As Jesus, the Christed one, so well put it, the Christ in him was one
with the Absolute, (CC)
and like Jesus we must realize 'Christ' in us (as God Consciousness,
personal) BEFORE we can become one with the Father, Brahman or
impersonal God.

Christ Chaitanya (consciousness) is awareness of the personal God IN
creation (manifest). Christ means simply 'annointed one', so we must
become Christed like Jesus before we can reach Cosmic Consciousness or
oneness (Unity) with the Father.

God consciousness is awareness of the universal Soul of Creation, it
is essentially formless consciousness (chaitanya), it can take ANY form!

Unity or CC is awareness of Brahman beyond creation and ultimately as
both, the manifest God AND the unmanifest God together, this teaching
(i.e. Jesus) is entirely missing from Maharishi's TMorg.

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