perimeter, and two broken 
windows have been replaced.
New foam - Is being shipped in from Europe and will replace the 
existing foam in about a month. New fire bags have been ordered for 
all the new foam.
New parking - We also plan this fall to add additional parking on the 
south side of the Dome.
Overflow space - For anyone wanting to stretch out a bit, over-flow 
flying halls for the men will include either Utopia Hall or frat 
Lobbies 106 and 150.

Let's fill it!

Let's resolve to fill our beautifully remodeled Golden Domes of Pure 
Knowledge twice each day with blissfully rested Yogic Flyers. Let's 
remember why Maharishi inspired these incredible structures to be 
built with such devotion almost 30 years ago - and let's finally 
fulfill Maharishi's vision and reach and maintain our goal of 2,500 
Yogic Flyers and make our nation invincible, give peace to our world 
family, and gain Unity Consciousness ourselves.

By the end of the year 500 more Vedic Pandits will be here - but 
let's not wait, let's start now, every day is so precious.

Grand Re-Entry on Friday September 28 !!

All men Yogic Flyers should plan to be back in the Maharishi 
Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge for afternoon program on 
Friday, September 28. We will have a grand celebration to inaugurate 
our beautified Dome - and the beginning of our rapid rise to our 
national Super Radiance threshold.

Jai Guru Dev

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[FairfieldLife] Invincible America: 500 Additional Maharishi Vedic Pandits Will Be Arriving Soon

2007-07-10 Thread Rick Archer
Invincible America <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 11:32:55 -0500
Subject: Invincible America: 500 Additional Maharishi Vedic Pandits Will Be
Arriving Soon
From: Invincible America <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HYPERLINK "http://invincibleamerica.org/"Invincible America

500 Additional Maharishi Vedic Pandits
Will Be Arriving Soon

Currently there are 500 Vedic Pandits here in our community and the next
wave of 500 will begin arriving shortly. By the fall there will be 1050
Maharishi Vedic Pandits here helping to crown America with invincibility. At
that time the number of Invincible America Assembly participants, including
the Vedic Pandits, will be close to 2300.

Can you imagine the power of good this will bring to America and the world?
Our future is glorious. 

But we need you now!

However, we need to meet our national Super Radiance requirement between now
and when the next wave of Pandits start arriving in force. We must maintain
high coherence for our nation. With the students away for vacation, our
current daily totals have dropped — our average is hovering around 1,600
(1,732 is the square root of the U.S. population, and 2,000 is the number
Maharishi feels we need with a safety margin). 

The world is in our hands for the next weeks. Please come to both programs,
especially these next few weeks. We are so close to our precious goal —
let’s not let anything stop us now.

Jai Guru Dev

HYPERLINK "http://invincibleamerica.org/unsubscribe/"Click here to


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[FairfieldLife] Invincible America - Summer schedule

2007-05-21 Thread george_deforest
 [Invincible America]  
Summer is coming, and Southeast Iowa is filled with green fields and
flowering bushes, songbirds and gentle breezes.

Students will soon be going home for their summer break. Over 200 rooms
will be vacated and cleaned for new Invincible America participants.

Making up for the drop in student numbers will be especially important
in July — our numbers have yet to stabilize above the 2,000 Super
Radiance requirement and it is vital that we maintain our upward


Summer is a natural time to take a break and enjoy a restful vacation.
Nothing could be more restful than the deep silence, extended program,
and beautiful, sublime experiences shared by the Invincible America
Assembly participants.

Summer fun will available for everyone, including swimming on and near
campus, walking and bike paths, boating and picnic sites nearby, indoor
and outdoor tennis courts, our outdoor Farmer's Market, the monthly
First Fridays Art Walk and Concerts on the Square.

Monday, June 11 — Saturday, August 18

For children, Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment will be
offering camp activities to allow parents to participate in the historic
Invincible America Course. With a well-trained staff of counselors,
age-appropriate activities will provide fun and creative summer

Activities will include outdoor sports, swimming, creative crafts,
music, movement, computer labs, and much more. Children who practice
their Word of WisdomSM or Transcendental MeditationSM program will do
their practice with other students.

Guru Purnimah Celebration July 29

The traditional Guru Purnimah celebration to honor the source of Vedic
wisdom takes place on July 29. The Assembly will be connected live with
Maharishi and all the festivities taking place around the world.

Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Invincible America

2007-02-15 Thread TurquoiseB


[FairfieldLife] Invincible America Course - pressure to mood make

2007-02-04 Thread douglasportee
After the first round there a hand count of how many had Number One 
experiences.  Bevan says that Maharishi is pleased with the increasing 
percentages at each location, as they report by percentage.  Who does 
not want him to be pleased, so up go the hands.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interestingly, they have not gotten above critical levels for AM/PM on
> sustained basis yet. 

[FairfieldLife] Invincible America: Taking credit?

2006-10-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
 Taking claim, are there no other places that have been doing these 
 spiritual practices like TM with an interest since the summer?  
> Seems that the world tensions of the 
> mideast/Lebenon/Iraq/Iran/Nkorea caught the attention of a lot of 
> people and their spiritual practices otherwise, not just MMY.  

For instance, how many people at Ammachi's living there doing 
spiritual practice/meditation in groups?  Some few more than the TMO 
during these times?

> For instance, did not the Art of Living folks/ShriShriRS have 
> group meditations, with some millions in India this summer?  By 
> sequence of events and the scale of numbers, would it be more 
> that the run of positivity was done by other events like the SSRS 
> meditations happening other than the way the TMorg is promoting it?
> Are there no other spiritual practice communities like FF 
> or doing spiritual practice regularly with numbers?  (Is MMY and 
> the only show on earth doing these things at this time as they 
> lead one to believe?)
> -Doug in FF
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays  wrote:
> >
> > 
> vincibleamerica.org/press/2006_10_25.html
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  AID=/20061024/OPINION01/610240376/1036>
> >  AID=/20061024/OPINION01/610240376/1036>DES 
> >  AID=/20061024/OPINION01/610240376/1036>Marc 
> > Hansen: Iowa meditators
> > shield Lebanon, rally stocks
> >  AID=/20061024/OPINION01/610240376/1036>October 
> > 24, 2006
> > "... It's important to challenge mainstream thinking. You don't 
> want 
> > to be the guy who told Guglielmo Marconi there was no future in 
> > wireless communications.
> > The man in charge of the 'Invincible America Course' is John 
> Hagelin, 
> > a quantum physicist who graduated summa cum laude from 
> > earned a doctorate from Harvard and was a researcher at Stanford 
> > before moving to Fairfield and becoming the director of the 
> Institute 
> > of Science, Technology and Public Policy at the Maharishi 
> University 
> > of Management..." 
> > ( AID=/20061024/OPINION01/610240376/1036>MORE)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Quantum Physicist John Hagelin to Announce
> > Bold Predictions for the United States-
> > Based on the Success of the Invincible America Assembly
> > at Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa
> > 
> > 
> > Wednesday, November 1
> > 
> > 11 AM U.S. Eastern Daylight Time
> > 
> > Live Internet Webcast: www.MOU.org
> > 
> > Dow to continue bull market surge towards 15,000
> > 
> > Oil prices will continue to fall to below $45 a barrel
> > North Korea, Iran standoffs to be peacefully resolved
> > Dramatic reduction of violence in Iraq
> > Violent crime to decrease 20 percent nationwide
> > 
> > 
> > Group of 1200 Advanced Meditators in Iowa
> > 
> > Improving U.S. Economic, Social, and Climatic Trends
> > 
> > The current 14-week run of unexpected good economic, social, and 
> even 
> > climatic news in America is about to get much, much better, 
> according 
> > to quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who is directing the 
> > "Invincible America Assembly"-the largest scientific 
> > project ever to monitor the effects of a group of 1200 advanced 
> > Transcendental Meditation experts on national trends.
> > 
> > The scientific demonstration project, now in its fourth month, 
> > being held at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi 
> Vedic 
> > City, Iowa.
> > 
> > Dr. Hagelin said the number of experts is about to rise to 1500. 
> His 
> > predictions include:
> > 
> > a surge in the bull Dow market towards 15,000
> > a drop in oil prices to below $45 a barrel
> > falling unemployment rates
> > rising consumer and investor confidence
> > a 20% drop nationwide in violent crime
> > a peaceful resolution of the standoffs with North Korea and 
> and 
> > a dramatic reduction in violence in Iraq
> > and of greatest interest to the Republicans and Democrats: the 
> party 
> > that wins the November elections will be in a position to hold 
> onto 
> > power "indefinitely"
> > 
> > Prediction based on a scientific formula
> > 
> > Dr. Hagelin's upbeat assessment is not based on hope or a hunch. 
> > Rather, it is based on a solid track record of published 
> > research-along with the most advanced principles of physics, 
> > physiology, and neuroscience.
> > 
> > The research shows t


2006-09-26 Thread Peter
I love MMY. He's Blazing Brahman, but this gets a big
yawn from me. 

