Om Namo Narayan 0 - 

why is it that ego has the egotisitcal mindset that through 
lurking one has no obligations to support what is given 
here, and that if one just remains under the radar that they 
will hear Just the Right thing and then they can do it ALL 
on their own. 

If ego could do it on it's own and didn't need 
a Guru at all then there would be no need to lurk and Hope 
to glean just the *right* thing in order to progress. 

If you feel you need No Guru and can do it all on your own - 
this is quite fine - then go do so. But be honest in this. 
Don't play the game of conning yourself that chasing 
teacher after teacher and Darshan after Darshan is consistent 
with doing it All on *your* own. That is a lie of the egotistical 

So either participate here or unsub and enjoy your journey. 
The choice is yours - and for those who are deaf and have 
not ears to hear or seem to think that they are the Except to 
this rule - the choice will be made for you. 

The methodolgy here may not be for everyone - and that is 
fine, but don't hang here as this site is a priviledge and not 
a right simply because there is an open membership. 

Respect the site - respect the teachers and teachings - respect 
the practices and if using them, then support and give back 
for what is being given. To not do so in some manner is to be 
less than honest. The first 3 things taught here are 

1. Honesty 
2. Integrity 
3. Transparency 

If these are not willing to be followed through with then please 
enjoy your journey to greener pastures which are always on the 
other side of the fence. 

For those who are following through may your journey's continue to 
unfold to Realization where suffering is no more. 

Maha Shanti 

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