April 30th - May 2nd, 2010  Madison, WI GAINING STABILITY IN DZOGCHEN
Chapter  Ten of Longchenpa's Choying Dzod /The  Four Chog Zhags.

The four chog zhags  are the four methods taught in the  Dzogchen
tantras to establish stability in  Dzogchen contemplation.  Chapter ten
of the Choying Dzod describes the basic  principle of  gaining stability
Dzogchen meditation. This understanding is then   applied to the four
chogzhags i.e. mountain chogzhag, ocean chogzhag,  rigpa  chogzhag and
the chogzhag of appearances.


The Quarry Arts Building
715 Hill St ( Across the side  street from Whole Foods) Room  150,
Madison, WI


Friday 5-8pm
Saturday through Sunday 10am-5pm


$125 for pre-registration for all sessions, online registration will  be
available. $150 at the door.
No one turned away for inability to pay. Work-study/paypment plans 
Please make arrangements in advance. Please make checks payable to RSL.

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