--- Dick Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Click
> here to unsubscribe
> Mobilizing America to Rise to Invincibility
> Wed, Sept., 27 * Thurs., Sept. 28 * Sun., Oct. 1
> 9:00 EDT * 8:00 CDT * 9:00 MDT * 8:00 PDT
> Telephone: 512-225-3019-and Then Enter the Code
> 60345#
>   His Excellency Dr. John Hagelin, His Excellency
> Dr. Bevan Morris,
>   Dr. Robert Wynne, Raja of Vedic America, and All
> Other American Rajas
> To Speak During This Series of Three Crucial
> National Conference Calls
> A massive global undertaking is now in progress to
> mobilize America 
> to rise to invincibility right now-without any
> delay.
> For this, full scholarships are being provided for
> all Yogic Flyers 
> to attend the Invincible America Course in Maharishi
> Vedic City. 
> Construction is moving ahead at the fastest possible
> speed to build 
> comfortable Vastu housing for everyone in Maharishi
> Vedic City. In 
> the meantime, comfortable temporary housing,
> delicious food, and 
> spacious flying facilities are available for every
> Sidha who comes to 
> the Invincible America Course.
> Maharishi has been satisfied to hear of these heroic
> efforts, and 
> recently declared: "We'll have an invincible America
> soon-and that 
> will be a blessing for the whole world. All your
> efforts are very 
> satisfactory. Continue patiently and peacefully."
> You are urged to connect in to these three national
> conference calls 
> to hear the late-breaking developments and
> opportunities. Please tell 
> your Meditating and Sidha friends to call in as
> well!
> Jai Guru Dev

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2006-09-26 Thread Dick Mays

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Mobilizing America to Rise
to Invincibility


Wed, Sept., 27 * Thurs., Sept. 28 * Sun.,
Oct. 1
9:00 EDT * 8:00 CDT * 9:00 MDT * 8:00
Telephone: 512-225-3019-and Then Enter the
Code 60345#

 His Excellency Dr. John Hagelin, His
Excellency Dr. Bevan Morris,
 Dr. Robert Wynne, Raja of Vedic America,
and All Other American Rajas
To Speak During This Series of Three Crucial
National Conference Calls

A massive global undertaking is now in progress to mobilize
America to rise to invincibility right now-without any delay.

For this, full scholarships are being provided for all Yogic
Flyers to attend the Invincible America Course in Maharishi Vedic
City. Construction is moving ahead at the fastest possible speed to
build comfortable Vastu housing for everyone in Maharishi Vedic
City. In the meantime, comfortable temporary housing, delicious food,
and spacious flying facilities are available for every Sidha who comes
to the Invincible America Course.

Maharishi has been satisfied to hear of these heroic efforts, and
recently declared: "We'll have an invincible America soon-and
that will be a blessing for the whole world. All your efforts are very
satisfactory. Continue patiently and peacefully."

You are urged to connect in to these three national conference
calls to hear the late-breaking developments and opportunities. Please
tell your Meditating and Sidha friends to call in as well!

Jai Guru Dev


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Invincible America? Libya now on side a good result

2006-07-30 Thread WLeed3

Libya, as a result in part of the Bush moves in Iraq & 
diplomacy is now on side & poised to enter the WTO, 
Having turned in its Chemical weapons Bio weapons & yellow cake as well as 
several cryons & necuelar materials. All there items have the now been 
fully destroyed or rendered harmless.

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[FairfieldLife] Invincible America?

2006-07-30 Thread TurquoiseB
< rant mode ON >

The *last* thing this planet needs is an "invincible

IMO the only good thing to come out of the Iraq invasion
and the recent invasion of Lebanon is that they have 
demonstrated that both the United States and Israel,
*far* from being "invincible" with their stockpiles of
the latest and greatest weapons on the planet, are 
basically helpless when dealing with a people who 
believe that they are fighting for the preservation 
of their own country and their way of life. All that 
both countries have done is demonstrated their own 

It's a lesson the French finally learned in Algeria
(after believing in their own invincibility for decades)
and tried to convey to the US when it invaded Iraq. But
it's a lesson that neither the United States or Israel
seem to "get."

If the TM organization is going to claim that they're 
butt-bouncing for world peace, for chrissakes don't call 
the course "Invincible America." What is probably fueling 
this stock market rise is surges in the Defense industry.
To quote from a post I made in 2002:

Before scrolling down, think for a moment and come up with a
figure you think represents the U.S. percentage of worldwide
arms sales.

