Re: [FairfieldLife] Invitation for TMers to be positive about the pundit program

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/13/2014 12:44 PM, wrote:
If you believe that the TM Pundit Program is valuable, please explain 
to us WHY you believe this. 

Any Hindu boy from India should be able to pray in the United States - 
it's a basic human right, Barry. What have you been smoking? Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Invitation for TMers to be positive about the pundit program

2014-03-13 Thread turquoiseb
I can't help noticing -- and in fact have commented on it today -- that most of 
the responses to the pundit riot furor have been pretty much standard cult 
fare, primarily consisting of Shoot the messenger and trying to demonize 

And this coming from people who specialize in shouting Oooopsie anytime 
someone they're not fond of makes what they think is an error, and demanding 
that they own up to it and apologize profusely. Seems to me that the TM 
movement just made a pretty fucking big Oooopsie. Shouldn't they be held to the 
same standards these people apply to their enemies?

Well, this thread offers them an opportunity to do something different, 
something a tad more positive:

 If you believe that the TM Pundit Program is valuable, please explain to us 
WHY you believe this. 

Hopefully you will be able to present some credible arguments to back up your 
belief, something more than, must be good because Maharishi said it 
was. We'll wait. 

In the meantime, I'll explain my beliefs about the whole pundit thang, pointing 
out at the outset that these are *only* my beliefs, and suspicions. 

I believe that the pundit project -- in particular the recruitment of young 
(as young as 6-8 years old) boys -- to turn them into Maharishi pundits is 
and always was a cynical scam dreamed up by Girish Varma and Maharishi's other 
relatives in India. It's a cash cow to get suckers to donate big bucks for 
something they know nothing about and support only because of Maharishisez, 
but will continue to support anyway with their money because Maharishiseddit. 

I suspect that Girish Varma and his ilk thought up this scam and then either 
blackmailed Maharishi into supporting it, or took advantage of his end-of-life 
dementia and vanity (he *did* spend his last days focusing on and applauding 
mainly efforts to build monuments to his memory, after all) to get him to throw 
his support behind it. This succeeded, and forced the TM movement to *also* 
support it, again because of the all-powerful Maharishisez. 

After he died, the cash cow continued on its own, still raking in money from 
supporters eager to do something to honor Maharishi's memory and (in their 
minds, at least) help to create world peace. And yet in all of the years the 
program has been in existence, I don't remember ANY evidence being presented 
that it has accomplished anything at all *except* being an effective cash cow 
to sucker donations from TM practitioners. It's in my opinion a cynical scam 
that takes advantage of poverty and ignorance to convince poor parents into 
selling their children into indentured servitude, all for the profit of Girish 
Varma and his Indian mafia. 

That's my honest opinion. Here's your opportunity to provide yours. If you feel 
you can make a case for the pundit program providing benefit, and thus being 
continued, please do so.