Here are the two photos that she chose to
represent herself on this forum:

  [Barry's fantasy image of Judy]

  [Judy Stein]

I ask there an appreciable difference between
the two photos? If you feel that there is, please con-
sider the words of the poster to this forum whom
Raunchydog and enlightened_dawn11 and others
have referred to as a "great writer." Let's hear what
*he* has to say (as badly formatted as ever) about
Ms. Stein's appearance, and what it might say about
the karma of the life she has chosen to live:

The Sagging Jowled Spewer of Tamas

All the below is my opinion.

Judy, IMO, you're blasting me for the GREAT SIN of having had polite
conversations with Barry and thereby, IMO, you've decided that I'm to
be a target of yours.

So, probably it's no surprise to anyone here that you've played your
same ol' same ol' card, nor will it surprise anyone, IMO, that since I
didn't sing your praises for your hating of Turq, that now, yep, I'm a
bad guy too. The word "hating" is my opinion, but maybe I should just
ask you straight out: do you hate Turq? If not, what is the emotion
you're having that promotes such obsessive counter punching? It sure
ain't any form of "tough love." It sure ain't sattvic. If Turq is
the loser you seem to think he is, well, then he's so lost, so
out-of-it, that shame on you for picking on the insane. If you are
attacking him like you do and if you are thinking he's not insane,
then you must be thinking he's evil -- worthy of hating. If you're
thinking that the word "evil" is "okay" then, you really are in
trouble to be projecting such.

IMO, you've been wanting a chance to really lay into me; in fact, IT
SEEMS for some time now you've festered. So don't be coy; be the hag
that IMO you seem to want to be. If you are a hag, show your true
face here -- the photograph that I've seen of "you" here online is
wrinkled with, IMO, angst-plowed troughs in blotched skin -- a face of
simmering hate brought on by endless grimacing that I seem to "see"
daily worn by you here.

If you continue to attack me, I will be inspired to disclose what,
IMO, is your "general ugliness," and I'm betting that I will find and
cite post after post of yours that plainly shows stupidity,
mean-heartedness, egoic attachment to falsities, failed spirituality,
general all around low esteem, a self image of inconsequentiality, and
deep fears such as "I'm an old woman seeing death around the corner,
and all I can do is strike out at others in blind panic."

After all, I've seen what was purported to be your photograph, and if
that wasn't you, well, it sure seemed to be a good match for the
spiritual degredation that you've shown here. "Your" photograph, IMO,
is reason enough for you to change your name and stop posting anywhere
on the Internet. IMO, you must have not had any love in your life for
at least a decade -- given the sad, depressed countenance that I think
was plainly showing in "your" photograph. I've seen similar faces
sitting in the "day rooms" of the mental hospitals where I gave first
lectures. If you are insane, of course, then I pity you and take back
any assertions or opinions of "mindful evil" on your part. Seems
mindful to me though. And, if mindful, then you're up for the "Skank
of Fairfield Life" award.

For all your intelligence and perceptiveness, IMO, you're stupid and
blind in your angry obsessions.

Now, trot out your naughty words about me again; call me a liar or
fuckhead if you want to. It'll be like you are my creative writing
instructor telling me what essay I should next write about "The
Sagging Jowled Spewer of Tamas." Those who've known you in so many of
your online incarnations can fill me in perhaps, and I'll just love
putting those stories into my own words. Funzies!

All of the above is MY OPINION about your inner and outer moral and
spiritual worth. In a word, decrepitude.

Turn about's fair play; how's it working for you?

Want more? Got tons, just ask.


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