[FairfieldLife] MMY , Yasoda and the baby Krishna.

2007-09-04 Thread BillyG.
Channel 3 MMY relating how Prakriti (Yasoda) gives birth to the child
Krishna (Vishnu or dynamism) in the universe; symbolic embodiments of
*formless* verities found in Hindu literature.

Again, the Hindu trinity or the Father (Spirit, Brahman, Sat) and the
Son (Vishnu/Krishna, dynamism, or Tat) and the Holy Spirit or Mother
principle (Prakriti, Yasoda, AUM). Sat, Tat, Aum.

The crystal ball analogy describes this very well:  Imagine a blue
crystal ball set in the sun (Brahman), as the light of the sun hits
the crystal ball (Prakriti) it gives rise to (reflects) a blue color
which is the dynamism (Krishna) of Mother Nature/Yasoda (Prakriti).

Same in the Christian trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The
Son (formless Christos) being the Only begotten of the Father

[FairfieldLife] MMY , Yasoda and the baby Krishna.

2007-09-04 Thread bob_brigante
> Channel 3 MMY relating how Prakriti (Yasoda) gives birth to the 
> Krishna (Vishnu or dynamism) in the universe; symbolic embodiments 
> *formless* verities found in Hindu literature.



Maharishi celebrates Krishna Janmashtami--the day of the birthday of 
Krishna--4 September 2007

In the global celebration of Krishna Janmashtami on 4 September 2007, 
following Vedic chanting by the Vedic Pandits of India, Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, performed 
Guru Puja* and then gave an invocation to Krishna in Sanskrit. 
Maharishi then gave a beautiful address about the profound 
significance of the day. 

'Today on the birthday of Shri Krishna—the birthday of Total 
Knowledge incarnate—birthday, we would say, of the eternal 
administrator of life on earth, we have the opportunity to offer 
ourselves to those rising waves of bliss which come to us as the 
light of dawn of a new administrator of the world, Shri Krishna—Total 
Knowledge incarnate, total silence incarnate, total dynamism 
potential incarnate, total Kriya Shakti, Gyan Shakti, Samanvayat, 
Punah Brahm. The totality of knowledge in silence. Self-referral 
totality of knowledge in potential of dynamism—capability, 
creativity, infinite creativity—that administers all life on earth. 
Today is the day, most fortunate day of all the days of the year. 

'India—Vedic Civilization—rejoices in welcoming today's day year 
after year. And this eternal tradition of Vedic India keeps renewing 
in human awareness. If in the hustle and bustle of daily life of the 
physical universe the silent basis of all life has been forgotten, 
then today is the day when the new light of Total Knowledge dawns and 
everyone is celebrating the offering of his life, offering of all his 
knowledge, all his possessions, all his creativity, to freshen the 
light of total knowledge, to freshen Unity as a living reality of 
daily life. It is very difficult, it is very difficult, for life in 
India to forget that Unity is reality, diversity is an aspect of it, 
as long as Unity has not become a breath of life—the reality of every 

'Year after year this day comes, the birthday of Krishna. Year after 
year this day comes, the birthday of Krishna. And Krishna—the reality 
of absolute Union of everything. And absolute Union of everything 
means everything. Whatever controversial they may be in themselves, 
but unity of them is an eternal reality and that is Krishna. On one 
side Krishna means black. Black means 'nothingness'. On the other 
side, everything else is a manifestation of this nothingness. 
Everything is a manifestation of this nothingness. Nothingness is the 
reality of total Unity. Total Unity means no diversity, and that 
means all the opposite values coming in perfect union with each 
other, all the infinite diversity meets at a point of eternal Unity 
and eternal Unity is that which is all reality. Sarvam Kalvidam 
Brahma—all this is total Brahma, total Krishna. Krishna—all silence 
with the eternal lively potential in it and this is life. 

'Everything in every aspect of life, like every wave, is (an) 
inseparable part of the ocean. Like that, all different aspects of 
life are part of this eternal life, Brahm—Krishna. And dawn of it—the 
birth of it in the awareness of the human being—is the awareness of 
Totality. Absolute totality of knowledge inherent with the total 
dynamism. This is Veda—the flow of total Constitution of the 
Universe. Veda—the flow of Total Knowledge—is the flow of the 
Constitution of the Universe. And by flow it means it is silent, but 
it is full of life. It is not inertia. It is not inertia. Total life, 
totality of life, totality of Being, in how many words we can say it. 
It is the summation of all differences, the unified state of all 

'Thanks to the evolution of knowledge, (in) the present day, . . . 
research in the reality of knowledge from the physical aspect of 
life, physical aspect of life means from the level of diversity of 
life. Modern science today is proud of having investigated into the 
reality of the Unified Field. Unified Field is the scientific 
discovery from all the physical sciences—that reality which is 
eternally sung in the Vedic expressions. We don't call it a 
literature. Literature has a different meaning about it. Literature 
means intellectual interpretations of this and this and this. Veda is 
its own commentary. It stands on its own. That is why Veda is the 
singsong of Brahm. Veda is the singsong of Brahm. 

'When this singsong is a reality? When Atma—the self-referral Being 
of everyone—wakes up in this Totality. Atma waking up in the totality 
means unification of diversity and unity. Unified state of all the 
diversified values in one reality which in itself is unmanifest. 
Anything manifest comes in the range of duality, anything unmanifest 
comes in the ra