"A backlash in the progressive base — which pushed President Obama over the 
top in the Democratic primary and played a major role in his general election 
victory — has been building for months. The fight over the public option 
involves real policy substance, but it's also a proxy for broader questions 
about the president's priorities and overall approach…

    Meanwhile, on such fraught questions as torture and indefinite detention, 
the president has dismayed progressives with his reluctance to challenge or 
change Bush administration policy.

    And then there's the matter of the banks.

    I don't know if administration officials realize just how much damage 
they've done themselves with their kid-gloves treatment of the financial 
industry, just how badly the spectacle of government supported institutions 
paying giant bonuses is playing. But I've had many conversations with people 
who voted for Mr. Obama, yet dismiss the stimulus as a total waste of money. 
When I press them, it turns out that they're really angry about the bailouts 
rather than the stimulus — but that's a distinction lost on most voters."

PAUL KRUGMAN August 20, 2009 

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