>From the U.S. Department of State website
(http://www.state.gov/t/vc/rls/rpt/wmeat/99_00/), Arms Sales
by Country, 1999 (latest available [at that time, and possibly
now]). The figure to the left is the ranking, figure to the 
right is the number of millions of dollars of sales, countries 
that sell 0 (less than a million) are left off.

Answer to the math question -- total up the arms sales by ALL
other countries on this list during 1999 and you get a combined
total of 18,680 million, or only 56.6% of the arms sold by the U.S.
during that same period. The United States sells 43.4% of the
weapons sold on the planet.

1 United States 33,000
2 United Kingdom 5,200
3 Russia 3,100
4 France 2,900
5 Germany 1,900
6 Sweden 675
7 Israel 600
8 Australia 550
9 Canada 550
10 Ukraine 550
11 Italy 380
12 China - Mainland 320
13 Belarus 310
14 Bulgaria 200
15 Korea, North 140
16 Netherlands 140
17 Indonesia 100
18 Greece 90
19 Czech Republic 80
20 Spain 70
21 Turkey 70
22 Finland 50
23 Switzerland 50
24 Romania 40
25 Austria 30
26 Belgium 30
27 Georgia 30
28 Libya 30
29 Mexico 30
30 Poland 30
31 South Africa 30
32 Brazil 20
33 China - Taiwan 20
34 Eritrea 20
35 Japan 20
36 Korea, South 20
37 Moldova 20
38 Norway 20
39 Serbia and Montenegro 20
40 Singapore 20
41 Chile 10
42 Croatia 10
43 Denmark 10
44 Hungary 10
45 India 10
46 Iran 10
47 Kazakhstan 10
48 Pakistan 10
49 Slovakia 10
50 Uzbekistan 10
51 Philippines 5

Dylan sung his song "Masters Of War" about AMERICA.
Nothing has changed since he sung it except that it
has become more convinced of its invincible mastery.

< rant mode OFF >

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Invincible America Course News

2006-07-25 Thread Peter
Wow! iI've never heard this rhetoric, er, news,

--- Dick Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "You have the Key to the Gate of Heaven, and now
> everyone is going to 
> enjoy you opening the Gate for the whole world."
> -Maharishi, speaking today to the Invincible America
> Course participants
> "The experience of the Invincible America Course in
> Washington is paradise."
> -Dr. Dean Dodrill, Raja of Washington
> Super Radiance Requirement Surpassed!
> (JULY 25) As of 12:00 noon (CDT) today, 1737 Yogic
> Flyers have 
> applied to attend the Invincible America Course,
> surpassing the Super 
> Radiance requirement of 1730 for the nation.
> Congratulations to all 
> those who have responded so quickly to the urgent
> need of the time. 
> Now, it is vitally important that all of you who
> have registered for 
> the course come quickly and fly together every day
> in Washington and 
> in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City.
> It is also vitally important that all of you who
> have not yet applied 
> please do so right away! Come as soon as you can-and
> stay as long as 
> you can!
> Positivity Increases and Negativity Decreases
> The stock market is the most sensitive barometer of
> the national mood 
> and of the level of confidence in the country's
> future.
> The Associated Press reported today that the stock
> market recorded 
> one of its largest one-day gains of the year, with
> the Dow Jones 
> skyrocketing 183 points, surpassing the key 11,000
> level. CNBC 
> national television headlined the surprising stock
> market upsurge 
> with "Wall Street Euphoria" and "Blissful Shock."
> CNBC added that the 
> only blue chip stock in negative territory was the
> Phillip Morris 
> cigarette company.
> Due to the great generosity of several peace-loving
> donors, any Yogic 
> Flyer who wishes to attend the Invincible America
> Course in 
> Washington, D.C., may do so for as long as he or she
> wants! Simply 
> apply for the Course at www.InvincibleAmerica.org,
> and specify your 
> financial needs. We urge everyone to take advantage
> of this 
> incredible opportunity.
> Several people who had not received the email
> confirmation of their 
> course acceptance from the Development of
> Consciousness Office in 
> Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City discovered that their
> acceptances had 
> been routed to their spam folders. So if you are
> still awaiting your 
> course acceptance, please check your spam folder.

