New facilities to offer opportunity to spend time at Brahmasthan
(geographical centre) of India
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
20 April 2010

A new initiative has begun which will offer guests from around the world
the opportunity to enjoy courses at the Global Capital of World Peace
<>  in the
Brahmasthan (geographical centre) of India.

The Brahmasthan was established as the Global Capital of Raam Raj
* by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
tml> , Founder of the Global Country of World Peace
<> , in
January 2008.

Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja
<>  of
Invincible India for the Global Country, recently discussed plans to
quickly achieve this goal.**

'We are now completing a beautiful new residential facility for guests
and course participants at the centre, the Brahmasthan of India,' he

Practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Programme
<>  and Yogic Flying
<>  are
invited 'to come [next] winter, and enjoy the profound experience of
doing your programme there, and listening live every day to Maharishi
Vedic Pandits <> ,' he continued. 'There is
a very rare, very special quality at the Brahmasthan of India. . . . it
is highly inspirational, highly transformational.'

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
tml>  wanted to create a beautiful facility for guests to 'come and
bathe in that sublime, soft, peacefulness, that lively silence', Raja
Harris commented.

Several new buildings will be completed for this project. Among planned
construction projects are three residential buildings that 'will have 30
two-room suites—all finished to a good western standard, including
high-speed internet. Each suite will have a front sitting room, a
bedroom, and a western-style bathroom,' said Raja Harris.

'The facilities will be open to course participants from around the
world in the cooler months, from September through the end of March.'

In the coming days Global Good News will feature the continuation of
Raja Harris's talk, in which he describes the beautiful courses guests
will be able to enjoy during their stay.

* Raam Raj: The full awakening of total Natural Law in the consciousness
of every individual, and in the collective consciousness of every nation
and the entire world, through Maharishi's programmes
<> , creating a state of
invincible <>  permanent global peace,
happiness, and prosperity—Heaven on Earth.

** Raja Harris's report was featured on the 14 April 2010 Maharishi
Global Family Chat <> ,
broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel
<> , Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily
Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic
download, via an RSS feed
<> .

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