Re: [FairfieldLife] Message to Governors and Sidhas

2005-03-23 Thread Peter Sutphen

I wish them the best of luck and hope they succeed
light years beyond my nagging cynicism!
--- rgjcm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Message to Governors and Sidhas
> March 23, 2005
> In the past three days the news has gone out from
> all the Rajas 
> about Maharishi's plans to start the Movement anew
> with all full-
> time Governors and Citizens Sidhas who will
> establish the Movement 
> in 2,400 locations in the U.S. and 3,000 locations
> worldwide and 
> build Peace Palaces in each location. Once half of
> the funding is 
> raised for a Peace Palace, the Raja Designate for
> that location will 
> attend the Raja training course while the Peace
> Palace is being 
> built. Raja Designates may be Governors, or if there
> is no Governor 
> available, they may be Citizen Sidhas.
> Training Course for Recertification of Full-Time
> Governors to Begin 
> Immediately. Maharishi made a grand announcement
> today of a one-week 
> course to begin in about a week to train and
> recertify Governors who 
> make a commitment to be full-time. This course will
> be held in as 
> many as six locations in each Raja's domain. Each
> course location 
> will be for 50 Governors who will be in-residence
> during the course. 
> Maharishi will connect to the course every day. His
> lectures from 
> this course will become a permanent part of the
> training of all 
> Governors in the future. This course will be for men
> and for ladies 
> who are experienced Governors and committed to be
> full-time. 
> Teacher Training for Citizen Sidhas. Maharishi also
> announced plans 
> today for a large Teacher Training course for
> Citizen Sidhas to 
> become teachers. The course will be held in a number
> of locations in 
> each Raja Domain. The course has a minimum age
> requirement: those 
> who enroll must be 30 years of age or older.
> Below are answers to questions that have come in
> from Governors and 
> Citizen Sidhas regarding Maharishi's message to
> them.
> Q. How will the Movement be different than in the
> past?
> A. The old system of teaching will stop. And in the
> future there 
> will be a fresh, revitalized and more effective
> system of teaching. 
> This old system of teaching, part-time and all that,
> will stop from 
> the end of this month. A more enlightened, more
> integrated 
> organization, and more effective teaching with some
> new elements in 
> teaching will come up. Teaching will be with renewed
> knowledge, 
> renewed policy.
> Q. All the Governors are thinking how to do it.
> A. They will ensure their life in enlightenment.
> Q. Many ladies who want to teach are hoping they
> will not be left 
> out.
> A. Ladies will also teach full-time. We will have
> Peace Palaces for 
> ladies. In the same way for men and for ladies. 
> Q. The ladies wanted to know if they would also be
> able to undergo 
> some form of training like Raja Training.
> A. They will have equal kind of training. We will
> design a good name 
> for them. Not Rajas but something like that.
> Q. What is the special angle of the Governor
> Recertification Course?
> A. Because these are old Governors, they have to
> have a new angle. 
> Maharishi will give them a new angle. It is a
> renewed field of 
> knowledge for a renewed purpose. The renewed purpose
> will be 
> invincibility of the nation—to build up the
> connection between the 
> individual advantage from Transcendental Meditation
> and collective 
> consciousness.
> Q. Will there be subsequent courses?
> A. Many will like to come but may have forgotten.
> For them we will 
> hold another course. But the first course we give to
> those who have 
> been working. From now on the whole system of
> teaching will be 
> different. Initiations will be in the center. We
> will give them a 
> certificate. 
> Q. Because of this desire of Maharishi for all the
> Governors to be 
> full-time and not part-time and to take
> responsibility for Peace 
> Palaces around the country, the question has come up
> from some of 
> those living in Fairfield if they should stay in
> Fairfield to 
> maintain Super Radiance or take these new positions
> in another city?
> A. Each must decide for himself. We cannot decide
> for them. They 
> decide among themselves, where and what they want to
> do. From our 
> side, we decide our policy that this is the new
> phase of teaching 
> after 50 years.
> Q. Will a certificate be awarded to the Governors
> upon graduation 
> for the Recertification course? 
> A: Each initiator, for his renewed ability to teach
> from now on, 
> will have a certificate. 
> Q. Will there be any opportunity for part-time
> teaching?
> A. Those who want to teach they have to be full-time
> teachers. It is 
> their choice. 
> They have be full-time working in the Movement. If
> part-time, then 
> no choice. 
> Q. Does everyone have to decide this week. Can
> somebody decide later?