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[FairfieldLife] Invincible America Course News

2006-07-25 Thread Dick Mays
Title: Invincible America Course News

"You have the Key to the Gate of Heaven, and
now everyone is going to enjoy you opening the Gate for the whole
-Maharishi, speaking today to the Invincible
America Course participants

"The experience of the Invincible America Course in
Washington is paradise."
-Dr. Dean Dodrill, Raja of Washington

Super Radiance Requirement Surpassed!
(JULY 25) As of 12:00 noon (CDT) today, 1737 Yogic Flyers have
applied to attend the Invincible America Course, surpassing the Super
Radiance requirement of 1730 for the nation. Congratulations to all
those who have responded so quickly to the urgent need of the time.
Now, it is vitally important that all of you who have registered for
the course come quickly and fly together every day in Washington and
in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City.

It is also vitally important that all of you who have not yet
applied please do so right away! Come as soon as you
can-and stay as long as you can!

Positivity Increases and Negativity Decreases
The stock market is the most sensitive barometer of the
national mood and of the level of confidence in the country's

The Associated Press reported today that the stock market recorded
one of its largest one-day gains of the year, with the Dow Jones
skyrocketing 183 points, surpassing the key 11,000 level. CNBC
national television headlined the surprising stock market upsurge with
"Wall Street Euphoria" and "Blissful Shock." CNBC
added that the only blue chip stock in negative territory was the
Phillip Morris cigarette company.

Due to the great generosity of several peace-loving donors, any
Yogic Flyer who wishes to attend the Invincible America Course in
Washington, D.C., may do so for as long as he or she wants! Simply
apply for the Course at www.InvincibleAmerica.org, and specify
your financial needs. We urge everyone to take advantage of this
incredible opportunity.

Several people who had not received the email confirmation of
their course acceptance from the Development of Consciousness Office
in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City discovered that their acceptances
had been routed to their spam folders. So if you are still awaiting
your course acceptance, please check your spam folder.


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[FairfieldLife] Invincible America course -- scholarships

2006-07-24 Thread bob_brigante
Global Country of World PeaceTranslate This Article
24 July 2006

The following letter was sent from Dr John Hagelin to all 
practitioners of Maharishi's TM-Sidhi programme, encouraging them to 
join this timely course. 


'Well begun is half done. Soon everyone will be floating in bliss at 
the junction point where the individual is Cosmic—and creating a 
bright new destiny for America and the world.' —Maharishi 

July 24 

Dear Governors and Sidhas, 

Beautiful, sublime experiences during the TM-Sidhi practice were 
reported during this morning's conference calls with the Invincible 
America course participants in Washington and in Fairfield/Maharishi 
Vedic City. These experiences make clear, as Maharishi said 
yesterday, that everyone is beginning to 'float in bliss at the 
junction point where the individual is Cosmic—and to create a bright 
new destiny for America and the world.' 

There are two wonderful new developments in the administration of 
the Invincible America Course in order to quickly increase our 
number of Yogic Flyers and generate a more powerful influence of 
positivity and invincibility in the nation. 

1. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE NOW AVAILABLE to all Sidhas and Governors (with 
financial need) who want to participate in the Invincible America 
Course in Washington, DC. When you apply, simply note on your 
application that you have a financial need and would like to receive 
a scholarship. This development is an incredible gesture of 
generosity from peace-loving donors who are rightly concerned about 
our global situation and who understand the pivotal role that 
Washington plays in global affairs. 

2. Starting dates and duration of the course are now flexible. You 
can come whenever your schedule allows and stay for as long as you 
wish. But the greatest urgency is to come soon—and to stay as long 
as possible. 


Applicants as of noon today: Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City: 1153 
(Goal: 2500); Washington, DC: 182 (Goal: 1000) 

This morning's Yogic Flying totals—well over half the Superradiance 
requirement of 1730 for America—are already producing a visible 
effect of rising coherence in national consciousness, a softening in 
the attitudes and policies of the US government. Today, for example, 
the Washington Post reported that US Secretary of State Condoleezza 
Rice made a sudden, unexpected visit to Beirut to call for a lasting 
ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon and to bolster the battered 
Lebanese government. The Khaleej Times of Pakistan, an important 
Muslim newspaper, headlined the surprising good news with: 'Rice 
visit a show of support for Lebanon.' 

This, of course, is just an inkling of what will soon be a flood of 
good news from America—IF WE CAN BOLSTER OUR NUMBERS. 


We offer our deepest gratitude to all who are participating in this 
historic Invincible America Course. And to those who have not yet 
come, we say: 'Come as soon as you can—and stay as long as you can! 
We need you! The nation needs you!' 

Jai Guru Dev 

John Hagelin 

Copyright 2006, Global Country of World Peace 

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