How about trying to come up with yer own translation
of a couple of rather simple clauses, or stuff,
from Vyaasa-bhaaSya IV 33:

dvayii ceyaM nityataa kuuTasthanityayaa pariNaaminityataa ca |
tatra kuuTasthanityataa puruSasya | pariNaaminityataa guNaanaam |

         dvaya  $ n. (fr. and in comp = %{dvi}) twofold , double , of 2 kinds
or sorts RV. AV. Br. MBh. &c. (%{-ye} m. pl. S3is. iii , 57) ;
>>>>(%{I}[ = dvayii - card]) f. couple , pair Naish. Ra1jat. ; n. id
"' ; two things , both (e. g. %{tejo-} , the 2 luminaries S3ak. iv , 2

ceyam < ca + iyam = and this

nityataa        f. perpetuity , continuance , continual repetition of
(comp.) MBh. Sus3r. ; necessity Ma1rkP.

kUTastha        mfn. standing at the top , keeping the highest position
Comm. on S3Br. i , 4 , 2 , 4 ; standing in a multitude of or in the
midst of (in comp.) BhP. i , 11 , 36 ; >>>> (in phil.) immovable ,
uniform, unchangeable (as the soul , spirit , space , ether , sound , &c.)

 pariNAma       m. change , alteration , transformation into (instr.) 
development , evolution Sa1m2khyak. Yogas. Pur. Sus3r. ; ripeness ,
maturity Kir. Uttarar. Ma1lati1m. ; alteration of food , digestion
Sus3r. Tarkas. 

tatra   (also %{-trA} RV.) ind. (%{ta4-tra} , correlative of %{ya4-tra}
; g. %{cA7di} , not in Ka1s3.) used for the loc. (sg. du. and pl.) of
%{ta4d} (q.v. Pa1n2. 5-3 , 10 ; vi , 3 , 35) RV. AV. Mn. &c. ; in that
place , there (in comp. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 46) RV. &c. ; thither , to that
place ib. ; >>>>> in that , therein , in that case , on that occasion 
under those circumstances , then , therefore 

puruSasya    of (the?) purusha, purusha's
guNaanaam    of the guNas

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