*Microbial Creativity, Cyborg Insects, New Life Forms from Chemicals -- Is
Baba's Brave New World Fresh On Our Horizon?*

Even in the capable hands of saints, we still need to be careful with these
things.  Today, are these even in capable hands, in service to the best
interests of life on Earth?

Check out these items:

U.S. labs mishandling deadly germs

"American laboratories handling the world's deadliest germs and toxins have
experienced more than 100 accidents and missing shipments since 2003, and
the number is increasing steadily as more labs across the country are
approved to do the work."


DARPA hatches plan for insect cyborgs to fly reconnaissance

"Hybrid-Insect MEMS--a program hatched earlier this year at the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa)--aims to harness insects the way
horses were harnessed by the cavalry."


"I am creating artificial life"

"Craig Venter, the controversial DNA researcher involved in the race to
decipher the human genetic code, has built a synthetic chromosome out of
laboratory chemicals and is poised to announce the creation of the first new
artificial life form on Earth."


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