While awaiting Barium's Bardo revelations, I began to consider my
former incarnations here on the wild planet. Watching it is just so

I take great pride in my lowly origins, even lower than the ordinary
maggot. As a former shit-eating larva, I do in fact claim a super-rapid
ascent through the evolutionary strata of complex organisms. I have done
extensive past-life research into my prior odious incarnations and have
found this astounding truth.

Starting from my introduction into the earth realm as a fecal larva, I
transformed into an extremely large and irritating fly, able to
viciously bite large sweat-emitting mammals. This resulted in my rather
rapid demise from a vigorous fly swat. Next incarnation – life as
grain-devouring rodent. It was soon dispelled by suffocating poison -
terribly painful but quickly liberating. After that I launched deeper
into the mammalian realm as a ferocious boar, enabling me to recognize
and choose to identify as a predator rather than as helpless prey.

Next came a wonderfully deceptive incarnation as a jackal - the key
incarnation that caused me to become human. As I remember it, I was
tearing out the entrails of a large mammal that our pack had felled. The
animal wasn't dead yet and when it looked over in shock, horror and
agony at me eating it alive, I looked into its eyes and saw "myself" -
not literally but rather another desperately entombed intelligence, just
like "myself", the jackal. This caused me to suddenly generate the
genuine idea "oh, it's just like me", and this in spite of the fact
that the other animal looked nothing like me.

That was it - birth of an idea unbound by particularity and able to
appreciate something authentically generalized and universal. In other
words, I recognized a "universal" - the defining characteristic of our
human nature.

After this pivotal event, I took a quick series of human incarnations,
lowly and serf-like at first but later more confidant and assertive.
>From plebeian to patrician was just a couple of incarnations and then
wham, I was reborn into 20th century Europe as a "von Graf".
Next, of course, I came here into the new world … you know so I
could learn to relate to the "little" people

Now my Jyotish chart shows that I'll be reborn into the deva realms
after death, obviously because I still can't tell the difference between
purusha and the three guna-s. However, I don't feel so bad because I
figure I'll see everybody else here on FFL in that land of bliss, except
Barry, since we were all deceived by Mahesh, except him.

So aren't you really impressed at my rapid evolution? Maybe I should try
and get promoted to a local, divinized logos like the Mormons claim
(they say it is the next step). Maybe I could even get twenty dark-eyed
virgins, like the sheiks of Arabi.

Hmm, ya think?

Yep, Emptybill's a-goin' higher.
So, choochee coo, you buncha mantra-bound meditators.

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