[FairfieldLife] Message to Governors and Sidhas

2005-03-23 Thread rgjcm

Message to Governors and Sidhas
March 23, 2005
In the past three days the news has gone out from all the Rajas 
about Maharishi's plans to start the Movement anew with all full-
time Governors and Citizens Sidhas who will establish the Movement 
in 2,400 locations in the U.S. and 3,000 locations worldwide and 
build Peace Palaces in each location. Once half of the funding is 
raised for a Peace Palace, the Raja Designate for that location will 
attend the Raja training course while the Peace Palace is being 
built. Raja Designates may be Governors, or if there is no Governor 
available, they may be Citizen Sidhas.

Training Course for Recertification of Full-Time Governors to Begin 
Immediately. Maharishi made a grand announcement today of a one-week 
course to begin in about a week to train and recertify Governors who 
make a commitment to be full-time. This course will be held in as 
many as six locations in each Raja's domain. Each course location 
will be for 50 Governors who will be in-residence during the course. 
Maharishi will connect to the course every day. His lectures from 
this course will become a permanent part of the training of all 
Governors in the future. This course will be for men and for ladies 
who are experienced Governors and committed to be full-time. 

Teacher Training for Citizen Sidhas. Maharishi also announced plans 
today for a large Teacher Training course for Citizen Sidhas to 
become teachers. The course will be held in a number of locations in 
each Raja Domain. The course has a minimum age requirement: those 
who enroll must be 30 years of age or older.

Below are answers to questions that have come in from Governors and 
Citizen Sidhas regarding Maharishi's message to them.


Q. How will the Movement be different than in the past?

A. The old system of teaching will stop. And in the future there 
will be a fresh, revitalized and more effective system of teaching. 
This old system of teaching, part-time and all that, will stop from 
the end of this month. A more enlightened, more integrated 
organization, and more effective teaching with some new elements in 
teaching will come up. Teaching will be with renewed knowledge, 
renewed policy.

Q. All the Governors are thinking how to do it.

A. They will ensure their life in enlightenment.

Q. Many ladies who want to teach are hoping they will not be left 

A. Ladies will also teach full-time. We will have Peace Palaces for 
ladies. In the same way for men and for ladies. 

Q. The ladies wanted to know if they would also be able to undergo 
some form of training like Raja Training.

A. They will have equal kind of training. We will design a good name 
for them. Not Rajas but something like that.

Q. What is the special angle of the Governor Recertification Course?

A. Because these are old Governors, they have to have a new angle. 
Maharishi will give them a new angle. It is a renewed field of 
knowledge for a renewed purpose. The renewed purpose will be 
invincibility of the nation—to build up the connection between the 
individual advantage from Transcendental Meditation and collective 

Q. Will there be subsequent courses?

A. Many will like to come but may have forgotten. For them we will 
hold another course. But the first course we give to those who have 
been working. From now on the whole system of teaching will be 
different. Initiations will be in the center. We will give them a 

Q. Because of this desire of Maharishi for all the Governors to be 
full-time and not part-time and to take responsibility for Peace 
Palaces around the country, the question has come up from some of 
those living in Fairfield if they should stay in Fairfield to 
maintain Super Radiance or take these new positions in another city?

A. Each must decide for himself. We cannot decide for them. They 
decide among themselves, where and what they want to do. From our 
side, we decide our policy that this is the new phase of teaching 
after 50 years.

Q. Will a certificate be awarded to the Governors upon graduation 
for the Recertification course? 

A: Each initiator, for his renewed ability to teach from now on, 
will have a certificate. 

Q. Will there be any opportunity for part-time teaching?

A. Those who want to teach they have to be full-time teachers. It is 
their choice. 

They have be full-time working in the Movement. If part-time, then 
no choice. 

Q. Does everyone have to decide this week. Can somebody decide later?

A. Those who want to be full-time and could not come to this course, 
we will see how many there are after one or two months. We will give 
them a chance of renewed training. Maybe we call them for a month 
training. One week is for those who have been teaching and doing 
things. Those who have gone to other employment, maybe 2, 3 weeks. 
See how much they have forgotten. On that basis we will decide. 

Q. Will the Recertification Course be for ladies as well a